1,629,289 research outputs found

    Secure Management of Personal Health Records by Applying Attribute-Based Encryption

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    The confidentiality of personal health records is a major problem when patients use commercial Web-based systems to store their health data. Traditional access control mechanisms, such as Role-Based Access Control, have several limitations with respect to enforcing access control policies and ensuring data confidentiality. In particular, the data has to be stored on a central server locked by the access control mechanism, and the data owner loses control on the data from the moment when the data is sent to the requester. Therefore, these mechanisms do not fulfil the requirements of data outsourcing scenarios where the third party storing the data should not have access to the plain data, and it is not trusted to enforce access control policies. In this paper, we describe a new approach which enables secure storage and controlled sharing of patient’s health records in the aforementioned scenarios. A new variant of a ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption scheme is proposed to enforce patient/organizational access control policies such that everyone can download the encrypted data but only authorized users from the social domain (e.g. family, friends, or fellow patients) or authorized users from the professional\ud domain (e.g. doctors or nurses) are allowed to decrypt it

    An Enhancement Role and Attribute Based Access Control Mechanism in Big Data

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    To be able to leverage big data to achieve enhanced strategic insight and make informed decision, an efficient access control mechanism is needed for ensuring end to end security of such information asset. Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC), Role Based Access Control (RBAC) and Event Based Access Control (EBAC) are widely used access control mechanisms. The ABAC system is much more complex in terms of policy reviews, hence analyzing the policy and reviewing or changing user permission are quite complex task. RBAC system is labor intensive and time consuming to build a model instance and it lacks flexibility to efficiently adapt to changing user’s, objects and security policies. EBAC model considered only the events to allocate access controls. Yet these mechanisms have limitations and offer feature complimentary to each other. So in this paper, Event-Role-Attribute based fine grained Access Control mechanism is proposed, it provide a flexible boundary which effectively adapt to changing user’s, objects and security policies based on the event. The flexible boundary is achieved by using temporal and environment state of an event. It improves the big data security and overcomes the disadvantages of the ABAC and RBAC mechanisms. The experiments are conducted to prove the effectiveness of the proposed Event-Role-Attribute based Access Control mechanism over ABAC and RBAC in terms of computational overhead

    Exploring Predicate Based Access Control for Cloud Workflow Systems

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    Authentication and authorization are the two crucial functions of any modern security and access control mechanisms. Authorization for controlling access to resources is a dynamic characteristic of a workflow system which is based on true business dynamics and access policies. Allowing or denying a user to gain access to a resource is the cornerstone for successful implementation of security and controlling paradigms. Role based and attribute based access control are the existing mechanisms widely used. As per these schemes, any user with given role or attribute respectively is granted applicable privileges to access a resource. There is third approach known as predicate based access control which is less explored. We intend to throw light on this as it provides more fine-grained control over resources besides being able to complement with existing approaches. In this paper we proposed a predicate-based access control mechanism that caters to the needs of cloud-based workflow systems

    Distributed and typed role-based access control mechanisms driven by CRUD expressions

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    Business logics of relational databases applications are an important source of security violations, namely in respect to access control. The situation is particularly critical when access control policies are many and complex. In these cases, programmers of business logics can hardly master the established access control policies. Now we consider situations where business logics are built with tools such as JDBC and ODBC. These tools convey two sources of security threats: 1) the use of unauthorized Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) expressions and also 2) the modification of data previously retrieved by Select statements. To overcome this security gap when Role-based access control policies are used, we propose an extension to the basic model in order to control the two sources of security threats. Finally, we present a software architectural model from which distributed and typed RBAC mechanisms are automatically built, this way relieving programmers from mastering any security schema. We demonstrate empirical evidence of the effectiveness of our proposal from a use case based on Java and JDBC

    Role-based access control mechanisms: distributed, statically implemented and driven by CRUD expressions

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    Most of the security threats in relational database applications have their source in client-side systems when they issue requests formalized by Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) expressions. If tools such as ODBC and JDBC are used to develop business logics, then there is another source of threats. In some situations the content of data sets retrieved by Select expressions can be modified and then committed into the host databases. These tools are agnostic regarding not only database schemas but also regarding the established access control policies. This situation can hardly be mastered by programmers of business logics in database applications with many and complex access control policies. To overcome this gap, we extend the basic Role-Based Access policy to support and supervise the two sources of security threats. This extension is then used to design the correspondent RBAC model. Finally, we present a software architectural model from which static RBAC mechanisms are automatically built, this way relieving programmers from mastering any schema. We demonstrate empirical evidence of the effectiveness of our proposal from a use case based on Java and JDBC

    Insider threat mitigation and access control in healthcare systems

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    Rapid and reliable information sharing of patient healthcare information has become critical for achieving better care with lower costs. However, such healthcare information sharing requires to be done securely with privacy guarantees, as required by law. Among its other requirements, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires the use of appropriate access control mechanisms to protect healthcare information. Despite these legal requirements, currently implemented access control models in the healthcare domain are typically inadequate as demonstrated by the large and increasing numbers of successful attacks on healthcare systems. In particular, current access control models do not provide sufficient protection for healthcare systems from attacks by insiders, i.e., authorized healthcare personnel. This paper examines how healthcare information can be protected from unauthorized or improper use, disclosure, alteration, and destruction by health- care providers. Using a holistic approach toward modeling access control, the authors construct a threat model for access control in healthcare systems. The constructed model is then used to assess the effectiveness of current access control mechanisms such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), as well as the BiLayer Access Control (BLAC) model, which was proposed as a flexible, higher-performance replacement for both RBAC and ABAC

    Possibilistic Information Flow Control for Workflow Management Systems

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    In workflows and business processes, there are often security requirements on both the data, i.e. confidentiality and integrity, and the process, e.g. separation of duty. Graphical notations exist for specifying both workflows and associated security requirements. We present an approach for formally verifying that a workflow satisfies such security requirements. For this purpose, we define the semantics of a workflow as a state-event system and formalise security properties in a trace-based way, i.e. on an abstract level without depending on details of enforcement mechanisms such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). This formal model then allows us to build upon well-known verification techniques for information flow control. We describe how a compositional verification methodology for possibilistic information flow can be adapted to verify that a specification of a distributed workflow management system satisfies security requirements on both data and processes.Comment: In Proceedings GraMSec 2014, arXiv:1404.163
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