230 research outputs found

    A quantitative and spatial analysis of cell cycle regulators during the fission yeast cycle

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    We have carried out a systems-level analysis of the spatial and temporal dynamics of cell cycle regulators in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In a comprehensive single-cell analysis, we have precisely quantified the levels of 38 proteins previously identified as regulators of the G2 to mitosis transition and of 7 proteins acting at the G1- to S-phase transition. Only 2 of the 38 mitotic regulators exhibit changes in concentration at the whole-cell level: the mitotic B-type cyclin Cdc13, which accumulates continually throughout the cell cycle, and the regulatory phosphatase Cdc25, which exhibits a complex cell cycle pattern. Both proteins show similar patterns of change within the nucleus as in the whole cell but at higher concentrations. In addition, the concentrations of the major fission yeast cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) Cdc2, the CDK regulator Suc1, and the inhibitory kinase Wee1 also increase in the nucleus, peaking at mitotic onset, but are constant in the whole cell. The significant increase in concentration with size for Cdc13 supports the view that mitotic B-type cyclin accumulation could act as a cell size sensor. We propose a two-step process for the control of mitosis. First, Cdc13 accumulates in a size-dependent manner, which drives increasing CDK activity. Second, from mid-G2, the increasing nuclear accumulation of Cdc25 and the counteracting Wee1 introduce a bistability switch that results in a rapid rise of CDK activity at the end of G2 and thus, brings about an orderly progression into mitosis

    Parameter identification problems in the modelling of cell motility

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    We present a novel parameter identification algorithm for the estimation of parameters in models of cell motility using imaging data of migrating cells. Two alternative formulations of the objective functional that measures the difference between the computed and observed data are proposed and the parameter identification problem is formulated as a minimisation problem of nonlinear least squares type. A Levenberg–Marquardt based optimisation method is applied to the solution of the minimisation problem and the details of the implementation are discussed. A number of numerical experiments are presented which illustrate the robustness of the algorithm to parameter identification in the presence of large deformations and noisy data and parameter identification in three dimensional models of cell motility. An application to experimental data is also presented in which we seek to identify parameters in a model for the monopolar growth of fission yeast cells using experimental imaging data. Our numerical tests allow us to compare the method with the two different formulations of the objective functional and we conclude that the results with both objective functionals seem to agree

    CDK control pathways integrate cell size and ploidy information to control cell division

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    Maintenance of cell size homeostasis is a property that is conserved throughout eukaryotes. Cell size homeostasis is brought about by the co-ordination of cell division with cell growth and requires restriction of smaller cells from undergoing mitosis and cell division, whilst allowing larger cells to do so. Cyclin-CDK is the fundamental driver of mitosis and therefore ultimately ensures size homeostasis. Here we dissect determinants of CDK activity in vivo to investigate how cell size information is processed by the cell cycle network in fission yeast. We develop a high-throughput single-cell assay system of CDK activity in vivo and show that inhibitory tyrosine phosphorylation of CDK encodes cell size information, with the phosphatase PP2A aiding to set a size threshold for division. CDK inhibitory phosphorylation works synergistically with PP2A to prevent mitosis in smaller cells. Finally, we find that diploid cells of equivalent size to haploid cells exhibit lower CDK activity in response to equal cyclin-CDK enzyme concentrations, suggesting that CDK activity is reduced by increased DNA levels. Therefore, scaling of cyclin-CDK levels with cell size, CDK inhibitory phosphorylation, PP2A, and DNA-dependent inhibition of CDK activity, all inform the cell cycle network of cell size, thus contributing to cell size homeostasis

    Investigation of the biophysical basis for cell organelle morphology

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    It is known that fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe maintains its nuclear envelope during mitosis and it undergoes an interesting shape change during cell division - from a spherical via an ellipsoidal and a peanut-like to a dumb-bell shape. However, the biomechanical system behind this amazing transformation is still not understood. What we know is, that the shape must change due to forces acting on the membrane surrounding the nucleus and the microtubule based mitotic spindle is thought to play a key role. To estimate the locations and directions of the forces, the shape of the nucleus was recorded by confocal light microscopy. But such data is often inhomogeneously labeled with gaps in the boundary, making classical segmentation impractical. In order to accurately determine the shape we developed a global parametric shape description method, based on a Fourier coordinate expansion. The method implicitly assumes a closed and smooth surface. We will calculate the geometrical properties of the 2-dimensional shape and extend it to 3-dimensional properties, assuming rotational symmetry. Using a mechanical model for the lipid bilayer and the so called Helfrich-Canham free energy we want to calculate the minimum energy shape while respecting system-specific constraints to the surface and the enclosed volume. Comparing it with the observed shape leads to the forces. This provides the needed research tools to study forces based on images

    Author response

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    Cells can, in principle, control their size by growing to a specified size before commencing cell division. How any cell actually senses its own size remains poorly understood. The fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe are rod-shaped cells that grow to ∼14 µm in length before entering mitosis. In this study, we provide evidence that these cells sense their surface area as part of this size control mechanism. We show that cells enter mitosis at a certain surface area, as opposed to a certain volume or length. A peripheral membrane protein kinase cdr2p has properties of a dose-dependent ‘sizer’ that controls mitotic entry. As cells grow, the local cdr2p concentration in nodes at the medial cortex accumulates as a measure of cell surface area. Our findings, which challenge a previously proposed pom1p gradient model, lead to a new model in which cells sense their size by using cdr2p to probe the surface area over the whole cell and relay this information to the medial cortex. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.02040.00

    Extracting fluorescent reporter time courses of cell lineages from high-throughput microscopy at low temporal resolution

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    Live Cell Imaging and High Throughput Screening are rapidly evolving techniques and have found many applications in recent years. Modern microscopy enables the visualisation of internal changes in the cell through the use of fluorescently tagged proteins which can be targeted to specific cellular components. A system is presented here which is designed to track cells at low temporal resolution within large populations, and to extract fluorescence data which allows relative expression rates of tagged proteins to be monitored. Cell detection and tracking are performed as separate steps, and several methods are evaluated for suitability using timeseries images of Hoechst-stained C2C12 mouse mesenchymal stem cells. The use of Hoechst staining ensures cell nuclei are visible throughout a time-series. Dynamic features, including a characteristic change in Hoechst fluorescence intensity during chromosome condensation, are used to identify cell divisions and resulting daughter cells. The ability to detect cell division is integrated into the tracking, aiding lineage construction. To establish the efficiency of the method, synthetic cell images have been produced and used to evaluate cell detection accuracy. A validation framework is created which allows the accuracy of the automatic segmentation and tracking systems to be measured and compared against existing state of the art software, such as CellProfiler. Basic tracking methods, including nearest-neighbour and cell-overlap, are provided as a baseline to evaluate the performance of more sophisticated methods. The software is demonstrated on a number of biological systems, starting with a study of different control elements of the Msx1 gene, which regulates differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. Expression is followed through multiple lineages to identify asymmetric divisions which may be due to cell differentiation. The lineage construction methods are applied to Schizosaccharomyces pombe time-series image data, allowing the extraction of generation lengths for individual cells. Finally a study is presented which examines correlations between the circadian and cell cycles. This makes use of the recently developed FUCCI cell cycle markers which, when used in conjunction with a circadian indicator such as Rev-erbα-Venus, allow simultaneous measurements of both cycles

    Scarless Gene Tagging with One-Step Transformation and Two-Step Selection in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe

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    Gene tagging with fluorescent proteins is commonly applied to investigate the localization and dynamics of proteins in their cellular environment. Ideally, a fluorescent tag is genetically inserted at the endogenous locus at the N- or C- terminus of the gene of interest without disrupting regulatory sequences including the 5’ and 3’ untranslated region (UTR) and without introducing any extraneous unwanted “scar” sequences, which may create unpredictable transcriptional or translational effects. We present a reliable, low-cost, and highly efficient method for the construction of such scarless C-terminal and N-terminal fusions with fluorescent proteins in yeast. The method relies on sequential positive and negative selection and uses an integration cassette with long flanking regions, which is assembled by two-step PCR, to increase the homologous recombination frequency. The method also enables scarless tagging of essential genes with no need for a complementing plasmid. To further ease high-throughput strain construction, we have computationally automated design of the primers, applied the primer design code to all open reading frames (ORFs) of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) and the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe (S. pombe), and provide here the computed sequences. To illustrate the scarless N- and C-terminal gene tagging methods in S. cerevisiae, we tagged various genes including the E3 ubiquitin ligase RSP5, the proteasome subunit PRE1, and the eleven Rab GTPases with yeast codon-optimized mNeonGreen or mCherry; several of these represent essential genes. We also implemented the scarless C-terminal gene tagging method in the distantly related organism S. pombe using kanMX6 and HSV1tk as positive and negative selection markers, respectively, as well as ura4. The scarless gene tagging methods presented here are widely applicable to visualize and investigate the functional roles of proteins in living cells.United States. National Institutes of Health (NS087557)American Parkinson Disease Association, Inc