906 research outputs found

    Requirement analysis for building practical accident warning systems based on vehicular ad-hoc networks

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    An Accident Warning System (AWS) is a safety application that provides collision avoidance notifications for next generation vehicles whilst Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) provide the communication functionality to exchange these notifi- cations. Despite much previous research, there is little agreement on the requirements for accident warning systems. In order to build a practical warning system, it is important to ascertain the system requirements, information to be exchanged, and protocols needed for communication between vehicles. This paper presents a practical model of an accident warning system by stipulating the requirements in a realistic manner and thoroughly reviewing previous proposals with a view to identify gaps in this area

    Sensor Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    Modern society faces serious problems with transportation systems, including but not limited to traffic congestion, safety, and pollution. Information communication technologies have gained increasing attention and importance in modern transportation systems. Automotive manufacturers are developing in-vehicle sensors and their applications in different areas including safety, traffic management, and infotainment. Government institutions are implementing roadside infrastructures such as cameras and sensors to collect data about environmental and traffic conditions. By seamlessly integrating vehicles and sensing devices, their sensing and communication capabilities can be leveraged to achieve smart and intelligent transportation systems. We discuss how sensor technology can be integrated with the transportation infrastructure to achieve a sustainable Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and how safety, traffic control and infotainment applications can benefit from multiple sensors deployed in different elements of an ITS. Finally, we discuss some of the challenges that need to be addressed to enable a fully operational and cooperative ITS environment

    Controlo de acesso ao meio em comunicações veiculares de tempo-real

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    Despite several preventive measures, the number of roadway accidents is still very high, being considered even a problem of public health by some entities. This thesis has as global purpose of contributing to the reduction of that number of accidents, and consequent fatalities, by using safety-related applications that use communication among vehicles. In particular, the primary goal is guaranteeing that communication between users in vehicular environments is done with appropriate time bounds to transfer safety-critical information. In detail, it is studied how to manage the scheduling of message’s transmissions (medium access control - MAC), in order to define precisely who will communicate and when is the appropriate instant. The preferable situation where a communication infrastructure is present with full coverage (RSUs) is also studied, from which medium access control is defined precisely, and vehicles (OBUs) become aware of medium utilization. Also, sporadic situations (e.g., absence of RSUs) are studied in which the communication network is “ad hoc” and solely formed by the current vehicles. It is used the recently WAVE / IEEE 802.11p standard, specific for vehicular communications, and it is proposed a TDMA based solution, with appropriate coordination between RSUs in order to effectively disseminate a critical safety event. It is taken into account two different ways of choosing the instant for the initial broadcast, and both cases are compared. In case there is no infrastructure available, methods are derived to minimize communication medium access collisions, and to maximize the available bandwidth. The results reflect the total end-to-end delay, and show that adequate times are attained, and meet with the requisites for the type of applications being considered. Also, enhancements are obtained when using the alternate choice for the initial broadcast instant.Apesar de diversas medidas preventivas, o número de acidentes rodoviários continua a ser muito elevado, sendo mesmo considerado uma questão de saúde pública por algumas entidades. Esta tese tem como objetivo geral contribuir para a redução desse número de acidentes, e consequentes fatalidades, através da utilização de aplicações de segurança que envolvem comunicação entre veículos. Em particular, o objetivo principal é garantir que a comunicação entre utentes, em ambientes veiculares, seja efetuada com limites temporais apropriados à transferência de informações críticas. De forma mais detalhada, é estudada a gestão do escalonamento das transmissões (controlo de acesso ao meio – MAC) que irá definir quem vai comunicar e quando o pode fazer. São estudadas situações (desejadas) onde há uma infra-estrutura de comunicações com cobertura integral (RSUs), a partir da qual se faz a coordenação do acesso ao meio pelos veículos (OBUs), e situações (esporádicas, por ausência de RSU) em que a rede de comunicação é “ad hoc” e apenas constituída pelos veículos presentes. Utiliza-se a recente norma WAVE / IEEE 802.11p, específica para comunicações veiculares, e propõe-se uma solução baseada em TDMA, com coordenação apropriada entre RSUs para disseminação efetiva de um evento crítico de segurança. A escolha do instante para o broadcast inicial do evento de segurança também é tida em conta, e são comparados dois casos distintos. No caso da ausência de infraestrutura, derivam-se métodos para minimizar colisões no acesso ao meio de comunicação, e maximizar a largura de banda disponível. Os resultados refletem o atraso total end-to-end, mostrando tempos apropriados para os requisitos das aplicações em causa, e evidenciando melhorias aquando da escolha alternativa para o instante do broadcast inicial.Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Eletrotécnic

    Using Contraflow on a Road Segment to Improve Emergency Response Vehicle Speed in a Connected Vehicle Environment

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    Emergency response vehicles (ERVs) need to reach their destinations as fast as possible. Road congestion and unpredictable movement of non-emergency vehicles (non-ERVs) makes it challenging for the ERV to move quickly. By using the autonomous/connected vehicle environment, instructions can be disseminated to the non-ERVs in the vicinity of the ERV to facilitate its passage within a link. In this thesis, an extension to a previously developed mathematical program is proposed to enable the ERV to use a contraflow lane when considerable speed gains can be potentially achieved. An experimental analysis is conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of the model’s output to traffic congestion, downstream non-ERV positions, ERV starting position, road composition, road segment length, and the length of the feasible stopping range for every non-ERV. Results showed that usage of contraflow was provided the least travel times for the ERV when it started in the left-most lane of the normal direction. Also, when the normal direction of the road was heavily congested as compared to the contraflow segment, the usage of contraflow by the ERV provided it the least travel times. In addition, a comparative study is performed to compare the proposed formulation with previously developed non-contraflow strategies as well as the currently adopted strategy requiring vehicles to move to the nearest edge. Results showed that the use of contraflow by the ERV provides improved travel times and average ERV speeds in many situations when the contraflow segment volume was sparse whereas the normal direction was congested. However, the computation times for the newly developed contraflow strategy were greater than the previously developed non-contraflow strategies. So, a heuristic was developed to reduce computational effort by cutting off the solver at a specified point, which was decided by how far the current feasible solution found was from the possible optimal solution (optimality gap). This heuristic not only provided improved computation times, but also results which did not statistically differ from the optimal results. The paths provided by the heuristic were also similar with the only difference being the points at which the lane changes happened. Hence, the utilization of this approach can potentially save lives due to reduced emergency response times

    Emergent situations for smart cities: A survey

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    A smart city is a community that uses communication and information technology to improve sustainability, livability, and feasibility. As any community, there are always unexpected emergencies, which must be treated to preserve the regular order. However, a smart system is needed to be able to respond effectively to these emergent situations. The contribution made in this survey is twofold. Firstly, it provides a comprehensive exhaustive and categorized overview of the existing surveys for smart cities.  The categorization is based on several criteria such as structures, benefits, advantages, applications, challenges, issues, and future directions. Secondly, it aims to analyze several studies with respect to emergent situations and management to smart cities. The analysis is based on several factors such as the challenges and issues discussed, the solutions proposed, and opportunities for future research. The challenges include security, privacy, reliability, performance, scalability, heterogeneity, scheduling, resource management, and latency. Few studies have investigated the emergent situations of smart cities and despite the importance of latency factor for smart city applications, it is rarely discussed

    Coordination and Self-Adaptive Communication Primitives for Low-Power Wireless Networks

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a recent trend where objects are augmented with computing and communication capabilities, often via low-power wireless radios. The Internet of Things is an enabler for a connected and more sustainable modern society: smart grids are deployed to improve energy production and consumption, wireless monitoring systems allow smart factories to detect faults early and reduce waste, while connected vehicles coordinate on the road to ensure our safety and save fuel. Many recent IoT applications have stringent requirements for their wireless communication substrate: devices must cooperate and coordinate, must perform efficiently under varying and sometimes extreme environments, while strict deadlines must be met. Current distributed coordination algorithms have high overheads and are unfit to meet the requirements of today\u27s wireless applications, while current wireless protocols are often best-effort and lack the guarantees provided by well-studied coordination solutions. Further, many communication primitives available today lack the ability to adapt to dynamic environments, and are often tuned during their design phase to reach a target performance, rather than be continuously updated at runtime to adapt to reality.In this thesis, we study the problem of efficient and low-latency consensus in the context of low-power wireless networks, where communication is unreliable and nodes can fail, and we investigate the design of a self-adaptive wireless stack, where the communication substrate is able to adapt to changes to its environment. We propose three new communication primitives: Wireless Paxos brings fault-tolerant consensus to low-power wireless networking, STARC is a middleware for safe vehicular coordination at intersections, while Dimmer builds on reinforcement learning to provide adaptivity to low-power wireless networks. We evaluate in-depth each primitive on testbed deployments and we provide an open-source implementation to enable their use and improvement by the community

    Design and evaluation of safety-critical applications based on inter-vehicle communication

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    Inter-vehicle communication has a potential to improve road traffic safety and efficiency. Technical feasibility of communication between vehicles has been extensively studied, but due to the scarcity of application-level research, communication\u27s impact on the road traffic is still unclear. This thesis addresses this uncertainty by designing and evaluating two fail-safe applications, namely, Rear-End Collision Avoidance and Virtual Traffic Lights

    Context-Aware Aided Parking Solutions Based on VANET

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is a special application of the Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) for managing road traffic and substantially contributes to the development of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). VANET was introduced as a standard for data communication between moving vehicles with and without fixed infrastructure. It aims to support drivers by improving safety and driving comfort as a step towards constructing a safer, cleaner and a more intelligent environment. Nowadays, vehicles are manufactured equipped with a number of sensors and devices called On Board Units (OBU) assisting the vehicle to sense the surrounding environment and then process the context information to effectively manage communication with the surrounding vehicles and the associated infrastructure. A number of challenges have emerged in VANET that have encouraged researchers to investigate this concept further. Many of the recent studies have applied different technologies for intelligent parking management. However, despite all the technological advances, researchers are no closer to developing a system that enables drivers to easily locate and reserve a parking space. Limited resources such as energy, storage space, availability and reliability are factors which could have contributed to the lack success and progress in this area. The task then is to close these gaps and present a novel solution for parking.This research intends to address this need by developing a novel architecture for locating and reserving a parking space that best matches the driver's preferences and vehicle profile without distracting the driver. The simple and easy-to-use mechanism focuses on the domain of an intelligent parking system that exploits the concept of InfoStation (IS) and context-aware system creating a single framework to locate and reserve a parking space. A three tier network topology comprising of vehicles, IS and the InfoStation Centre (ISC) has been proposed as the foundation of the on-street parking system architecture. The thesis attempts to develop the architecture of a parking management solution as a comfort-enhancing application that offers to reduce congestion related stress and improve the driver experience by reducing the time it takes to identify and utilise a parking space that is available.Saudi Arabia Cultural Bureau in U

    Path Clearance for Emergency Vehicles Through the Use of Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication

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    The study described in this paper evaluated and tested a new strategy to enable emergency response vehicles (EVs) to navigate through congestion at signalized intersections more efficiently. The proposed strategy involves the use of vehicle-to-vehicle communication to send messages to alert vehicles to the approach of the EV and to provide specific instructions on maneuvering to allow the EV to proceed through congested signalized intersections as quickly as possible. This movement is achieved by creation of a split in the vehicle queue in one lane at a critical location to allow the EV to proceed at its desired speed but minimize the disruption to the rest of the traffic. The proposed method uses kinematic wave theory (i.e., shock wave theory) to determine the critical point in the vehicle queue. The proposed method is simulated in a microscopic traffic simulator for evaluation. The results show that this strategy can significantly shorten the travel time for EVs through congested signalized intersections