1,025 research outputs found

    Robotic manipulation with flexible link fingers

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    A robot manipulator is a spatial mechanism consisting essentially of a series of bodies, called "links", connected to each other at "joints". The joints can be of various types: revolute, rotary, planar, prismatic, telescopic or combinations of these. A serial connection of the links results in an open-chain manipulator. Closed-chain manipulators result from non-serial (or parallel) connections between links. Actuators at the joints of the manipulator provide power for motion. A robot is usually not designed for a very specific or repetitive task which can be done equally well by task-specific machines. Its strength lies in its ability to handle a range of tasks by virtue of being "re-programmable". Therefore, in addition to the mechanical hardware two other elements are integral to the description of a robot: sensors and control. With the advent of micro-electronics and digital computers the availability of sensors is ever increasing and the control is usually done by software executed by computers which also collect the sensory data. It is possible to model quite accurately, the dynamics of robot manipulators for purposes of control. However, for most practical robots the models are complex and numerically intensive to calculate in real-time. Traditional analyses of robot manipulators consider the whole mechanism to be rigid. Relaxation of the assumption of rigidity leads to further complication of the dynamics of the manipulator, leading to more difficulties in control. The overall motion of the manipulator is augmented by additional motion due to the dynamics of flexibility which must be considered. Sensing is also made more difficult. However, the ability to control robots with significant structural flexibilities, referred to as flexible robots in the rest of this thesis, influences robotics in many ways. It allows for consideration of new applications, observance of less conservative structural design and performance enhancements in certain classes of robotic tasks, which will be addressed in greater detail in the sections which follow

    Robot Manipulators

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    Robot manipulators are developing more in the direction of industrial robots than of human workers. Recently, the applications of robot manipulators are spreading their focus, for example Da Vinci as a medical robot, ASIMO as a humanoid robot and so on. There are many research topics within the field of robot manipulators, e.g. motion planning, cooperation with a human, and fusion with external sensors like vision, haptic and force, etc. Moreover, these include both technical problems in the industry and theoretical problems in the academic fields. This book is a collection of papers presenting the latest research issues from around the world

    Robotics 2010

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    Without a doubt, robotics has made an incredible progress over the last decades. The vision of developing, designing and creating technical systems that help humans to achieve hard and complex tasks, has intelligently led to an incredible variety of solutions. There are barely technical fields that could exhibit more interdisciplinary interconnections like robotics. This fact is generated by highly complex challenges imposed by robotic systems, especially the requirement on intelligent and autonomous operation. This book tries to give an insight into the evolutionary process that takes place in robotics. It provides articles covering a wide range of this exciting area. The progress of technical challenges and concepts may illuminate the relationship between developments that seem to be completely different at first sight. The robotics remains an exciting scientific and engineering field. The community looks optimistically ahead and also looks forward for the future challenges and new development

    Recent Advances in Robust Control

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    Robust control has been a topic of active research in the last three decades culminating in H_2/H_\infty and \mu design methods followed by research on parametric robustness, initially motivated by Kharitonov's theorem, the extension to non-linear time delay systems, and other more recent methods. The two volumes of Recent Advances in Robust Control give a selective overview of recent theoretical developments and present selected application examples. The volumes comprise 39 contributions covering various theoretical aspects as well as different application areas. The first volume covers selected problems in the theory of robust control and its application to robotic and electromechanical systems. The second volume is dedicated to special topics in robust control and problem specific solutions. Recent Advances in Robust Control will be a valuable reference for those interested in the recent theoretical advances and for researchers working in the broad field of robotics and mechatronics

    Performance of modified jatropha oil in combination with hexagonal boron nitride particles as a bio-based lubricant for green machining

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    This study evaluates the machining performance of newly developed modified jatropha oils (MJO1, MJO3 and MJO5), both with and without hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) particles (ranging between 0.05 and 0.5 wt%) during turning of AISI 1045 using minimum quantity lubrication (MQL). The experimental results indicated that, viscosity improved with the increase in MJOs molar ratio and hBN concentration. Excellent tribological behaviours is found to correlated with a better machining performance were achieved by MJO5a with 0.05 wt%. The MJO5a sample showed the lowest values of cutting force, cutting temperature and surface roughness, with a prolonged tool life and less tool wear, qualifying itself to be a potential alternative to the synthetic ester, with regard to the environmental concern

    Quadrotor team modeling and control for DLO transportation

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    94 p.Esta Tesis realiza una propuesta de un modelado dinámico para el transporte de sólidos lineales deformables (SLD) mediante un equipo de cuadricópteros. En este modelo intervienen tres factores: - Modelado dinámico del sólido lineal a transportar. - Modelo dinámico del cuadricóptero para que tenga en cuenta la dinámica pasiva y los efectos del SLD. - Estrategia de control para un transporte e ciente y robusto. Diferenciamos dos tareas principales: (a) lograr una con guración cuasiestacionaria de una distribución de carga equivalente a transportar entre todos los robots. (b) Ejecutar el transporte en un plano horizontal de todo el sistema. El transporte se realiza mediante una con guración de seguir al líder en columna, pero los cuadricópteros individualmente tienen que ser su cientemente robustos para afrontar todas las no-linealidades provocadas por la dinámica del SLD y perturbaciones externas, como el viento. Los controladores del cuadricóptero se han diseñado para asegurar la estabilidad del sistema y una rápida convergencia del sistema. Se han comparado y testeado estrategias de control en tiempo real y no-real para comprobar la bondad y capacidad de ajuste a las condiciones dinámicas cambiantes del sistema. También se ha estudiado la escalabilidad del sistema

    Nonlinear Control Strategies for Outdoor Aerial Manipulators

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    In this thesis, the design, validation and implementation of nonlinear control strategies for aerial manipulators {i.e. aerial robots equipped with manipulators{ is studied, with special emphasis on the internal coupling of the system and its resilience against external disturbances. For the rst, di erent decentralised control strategies {i.e. using di erent control typologies for each one of the subsystems{ that indirectly take into account this coupling have been analysed. As a result, a nonlinear strategy composed of two controllers is proposed. A higher priority is given to the manipulation accuracy, relaxing the platform tracking, and hence obtaining a solution improving the manipulation capabilities with the surrounding environment. To validate these results, thorough stability and robustness analyses are provided, both theoretically and in simulation. On the other hand, a signi cant e ort has been devoted to improving the response and applicability of robot manipulators used in ight via control. In particular, the design of controllers for lightweight exible manipulators {that reduce the consequences of incidents involving unforeseen contacts{ is analysed. Although their inherent nature perfectly ts for aerial manipulation applications, the added exibility produces unwanted behaviours, such as second-order modes and uncertainties. To cope with them, an adaptable position nonlinear control strategy is proposed. To validate this contribution, the stability of the approach is studied in theory and its capabilities are proven in several experimental scenarios. In these, the robustness of the solution against unforeseen impacts and contact with uncharacterised interfaces is demonstrated. Subsequently, this strategy has been enriched with {multiaxis{ force control capabilities thanks to the inclusion of an outer control loop modifying the manipulator reference. Accordingly, this additional applicationfocused capability is added to the controlled system without loosing the modulated response of the inner-loop position strategy. It is also worth noting that, thanks to the cascade-like nature of the modi cation, the transition between position and force control modes is inherently smooth and automatic. The stability of this expanded strategy has been theoretically analysed and the results validated in a set of experimental scenarios. To validate the rst nonlinear approach with realistic outdoor simulations before its implementation, a computational uid dynamics analysis has been performed to obtain an explicit model of the aerodynamic forces and torques applied to the blunt-body of the aerial platform in ight. The results of this study have been compared to the most common alternative nowadays, being highlighted that the proposed model signi cantly surpasses this option in terms of accuracy. Moreover, it is worth underscoring that this characterisation could be also employed in the future to develop control solutions with enhanced rejection capabilities against wind conditions. Finally, as the focus of this thesis is on the use of novel control strategies on real aerial manipulation outdoors to improve their accuracy while performing complex tasks, a modular autopilot solution to be able to implement them has been also developed. This general-purpose autopilot allows the implementation of new algorithms, and facilitates their theory-to-experimentation transition. Taking into account this perspective, the proposed tool employs the simple and widely-known MAS interface and the highly reliable PX4 autopilot as backup, thus providing a redundant approach to handle unexpected incidents in ight.En esta tesis se ha estudiado el diseño, validación e implementación de estrategias de control no lineales para robots manipuladores aéreos –esto es, robots aéreos equipados con un sistema de manipulación robótica–, dándose especial énfasis a las interacciones internas del sistema y a su resiliencia frente a efectos externos. Para lo primero, se han analizado diferentes estrategias de control descentralizado –es decir, que usan tipologías de control diferentes para cada uno de los subsistemas–, pero que tienen indirectamente en consideración la interacción entre manipulación y vuelo. Como resultado de esta línea, se propone una estretegia de control conformada por dos controladores. Estos se coordinan de tal forma que se le da prioridad a la manipulación sobre el seguimiento de posiciones del vehículo, produciéndose un sistema de control que mejora la precisión de las interacciones entre el sistema manipulador y el entorno. Para validar estos resultados, se ha analizado su estabilidad y robustez tanto teóricamente como mediante simulaciones numéricas. Por otro lado, se ha buscado mejorar la respuesta y aplicabilidad de los manipuladores que se usan en vuelo mediante su control. Dentro de esta tendencia, la tesis se ha centrado en el diseño de controladores para manipuladores ligeros flexibles, ya que estos permiten reducir el peso del sistema completo y reducen el riesgo de incidentes debidos a contactos inesperados. Sin embargo, la flexibilidad de estos produce comportamientos indeseados durante la operación, como la aparición de modos de segundo orden y cierta incentidumbre en su comportamiento. Para reducir su impacto en la precisión de las tareas de manipulación, se ha desarrollado un controlador no lineal adaptable. Para validar estos resultados, se ha analizado la estabilidad del sistema teóricamente y se han desarrollado una serie de experimentos. En ellos, se ha comprobado su robustez ante impactos inesperados y contactos con elementos no caracterizados. Posteriormente, esta estrategia para manipuladores flexibles ha sido ampliada al añadir un bucle externo que posibilita el control en fuerzas en varias direcciones. Esto permite, mediante un único controlador, mantener la suave respuesta de la estrategia. Además cabe destacar que, al contar esta estrategia con un diseño en cascade, la transición entre los segmentos de desplazamiento del brazo y de aplicación de fuerzas es fluida y automática. La estabilidad de esta estrategia ampliada ha sido analizada teóricamente y los resultados han sido validados experimentalmente. Para validar la primera estrategia mediante simulaciones que representen fielmente las condiciones en exteriores antes de su implementación, ha sido necesario realizar un estudio mediante mecánica de fluidos computacional para obtener un modelo explícito de las fuerzas y momentos aerodinámicos a los que se efrenta la plataforma en vuelo. Los resultados de este estudio han sido comparados con la alternativa más empleada actualmente, mostrándose que los avances del método propuesto son sustanciales. Asimismo, es importante destacar que esta caracterización podría también usarse en el futuro para desarrollar controladores con una respuesta mejorada ante perturbaciones aerodinámicas, como en el caso de volar con viento. Finalmente, al ser esta una tesis centrada en las estrategias de control novedosas en sistemas reales para la mejora de su rendimiento en misiones complejas, se ha desarrollado un autopiloto modular fácilmente modificable para implementarlas. Este permite validar experimentalmente nuevos algoritmos y facilita la transición entre teoría y práctica. Para ello, esta herramienta se basa en una interfaz sencilla ampliamente conocida por los investigadores de robótica, Simulink®, y cuenta con un autopiloto de respaldo, PX4, para enfrentarse a los incidentes inesperados que pudieran surgir en vuelo

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 3

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    The theme of the Conference was man-machine collaboration in space. The Conference provided a forum for researchers and engineers to exchange ideas on the research and development required for application of telerobotics technology to the space systems planned for the 1990s and beyond. The Conference: (1) provided a view of current NASA telerobotic research and development; (2) stimulated technical exchange on man-machine systems, manipulator control, machine sensing, machine intelligence, concurrent computation, and system architectures; and (3) identified important unsolved problems of current interest which can be dealt with by future research