373,790 research outputs found

    Roles of Variables in Teaching

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    Emotions in response to teaching online: Exploring the factors influencing teachers in a fully online university

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    The aim of this paper is to understand the emotions associated with the experience of teaching online in an online university and the factors that influence these emotions. Nine hundred and sixty-five (965) online teachers at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (www.uoc.edu) were surveyed. Three emotions linked to teaching online were identified: satisfaction, relief and pleasure. Multiple regression analyses were used to make inferential judgments and test the effects of the teachers' demographic and professional variables. Findings suggest that satisfaction is associated with the instructional design and learning support roles and with the knowledge building approach; relief is inversely related to the content acquisition approach; and pleasure is linked to variables such as academic background and amount of online teaching hours, as well as the knowledge building approach. The practical implications of these results are discussed

    Trained to teach : a study of women teachers currently not teaching : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Education at Massey University

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    This study had two main objectives: 1. To describe the population of nonteaching female primary school teachers in terms of demographic and professional variables. 2. To explore the conditions under which these women might return to teaching. To achieve the above objectives, a nation-wide, randomly-selected sample of 110 nonteaching female primary school teachers was sent a self-administered postal questionnaire. There were 79 usable responses, and the data from these forms the basis of this report. The findings of this study indicate that nonteaching female primary school teachers fall into three distinct groups. One group is comprised of female teachers who do not want to teach ever again. As a group, they are older, their children are older, and they have given more years of service than women in the other two groups. As well, those of them who are not in the paid workforce do not intend to return to paid employment. As a group they represent about a quarter of the sample. About ten percent of the sample intend to return to teaching. They have young children and had left the classroom to be at home with their children. These women are generally under 35 years of age, and their children of preschool or early primary school, age. They indicated that they would return to the classroom when their children are older. The third group of teachers comprising about two thirds of the sample, are of the opinion that it is possible that they may return to teaching. They too have husbands and young children, but many of them feel unsure about a return to any paid work. Respondents were asked why they are not currently teaching, and the great majority indicated a strong commitment to the roles of wife. They did not want to take any employment which would interfere with their fulfilment of these roles. Generally, the women in this study liked teaching, particularly the involvement with children and the fostering of their development. An important outcome of the study is the advancement of a theory of commitment, in which people are seen to commit themselves to certain values. These values may be expressed in many different lifetasks. The women in this study liked the nurturant role in teaching, and once they had their own children they felt that the needs of these children of theirs should come before other considerations

    Clinical Teaching: Sixty Tips for Successful Implementation

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    Background: A good planning of clinical teaching which is followed by systematic implementation results in better training outcomes. This paper defines the detailed roles of tutor, students, patients, and the clinical learning environment from the planning phase to what should be done post the session. It relies on the idea of using checklist (tips). Our hypothesis is that checklist summarizes all relevant information in a single abstraction. Methods: A literature review of various databases such as PubMed, Google scholar, and Cochrane with different search terms and search strategies were done. Qualitative and quantitative studies published in English in the aforementioned databases, discussing both the concepts of clinical teaching as well as the roles of tutor, students, patients, and environment were reviewed. In addition, authors' experience as clinical educators were further used to define the variables. The term tips are used to refer to the steps in a checklist. Results: Sixty tips were identified. These tips highlight the roles and characteristics of: clinical tutors (26 tips), students (18 tips), clinical environment (8 tips), and patients (8 tips). Conclusions: These tips serve as a mini guide to everyone who conduct clinical teaching to medical students in the ward. &nbsp

    A conceptual framework for graduate teaching assistant professional development evaluation and research

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    © 2016 T. D. Reeves et al. Biology graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) are significant contributors to the educational mission of universities, particularly in introductory courses, yet there is a lack of empirical data on how to best prepare them for their teaching roles. This essay proposes a conceptual framework for biology GTA teaching professional development (TPD) program evaluation and research with three overarching variable categories for consideration: outcome variables, contextual variables, and moderating variables. The framework’s outcome variables go beyond GTA satisfaction and instead position GTA cognition, GTA teaching practice, and undergraduate learning outcomes as the foci of GTA TPD evaluation and research. For each GTA TPD outcome variable, key evaluation questions and example assessment instruments are introduced to demonstrate how the framework can be used to guide GTA TPD evaluation and research plans. A common conceptual framework is also essential to coordinating the collection and synthesis of empirical data on GTA TPD nationally. Thus, the proposed conceptual framework serves as both a guide for conducting GTA TPD evaluation at single institutions and as a means to coordinate research across institutions at a national level

    Factors influencing university instructors' adoption of the conception of online teaching as a medium to promote learners' collaboration in virtual learning environments

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    Resultats: els tres usuaris-persona resultants s'acompanyen de descripcions i es complementen amb escenaris basats en evidències que han d'ajudar a dissenyar experiències d'usuaris. Aquests són el Marc (usuari), un estudiant adolescent que pretén codissenyar la biblioteca i que reclama activitats socials presencials; la Maria (mai usuària), una jubilada que necessita caliu humà i que fa evident la necessitat de col·laboració més estreta entre serveis socials i biblioteques, i el David (exusuari), treballador de més de trenta anys que considera que no necessita la biblioteca tot i que en desconeix la majoria de serveis que actualment li ofereix.The purpose of the study was to build a model of the factors that influence the university instructors' adoption of the conception of online teaching named 'promoting the learners' collaboration in virtual learning environments. We conducted a survey to nine hundred sixty-five higher education online instructors belonging to the Open University of Catalonia (www.uoc.edu). In this study we used three scales selected from a larger questionnaire that collected three types of information from the instructors: personal and professional data, online teaching roles, and online teaching conceptions. We identified several conceptions about online teaching through a factorial analysis from the third scale. In the present research we analyze the relationship between the instructors' conception about teaching as a medium to promote learners' collaboration (independent variable), and possible explanatory variables: gender, age, academic education, field of specialization, experience in online teaching, level of teaching, time devoted to online teaching, and instructors' perceived relevance of their online teaching roles. Correlations and preliminary multiple regression analyses were used to make inferential judgements and test the effects of the independent variable separately. Findings from correlation analysis suggest that gender, academic education, online teaching experience, time devoted to online teaching, and, more relevant, all five teaching roles: social interaction, instructional design, technology use, learning assessment and learning processes support, are relevant predictors of the adoption of this conception of teaching by online instructors

    Marital Roles and Their Relationship to Marital Happiness and Self Concept

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    Marital roles have become a subject of major concern in recent years. Many critiques consider traditional marriage roles to be responsible for hindering appropriate social-emotional development of the wife, in particular, and also the husband. Past research in assessing the relationship between marital roles and the happiness and well-being of husbands and wives is limited in quantity and generally is inconclusive or controversial. This study was designed to clarify the relationship between marriage roles and two dependent variables, marital happiness and self concept. The sample population consisted of 124 volunteer couples selected from the teaching staffs of eight school districts in Southeastern Idaho and Northern Utah. Each participant provided information for this study by completing a questionnaire, the Tennessee Self Concept Scale, the Marriage Adjustment Scale, and the Marriage Role Expectation Inventory. Forty-three variables were generated from these measures which, when factor analyzed produced 12 factors for husbands and 10 factors for wives, served as dependent and independent variables for this study. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to identify relationships between dependent variables (self concept and marital happiness of husbands and wives) and independent variables {i.e., level of education; hours spent as an employee, religious volunteer, and in community service; freedom to choose present role; income level). Husbands and wives were assessed independent of each other. None of the independent variables explained a significant amount of the variance on marital happiness or self concept neither when considered alone nor when stepped together in the multiple regression model. Thus, no significant relationship was determined between marital roles and marital happiness or self concept. Recommendations were made for studying more diversified populations and for controlling sample bias resulting from the use of volunteers

    Kompetensi Manajerial Kepala Sekolah, Ketersediaan Sarana Prasarana, Kapabilitas Mengajar Guru, Dan Dukungan Orang Tua, Kaitannya Dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa SMP Negeri Di Kota Surabaya

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    Students\u27 achievements are influenced by many factors, such as the managerial competence of the headmaster, the teaching competence of the teacher, parents\u27 supports, as well as the school\u27s facilities. This study, which used qualitative approach, focused on obtaining information on whetheror not there was a relationship between the variables. As many as 310 SMPN teachers were taken as the samples, representing 2016 state-employed SMPN teachers in Surabaya as the population of the study. The data were collected using questionnaires and documentation. The results showed thatthere was a significant direct relationship between those five research variables. In order to improve students\u27 achievements, the researcher suggested that: (1) the headmasters optimize their roles as managers (2) the teachers improve their competence (3) parents increase their supportive participation, both to their children\u27s teaching and learning activities as well as to the schools as the administrator of the teaching and learning process

    واقع دور مديرة المدرسة في تحفيز معلمات الحلقة الأولى كما تراه المعلمات وعلاقة باتجاهات المعلمات نحو مهنة التدريس في منطقة عجمان التعليمية بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة

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    This study aims to identify the reality of the role of the school principal to motivate female teachers in the first cycle schools in the Ajman Educational Zone as seen by teachers, and its relationship to teachers\u27 attitude towards the teaching profession. This study will also show the relationship between academic qualifications and experiences as independent variables and attitudes of teachers towards the teaching profession as dependent variable. The researcher prepared the questionnaire which consisted of three main axes, the first axis deals with the reality of the roles of the school principal, while the second axis has dealt with teacher’s attitudes towards the teaching profession. The third axis and the latter has to do with other factors that help to motivate teachers. The applied research questionnaire used a sample of (160) teachers in cycle 1 schools in the Ajman Educational Zone. By using the SPSS program, the researcher conducted statistical analysis of the data and calculated means and standard deviations. The researcher also used (Kruskal-Wallis) test; in order to know the relationship between variables and to find out if there were statistically significant differences, as well as the application of linear regression analysis to determine the strength of the relationship between the role of the school principal and the teacher’s directions. The results indicate that there is a statistically significant relationship between academic qualifications and teachers\u27 attitudes among toward the teaching profession as the results show that there is a positive relationship between the reality of the role of the school principal and the teacher’s attitudes towards the teaching profession. The results of the analysis also showed that the directors of schools of cycle 1 in the Ajman Educational Zone are keen to focus on specific roles such as a culture of cooperation, the opportunity to express opinions, building social relationships between the governing bodies of teaching. While paid less attention to other roles such as giving descriptive feedback to teachers, participatory decision-making process, as well as the weak delegating some of his powers. As a corollary to this fact, teachers\u27 attitudes were based around the teaching profession in certain themes including increased self-esteem at work, and motivation to work under certain managers, and are not motivated by the profession itself: whoever the manager. The results also show that teachers believe that the teaching profession is very cumbersome, they do not feel satisfied when they go to work


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    The learning environment plays important roles in the cognitive, effective and social students. Reviewing the learning environment is given due attention to this day because of its importance in helping to improve learning outcomes. This study will look at the selection and review of the measurement items of learning environment factors in Technical Institutions in the country. Variables to be examined in this study are assessment, teaching approaches, learning community, learning resources, work load, the clear objectives. Respondents consisted of 455 final semester engineering students. Data were analyzed descriptively for reliability (Cronbach Alpha values) and factor analysis was used to obtain 6 factor solutions (Eigenvalues and KMO) using SPSS 17 software. Results showed that 6 factor solutions with Eigen values above 1.0. The value of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy 0.868> 0.6 is adequate for inter-correlation while Barlett Test was significant(Chi Square = 5962.485, p <0.05). The anti-image correlation matrix by The Measure of Sampling Adequacy (MSA) is more than the value of 0.5. Items O2, PP6, PP7, PP5, P1, SP3 and SP4 dropped based on the criteria by Hair et al (2006), where each item should exceed the value of 0.50. Total variance explained for this loading was 61.51%assessment, teaching approach, learning community, learning resources, work load, clear objectives