36 research outputs found

    Quality Of Service Analysis On Mpls Vpn Networks

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2005Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2005Günümüzde uygulamaları İnternet servis sağlayıcılarının yüksek performanslı omurgalar tasarlamasını gerektirmektedir. Bu amaçla kullanılan ATM şebekelerinin ortaya çıkardığı ölçeklenebilirlik problemi, sanal devre üzerinde kaynak rezervasyonu nedeniyle kaynakların verimsiz kullanımı ve IP paketlerinin omurga girişinde hücrelere dönüşümünün yarattığı performans kaybı nedeniyle MPLS’e doğru bir yönelim gözlenmektedir. MPLS’in IP yönlendirme mimarisindeki ihtiyaçları karşılaması, yönlendiricilerin yüksek performans/hız sağlaması, ölçeklenebilirlik problemini aşması, getirdiği etiket yığını yapısıyla VPN teknolojisini desteklemesi, IP QoS özelliklerini MPLS omurgası üzerinden taşımayı sağlaması ve ortaya koyduğu yeni yönlendirme özellikleri ile etiket anahtarlama büyük kurumlar ile servis sağlayıcı omurgalarında giderek yaygınlaşmaktadır. Tez kapsamında MPLS teknolojisinin bahsedilen temel özellikleri, etiket anahtarlama temel kavramları, MPLS mimarisi, VPN desteği ve QoS uygulamaları detaylı bir incelemeye tabi tutulmakta ve gerçek bir ağ platformunda MPLS omurgası kurularak, bu omurga üzerinde VPN ve DiffServ ile servis kalitesi uygulamalarına yer verilerek, MPLS VPN üzerinden IP QoS mekanizmalarının devamlılığı ve bu uygulamaların paket iletimi üzerindeki etkileri analiz edilmektedir.Increasing number of Internet users, growing amount of WAN connections and demand on multimedia applications, obligated the Service Providers to design and supply high performance backbone networks. Since ATM networks brings some disadvantages such as scalability issues, inefficient use of resources because of resource reservation method and the necessity to convert IP packets into cells, along with its advantages, migration to MPLS technology became wide-spread. MPLS technology is said to be considerable because of new approaches and advantages that it bring. Since it fulfils the requirements on IP routing architectures and perfomance, removes the complexity and problems such as scalability that ATM has, and supports label stacking for VPN needs, label switching begin to be standardized on enterprise and ISP backbones. In this thesis, specialities of MPLS architecture, VPN support and QoS approach investigated in detail, and on the last section they have proven on a real MPLS backbone design. Using MPLS/VPN and DiffServ applications on emulation network, it is showed how IP QoS definitions can be transferred over MPLS backbone using VPN tunnels, and the effect on packet transmission is defined.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Telescience Testbed Pilot Program

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    The Telescience Testbed Pilot Program is developing initial recommendations for requirements and design approaches for the information systems of the Space Station era. During this quarter, drafting of the final reports of the various participants was initiated. Several drafts are included in this report as the University technical reports

    Performance Optimization in Wireless Local Area Networks

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    Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) are becoming more and more important for providing wireless broadband access. Applications and networking scenarios evolve continuously and in an unpredictable way, attracting the attention of academic institutions, research centers and industry. For designing an e cient WLAN is necessary to carefully plan coverage and to optimize the network design parameters, such as AP locations, channel assignment, power allocation, MAC protocol, routing algorithm, etc... In this thesis we approach performance optimization in WLAN at di erent layer of the OSI model. Our rst approach is at Network layer. Starting from a Hybrid System modeling the ow of tra c in the network, we propose a Hybrid Linear Varying Parameter algorithm for identifying the link quality that could be used as metric in routing algorithms. Go down to Data Link, it is well known that CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access) protocols exhibit very poor performance in case of multi-hop transmissions, because of inter-link interference due to imperfect carrier sensing. We propose two novel algorithms, that are combining Time Division Multiple Access for grouping contending nodes in non-interfering sets with Carrier Sense Multiple Access for managing the channel access behind a set. In the rst solution, a game theoretical study of intra slot contention is introduced, in the second solution we apply an optimization algorithm to nd the optimal degree between contention and scheduling. Both the presented solutions improve the network performance with respect to CSMA and TDMA algorithms. Finally we analyze the network performance at Physical Layer. In case of WLAN, we can only use three orthogonal channels in an unlicensed spectrum, so the frequency assignments should be subject to frequent adjustments, according to the time-varying amount of interference which is not under the control of the provider. This problem make necessary the introduction of an automatic network planning solution, since a network administrator cannot continuously monitor and correct the interference conditions su ered in the network. We propose a novel protocol based on a distributed machine learning mechanism in which the nodes choose, automatically and autonomously in each time slot, the optimal channel for transmitting through a weighted combination of protocols

    A monitoring system for a LoRa mesh network

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    El internet de las cosas (IoT) ha sido una tecnología en alza en los últimos años. A medida que pasa el tiempo, los pequeños aparatos se han convertido en potentes dispositivos capaces de cálculos más complejos. De entre todas estas tecnologías, particularmente una se ha puesto bastante de moda dentro del campo, las placas LoRa perfectas para establecer redes LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network). El Doctor Roger Pueyo Centelles diseñó un protocolo para redes mesh basado en LoRa, y el ingeniero Sergi Miralles realizó una primera aproximación de su implementación en c++. Posteriormente el ingeniero Joan Miquel Solé completó una versión estable del mismo. Ahora necesitamos saber más del comportamiento de este protocolo sobre el campo. En este TFG hemos creado un sistema completo de monitorización que nos ayudará en el futuro a realizar diversos análisis y experimentos adicionales con mucho menos esfuerzo.The internet of things(IoT) has been a pushing technology in the last years. As time goes by, the little devices have become more powerful and capable of doing more complex calculus. Among all these technologies one particularly has be- come quite mainstream in the field, these are the LoRa devices suitable to build low power wide area network (LPWAN). Phd. Roger Pueyo Centelles designed a protocol for LoRa mesh networks, and the Bachelor Sergi Miralles build a first approach of the protocol, afterwards Joan Miquel Solé made a stable version of it. Now we need to know more about the behaviour of this protocol over the field. In this Bachelor Thesis we created a whole monitoring system that will help us in the future doing analysis of a lot of experimental research with less effor

    Investigating an API for resilient exascale computing.

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    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Aktivitas Live Coding Pada Pemrograman Web Secara Peer-To-Peer Pada Peramban Berbasis WEBRTC

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    Telekomunikasi, jaringan dan internet telah membentuk sebuah sistem terintegrasi yang mampu mengolah, menyimpan, dan mendistribusikan informasi dalam bentuk konten. Salah satu metode yang banyak dipakai adalah aplikasi berbasis web yang akan mendistribusikan konten agar bisa diakses melalui peramban web. Dalam sebuah website dengan struktur lengkap terdapat beberapa komponen yang menjadi bagian utama sehingga sebuah halaman web bisa dijalankan, antara lain server, jaringan, dan client. Pemrograman web merupakan salah satu mata kuliah penting dalam mengiringi dan menjawab tantangan perkembangan teknologi website. Dalam kuliah pemrograman web, mahasiswa dituntut untuk dapat mengimplementasikan ilmu yang dipelajari menjadi sebuah aplikasi website yang dapat diakses oleh pengguna lainnya. Dalam penerapannya seringkali mahasiswa dihadapkan pada masalah ketersediaan alat, sumberdaya, dan kompatibilitas perangkat. ======================================================================================================= Telecommunication, network, and internet has successfully formed an integrated system which is able to proceed, save, and distribute information in the form of content. Web based application is one of the methods utilized to distribute the content in order to make it easy accessed by web. In a complete structured website, there are some important components namely server, network, and client which help in running the web. Web programming is one of the essential subject in trailing and responding the challenge of web technology development. In this subject, students are expected to implement the knowledge they have got into a web application that can be used by other users. In the implementation, it is often found that students have problems with tools or sources availability and device compatibility

    Studi Pengkajian Sistem Jaringan Komunikasi Data Perbankan Di Indonesia

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    Perbankan yang merupakan suatu bentuk perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa dan moneter/financial mempunyai kiat khusus dalam mewujudkan jaringan perusahaan yang terintegrasi dalam jangkauan yang luas, guna menjalankan fungsinya ditengah era globalisasi informasi saat ini. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini dikaji sistem jaringan komunikasi data perbankan di Indonesia, dimana dalam pembahasannya akan dibatasi pada perangkat terminal yang dipakai oleh jaringan bank, klasifikasi jaringan bank, fungsi-fungsi aplikasi yang dijalankan oleh dalam jaringan perbankan di Indonesia, aspek-aspek perencanaan dan pengembangan sistemjaringan perbankan di Indonesia. Dalam mengkaji permasalahan diatas, maka dalam tugas akhir ini dipakai beberapa langkah-langkah pembahasan, yaitu : studi literatur dan pengumpulan data dari bank-bank nasional yang ada di Indonesia, studi kasus sistem perbankan, dimana keseluruhan data tesebut diperlukan untuk mengkaji sistem jaringan komunikasi data perbankan di Indonesia. Dalam pembahasannya akan di berikan contoh aplikasi jaringan Bank sentral (Bank Indonesia), Bank umum swasta nasional di Indonesia, yang diharapkan dapat membantu dalam mengkaji permasalahan diatas serta dalam pengambilan kesimpulan dalam tugas akhir ini. Dari studi pengkajian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa, vertama Sistem jaringan komunikasi data perbankan di Indonesia merupakan suatu sistem informasi yang ditunjang oleh perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak komunikasi dalam menghubungkan berbagai terminal data bank pada satu pola terhubung sehingga terjadi pertukaran informasi secara simultan, melalui suatu media transmisi. Kedua sistem jaringan komunikasi data perbankan di Indonesia diklasifikasikan sebagai : sistem jaringan yang menginterkoneksi terminal data dalam satu ruang lingkup kantor pusat yang digolongkan sebagai jaringan LAN (local Area Network), dan sistemjaringan yang menginterkoneksikan terminal data di Kantor pusat di Jakarta dan kantor cabang dalam dan di luar kota Jakarta yang diklasifikasikan sebagai MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) dan WAN (Wide Area Network). Ketiga terdapat beberapa aspek yang perlu diperhatikan dalam perencanaan dan pengembangan jaringan komunikasi data bank di Indonesia, yaitu aspek kebutuhan interkoneksi komputer Bank, aspek prakiraan trafik transaksi data Bank, aspek fasilitas jaringan di Indonesia, aspek pemilihan protokol komputer, protokol pada media jaringan dan alternatif interkoneksi jaringan