1,283 research outputs found

    The influence of national culture on the attitude towards mobile recommender systems

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Technological Forecasting and Social Change. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2013 Elsevier B.V.This study aimed to identify factors that influence user attitudes towards mobile recommender systems and to examine how these factors interact with cultural values to affect attitudes towards this technology. Based on the theory of reasoned action, belief factors for mobile recommender systems are identified in three dimensions: functional, contextual, and social. Hypotheses explaining different impacts of cultural values on the factors affecting attitudes were also proposed. The research model was tested based on data collected in China, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. Findings indicate that functional and social factors have significant impacts on user attitudes towards mobile recommender systems. The relationships between belief factors and attitudes are moderated by two cultural values: collectivism and uncertainty avoidance. The theoretical and practical implications of applying theory of reasoned action and innovation diffusion theory to explain the adoption of new technologies in societies with different cultures are also discussed.National Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean governmen

    Biases in scholarly recommender systems: impact, prevalence, and mitigation

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    We create a simulated financial market and examine the effect of different levels of active and passive investment on fundamental market efficiency. In our simulated market, active, passive, and random investors interact with each other through issuing orders. Active and passive investors select their portfolio weights by optimizing Markowitz-based utility functions. We find that higher fractions of active investment within a market lead to an increased fundamental market efficiency. The marginal increase in fundamental market efficiency per additional active investor is lower in markets with higher levels of active investment. Furthermore, we find that a large fraction of passive investors within a market may facilitate technical price bubbles, resulting in market failure. By examining the effect of specific parameters on market outcomes, we find that that lower transaction costs, lower individual forecasting errors of active investors, and less restrictive portfolio constraints tend to increase fundamental market efficiency in the market

    Understanding the Role of Interactivity and Explanation in Adaptive Experiences

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    Adaptive experiences have been an active area of research in the past few decades, accompanied by advances in technology such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. Whether the currently ongoing research on adaptive experiences has focused on personalization algorithms, explainability, user engagement, or privacy and security, there is growing interest and resources in developing and improving these research focuses. Even though the research on adaptive experiences has been dynamic and rapidly evolving, achieving a high level of user engagement in adaptive experiences remains a challenge. %????? This dissertation aims to uncover ways to engage users in adaptive experiences by incorporating interactivity and explanation through four studies. Study I takes the first step to link the explanation and interactivity in machine learning systems to facilitate users\u27 engagement with the underlying machine learning model with the Tic-Tac-Toe game as a use case. The results show that explainable machine learning (XML) systems (and arguably XAI systems in general) indeed benefit from mechanisms that allow users to interact with the system\u27s internal decision rules. Study II, III, and IV further focus on adaptive experiences in recommender systems in specific, exploring the role of interactivity and explanation to keep the user “in-the-loop” in recommender systems, trying to mitigate the ``filter bubble\u27\u27 problem and help users in self-actualizing by supporting them in exploring and understanding their unique tastes. Study II investigates the effect of recommendation source (a human expert vs. an AI algorithm) and justification method (needs-based vs. interest-based justification) on professional development recommendations in a scenario-based study setting. The results show an interaction effect between these two system aspects: users who are told that the recommendations are based on their interests have a better experience when the recommendations are presented as originating from an AI algorithm, while users who are told that the recommendations are based on their needs have a better experience when the recommendations are presented as originating from a human expert. This work implies that while building the proposed novel movie recommender system covered in study IV, it would provide a better user experience if the movie recommendations are presented as originating from algorithms rather than from a human expert considering that movie preferences (which will be visualized by the movies\u27 emotion feature) are usually based on users\u27 interest. Study III explores the effects of four novel alternative recommendation lists on participants’ perceptions of recommendations and their satisfaction with the system. The four novel alternative recommendation lists (RSSA features) which have the potential to go beyond the traditional top N recommendations provide transparency from a different level --- how much else does the system learn about users beyond the traditional top N recommendations, which in turn enable users to interact with these alternative lists by rating the initial recommendations so as to correct or confirm the system\u27s estimates of the alternative recommendations. The subjective evaluation and behavioral analysis demonstrate that the proposed RSSA features had a significant effect on the user experience, surprisingly, two of the four RSSA features (the controversial and hate features) perform worse than the traditional top-N recommendations on the measured subjective dependent variables while the other two RSSA features (the hipster and no clue items) perform equally well and even slightly better than the traditional top-N (but this effect is not statistically significant). Moreover, the results indicate that individual differences, such as the need for novelty and domain knowledge, play a significant role in users’ perception of and interaction with the system. Study IV further combines diversification, visualization, and interactivity, aiming to encourage users to be more engaged with the system. The results show that introducing emotion as an item feature into recommender systems does help in personalization and individual taste exploration; these benefits are greatly optimized through the mechanisms that diversify recommendations by emotional signature, visualize recommendations on the emotional signature, and allow users to directly interact with the system by tweaking their tastes, which further contributes to both user experience and self-actualization. This work has practical implications for designing adaptive experiences. Explanation solutions in adaptive experiences might not always lead to a positive user experience, it highly depends on the application domain and the context (as studied in all four studies); it is essential to carefully investigate a specific explanation solution in combination with other design elements in different fields. Introducing control by allowing for direct interactivity (vs. indirect interactivity) in adaptive systems and providing feedback to users\u27 input by integrating their input into the algorithms would create a more engaging and interactive user experience (as studied in Study I and IV). And cumulatively, appropriate direct interaction with the system along with deliberate and thoughtful designs of explanation (including visualization design with the application environment fully considered), which are able to arouse user reflection or resonance, would potentially promote both user experience and user self-actualization

    Causal Inference in Recommender Systems: A Survey and Future Directions

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    Recommender systems have become crucial in information filtering nowadays. Existing recommender systems extract user preferences based on the correlation in data, such as behavioral correlation in collaborative filtering, feature-feature, or feature-behavior correlation in click-through rate prediction. However, unfortunately, the real world is driven by causality, not just correlation, and correlation does not imply causation. For instance, recommender systems might recommend a battery charger to a user after buying a phone, where the latter can serve as the cause of the former; such a causal relation cannot be reversed. Recently, to address this, researchers in recommender systems have begun utilizing causal inference to extract causality, thereby enhancing the recommender system. In this survey, we offer a comprehensive review of the literature on causal inference-based recommendation. Initially, we introduce the fundamental concepts of both recommender system and causal inference as the foundation for subsequent content. We then highlight the typical issues faced by non-causality recommender system. Following that, we thoroughly review the existing work on causal inference-based recommender systems, based on a taxonomy of three-aspect challenges that causal inference can address. Finally, we discuss the open problems in this critical research area and suggest important potential future works.Comment: Accepted by ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS

    Popularity Bias as Ethical and Technical Issue in Recommendation: A Survey

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    Recommender Systems have become omnipresent in our ev- eryday life, helping us making decisions and navigating in the digital world full of information. However, only recently researchers have started discovering undesired and harmful effects of automated recommendation and began questioning how fair and ethical these systems are, while in- fluencing our day-to-day decision making, shaping our online behaviour and tastes. In the latest research works, various biases and phenomena like filter bubbles and echo chambers have been uncovered among the resulting effects of recommender systems and rigorous work has started on solving these issues. In this narrative survey, we investigate the emer- gence and progression of research on one of the potential types of biases in recommender systems, i.e. Popularity Bias. Many recommender al- gorithms have been shown to favor already popular items, hence giving them even more exposure, which can harm fairness and diversity on the platforms using such systems. Such a problem becomes even more com- plicated if the object of recommendation is not just products and content, but people, their work and services. This survey describes the progress in this field of study, highlighting the advancements and identifying the gaps in the research, where additional effort and attention is necessary to minimize the harmful effect and make sure that such systems are build in a fair and ethical way
