488 research outputs found

    Strategic management of innovative activity of domestic enterprises

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    В статті розглянуто сутність та еволюцію стратегічного управління. Систематизовано підходи до визначення сутності інноваційної стратегії підприємства, етапи її реалізації. Визначено, що перспективним напрямом активізації інноваційної діяльності вітчизняних підприємств є активне впровадження роудмепінгуEffective implementation of innovation involves the introduction of strategic management, which according to some scholars are important activities to achieve long-term goals of the system in terms of the environment that are constantly changing, by changing the state of the system. The purpose of this paper is to systematize modern features strategic innovation management companies. The essence of strategic management and features that are characteristic of management in today's environment are considered. There are different approaches to defining the essence of innovation strategy. Based on the systematization of existing approaches determined that the overall innovation strategy is interrelated certain sequence of actions to ensure effective innovation. The literature highlights the various numbers of innovative strategies. Existing approaches to stages of the innovation strategy are systematized. Therefore, systematization of modern approaches to the nature of innovation strategy states that it is a certain sequence of interrelated actions to ensure effective innovation. Established that direction for activating innovation strategy is to implement road mapping

    Strategic road mapping for Europe's creative industries: the EU CRe-AM project

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    The authors present a novel paradigmfor roadmapping Creative sectors in Europe based on three key successively integrated phases that implement mindsets, techniques and technology. In the first instance this roadmapping paradigm is piloted for identifying weak and strong signals as well as trends in the sector of Architecture based on aggregated opinions from leading Architects. Further versions of the process and software will separately explore the current state and ideal evolved future state of the Architecture sector. The roadmapping methodology will also be applied to the other creative sectors comprising the project including Media and Epublishing, Gaming, Design and Art. The roadmapping methodology has been created for the CRe-AM project1, a European Union FP7 funded project that aims to bridge communities of creators with communities of technology providers and innovators, in a collective roadmapping effort to streamline, coordinate and amplify collaborative work. The focus of the project is developing and mainstreaming new Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and tools by addressing the needs of different sectors of the Creative industries

    Nanotechnology and business opportunities: scenarios as awareness instrument

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    For a few years now, nanotechnology has been recognised as a promising new growth innovator. This leads to a shift from the exploration of nanotechnology knowledge towards a phase of exploitation. The coming years this commercialisation of nanotechnology will be extended. Nanotechnology is a disruptive technology phenomenon, which leads to more difficulties in overseeing business opportunities. Additionally, the fact that high-tech small firms, especially those dealing with nanotechnology, are highly interested in developments in science and technology, begs the question how to stimulate the awareness for (new) business opportunities in nanotechnology within these firms. A promising strategy to stimulate learning and awareness of business opportunities in nanotechnology is the use of scenarios. These projections focused on uncertainty stretch the mental model of entrepreneurs and/or managers and have the ability to activate learning processes. This paper presents the (theoretical) fundaments of scenario usage in relation to the recognition of business opportunities in nanotechnology.

    Roadmapping and Legal Writing

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    Simulation-based planning of production capacity through integrative roadmapping in the wind turbine industry

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    The development and effective implementation of a production strategy requires an interdisciplinary planning of products, manufacturing technologies and factory concepts. The integrative roadmapping allows the merging of these planning areas and takes into account the occurring interactions. This article shows the concept and software implementation of the integrative roadmapping for a systematic creation of roadmaps using the example of rotor blade production in the wind turbine industry. To reduce planning time and cost the workflow in the rotor blade production has been transferred to a material flow simulation to estimate the mutual impact on the production capacity by product, technology and factory within the planning phase.DFG/DE 447/99-

    Road mapping system for knowledge generation, storage, and sharing

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    This paper describes a road mapping system for knowledge generation, storage, and sharing.It illustrates the theory and practice of road mapping.How the system is being used is also presented in a step-by-step format.The paper ends with discussing the process of generation, storage, and sharing of knowledge

    A hierarchical approach to technology roadmapping within an RTO environment

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    Many organizations use technology roadmaps for strategic planning, and they often use workshop-based approaches to create the roadmaps. Customizing the workshop process and the artifacts used is necessary to tailor the approach to each organization’s context. We describe a hierarchical architecture and software-supported workshop approach that we deployed within the UK’s High Value Manufacturing Catapult. This customized approach connected technological capabilities identified within multiple organizations’ technology roadmaps with different industry needs identified within sector roadmaps. This development process provided a framework to facilitate discussion between academia and industry and to build a clear set of narratives linking the development of new technologies with industry challenges. By digitizing the workshop outputs in a common database, we integrated multiple narratives dynamically, supported different views for the various stakeholders involved, and facilitated reuse of roadmapping elements generated in different workshops

    Un model d'innovació empresarial basat en la metodologia de fulls de ruta

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    This thesis proposes a business innovation model based on roadmapping technology. Roadmaps are a planning tool for mid- and long-term innovation projects that aims to facilitate innovation for organizations. This model emphasizes on the one hand the analysis of the status of technology in the environment through technology forecasting, and on the other hand, the concepts of "internal vision" and "external vision" as sources of analysis and knowledge of the innovating organization and its environment. The starting point of the thesis is the study of the state of the art by examining current methodological theories and their originating centres on a global scale. At this point, the hypothesis will be formulated which will at the end be confronted with the obtained results in order to check their efficacy. As for the theoretical model proposal, it is structured in six phases or steps that will guide companies through the innovation process: preliminaries, internal and external visions, tactical-strategical analysis, formalization of the roadmap, implantation-development and finally results evaluation. After the experimental implantation of the model in a company, and following its development through the model, the results obtained in every phase will be analysed. This analysis, once confronted with the initial hypotheses, will lead to the final conclusion that this thesis provides a clear and well defined guideline for the innovation process through the concept of "vision", as well as the importance of the study of the state of the technology for the external vision. These actions help with the necessary analysis to get the best possible knowledge of the environment and the organization, which are essential in choosing the right tactics and strategy and optimizing future resultsAquesta tesi proposa un model d’innovació empresarial basat en la metodologia dels fulls de ruta o “roadmapping”, eina de planificació de projectes a mig/llarg termini en la prospectiva amb l’objectiu de facilitar la innovació a les organitzacions. El model emfasitza per una banda l’estudi de l’estat de la tècnica de l'entorn a través de l'eina de vigilància tecnològica, i per l'altra els conceptes de "visió interna" i "visió externa" com a fonts d'anàlisi i coneixement de l'organització innovadora i del seu entorn respectivament. S'inicia la tesi amb l'estudi de l'estat de l'art analitzant les teories metodològiques actuals i els seus centres originadors a nivell mundial. Aquest és el punt de generació i formulació de les hipòtesis que al final del treball seran enfrontades als resultats obtinguts per tal de comprovar-ne la seva efectivitat. Continuant amb la proposta del model teòric, aquest està estructurat en sis fases o passos que guien les empreses durant tot el procés innovador: preliminars, visions interna-externa, anàlisi-tàctica-estratègia, formalització del full de ruta, implantació-desenvolupament i finalment l'avaluació d'assoliment. De l’aplicació experimental en una organització empresarial i seguint la seva evolució al llarg del temps fins a la fi del model, s’obtenen resultats de totes i cadascuna de les fases i posteriorment són analitzats. Fruit d’aquesta anàlisi i de la confrontació amb les hipòtesis formulades al seu moment s’extreuen les conclusions finals, on es mostra que aquesta tesi pot aportar una pauta entenedora i definida del procés innovador a les organitzacions a través del concepte de “visió” i de la importància de l’estudi l’estat de la tècnica a incloure en la categoria externa d’aquella, accions que ajuden a realitzar les anàlisis necessàries per tal de conèixer el millor possible tant l’entorn com la pròpia entitat, eines fonamentals per decidir l’estratègia i tàctica a seguir per optimitzar resultats futur