11 research outputs found

    Pruning, Pushdown Exception-Flow Analysis

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    Statically reasoning in the presence of exceptions and about the effects of exceptions is challenging: exception-flows are mutually determined by traditional control-flow and points-to analyses. We tackle the challenge of analyzing exception-flows from two angles. First, from the angle of pruning control-flows (both normal and exceptional), we derive a pushdown framework for an object-oriented language with full-featured exceptions. Unlike traditional analyses, it allows precise matching of throwers to catchers. Second, from the angle of pruning points-to information, we generalize abstract garbage collection to object-oriented programs and enhance it with liveness analysis. We then seamlessly weave the techniques into enhanced reachability computation, yielding highly precise exception-flow analysis, without becoming intractable, even for large applications. We evaluate our pruned, pushdown exception-flow analysis, comparing it with an established analysis on large scale standard Java benchmarks. The results show that our analysis significantly improves analysis precision over traditional analysis within a reasonable analysis time.Comment: 14th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulatio

    Sound and Precise Malware Analysis for Android via Pushdown Reachability and Entry-Point Saturation

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    We present Anadroid, a static malware analysis framework for Android apps. Anadroid exploits two techniques to soundly raise precision: (1) it uses a pushdown system to precisely model dynamically dispatched interprocedural and exception-driven control-flow; (2) it uses Entry-Point Saturation (EPS) to soundly approximate all possible interleavings of asynchronous entry points in Android applications. (It also integrates static taint-flow analysis and least permissions analysis to expand the class of malicious behaviors which it can catch.) Anadroid provides rich user interface support for human analysts which must ultimately rule on the "maliciousness" of a behavior. To demonstrate the effectiveness of Anadroid's malware analysis, we had teams of analysts analyze a challenge suite of 52 Android applications released as part of the Auto- mated Program Analysis for Cybersecurity (APAC) DARPA program. The first team analyzed the apps using a ver- sion of Anadroid that uses traditional (finite-state-machine-based) control-flow-analysis found in existing malware analysis tools; the second team analyzed the apps using a version of Anadroid that uses our enhanced pushdown-based control-flow-analysis. We measured machine analysis time, human analyst time, and their accuracy in flagging malicious applications. With pushdown analysis, we found statistically significant (p < 0.05) decreases in time: from 85 minutes per app to 35 minutes per app in human plus machine analysis time; and statistically significant (p < 0.05) increases in accuracy with the pushdown-driven analyzer: from 71% correct identification to 95% correct identification.Comment: Appears in 3rd Annual ACM CCS workshop on Security and Privacy in SmartPhones and Mobile Devices (SPSM'13), Berlin, Germany, 201

    Non-Essential Communication in Mobile Applications

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    This paper studies communication patterns in mobile applications. Our analysis shows that 65% of the HTTP, socket, and RPC communication in top-popular Android applications from Google Play have no effect on the user-observable application functionality. We present a static analysis that is able to detect non-essential communication with 84%-90% precision and 63%-64% recall, depending on whether advertisement content is interpreted as essential or not. We use our technique to analyze the 500 top-popular Android applications from Google Play and determine that more than 80% of the connection statements in these applications are non-essential

    Covert Communication in Mobile Applications

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    This paper studies communication patterns in mobile applications. Our analysis shows that 63% of the external communication made by top-popular free Android applications from Google Play has no effect on the user-observable application functionality. To detect such covert communication in an efficient manner, we propose a highly precise and scalable static analysis technique: it achieves 93% precision and 61% recall compared to the empirically determined “ground truth”, and runs in a matter of a few minutes. Furthermore, according to human evaluators, in 42 out of 47 cases, disabling connections deemed covert by our analysis leaves the delivered application experience either completely intact or with only insignificant interference. We conclude that our technique is effective for identifying and disabling covert communication. We then use it to investigate communication patterns in the 500 top-popular applications from Google Play.United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Agreement FA8750-12-2-0110

    Discovering faults in idiom-based exception handling.

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    ABSTRACT In this paper, we analyse the exception handling mechanism of a state-of-the-art industrial embedded software system. Like many systems implemented in classic programming languages, our subject system uses the popular return-code idiom for dealing with exceptions. Our goal is to evaluate the fault-proneness of this idiom, and we therefore present a characterisation of the idiom, a fault model accompanied by an analysis tool, and empirical data. Our findings show that the idiom is indeed fault prone, but that a simple solution can lead to significant improvements

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationToday's smartphones house private and confidential data ubiquitously. Mobile apps running on the devices can leak sensitive information by accident or intentionally. To understand application behaviors before running a program, we need to statically analyze it, tracking what data are accessed, where sensitive data ow, and what operations are performed with the data. However, automated identification of malicious behaviors in Android apps is challenging: First, there is a primary challenge in analyzing object-oriented programs precisely, soundly and efficiently, especially in the presence of exceptions. Second, there is an Android-specific challenge|asynchronous execution of multiple entry points. Third, the maliciousness of any given behavior is application-dependent and subject to human judgment. In this work, I develop a generic, highly precise static analysis of object-oriented code with multiple entry points, on which I construct an eective malware identification system with a human in the loop. Specically, I develop a new analysis-pushdown exception-ow analysis, to generalize the analysis of normal control flows and exceptional flows in object-oriented programs. To rene points-to information, I generalize abstract garbage collection to object-oriented programs and enhance it with liveness analysis for even better precision. To tackle Android-specic challenges, I develop multientry point saturation to approximate the eect of arbitrary asynchronous events. To apply the analysis techniques to security, I develop a static taint- ow analysis to track and propagate tainted sensitive data in the push-down exception-flow framework. To accelerate the speed of static analysis, I develop a compact and ecient encoding scheme, called G odel hashes, and integrate it into the analysis framework. All the techniques are realized and evaluated in a system, named AnaDroid. AnaDroid is designed with a human in the loop to specify analysis conguration, properties of interest and then to make the nal judgment and identify where the maliciousness is, based on analysis results. The analysis results include control- ow graphs highlighting suspiciousness, permission and risk-ranking reports. The experiments show that AnaDroid can lead to precise and fast identication of common classes of Android malware

    Model checking techniques for runtime testing and QoS analysis

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    Los sistemas software y hardware se encuentran cada vez más presentes en nuestras vidas, en multitud de campos de aplicación y de cualquier tamaño. El análisis de estos sistemas es una tarea dura pero necesaria para garantizar que cumplan con sus requisitos. Estos requisitos pueden ser de varios tipos, como evitar comportamientos erróneos u ofrecer un rendimiento satisfactorio. Existen muchas técnicas y herramientas diseñadas para atacar este problema. Por lo general, se aplican distintas técnicas dependiendo del tipo de sistema, fase de desarrollo o tipo de análisis. El model checking es una de estas técnicas de análisis. Un model checker analiza el espacio de estados de un sistema para comprobar si el sistema cumple una propiedad dada. Sin embargo, según aumenta la complejidad del sistema a analizar, su espacio de estados crece rápidamente, hasta llegar a un punto en el que no es factible analizarlo. En esta tesis proponemos una solución integrada basada en model checking para analizar sistemas cuyo comportamiento pueda ser observado en forma de trazas de ejecución. Hemos llamado a esta solución OptySim. Nuestra solución permite acceder a sistemas externos de una forma uniforme, permitiendo realizar distintos tipos de análisis sobre diferentes tipos de sistemas de una forma más homogénea. OptySim trata con un conjunto de trazas de ejecución, que representan un subconjunto del espacio de estados completo del sistema. Para obtener dichas trazas el sistema se ejecuta repetidas veces, posiblemente variando parámetros del sistema de acuerdo a las instrucciones del usuario, generándose una traza por cada ejecución. El contenido de las trazas depende de cada sistema, y además puede variar dependiendo de las necesidades del análisis. Para ello se pueden aplicar una de las proyecciones que se han definido, y que transforman trazas completas en trazas abstractas con una menor, pero suficiente para los propósitos del análisis, cantidad de información. El análisis está guiado por uno o más objetivos establecidos por el usuario, tales como asertos o fórmulas de lógica temporal (LTL), y que le dan al análisis el significado pretendido por el usuario. Los objetivos pueden indicar tanto propiedades deseables del sistema, por ejemplo una meta de rendimiento, como propiedades que no deben ocurrir, por ejemplo una condición de error. OptySim se ha aplicado a varios casos de estudio en varias áreas y con distintos propósitos, para demostrar su utilidad. En primer lugar se ha integrado con el simulador de redes ns-2, para análisis de fiabilidad y rendimiento, optimización de parámetros, y validación y ajuste de modelos. Para el segundo grupo de casos de estudio, se ha integrado con una máquina virtual de Java para analizar programas escritos en dicho lenguaje de programación. En esta ocasión, todos los casos de estudio están enfocados a la depuración de programas

    Robustness Testing of Java Server Applications

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    This paper presents a new compile-time analysis that enables a testing methodology for white-box coverage testing of error recovery code (i.e., exception handlers) in Java web services using compiler-directed fault injection. The analysis allows compiler-generated instrumentation to guide the fault injection and to record the recovery code exercised. (An injected fault is experienced as a Java exception.) The analysis (i) identifies the exception-flow &apos;def-uses&apos; to be tested in this manner, (ii) determines the kind of fault to be requested at a program point, and (iii) finds appropriate locations for code instrumentation. The analysis incorporates refinements that establish sufficient context sensitivity to ensure relatively precise def-use links and to eliminate some spurious def-uses due to demonstrably infeasible control flow. A runtime test harness calculates test coverage of these links using an exception def-catch metric. Experiments with the methodology demonstrate the utility of the increased precision in obtaining good test coverage on a set of moderately-sized Java web services benchmarks.This paper presents a new compiletime analysis that enables a testing methodology for white-box coverage testing of error recovery code (i.e., exception handlers) in Java web services using compiler-directed fault injection. The analysis allows compiler-generated instrumentation to guide the fault injection and to record the recovery code exercised. (An injected fault is experienced as a Java exception.) The analysis (i) identifies the exception-flow &apos;def-uses&apos; to be tested in this manner, (ii) determines the kind of fault to be requested at a program point, and (iii) finds appropriate locations for code instrumentation. The analysis incorporates refinements that establish su..

    Robustness Testing of Java Server Applications

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    This paper presents a new compile-time analysis that enables a testing methodology for white-box coverage testing of error recovery code (i.e., exception handlers) of server applications written in Java, using compiler-directed fault injection. The analysis allows compiler-generated instrumentation to guide the fault injection and to record the recovery code exercised. (An injected fault is experienced as a Java exception.) The analysis 1) identifies the exception-flow &quot;def-uses&quot; to be tested in this manner, 2) determines the kind of fault to be requested at a program point, and 3) finds appropriate locations for code instrumentation. The analysis incorporates refinements that establish sufficient context sensitivity to ensure relatively precise def-use links and to eliminate some spurious def-uses due to demonstrably infeasible control flow. A runtime test harness calculates test coverage of these links using an exception def-catch metric. Experiments with the methodology demonstrate the utility of the increased precision in obtaining good test coverage on a set of moderately sized server benchmarks

    Robustness testing of Java server applications

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