53 research outputs found

    Internames: a name-to-name principle for the future Internet

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    We propose Internames, an architectural framework in which names are used to identify all entities involved in communication: contents, users, devices, logical as well as physical points involved in the communication, and services. By not having a static binding between the name of a communication entity and its current location, we allow entities to be mobile, enable them to be reached by any of a number of basic communication primitives, enable communication to span networks with different technologies and allow for disconnected operation. Furthermore, with the ability to communicate between names, the communication path can be dynamically bound to any of a number of end-points, and the end-points themselves could change as needed. A key benefit of our architecture is its ability to accommodate gradual migration from the current IP infrastructure to a future that may be a ubiquitous Information Centric Network. Basic building blocks of Internames are: i) a name-based Application Programming Interface; ii) a separation of identifiers (names) and locators; iii) a powerful Name Resolution Service (NRS) that dynamically maps names to locators, as a function of time/location/context/service; iv) a built-in capacity of evolution, allowing a transparent migration from current networks and the ability to include as particular cases current specific architectures. To achieve this vision, shared by many other researchers, we exploit and expand on Information Centric Networking principles, extending ICN functionality beyond content retrieval, easing send-to-name and push services, and allowing to use names also to route data in the return path. A key role in this architecture is played by the NRS, which allows for the co-existence of multiple network "realms", including current IP and non-IP networks, glued together by a name-to-name overarching communication primitive.Comment: 6 page

    Wireless mobile ad-hoc sensor networks for very large scale cattle monitoring

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    This paper investigates the use of wireless mobile ad hoc sensor networks in the nationwide cattle monitoring systems. This problem is essential for monitoring general animal health and detecting outbreaks of animal diseases that can be a serious threat for the national cattle industry and human health. We begin by describing a number of related approaches for supporting animal monitoring applications and identify a comprehensive set of requirements that guides our approach. We then propose a novel infrastructure-less, self -organized peer to peer architecture that fulfills these requirements. The core of our work is the novel data storage and routing protocol for large scale, highly mobile ad hoc sensor networks that is based on the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) substrate that we optimize for disconnections. We show over a range of extensive simulations that by exploiting nodes’ mobility, packet overhearing and proactive caching we significantly improve availability of sensor data in these extreme conditions

    Architectures for the Future Networks and the Next Generation Internet: A Survey

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    Networking research funding agencies in the USA, Europe, Japan, and other countries are encouraging research on revolutionary networking architectures that may or may not be bound by the restrictions of the current TCP/IP based Internet. We present a comprehensive survey of such research projects and activities. The topics covered include various testbeds for experimentations for new architectures, new security mechanisms, content delivery mechanisms, management and control frameworks, service architectures, and routing mechanisms. Delay/Disruption tolerant networks, which allow communications even when complete end-to-end path is not available, are also discussed

    Wireless mobile ad-hoc sensor networks for very large scale cattle monitoring

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    This paper investigates the use of wireless mobile ad hoc sensor networks in the nationwide cattle monitoring systems. This problem is essential for monitoring general animal health and detecting outbreaks of animal diseases that can be a serious threat for the national cattle industry and human health. We begin by describing a number of related approaches for supporting animal monitoring applications and identify a comprehensive set of requirements that guides our approach. We then propose a novel infrastructure-less, self -organized peer to peer architecture that fulfills these requirements. The core of our work is the novel data storage and routing protocol for large scale, highly mobile ad hoc sensor networks that is based on the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) substrate that we optimize for disconnections. We show over a range of extensive simulations that by exploiting nodes’ mobility, packet overhearing and proactive caching we significantly improve availability of sensor data in these extreme conditions

    Data availability in challenging networking environments in presence of failures

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    This Doctoral thesis presents research on improving data availability in challenging networking environments where failures frequently occur. The thesis discusses the data retrieval and transfer mechanisms in challenging networks such as the Grid and the delay-tolerant networking (DTN). The Grid concept has gained adaptation as a solution to high-performance computing challenges that are faced in international research collaborations. Challenging networking is a novel research area in communications. The first part of the thesis introduces the challenges of data availability in environment where resources are scarce. The focus is especially on the challenges faced in the Grid and in the challenging networking scenarios. A literature overview is given to explain the most important research findings and the state of the standardization work in the field. The experimental part of the thesis consists of eight scientific publications and explains how they contribute to research in the field. Focus in on explaining how data transfer mechanisms have been improved from the application and networking layer points of views. Experimental methods for the Grid scenarios comprise of running a newly developed storage application on the existing research infrastructure. A network simulator is extended for the experimentation with challenging networking mechanisms in a network formed by mobile users. The simulator enables to investigate network behavior with a large number of nodes, and with conditions that are difficult to re-instantiate. As a result, recommendations are given for data retrieval and transfer design for the Grid and mobile networks. These recommendations can guide both system architects and application developers in their work. In the case of the Grid research, the results give first indications on the applicability of the erasure correcting codes for data storage and retrieval with the existing Grid data storage tools. In the case of the challenging networks, the results show how an application-aware communication approach can be used to improve data retrieval and communications. Recommendations are presented to enable efficient transfer and management of data items that are large compared to available resources

    Social-context based routing and security in delay tolerant networks

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    Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) were originally intended for interplanetary communications and have been applied to a series of difficult environments: wireless sensor networks, unmanned aerial vehicles, and short-range personal communications. There is a class of such environments in which nodes follow semi-predictable social patterns, such as wildlife tracking or personal devices. This work introduces a series of algorithms designed to identify the social patterns present in these environments and apply this data to difficult problems, such as efficient message routing and content distribution. Security is also difficult in a mobile environment. This is especially the case in the event that a large portion of the network is unreliable, or simply unknown. As the network size increases nodes have difficulty in securely distributing keys, especially using low powered nodes with limited keyspace. A series of multi-party security algorithms were designed to securely transmit a message in the event that the sender does not have access to the destinations public key. Messages are routed through a series of nodes, each of which partially decrypts the message. By encrypting for several proxies, the message can only be intercepted if all those nodes have been compromised. Even a highly compromised network has increased security using this algorithm, with a trade-off of reduced delivery ratio and increased delivery time -- Abstract, page iv

    Opportunistic Data Gathering and Dissemination in Urban Scenarios

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    In the era of the Internet of Everything, a user with a handheld or wearable device equipped with sensing capability has become a producer as well as a consumer of information and services. The more powerful these devices get, the more likely it is that they will generate and share content locally, leading to the presence of distributed information sources and the diminishing role of centralized servers. As of current practice, we rely on infrastructure acting as an intermediary, providing access to the data. However, infrastructure-based connectivity might not always be available or the best alternative. Moreover, it is often the case where the data and the processes acting upon them are of local scopus. Answers to a query about a nearby object, an information source, a process, an experience, an ability, etc. could be answered locally without reliance on infrastructure-based platforms. The data might have temporal validity limited to or bounded to a geographical area and/or the social context where the user is immersed in. In this envisioned scenario users could interact locally without the need for a central authority, hence, the claim of an infrastructure-less, provider-less platform. The data is owned by the users and consulted locally as opposed to the current approach of making them available globally and stay on forever. From a technical viewpoint, this network resembles a Delay/Disruption Tolerant Network where consumers and producers might be spatially and temporally decoupled exchanging information with each other in an adhoc fashion. To this end, we propose some novel data gathering and dissemination strategies for use in urban-wide environments which do not rely on strict infrastructure mediation. While preserving the general aspects of our study and without loss of generality, we focus our attention toward practical applicative scenarios which help us capture the characteristics of opportunistic communication networks

    Naming and Address Resolution in Heterogeneous Mobile Ad hoc Networks

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    This doctoral thesis deals with naming and address resolution in heterogeneous networks to be used in disaster scenarios. Such events could damage the communication infrastructure in parts or completely. To reestablish communication, Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) could be used where central entities have to be eliminated broadly. The main focus of the thesis lies on two things: an addressing scheme that helps to find nodes, even if they frequently change the subnet and the local addressing, by introducing an identifying name layer; and a MANET-adapted substitution of the Domain Name System (DNS) in order to resolve node identities to changing local addresses. We present our solution to provide decentralized name resolution based on different underlying routing protocols embedded into an adaptive routing framework. Furthermore, we show how this system works in cascaded networks and how to extend the basic approach to realize location-aware service discovery.Auch im Buchhandel erhältlich: Naming and Address Resolution in Heterogeneous Mobile Ad hoc Networks / Sebastian Schellenberg Ilmenau : Univ.-Verl. Ilmenau, 2016. - xvi, 177 Seiten ISBN 978-3-86360-129-4 Preis (Druckausgabe): 17,60

    Delay Tolerant Networks for Efficient Information Harvesting and Distribution in Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    [EN] Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) can make transportation safer, more efficient, and more sustainable by applying various information and communication technologies. One of these technologies are \acfp{VN}. \acp{VN} combine different communication solutions such as cellular networks, \acfp{VANET}, or IEEE 802.11 technologies to provide connectivity among vehicles, and between vehicles and road infrastructure. This thesis focuses on VNs, and considers that the high speed of the nodes and the presence of obstacles like buildings, produces a highly variable network topology, as well as more frequent partitions in the network. Therefore, classical \ac{MANET} protocols do not adapt well to VANETs. Under these conditions, \ac{DTN} have been proposed as an alternative able to cope with these adverse characteristics. In DTN, when a message cannot be routed to its destination, it is not immediately dropped but it is instead stored and carried until a new route becomes available. The combination of VN and DTN is called \acp{VDTN}. In this thesis, we propose a new VDTN protocol designed to collect information from vehicular sensors. Our proposal, called \ac{MSDP}, combines information about the localization obtained from a GNSS system with the actual street/road layout obtained from a Navigation System (NS) to define a new routing metric. Both analytical and simulation results prove that MSDP outperforms previous proposals. Concerning the deployment of VNs and VANET technologies, technology already left behind the innovation and the standardization phases, and it is about time it reach the first early adopters in the market. However, most car manufacturers have decided to implement VN devices in the form of On Board Units (OBUs), which are expensive, heavily manufacturer dependent, and difficult to upgrade. These facts are delaying the deployment of VN. To boost this process, we have developed the GRCBox architecture. This architecture is based on low-cost devices and enables the establishment of V2X, \emph{i.e.} V2I and V2V, communications while integrating users by easing the use of general purpose devices like smartphones, tablets or laptops. To demonstrate the viability of the GRCBox architecture, we combined it with a DTN platform called Scampi to obtain actual results over a real VDTN scenario. We also present several GRCBox-aware applications that illustrate how developers can create applications that bring the potential of VN to user devices.[ES] Los sistemas de transporte inteligente (ITS) son el soporte para el establecimiento de un transporte más seguro, más eficiente y más sostenible mediante el uso de tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones. Una de estas tecnologías son las redes vehiculares (VNs). Las VNs combinan diferentes tecnologías de comunicación como las redes celulares, las redes ad-hoc vehiculares (VANETs) o las redes 802.11p para proporcionar conectividad entre vehículos, y entre vehículos y la infraestructura de carreteras. Esta tesis se centra en las VNs, en las cuales la alta velocidad de los nodos y la presencia de obstáculos como edificios producen una topología de red altamente variable, así como frecuentes particiones en la red. Debido a estas características, los protocolos para redes móviles ad-hoc (MANETs) no se adaptan bien a las VANETs. En estas condiciones, las redes tolerantes a retardos (DTNs) se han propuesto como una alternativa capaz de hacer frente a estos problemas. En DTN, cuando un mensaje no puede ser encaminado hacia su destino, no es inmediatamente descartado sino es almacenado hasta que una nueva ruta esta disponible. Cuando las VNs y las DTNs se combinan surgen las redes vehiculares tolerantes a retardos (VDTN). En esta tesis proponemos un nuevo protocolo para VDTNs diseñado para recolectar la información generada por sensores vehiculares. Nuestra propuesta, llamada MSDP, combina la información obtenida del servicio de información geográfica (GIS) con el mapa real de las calles obtenido del sistema de navegación (NS) para definir una nueva métrica de encaminamiento. Resultados analíticos y mediante simulaciones prueban que MSDP mejora el rendimiento de propuestas anteriores. En relación con el despliegue de las VNs y las tecnologías VANET, la tecnología ha dejado atrás las fases de innovación y estandarización, ahora es el momento de alcanzar a los primeros usuarios del mercado. Sin embargo, la mayoría de fabricantes han decidido implementar los dispositivos para VN como unidades de a bordo (OBU), las cuales son caras y difíciles de actualizar. Además, las OBUs son muy dependientes del fabricante original. Todo esto esta retrasando el despliegue de las VNs. Para acelerar la adopción de las VNs, hemos desarrollado la arquitectura GRCBox. La arquitectura GRCBox esta basada en un dispositivo de bajo coste que permite a los usuarios usar comunicaciones V2X (V2V y V2I) mientras utilizan dispositivos de propósito general como teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas o portátiles. Las pruebas incluidas en esta tesis demuestran la viabilidad de la arquitectura GRCBox. Mediante la combinación de nuestra GRCBox y una plataforma de DTN llamada Scampi hemos diseñado y probado un escenario VDTN real. También presentamos como los desarrolladores pueden crear nuevas aplicaciones GRCBox para llevar el potencial de las VN a los dispositivos de usuario.[CA] Els sistemes de transport intel·ligent (ITS) poden crear un transport més segur, més eficient i més sostenible mitjançant l'ús de tecnologies de la informació i les comunicacions aplicades al transport. Una d'aquestes tecnologies són les xarxes vehiculars (VN). Les VN combinen diferents tecnologies de comunicació, com ara les xarxes cel·lulars, les xarxes ad-hoc vehiculars (VANET) o les xarxes 802.11p, per a proporcionar comunicació entre vehicles, i entre vehicles i la infraestructura de carreteres. Aquesta tesi se centra en les VANET, en les quals l'alta velocitat dels nodes i la presència d'obstacles, com els edificis, produeixen una topologia de xarxa altament variable, i també freqüents particions en la xarxa. Per aquest motiu, els protocols per a xarxes mòbils ad-hoc (MANET) no s'adapten bé. En aquestes condicions, les xarxes tolerants a retards (DTN) s'han proposat com una alternativa capaç de fer front a aquests problemes. En DTN, quan un missatge no pot ser encaminat cap a la seua destinació, no és immediatament descartat sinó que és emmagatzemat fins que apareix una ruta nova. Quan les VN i les DTN es combinen sorgeixen les xarxes vehicular tolerants a retards (VDTN). En aquesta tesi proposem un nou protocol per a VDTN dissenyat per a recol·lectar la informació generada per sensors vehiculars. La nostra proposta, anomenada MSDP, combina la informació obtinguda del servei d'informació geogràfica (GIS) amb el mapa real dels carrers obtingut del sistema de navegació (NS) per a definir una nova mètrica d'encaminament. Resultats analítics i mitjançant simulacions proven que MSDP millora el rendiment de propostes prèvies. En relació amb el desplegament de les VN i les tecnologies VANET, la tecnologia ha deixat arrere les fases d'innovació i estandardització, ara és temps d'aconseguir als primers usuaris del mercat. No obstant això, la majoria de fabricants han decidit implementar els dispositius per a VN com a unitats de bord (OBU), les quals són cares i difícils d'actualitzar. A més, les OBU són molt dependents del fabricant original. Tot això està retardant el desplegament de les VN. Per a accelerar l'adopció de les VN, hem desenvolupat l'arquitectura GRCBox. L'arquitectura GRCBox està basada en un dispositiu de baix cost que permet als usuaris usar comunicacions V2V mentre usen dispositius de propòsit general, com ara telèfons intel·ligents, tauletes o portàtils. Les proves incloses en aquesta tesi demostren la viabilitat de l'arquitectura GRCBox. Mitjançant la combinació de la nostra GRCBox i la plataforma de DTN Scampi, hem dissenyat i provat un escenari VDTN pràctic. També presentem com els desenvolupadors poden crear noves aplicacions GRCBox per a portar el potencial de les VN als dispositius d'usuari.Martínez Tornell, S. (2016). Delay Tolerant Networks for Efficient Information Harvesting and Distribution in Intelligent Transportation Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/68486TESI