8 research outputs found

    Integration of Field and Laboratory Spectral Data with Multi-Resolution Remote Sensed Imagery for Asphalt Surface Differentiation

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    The ability to classify asphalt surfaces is an important goal for the selection of suitable non-variant targets as pseudo-invariant targets during the calibration/validation of remotely-sensed images. In addition, the possibility to recognize different types of asphalt surfaces on the images can help optimize road network management. This paper presents a multi-resolution study to improve asphalt surface differentiation using field spectroradiometric data, laboratory analysis and remote sensing imagery. Multispectral Infrared and Visible Imaging Spectrometer (MIVIS) airborne data and multispectral images, such as Quickbird and Ikonos, were used. From scatter plots obtained by field data using λ = 460 and 740 nm, referring to MIVIS Bands 2 and 16 and Quickbird and Ikonos Bands 1 and 4, pixels corresponding to asphalt covering were identified, and the slope of their interpolation lines, assumed as asphalt lines, was calculated. These slopes, used as threshold values in the Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) classifier, obtained an overall accuracy of 95% for Ikonos, 98% for Quickbird and 93% for MIVIS. Laboratory investigations confirm the existence of the asphalt line also for new asphalts, too

    Particle filtering with soft state constraints for target tracking

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    In practice, additional knowledge about the target to be tracked, other than its fundamental dynamics, can often be modelled as a set of soft constraints and utilised in a filtering process to improve the tracking performance. This paper develops a general approach to the modelling of soft inequality constraints, and investigates particle filtering with soft state constraints for target tracking. We develop two particle filtering algorithms with soft inequality constraints, i.e. a sequential-importanceresampling particle filter and an auxiliary sampling mechanism. The latter probabilistically selects the candidate particles from the soft inequality constraints of the state variables so that they are more likely to comply with the soft constraints. The performances of the proposed algorithms are evaluated using Monte Carlo simulations in a target tracking scenario

    Road Target Search and Tracking with Gimballed Vision Sensor on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

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    This article considers a sensor management problem where a number of road bounded vehicles are monitored by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with a gimballed vision sensor. The problem is to keep track of all discovered targets and simultaneously search for new targets by controlling the pointing direction of the vision sensor and the motion of the UAV. A planner based on a state-machine is proposed with three different modes; target tracking, known target search, and new target search. A high-level decision maker chooses among these sub-tasks to obtain an overall situational awareness. A utility measure for evaluating the combined search and target tracking performance is also proposed. By using this measure it is possible to evaluate and compare the rewards of updating known targets versus searching for new targets in the same framework. The targets are assumed to be road bounded and the road network information is used both to improve the tracking and sensor management performance. The tracking and search are based on flexible target density representations provided by particle mixtures and deterministic grids.CADICSSecurity LinkExtended Target Trackin

    Generation of a Land Cover Atlas of environmental critic zones using unconventional tools

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