376 research outputs found

    A cross-lingual adaptation approach for rapid development of speech recognizers for learning disabled users

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    Building a voice-operated system for learning disabled users is a difficult task that requires a considerable amount of time and effort. Due to the wide spectrum of disabilities and their different related phonopathies, most approaches available are targeted to a specific pathology. This may improve their accuracy for some users, but makes them unsuitable for others. In this paper, we present a cross-lingual approach to adapt a general-purpose modular speech recognizer for learning disabled people. The main advantage of this approach is that it allows rapid and cost-effective development by taking the already built speech recognition engine and its modules, and utilizing existing resources for standard speech in different languages for the recognition of the users’ atypical voices. Although the recognizers built with the proposed technique obtain lower accuracy rates than those trained for specific pathologies, they can be used by a wide population and developed more rapidly, which makes it possible to design various types of speech-based applications accessible to learning disabled users.This research was supported by the project ‘Favoreciendo la vida autónoma de discapacitados intelectuales con problemas de comunicación oral mediante interfaces personalizados de reconocimiento automático del habla’, financed by the Centre of Initiatives for Development Cooperation (Centro de Iniciativas de Cooperación al Desarrollo, CICODE), University of Granada, Spain. This research was supported by the Student Grant Scheme 2014 (SGS) at the Technical University of Liberec

    An application of an auditory periphery model in speaker identification

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    The number of applications of automatic Speaker Identification (SID) is growing due to the advanced technologies for secure access and authentication in services and devices. In 2016, in a study, the Cascade of Asymmetric Resonators with Fast Acting Compression (CAR FAC) cochlear model achieved the best performance among seven recent cochlear models to fit a set of human auditory physiological data. Motivated by the performance of the CAR-FAC, I apply this cochlear model in an SID task for the first time to produce a similar performance to a human auditory system. This thesis investigates the potential of the CAR-FAC model in an SID task. I investigate the capability of the CAR-FAC in text-dependent and text-independent SID tasks. This thesis also investigates contributions of different parameters, nonlinearities, and stages of the CAR-FAC that enhance SID accuracy. The performance of the CAR-FAC is compared with another recent cochlear model called the Auditory Nerve (AN) model. In addition, three FFT-based auditory features – Mel frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC), Frequency Domain Linear Prediction (FDLP), and Gammatone Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (GFCC), are also included to compare their performance with cochlear features. This comparison allows me to investigate a better front-end for a noise-robust SID system. Three different statistical classifiers: a Gaussian Mixture Model with Universal Background Model (GMM-UBM), a Support Vector Machine (SVM), and an I-vector were used to evaluate the performance. These statistical classifiers allow me to investigate nonlinearities in the cochlear front-ends. The performance is evaluated under clean and noisy conditions for a wide range of noise levels. Techniques to improve the performance of a cochlear algorithm are also investigated in this thesis. It was found that the application of a cube root and DCT on cochlear output enhances the SID accuracy substantially

    Creación de datos multilingües para diversos enfoques basados en corpus en el ámbito de la traducción y la interpretación

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    Accordingly, this research work aims at exploiting and developing new technologies and methods to better ascertain not only translators’ and interpreters’ needs, but also professionals’ and ordinary people’s on their daily tasks, such as corpora and terminology compilation and management. The main topics covered by this work relate to Computational Linguistics (CL), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Translation (MT), Comparable Corpora, Distributional Similarity Measures (DSM), Terminology Extraction Tools (TET) and Terminology Management Tools (TMT). In particular, this work examines three main questions: 1) Is it possible to create a simpler and user-friendly comparable corpora compilation tool? 2) How to identify the most suitable TMT and TET for a given translation or interpreting task? 3) How to automatically assess and measure the internal degree of relatedness in comparable corpora? This work is composed of thirteen peer-reviewed scientific publications, which are included in Appendix A, while the methodology used and the results obtained in these studies are summarised in the main body of this document. Fecha de lectura de Tesis Doctoral: 22 de noviembre 2019Corpora are playing an increasingly important role in our multilingual society. High-quality parallel corpora are a preferred resource in the language engineering and the linguistics communities. Nevertheless, the lack of sufficient and up-to-date parallel corpora, especially for narrow domains and poorly-resourced languages is currently one of the major obstacles to further advancement across various areas like translation, language learning and, automatic and assisted translation. An alternative is the use of comparable corpora, which are easier and faster to compile. Corpora, in general, are extremely important for tasks like translation, extraction, inter-linguistic comparisons and discoveries or even to lexicographical resources. Its objectivity, reusability, multiplicity and applicability of uses, easy handling and quick access to large volume of data are just an example of their advantages over other types of limited resources like thesauri or dictionaries. By a way of example, new terms are coined on a daily basis and dictionaries cannot keep up with the rate of emergence of new terms

    Coercion, norms and atrocity: explaining state compliance with international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia arrest and surrender orders

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    State compliance with International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) arrest and surrender orders, Article 29(d) and (e) obligations, remains under explored in international criminal tribunal (ICT) scholarship despite the fact compliance with ICTY orders often proved not forthcoming from the states of the former Yugoslavia. This thesis will attempt to identiy causal phenomena behind compliance with ICT arrest and surrender orders through an exploration of compliance on the part of the diverse spectrum of states and non-state governing entities across the former Yugoslavia. Because International Relations (IR) scholarship identifies competing causal mechanisms to explain compliance and non-compliance outcomes, which range from a rationalist focus on material incentives and disincentives to norm-centric approaches, there will be an exploration of both ideational and material explanatory variables. Moreover, as mainstream neorealist and neoliberal institutionalist theories are unable to cope with entites where an autonomous state is not an ontological given, this thesis will be divided into two constituent parts. Part I will address the question of state compliance and include three case studies, Croatia, Serbia and Macedonia, while Part II will address the question of compliance in the context of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, both of which do not conform to traditional models of the Westphalian state. This thesis will argue that the study of compliance is limited by the state centricity of international law and the rationalist failure to integrate ideational structures itno the study of compliance

    Predictions on markedness and feature resilience in loanword adaptation

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    Normalement, un emprunt est adapté afin que ses éléments étrangers s’intègrent au système phonologique de la langue emprunteuse. Certains auteurs (cf. Miao 2005; Steriade 2001b, 2009) ont soutenu que, lors de l’adaptation d’une consonne, les traits de manière d’articulation sont plus résistants au changement que les traits laryngaux (ex. : le voisement) ou que ceux de place. Mes résultats montrent cependant que les traits de manière (ex. : [±continu]) sont impliqués dans les adaptations consonantiques aussi fréquemment que les autres traits (ex. [±voisé] et [±antérieur]). Par exemple, le /Z/ français est illicite à l’initiale en anglais. Les options d’adaptation incluent /Z/ → [z] (changement de place), /Z/ → [S] (changement de voisement) et /Z/ → [dZ] (changement de manière). Contrairement aux prédictions des auteurs précités, l’adaptation primaire en anglais est /Z/ → [dZ], avec changement de manière (ex. français [Zelatin] gélatine → anglais [dZElœtIn]). Plutôt qu’une résistance des traits de manière, les adaptations étudiées dans ma thèse font ressortir une nette tendance à la simplification. Mon hypothèse est que les langues adaptent les consonnes étrangères en en éliminant les complexités. Donc un changement impliquant l’élimination plutôt que l’insertion d’un trait marqué sera préféré. Ma thèse innove aussi en montrant qu’une consonne est le plus souvent importée lorsque sa stratégie d’adaptation primaire implique l’insertion d’un trait marqué. Les taux d’importation sont systématiquement élevés pour les consonnes dont l’adaptation impliquerait l’insertion d’un tel trait (ici [+continu] ou [+voisé]). Par exemple, /dZ/ en anglais, lorsque adapté, devient /Z/ en français après l’insertion de [+continu]; cependant, l’importation de /dZ/ est de loin préférée à son adaptation (89%). En comparaison, /dZ/ est rarement importé (10%) en germano-pennsylvanien (GP) parce que l’adaptation de /dZ/ à [tS] (élision du trait marqué [+voisé]) est disponible, contrairement au cas du français. Cependant, le /t/ anglais à l’initiale, lui, est majoritairement importé (74%) en GP parce que son adaptation en /d/ impliquerait l’insertion du trait marqué [+voisé]. Ma thèse permet non seulement de mieux cerner la direction des adaptations, mais repère aussi ce qui favorise fortement les importations sur la base d’une notion déjà établie en phonologie : la marque.A loanword is normally adapted to fit its foreign elements to the phonological system of the borrowing language (L1). Recently, some authors (e.g. Miao 2005; Steriade 2001b, 2009) have proposed that during the adaptation process of a second language (L2) consonant, manner features are more resistant to change than are non-manner features. A careful study of my data indicate that manner features (e.g. [±continuant]) are as likely to be involved in the adaptation process as are non-manner [±voice] and [±anterior]. For example, French /Z/ is usually not tolerated word-initially in English. Adaptation options include /Z/ → [z] (change of place), /Z/ → [S] (change of voicing) and /Z/ → [dZ] (change of manner). The primary adaptation in English is /Z/ → [dZ] (e.g. French [Zelatin] gélatine → English [dZElœtIn]) where manner is in fact the less resistant. Instead, during loanword adaptation there is a clear tendency towards unmarkedness. My hypothesis is that languages overwhelmingly adapt with the goal of eliminating the complexities of the L2; a change that involves deletion instead of insertion of a marked feature is preferred. Furthermore, my thesis shows for the first time that a consonant is statistically most likely to be imported if its preferred adaptation strategy involves insertion of a marked feature (e.g. [+continuant] or [+voice]). For example, the adaptation of English /dZ/ is /Z/ in French after insertion of marked [+continuant], but /dZ/ is overwhelmingly imported (89%), instead of adapted in French. I argue that this is to avoid the insertion of marked [+continuant]. This contrasts with Pennsylvania German (PG) where English /dZ/ is rarely imported (10%). This is because unlike in French, there is an option to adapt /dZ/ to /tS/ (deletion of marked [+voice]) in PG. However, English word-initial /t/ is heavily imported (74%), not adapted, in PG because adaptation to /d/ involves insertion of marked [+voice]. Not only does my thesis better determine the direction of adaptations but it also establishes the circumstances where L2 consonants are most likely to be imported instead of being adapted, on the basis of a well-known notion in phonology: markedness

    Towards the creation of 'quality' Greek national cinema in the 1960s

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    In the field of Greek film studies, the 1960's are widely seen as the heyday of the 'Old Greek Cinema' (PEK), while the binary model 'Old/mainstream' versus 'New/artistic' still dominates historical, theoretical and critical discourse on Greek film. The contribution of this thesis is that, on the one hand, it considers the 1960s under the light of the rise of 'New Greek Cinema' (NEK) and, on the other, complicates the relationship of PEK and NEK by focusing on the culture surrounding Greek cinema of the time and by exploring the continuities and interrelations between the 'Old' and the 'New'. Particular emphasis is given to the debates about 'quality' national cinema, including issues of realism, Greekness' and 'popular authenticity', the crucial contribution of state policies and institutions such as the 'Week of the Greek Cinema' in Thessaloniki and cine clubs, the establishment of international art film in the domestic market, and the emergence of a young generation of film critics and cinephiles who promoted the idea of an indigenous art-house film culture. This thesis highlights also the 'Old Greek Cinema's' attempts to raise the cultural status of commercial film and address international audiences and its subsequent openness to formal, thematic and artistic experimentation normally associated with NEK. The rise of history as a thematic concern of Greek cinema of the 1960s is another main focus of this thesis, which attempts to reveal how the Civil-War trauma, and oppositional historical perspectives (typically associated with NEK) found way in disguised forms in the narratives of mainstream films. Finally, through a close examination of the thematic and stylistic concerns of short films made in the 1960s (which include the early works of some of the major NEK figures) it demonstrates the continuity between the cinematic developments of the 1960s and the 1970s

    Recognizing Teamwork Activity In Observations Of Embodied Agents

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    This thesis presents contributions to the theory and practice of team activity recognition. A particular focus of our work was to improve our ability to collect and label representative samples, thus making the team activity recognition more efficient. A second focus of our work is improving the robustness of the recognition process in the presence of noisy and distorted data. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: We developed a software tool, the Teamwork Scenario Editor (TSE), for the acquisition, segmentation and labeling of teamwork data. Using the TSE we acquired a corpus of labeled team actions both from synthetic and real world sources. We developed an approach through which representations of idealized team actions can be acquired in form of Hidden Markov Models which are trained using a small set of representative examples segmented and labeled with the TSE. We developed set of team-oriented feature functions, which extract discrete features from the high-dimensional continuous data. The features were chosen such that they mimic the features used by humans when recognizing teamwork actions. We developed a technique to recognize the likely roles played by agents in teams even before the team action was recognized. Through experimental studies we show that the feature functions and role recognition module significantly increase the recognition accuracy, while allowing arbitrary shuffled inputs and noisy data
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