1,868 research outputs found

    On robust stability of stochastic genetic regulatory networks with time delays: A delay fractioning approach

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    Copyright [2009] IEEE. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Brunel University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.Robust stability serves as an important regulation mechanism in system biology and synthetic biology. In this paper, the robust stability analysis problem is investigated for a class of nonlinear delayed genetic regulatory networks with parameter uncertainties and stochastic perturbations. The nonlinear function describing the feedback regulation satisfies the sector condition, the time delays exist in both translation and feedback regulation processes, and the state-dependent Brownian motions are introduced to reflect the inherent intrinsic and extrinsic noise perturbations. The purpose of the addressed stability analysis problem is to establish some easy-to-verify conditions under which the dynamics of the true concentrations of the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and protein is asymptotically stable irrespective of the norm-bounded modeling errors. By utilizing a new Lyapunov functional based on the idea of “delay fractioning”, we employ the linear matrix inequality (LMI) technique to derive delay-dependent sufficient conditions ensuring the robust stability of the gene regulatory networks. Note that the obtained results are formulated in terms of LMIs that can easily be solved using standard software packages. Simulation examples are exploited to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design procedures

    A delay-dividing approach to robust stability of uncertain stochastic complex-valued Hopfield delayed neural networks

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    In scientific disciplines and other engineering applications, most of the systems refer to uncertainties, because when modeling physical systems the uncertain parameters are unavoidable. In view of this, it is important to investigate dynamical systems with uncertain parameters. In the present study, a delay-dividing approach is devised to study the robust stability issue of uncertain neural networks. Specifically, the uncertain stochastic complex-valued Hopfield neural network (USCVHNN) with time delay is investigated. Here, the uncertainties of the system parameters are norm-bounded. Based on the Lyapunov mathematical approach and homeomorphism principle, the sufficient conditions for the global asymptotic stability of USCVHNN are derived. To perform this derivation, we divide a complex-valued neural network (CVNN) into two parts, namely real and imaginary, using the delay-dividing approach. All the criteria are expressed by exploiting the linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Based on two examples, we obtain good theoretical results that ascertain the usefulness of the proposed delay-dividing approach for the USCVHNN model

    Distributed state estimation in sensor networks with randomly occurring nonlinearities subject to time delays

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the links below - Copyright @ 2012 ACM.This article is concerned with a new distributed state estimation problem for a class of dynamical systems in sensor networks. The target plant is described by a set of differential equations disturbed by a Brownian motion and randomly occurring nonlinearities (RONs) subject to time delays. The RONs are investigated here to reflect network-induced randomly occurring regulation of the delayed states on the current ones. Through available measurement output transmitted from the sensors, a distributed state estimator is designed to estimate the states of the target system, where each sensor can communicate with the neighboring sensors according to the given topology by means of a directed graph. The state estimation is carried out in a distributed way and is therefore applicable to online application. By resorting to the Lyapunov functional combined with stochastic analysis techniques, several delay-dependent criteria are established that not only ensure the estimation error to be globally asymptotically stable in the mean square, but also guarantee the existence of the desired estimator gains that can then be explicitly expressed when certain matrix inequalities are solved. A numerical example is given to verify the designed distributed state estimators.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61028008, 60804028 and 61174136, the Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province of China, the Project sponsored by SRF for ROCS of SEM of China, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK under Grant GR/S27658/01, the Royal Society of the UK, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Global synchronization for delayed complex networks with randomly occurring nonlinearities and multiple stochastic disturbances

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    This is the post print version of the article. The official published version can be obained from the link - Copyright 2009 IOP Publishing LtdThis paper is concerned with the synchronization problem for a new class of continuous time delayed complex networks with stochastic nonlinearities (randomly occurring nonlinearities), interval time-varying delays, unbounded distributed delays as well as multiple stochastic disturbances. The stochastic nonlinearities and multiple stochastic disturbances are investigated here in order to reflect more realistic dynamical behaviors of the complex networks that are affected by the noisy environment. By utilizing a new matrix functional with the idea of partitioning the lower bound h1 of the time-varying delay, we employ the stochastic analysis techniques and the properties of the Kronecker product to establish delay-dependent synchronization criteria that ensure the globally asymptotically mean-square synchronization of the addressed stochastic delayed complex networks. The sufficient conditions obtained are in the form of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) whose solutions can be readily solved by using the standard numerical software. A numerical example is exploited to show the applicability of the proposed results.This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK under Grant GR/S27658/01, an International Joint Project sponsored by the Royal Society of the UK, the National 973 Program of China under Grant 2009CB320600, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 60804028, the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education for New Teachers under Grant 200802861044, the Teaching and Research Fund for Excellent Young Teachers at Southeast University of China, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Finite-time Anti-synchronization of Memristive Stochastic BAM Neural Networks with Probabilistic Time-varying Delays

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    This paper investigates the drive-response finite-time anti-synchronization for memristive bidirectional associative memory neural networks (MBAMNNs). Firstly, a class of MBAMNNs with mixed probabilistic time-varying delays and stochastic perturbations is first formulated and analyzed in this paper. Secondly, an nonlinear control law is constructed and utilized to guarantee drive-response finite-time anti-synchronization of the neural networks. Thirdly, by employing some inequality technique and constructing an appropriate Lyapunov function, some anti-synchronization criteria are derived. Finally, a number simulation is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed mechanism

    Robust H∞ feedback control for uncertain stochastic delayed genetic regulatory networks with additive and multiplicative noise

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    The official published version can found at the link below.Noises are ubiquitous in genetic regulatory networks (GRNs). Gene regulation is inherently a stochastic process because of intrinsic and extrinsic noises that cause kinetic parameter variations and basal rate disturbance. Time delays are usually inevitable due to different biochemical reactions in such GRNs. In this paper, a delayed stochastic model with additive and multiplicative noises is utilized to describe stochastic GRNs. A feedback gene controller design scheme is proposed to guarantee that the GRN is mean-square asymptotically stable with noise attenuation, where the structure of the controllers can be specified according to engineering requirements. By applying control theory and mathematical tools, the analytical solution to the control design problem is given, which helps to provide some insight into synthetic biology and systems biology. The control scheme is employed in a three-gene network to illustrate the applicability and usefulness of the design.This work was funded by Royal Society of the U.K.; Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China. Grant Number: 2007E4; Heilongjiang Outstanding Youth Science Fund of China. Grant Number: JC200809; Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation. Grant Number: 111064; International Science and Technology Cooperation Project of China. Grant Number: 2009DFA32050; University of Science and Technology of China Graduate Innovative Foundation

    Non-fragile H∞ control with randomly occurring gain variations, distributed delays and channel fadings

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    This study is concerned with the non-fragile H∞ control problem for a class of discrete-time systems subject to randomly occurring gain variations (ROGVs), channel fadings and infinite-distributed delays. A new stochastic phenomenon (ROGVs), which is governed by a sequence of random variables with a certain probabilistic distribution, is put forward to better reflect the reality of the randomly occurring fluctuation of controller gains implemented in networked environments. A modified stochastic Rice fading model is then exploited to account for both channel fadings and random time-delays in a unified representation. The channel coefficients are a set of mutually independent random variables which abide by any (not necessarily Gaussian) probability density function on [0, 1]. Attention is focused on the analysis and design of a non-fragile H∞ outputfeedback controller such that the closed-loop control system is stochastically stable with a prescribed H∞ performance. Through intensive stochastic analysis, sufficient conditions are established for the desired stochastic stability and H∞ disturbance attenuation, and the addressed non-fragile control problem is then recast as a convex optimisation problem solvable via the semidefinite programme method. An example is finally provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method

    Multiobjective nonfragile fuzzy control for nonlinear stochastic financial systems with mixed time delays

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    In this study, a multiobjective nonfragile control is proposed for a class of stochastic Takagi and Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy systems with mixed time delays to guarantee the optimal H2 and H∞ performance simultaneously. Firstly, based on the T–S fuzzy model, two form of nonfragile state feedback controllers are designed to stabilize the T–S fuzzy system, that is to say, nonfragile state feedback controllers minimize the H2 and H∞ performance simultaneously. Then, by applying T–S fuzzy approach, the multiobjective H2/H∞ nonfragile fuzzy control problem is transformed into linear matrix inequality (LMI)-constrained multiobjective problem (MOP). In addition, we efficiently solve Pareto optimal solutions for the MOP by employing LMI-based multiobjective evolution algorithm (MOEA). Finally, the validity of this approach is illustrated by a realistic design example

    Probabilistic control for uncertain systems

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    In this paper a new framework has been applied to the design of controllers which encompasses nonlinearity, hysteresis and arbitrary density functions of forward models and inverse controllers. Using mixture density networks, the probabilistic models of both the forward and inverse dynamics are estimated such that they are dependent on the state and the control input. The optimal control strategy is then derived which minimizes uncertainty of the closed loop system. In the absence of reliable plant models, the proposed control algorithm incorporates uncertainties in model parameters, observations, and latent processes. The local stability of the closed loop system has been established. The efficacy of the control algorithm is demonstrated on two nonlinear stochastic control examples with additive and multiplicative noise