32,119 research outputs found

    Control of free-flying space robot manipulator systems

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    New control techniques for self contained, autonomous free flying space robots were developed and tested experimentally. Free flying robots are envisioned as a key element of any successful long term presence in space. These robots must be capable of performing the assembly, maintenance, and inspection, and repair tasks that currently require human extravehicular activity (EVA). A set of research projects were developed and carried out using lab models of satellite robots and a flexible manipulator. The second generation space robot models use air cushion vehicle (ACV) technology to simulate in 2-D the drag free, zero g conditions of space. The current work is divided into 5 major projects: Global Navigation and Control of a Free Floating Robot, Cooperative Manipulation from a Free Flying Robot, Multiple Robot Cooperation, Thrusterless Robotic Locomotion, and Dynamic Payload Manipulation. These projects are examined in detail

    Assembly of Micro Systems with the High Precision Robot Parvus

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    In recent years, the development of micro systems has been widely discussed in research articles concerning a decrease in size, an increase of complexity and the variety of materials used. In contrast, manufacturing and especially assembly processes of millimetre-sized products with high complexity did not play a significant role. Conventional precision robots that provide adequate accuracies for micro assembly are relatively large and expensive. These machines have to be operated in clean rooms, which results in high costs of maintenance. These days, the assembly technology of electronic production and conventional assembly robots is often no longer suitable for the assembly of hybrid micro systems. The increasing gap between millimetre-sized products and the production machines has lead to a high proportion of manual assembly in the manufacturing process of microproducts. Assembly costs that sometimes account for up to 80 % of the costs of micro systems retard the commercialisation and bulk production of these products. [1] Especially for small and medium-sized businesses, new concepts for flexible and lower-cost micro assembly have to be found

    Printable Flexible Robots for Remote Learning

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the importance of digital fabrication to enable online learning, which remains a challenge for robotics courses. We introduce a teaching methodology that allows students to participate remotely in a hands-on robotics course involving the design and fabrication of robots. Our methodology employs 3D printing techniques with flexible filaments to create innovative soft robots; robots are made from flexible, as opposed to rigid, materials. Students design flexible robotic components such as actuators, sensors, and controllers using CAD software, upload their designs to a remote 3D printing station, monitor the print with a web camera, and inspect the components with lab staff before being mailed for testing and assembly. At the end of the course, students will have iterated through several designs and created fluidically-driven soft robots. Our remote teaching methodology enables educators to utilize 3D printing resources to teach soft robotics and cultivate creativity among students to design novel and innovative robots. Our methodology seeks to democratize robotics engineering by decoupling hands-on learning experiences from expensive equipment in the learning environment.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, peer reviewed and presented paper at American Society of Engineering Education, April 22-23rd, 2022 - Wentworth Institute of Technolog

    Designing a Robotic Platform for Investigating Swarm Robotics

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    This paper documents the design and subsequent construction of a low-cost, flexible robotic platform for swarm robotics research, and the selection of appropriate swarm algorithms for the implementation of a swarm focused predominantly on target location. The design described herein is intended to allow for the construction of robots large enough to meaningfully interact with their environment while maintaining a low per-robot cost of materials and a low assembly time. The design process is separated into three stages: mechanical design, electrical design, and software design. All major design components are described in detail under the appropriate design section. The BOM for a single robot is also included, along with relevant testing information

    Optimisation process for robotic assembly of electronic components

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    Adoption of robots in the manufacturing environment is a way to improve productivity, and the assembly of electronic components has benefited from the adoption of highly dedicated automation equipment. Traditionally, articulated 6-axis robots have not been used in electronic surface mount assembly. However, the need for more flexible production systems that can be used for low to medium production builds means that these robots can be used due to their high degrees of flexibility, excellent repeatability and increasingly lower investment costs. This research investigated the application of an articulated robot with six degrees of freedom to assemble a multi-component printed circuit board (PCB) for an electronic product. A heuristic methodology using a genetic algorithm was used to plan the optimal sequence and identify the best location of the parts to the assembly positions on the PCB. Using the optimised paths, a condition monitoring method for cycle time evaluation was conducted using a KUKA KR16 assembly cell together with four different robot path motions. The genetic algorithm approach together with different assembly position iterations identified an optimisation method for improved production throughput using a non-traditional but highly flexible assembly method. The application of optimised articulated robots for PCB assembly can bridge the gap between manual assembly and the high-throughput automation equipment

    Industrial cyber-physical system for lenses assembly: configuration workstation scenario

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    The paper presents industrial cyber-physical system for two robots interaction in configuration workstation for lenses assembly. Robots interact with each other through the smart space infrastructure, which is developed based on Smart-M3 information sharing platform. Authors focus on the reference model of proposed system and its implementation for flexible automated assembly line (agile automated assembly line ≪3AL≫) accessible in the research laboratory of the ITMO University

    Aplikácia kognitivného modelu vizuálnej pozornosti v automatizovanej montáži

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    Zásobovacie zariadenia a podsystémy v štruktúrach montážnych systémov majú významné postavenie. Technickú zložitosť klasických zásobovacích zariadení a podsystémov je možné eliminovať pružnými programovateľnými automatizovanými zariadeniami. Informácie o spomínanom objekte zabezpečované senzorovými modulmi sa spracovávajú v riadiacom systéme zariadenia resp. na vyššej úrovni riadenia montážneho systému. Spracované informácie sú distribuované ako riadiace informácie výkonným jednotkám a prvkom, ktoré vykonávajú príslušné funkcie. Riadiace systémy programovateľných zásobovacích zariadení a podsystémov plnia viaceré funkcie napr. spracovanie informácií od senzorových jednotiek a modulov, správne vyhodnotenie polohy súčiastky a určenie postupu činnosti výkonných jednotiek a prvkov, distribúcia výkonných inštrukcií pohonovým jednotkám, atď. Programové vybavenie založené na využívaní kognitívneho modelu vizuálnej pozornosti charakterizuje nový prístup k riešeniu uvádzaných problémov. Pri vizuálnom vnímání scény obsahujúcej rôzne objekty a pre potrebu interakcie s určitým cieľovým objektom nachádzajúcim sa v tejto scéne je nutné aby systém upriamil svoju pozornosť na tento (cieľový) objekt. Tento mechanizmus je jedným z principiálnych prvkov videnia a podobne ako mnoho biologicky motivovaných systémov je veľmi výhodne využiteľný v praxi. Navrhovaný model je implementáciou mechanizmu vizuálnej pozornosti vo vytvorenom počítačom simulovanom prostredí.Logistic devices and sub - systems in the structures of assembly systems have significant position. Technical complexity of classical devices and sub - systems can be decreased by using of flexible programmable automated devices. Information's about objects provided by sensor modules are handled in processing system of the device, respective on the higher level of the assembly system. Executed information is distributed like processing information to executive units and elements. Control systems of programmable supply devices and sub - systems take handle of many functions, for example: processing information from sensor devices and modules, right calculating of the bearing of the component, distributing of executive instructions to actuating units, and many others. Software accessories based on the using of cognitive model of visual attention featured a new way of solving former problems. By visual reception the scenes contains miscellaneous objects and for the demand of the interaction with the target object is necessary that the system is need to be focused to this object. This mechanism is one of the pricipally elements of vision, and like many biologically motivated systems is very useful in practice. Designed model is an implementation of the mechanism of visual attention in the computer created simulation environment