636 research outputs found

    Robotic Visual Tracking of Relevant Cues in Underwater Environments with Poor Visibility Conditions

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    Using visual sensors for detecting regions of interest in underwater environments is fundamental for many robotic applications. Particularly, for an autonomous exploration task, an underwater vehicle must be guided towards features that are of interest. If the relevant features can be seen from the distance, then smooth control movements of the vehicle are feasible in order to position itself close enough with the final goal of gathering visual quality images. However, it is a challenging task for a robotic system to achieve stable tracking of the same regions since marine environments are unstructured and highly dynamic and usually have poor visibility. In this paper, a framework that robustly detects and tracks regions of interest in real time is presented. We use the chromatic channels of a perceptual uniform color space to detect relevant regions and adapt a visual attention scheme to underwater scenes. For the tracking, we associate with each relevant point superpixel descriptors which are invariant to changes in illumination and shape. The field experiment results have demonstrated that our approach is robust when tested on different visibility conditions and depths in underwater explorations

    The Underpinnings of Workload in Unmanned Vehicle Systems

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    This paper identifies and characterizes factors that contribute to operator workload in unmanned vehicle systems. Our objective is to provide a basis for developing models of workload for use in design and operation of complex human-machine systems. In 1986, Hart developed a foundational conceptual model of workload, which formed the basis for arguably the most widely used workload measurement techniquethe NASA Task Load Index. Since that time, however, there have been many advances in models and factor identification as well as workload control measures. Additionally, there is a need to further inventory and describe factors that contribute to human workload in light of technological advances, including automation and autonomy. Thus, we propose a conceptual framework for the workload construct and present a taxonomy of factors that can contribute to operator workload. These factors, referred to as workload drivers, are associated with a variety of system elements including the environment, task, equipment and operator. In addition, we discuss how workload moderators, such as automation and interface design, can be manipulated in order to influence operator workload. We contend that workload drivers, workload moderators, and the interactions among drivers and moderators all need to be accounted for when building complex, human-machine systems

    Visibility in underwater robotics: Benchmarking and single image dehazing

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    Dealing with underwater visibility is one of the most important challenges in autonomous underwater robotics. The light transmission in the water medium degrades images making the interpretation of the scene difficult and consequently compromising the whole intervention. This thesis contributes by analysing the impact of the underwater image degradation in commonly used vision algorithms through benchmarking. An online framework for underwater research that makes possible to analyse results under different conditions is presented. Finally, motivated by the results of experimentation with the developed framework, a deep learning solution is proposed capable of dehazing a degraded image in real time restoring the original colors of the image.Una de las dificultades más grandes de la robótica autónoma submarina es lidiar con la falta de visibilidad en imágenes submarinas. La transmisión de la luz en el agua degrada las imágenes dificultando el reconocimiento de objetos y en consecuencia la intervención. Ésta tesis se centra en el análisis del impacto de la degradación de las imágenes submarinas en algoritmos de visión a través de benchmarking, desarrollando un entorno de trabajo en la nube que permite analizar los resultados bajo diferentes condiciones. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos con este entorno, se proponen métodos basados en técnicas de aprendizaje profundo para mitigar el impacto de la degradación de las imágenes en tiempo real introduciendo un paso previo que permita recuperar los colores originales

    Survey on video anomaly detection in dynamic scenes with moving cameras

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    The increasing popularity of compact and inexpensive cameras, e.g.~dash cameras, body cameras, and cameras equipped on robots, has sparked a growing interest in detecting anomalies within dynamic scenes recorded by moving cameras. However, existing reviews primarily concentrate on Video Anomaly Detection (VAD) methods assuming static cameras. The VAD literature with moving cameras remains fragmented, lacking comprehensive reviews to date. To address this gap, we endeavor to present the first comprehensive survey on Moving Camera Video Anomaly Detection (MC-VAD). We delve into the research papers related to MC-VAD, critically assessing their limitations and highlighting associated challenges. Our exploration encompasses three application domains: security, urban transportation, and marine environments, which in turn cover six specific tasks. We compile an extensive list of 25 publicly-available datasets spanning four distinct environments: underwater, water surface, ground, and aerial. We summarize the types of anomalies these datasets correspond to or contain, and present five main categories of approaches for detecting such anomalies. Lastly, we identify future research directions and discuss novel contributions that could advance the field of MC-VAD. With this survey, we aim to offer a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners striving to develop and advance state-of-the-art MC-VAD methods.Comment: Under revie

    Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping: Towards the Robust-Perception Age

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)consists in the concurrent construction of a model of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving within it. The SLAM community has made astonishing progress over the last 30 years, enabling large-scale real-world applications, and witnessing a steady transition of this technology to industry. We survey the current state of SLAM. We start by presenting what is now the de-facto standard formulation for SLAM. We then review related work, covering a broad set of topics including robustness and scalability in long-term mapping, metric and semantic representations for mapping, theoretical performance guarantees, active SLAM and exploration, and other new frontiers. This paper simultaneously serves as a position paper and tutorial to those who are users of SLAM. By looking at the published research with a critical eye, we delineate open challenges and new research issues, that still deserve careful scientific investigation. The paper also contains the authors' take on two questions that often animate discussions during robotics conferences: Do robots need SLAM? and Is SLAM solved

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 359)

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    This bibliography lists 164 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during Jan. 1992. Subject coverage includes: aerospace medicine and physiology, life support systems and man/system technology, protective clothing, exobiology and extraterrestrial life, planetary biology, and flight crew behavior and performance
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