6 research outputs found

    Classification of ductile cast iron specimens: A machine learning approach

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    In this paper an automatic procedure based on a machine learning approach is proposed to classify ductile cast iron specimens according to the American Society for Testing and Materials guidelines. The mechanical properties of a specimen are strongly influenced by the peculiar morphology of their graphite elements and useful characteristics, the features, are extracted from the specimens’ images; these characteristics examine the shape, the distribution and the size of the graphite particle in the specimen, the nodularity and the nodule count. The principal components analysis are used to provide a more efficient representation of these data. Support vector machines are trained to obtain a classification of the data by yielding sequential binary classification steps. Numerical analysis is performed on a significant number of images providing robust results, also in presence of dust, scratches and measurement noise

    Sistem Presensi Karyawan Berbasis Pengenalan Wajah Dengan Metode Support Vector Machine

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    Sistem presensi saat ini yang ada pada instansi ataupun perusahaan masih banyak yang menggunakan sistem  manual. Disisi lain, perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut juga telah memiliki aplikasi pengelolaan SDM online. Oleh karena itu, untuk efektifitas dan pengembangan sistem, perlu dilakukan pengembangan sistem presensi manual tersebut menjadi sebuah sistem yang dapat diintegrasikan dengan sistem pengelolaan SDM. Untuk itu, penelitian ini mengusulkan pengembangan sistem presensi berbasiskan pengenalan wajah yang diintegrasikan dengan aplikasi pengelolaan SDM. Sistem yang dibangun merupakan sistem deteksi dan pengenalan menggunakan Support Vector Machine yang di kombinasikan dengan metode Histogram of oriented gradient. Hasil pengujian sistem presensi menunjukkan hasil recall sebesar 77,78%, nilai spesifitas 32,22%, akurasi sistem 72,78%, dan kepresisian sistem mencapai 70,71%

    In silico approach for the definition of radiomirnomic signatures for breast cancer differential diagnosis

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    Personalized medicine relies on the integration and consideration of specific characteristics of the patient, such as tumor phenotypic and genotypic profiling. BACKGROUND: Radiogenomics aim to integrate phenotypes from tumor imaging data with genomic data to discover genetic mechanisms underlying tumor development and phenotype. METHODS: We describe a computational approach that correlates phenotype from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of breast cancer (BC) lesions with microRNAs (miRNAs), mRNAs, and regulatory networks, developing a radiomiRNomic map. We validated our approach to the relationships between MRI and miRNA expression data derived from BC patients. We obtained 16 radiomic features quantifying the tumor phenotype. We integrated the features with miRNAs regulating a network of pathways specific for a distinct BC subtype. RESULTS: We found six miRNAs correlated with imaging features in Luminal A (miR-1537, -205, -335, -337, -452, and -99a), seven miRNAs (miR-142, -155, -190, -190b, -1910, -3617, and -429) in HER2+, and two miRNAs (miR-135b and -365-2) in Basal subtype. We demonstrate that the combination of correlated miRNAs and imaging features have better classification power of Luminal A versus the different BC subtypes than using miRNAs or imaging alone. CONCLUSION: Our computational approach could be used to identify new radiomiRNomic profiles of multi-omics biomarkers for BC differential diagnosis and prognosis

    Dynamic Gesture Recognition Using a Smart Glove in Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery

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    This paper presents a methodology for movement recognition in hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery using a textile-based sensing glove. The aim is to recognize the commands given by the surgeon’s hand inside the patient’s abdominal cavity in order to guide a collaborative robot. The glove, which incorporates piezoresistive sensors, continuously captures the degree of flexion of the surgeon’s fingers. These data are analyzed throughout the surgical operation using an algorithm that detects and recognizes some defined movements as commands for the collaborative robot. However, hand movement recognition is not an easy task, because of the high variability in the motion patterns of different people and situations. The data detected by the sensing glove are analyzed using the following methodology. First, the patterns of the different selected movements are defined. Then, the parameters of the movements for each person are extracted. The parameters concerning bending speed and execution time of the movements are modeled in a prephase, in which all of the necessary information is extracted for subsequent detection during the execution of the motion. The results obtained with 10 different volunteers show a high degree of precision and recall

    A normalized differential sequence feature encoding method based on amino acid sequences

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    Protein interactions are the foundation of all metabolic activities of cells, such as apoptosis, the immune response, and metabolic pathways. In order to optimize the performance of protein interaction prediction, a coding method based on normalized difference sequence characteristics (NDSF) of amino acid sequences is proposed. By using the positional relationships between amino acids in the sequences and the correlation characteristics between sequence pairs, NDSF is jointly encoded. Using principal component analysis (PCA) and local linear embedding (LLE) dimensionality reduction methods, the coded 174-dimensional human protein sequence vector is extracted using sequence features. This study compares the classification performance of four ensemble learning methods (AdaBoost, Extra trees, LightGBM, XGBoost) applied to PCA and LLE features. Cross-validation and grid search methods are used to find the best combination of parameters. The results show that the accuracy of NDSF is generally higher than that of the sequence matrix-based coding method (MOS) coding method, and the loss and coding time can be greatly reduced. The bar chart of feature extraction shows that the classification accuracy is significantly higher when using the linear dimensionality reduction method, PCA, compared to the nonlinear dimensionality reduction method, LLE. After classification with XGBoost, the model accuracy reaches 99.2%, which provides the best performance among all models. This study suggests that NDSF combined with PCA and XGBoost may be an effective strategy for classifying different human protein interactions

    A Comparison of Feature Selection and Forecasting Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Glycaemia in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) is a metabolic disease derived from falls in pancreatic insulin production resulting in chronic hyperglycemia. DM1 subjects usually have to undertake a number of assessments of blood glucose levels every day, employing capillary glucometers for the monitoring of blood glucose dynamics. In recent years, advances in technology have allowed for the creation of revolutionary biosensors and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) techniques. This has enabled the monitoring of a subject’s blood glucose level in real time. On the other hand, few attempts have been made to apply machine learning techniques to predicting glycaemia levels, but dealing with a database containing such a high level of variables is problematic. In this sense, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the issues of proper feature selection (FS)—the stage before applying predictive algorithms—have not been subject to in-depth discussion and comparison in past research when it comes to forecasting glycaemia. Therefore, in order to assess how a proper FS stage could improve the accuracy of the glycaemia forecasted, this work has developed six FS techniques alongside four predictive algorithms, applying them to a full dataset of biomedical features related to glycaemia. These were harvested through a wide-ranging passive monitoring process involving 25 patients with DM1 in practical real-life scenarios. From the obtained results, we affirm that Random Forest (RF) as both predictive algorithm and FS strategy offers the best average performance (Root Median Square Error, RMSE = 18.54 mg/dL) throughout the 12 considered predictive horizons (up to 60 min in steps of 5 min), showing Support Vector Machines (SVM) to have the best accuracy as a forecasting algorithm when considering, in turn, the average of the six FS techniques applied (RMSE = 20.58 mg/dL)