4,706 research outputs found

    Dust Abundance Variations in the Magellanic Clouds: Probing the Lifecycle of Metals with All-Sky Surveys

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    Observations and modeling suggest that the dust abundance (gas-to-dust ratio, G/D) depends on (surface) density. The variations of the G/D provide constraints on the timescales for the different processes involved in the lifecycle of metals in galaxies. Recent G/D measurements based on Herschel data suggest a factor 5---10 decrease in the dust abundance between the dense and diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) in the Magellanic Clouds. However, the relative nature of the Herschel measurements precludes definitive conclusions on the magnitude of those variations. We investigate the variations of the dust abundance in the LMC and SMC using all-sky far-infrared surveys, which do not suffer from the limitations of Herschel on their zero-point calibration. We stack the dust spectral energy distribution (SED) at 100, 350, 550, and 850 microns from IRAS and Planck in intervals of gas surface density, model the stacked SEDs to derive the dust surface density, and constrain the relation between G/D and gas surface density in the range 10---100 \Msu pc−2^{-2} on ∼\sim 80 pc scales. We find that G/D decreases by factors of 3 (from 1500 to 500) in the LMC and 7 (from 1.5×104\times 10^4 to 2000) in the SMC between the diffuse and dense ISM. The surface density dependence of G/D is consistent with elemental depletions and with simple modeling of the accretion of gas-phase metals onto dust grains. This result has important implications for the sub-grid modeling of galaxy evolution, and for the calibration of dust-based gas mass estimates, both locally and at high-redshift.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figure

    An improved method for statistical studies of the internal kinematics of HII regions: the case of M 83

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    We present the integrated Halpha emission line profile for 157 HII regions in the central 3.4' x 3.4' of the galaxy M 83 (NGC 5236). Using the Fabry-Perot interferometer GHaFaS, on the 4.2 m William Herschel on La Palma, we show the importance of a good characterization of the instrumental response function for the study of line profile shapes. The luminosity-velocity dispersion relation is also studied, and in the log(L)-log(sigma) plane we do not find a linear relation, but an upper envelope with equation log(L)=0.9 *log(sigma)+38.1. For the adopted distance of 4.5 Mpc, the upper envelope appears at the luminosity L=10^38.5 ergs, in full agreement with previous studies of other galaxies, reinforcing the idea of using HII regions as standard candles.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Machine-learning nonstationary noise out of gravitational-wave detectors

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    Signal extraction out of background noise is a common challenge in high-precision physics experiments, where the measurement output is often a continuous data stream. To improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the detection, witness sensors are often used to independently measure background noises and subtract them from the main signal. If the noise coupling is linear and stationary, optimal techniques already exist and are routinely implemented in many experiments. However, when the noise coupling is nonstationary, linear techniques often fail or are suboptimal. Inspired by the properties of the background noise in gravitational wave detectors, this work develops a novel algorithm to efficiently characterize and remove nonstationary noise couplings, provided there exist witnesses of the noise source and of the modulation. In this work, the algorithm is described in its most general formulation, and its efficiency is demonstrated with examples from the data of the Advanced LIGO gravitational-wave observatory, where we could obtain an improvement of the detector gravitational-wave reach without introducing any bias on the source parameter estimation

    Nanophotonic waveguide enhanced Raman spectroscopy of biological submonolayers

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    Characterizing a monolayer of biological molecules has been a major challenge. We demonstrate nanophotonic wave-guide enhanced Raman spectroscopy (NWERS) of monolayers in the near-infrared region, enabling real-time measurements of the hybridization of DNA strands and the density of sub-monolayers of biotin-streptavidin complex immobilized on top of a photonics chip. NWERS is based on enhanced evanescent excitation and collection of spontaneous Raman scattering near nanophotonic waveguides, which for a one centimeter silicon nitride waveguide delivers a signal that is more than four orders of magnitude higher in comparison to a confocal Raman microscope. The reduced acquisition time and specificity of the signal allows for a quantitative and real-time characterization of surface species, hitherto not possible using Raman spectroscopy. NWERS provides a direct analytic tool for monolayer research and also opens a route to compact microscope-less lab-on-a-chip devices with integrated sources, spectrometers and detectors fabricated using a mass-producible CMOS technology platform

    The Sloan Lens ACS Survey. I. A Large Spectroscopically Selected Sample of Massive Early-Type Lens Galaxies

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    The Sloan Lens ACS (SLACS) Survey is an efficient Hubble Space Telescope Snapshot imaging survey for new galaxy-scale strong gravitational lenses. The targeted lens candidates are selected spectroscopically from within the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) database of galaxy spectra for having multiple nebular emission lines at a redshift significantly higher than that of the SDSS target galaxy. In this paper, we present a catalog of 19 newly discovered gravitational lenses, along with 9 other observed candidate systems that are either possible lenses, non-lenses, or non-detections. The survey efficiency is thus >=68%. We also present Gemini and Magellan IFU data for 9 of the SLACS targets, which further support the lensing interpretation. A new method for the effective subtraction of foreground galaxy images to reveal faint background features is presented. We show that the SLACS lens galaxies have colors and ellipticities typical of the spectroscopic parent sample from which they are drawn (SDSS luminous red galaxies and quiescent main-sample galaxies), but are somewhat brighter and more centrally concentrated. Several explanations for the latter bias are suggested. The SLACS survey provides the first statistically significant and homogeneously selected sample of bright early-type lens galaxies, furnishing a powerful probe of the structure of early-type galaxies within the half-light radius. The high confirmation rate of lenses in the SLACS survey suggests consideration of spectroscopic lens discovery as an explicit science goal of future spectroscopic galaxy surveys (abridged).Comment: ApJ, in press. 20 pages, numerous figures, uses emulateapj. Replaced to include full-resolution spectro figures. Version with full-resolution imaging figures available at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~abolton/slacs1_hires.pdf (PDF) or at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/~abolton/slacs1_hires.ps.gz (PS). Additional SLACS survey info at http://www.slacs.or

    Investigation of top mass measurements with the ATLAS detector at LHC

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    Several methods for the determination of the mass of the top quark with the ATLAS detector at the LHC are presented. All dominant decay channels of the top quark can be explored. The measurements are in most cases dominated by systematic uncertainties. New methods have been developed to control those related to the detector. The results indicate that a total error on the top mass at the level of 1 GeV should be achievable.Comment: 47 pages, 40 figure
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