110,250 research outputs found

    "Role of Honesty in Full Implementation"

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    This paper introduces a new concept of full implementation that takes into account agents' preferences for understanding how the process works. We assume that the agents have intrinsic preferences for honesty in the sense that they dislike the idea of lying when it does not influence their welfare but instead goes against the intention of the central planner. We show that the presence of such preferences functions effectively in eliminating unwanted equilibria from the practical perspective, even if the degree of the preference for honesty is small. The mechanisms designed are detail-free and involve only small fines.

    "Role of Honesty in Full Implementation"

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    This paper introduces a new concept for full implementation that takes into account agents' preferences for understanding how the "process" works. We assume that the agents have an intrinsic preference for honesty in the sense that they dislike the idea of lying when it does not influence their welfare but instead goes against the intention of the principal. We show that the presence of such preferences functions very effectively in eliminating unwanted equilibria from the practical perspectives, even if the degree of preference for honesty is small. The mechanisms designed are detail-free and involve only small fines.

    Role of Honesty in Full Implementation ( Revised version of CARF-F-015(2004) )

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    This paper introduces a new concept for full implementation that takes into account agents' preferences for understanding how the "process" works. We assume that the agents have an intrinsic preference for honesty in the sense that they dislike the idea of lying when it does not influence their welfare but instead goes against the intention of the principal. We show that the presence of such preferences functions very effectively in eliminating unwanted equilibria from the practical perspectives, even if the degree of preference for honesty is small. The mechanisms designed are detail-free and involve only small fines.

    Role of Honesty in Full Implementation ( Revised version of CARF-F-062(2006); The further revision was subsequently published in "Journal of Economic Theory" as a short article. )

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    This paper introduces a new concept of full implementation that takes into account agents? preferences for understanding how the process works. We assume that the agents have intrinsic preferences for honesty in the sense that they dislike the idea of lying when it does not influence their welfare but instead goes against the intention of the central planner. We show that the presence of such preferences functions effectively in eliminating unwanted equilibria from the practical perspective, even if the degree of the preference for honesty is small. The mechanisms designed are detail-free and involve only small fines.

    Strong implementation with partially honest individuals

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    In this paper we provide sufficient conditions for a social choice rule to be implementable in strong Nash equilibrium in the presence of partially honest agents, that is, agents who break ties in favor of a truthful message when they face indifference between outcomes. In this way, we achieve a relaxation in the condition of Korpela (2013), namely the Axiom of Sufficient Reason. Our new condition, Weak Pareto Dominance, is shown to be sufficient along with Weak Pareto Optimality and Universally Worst Alternative. We finally provide applications of our result in pure matching and bargaining environments

    Natural implementation with partially honest agents in economic environments

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    In this paper, we introduce the weak and the strong notions of partially honest agents (Dutta and Sen, 2012), and then study implementation by natural price-quantity mechanisms (Saijo et al., 1996, 1999) in pure exchange economies with three or more agents in which pure-consequentialistically rational agents and partially honest agents coexist. Firstly, assuming that there exists at least one partially honest agent in either the weak notion or the strong notion, the class of efficient social choice correspondences which are Nash-implementable by such mechanisms is characterized. Secondly, the (unconstrained) Walrasian correspondence is shown to be implementable by such a mechanism when there is at least one partially honest agent of the strong type, which may provide a behavioral foundation for decentralized implementation of the Walrasian equilibrium. Finally, in this set-up, the effects of honesty on the implementation of more equitable Pareto optimal allocations can be viewed as negligible.

    Honesty by typing

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    We propose a type system for a calculus of contracting processes. Processes may stipulate contracts, and then either behave honestly, by keeping the promises made, or not. Type safety guarantees that a typeable process is honest - that is, the process abides by the contract it has stipulated in all possible contexts, even those containing dishonest adversaries

    Research-Practice-Policy Partnerships for Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices in Child Welfare and Child Mental Health

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    Partnerships between researchers, practitioners, and policymakers represent a promising avenue for improving outcomes for young people and families.In a new report, Lawrence Palinkas, Cherry Short, and Marleen Wong of the University of Southern California's School of Social Work suggest that research-practice-policy partnerships may help narrow the gap between the development of evidence-based services for young people in the child welfare and mental health systems and the routine delivery of these services.Describing the structure and operations of partnerships, and the potential challenges to making them work, Palinkas and colleagues present three models of successful partnerships in the child welfare and mental health systems. Case studies for each model provide rich examples of the common elements and central themes that characterize the value of partnerships as a strategy for delivering high quality services in high demand settings

    On Partial Honesty Nash Implementation

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    An agent is said to be partially honest if he or she weakly prefers an outcome at a strategy profile with his truthful strategy than an outcome at a strategy profile with his false strategy, then this player must prefer strictly the \true" strategy profille to the \false" strategy profile. In this paper we consider an exchange economy with single peaked preferences. With many agents (n ≥3), if there exists at least one partially honest agent, we prove that any solution of the problem of fair division satisfying unanimity is Nash implementable.Nash implementation; Partial honesty; Single-peaked preferences
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