27 research outputs found

    Adversarial Training Towards Robust Multimedia Recommender System

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    With the prevalence of multimedia content on the Web, developing recommender solutions that can effectively leverage the rich signal in multimedia data is in urgent need. Owing to the success of deep neural networks in representation learning, recent advance on multimedia recommendation has largely focused on exploring deep learning methods to improve the recommendation accuracy. To date, however, there has been little effort to investigate the robustness of multimedia representation and its impact on the performance of multimedia recommendation. In this paper, we shed light on the robustness of multimedia recommender system. Using the state-of-the-art recommendation framework and deep image features, we demonstrate that the overall system is not robust, such that a small (but purposeful) perturbation on the input image will severely decrease the recommendation accuracy. This implies the possible weakness of multimedia recommender system in predicting user preference, and more importantly, the potential of improvement by enhancing its robustness. To this end, we propose a novel solution named Adversarial Multimedia Recommendation (AMR), which can lead to a more robust multimedia recommender model by using adversarial learning. The idea is to train the model to defend an adversary, which adds perturbations to the target image with the purpose of decreasing the model's accuracy. We conduct experiments on two representative multimedia recommendation tasks, namely, image recommendation and visually-aware product recommendation. Extensive results verify the positive effect of adversarial learning and demonstrate the effectiveness of our AMR method. Source codes are available in https://github.com/duxy-me/AMR.Comment: TKD

    A Novel Privacy-Preserved Recommender System Framework based on Federated Learning

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    Recommender System (RS) is currently an effective way to solve information overload. To meet users' next click behavior, RS needs to collect users' personal information and behavior to achieve a comprehensive and profound user preference perception. However, these centrally collected data are privacy-sensitive, and any leakage may cause severe problems to both users and service providers. This paper proposed a novel privacy-preserved recommender system framework (PPRSF), through the application of federated learning paradigm, to enable the recommendation algorithm to be trained and carry out inference without centrally collecting users' private data. The PPRSF not only able to reduces the privacy leakage risk, satisfies legal and regulatory requirements but also allows various recommendation algorithms to be applied

    Investigating the Robustness of Sequential Recommender Systems Against Training Data Perturbations: an Empirical Study

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    Sequential Recommender Systems (SRSs) have been widely used to model user behavior over time, but their robustness in the face of perturbations to training data is a critical issue. In this paper, we conduct an empirical study to investigate the effects of removing items at different positions within a temporally ordered sequence. We evaluate two different SRS models on multiple datasets, measuring their performance using Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG) and Rank Sensitivity List metrics. Our results demonstrate that removing items at the end of the sequence significantly impacts performance, with NDCG decreasing up to 60\%, while removing items from the beginning or middle has no significant effect. These findings highlight the importance of considering the position of the perturbed items in the training data and shall inform the design of more robust SRSs

    Adversarial Item Promotion: Vulnerabilities at the Core of Top-N Recommenders that Use Images to Address Cold Start

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    E-commerce platforms provide their customers with ranked lists of recommended items matching the customers' preferences. Merchants on e-commerce platforms would like their items to appear as high as possible in the top-N of these ranked lists. In this paper, we demonstrate how unscrupulous merchants can create item images that artificially promote their products, improving their rankings. Recommender systems that use images to address the cold start problem are vulnerable to this security risk. We describe a new type of attack, Adversarial Item Promotion (AIP), that strikes directly at the core of Top-N recommenders: the ranking mechanism itself. Existing work on adversarial images in recommender systems investigates the implications of conventional attacks, which target deep learning classifiers. In contrast, our AIP attacks are embedding attacks that seek to push features representations in a way that fools the ranker (not a classifier) and directly lead to item promotion. We introduce three AIP attacks insider attack, expert attack, and semantic attack, which are defined with respect to three successively more realistic attack models. Our experiments evaluate the danger of these attacks when mounted against three representative visually-aware recommender algorithms in a framework that uses images to address cold start. We also evaluate two common defenses against adversarial images in the classification scenario and show that these simple defenses do not eliminate the danger of AIP attacks. In sum, we show that using images to address cold start opens recommender systems to potential threats with clear practical implications. To facilitate future research, we release an implementation of our attacks and defenses, which allows reproduction and extension.Comment: Our code is available at https://github.com/liuzrcc/AI

    Revisiting Adversarially Learned Injection Attacks Against Recommender Systems

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    Recommender systems play an important role in modern information and e-commerce applications. While increasing research is dedicated to improving the relevance and diversity of the recommendations, the potential risks of state-of-the-art recommendation models are under-explored, that is, these models could be subject to attacks from malicious third parties, through injecting fake user interactions to achieve their purposes. This paper revisits the adversarially-learned injection attack problem, where the injected fake user `behaviors' are learned locally by the attackers with their own model -- one that is potentially different from the model under attack, but shares similar properties to allow attack transfer. We found that most existing works in literature suffer from two major limitations: (1) they do not solve the optimization problem precisely, making the attack less harmful than it could be, (2) they assume perfect knowledge for the attack, causing the lack of understanding for realistic attack capabilities. We demonstrate that the exact solution for generating fake users as an optimization problem could lead to a much larger impact. Our experiments on a real-world dataset reveal important properties of the attack, including attack transferability and its limitations. These findings can inspire useful defensive methods against this possible existing attack.Comment: Accepted at Recsys 2