37 research outputs found

    Solving problem of semantic terminology in digital library

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    Effective information access involves the semantic interaction between users in searching activity to diverse information in the Digital Library. This is the focus of this research. The weakness of the online library system that is running is the difficulty of users looking for data collection library. There are many different perceptions that have the same meaning (synonym) in in terms of library collections such as Author and Writer. Therefore, in this research will focus on mapping between terminologies that supports to detect different meaning of perceptions .This technique can be considered as an attempt to understand the difference between perceptions in the interaction between users and information in digital libraries

    A Content Analysis Based Review on the Application of Document Similarity Measures on E-resource Retrieval in Agriculture and Allied fields

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    From observations made by Robson (1993) who states that “the success of data collection should be assessed in relation to the specific research question”, it is felt necessary to study the aim as well as the fact that the most suitable unit of analysis will be sufficiently large to be considered as a whole but small enough to be referred as a relevant meaning unit during the analysis process (Graneheim & Lundman, 2004). Based on these criteria, the researcher tries to investigate that the study is carried out in the right direction which rest upon the credibility and essentiality of a content analysis of the literature accumulated for review. Purpose: To measure the significance of literature reviews and the effectiveness of content analysis as analytic tool for the present research theme “Document Similarity Measures on e-resource Retrieval in agriculture and allied fields”. Content analysis is expected to enhance systematic literature reviews of various inductively derived sub-fields of Information Retrieval implemented for accessing information and data in Agriculture and allied fields. Methodology: The present study is based on content analysis on reviews of 59 selected articles published between 1951 and 2020 that are retrieved after screening through the PRISMA software. Almost all related subtopics of Information Retrieval have been explored in the literature review compiled for the research topic. The analysis of the data is simultaneously supported with the data visualization by the application of the Tableau Desktop Public software. Findings: Each document is assessed based on the contents of the documents collected for the study viz. year of publication, name of journals, number of authors , name of authors, research area, methodology , number of references cited in each paper, country to which author(s) belong. Collaborative research mostly conducted by authors with specialization in computer science and data science is seen. Documents compiled for the present study comprised mostly of comparative studies among the different Information Retrieval Models. Also it has been judged in several documents the effectiveness of Vector Space Model over the other IR models simultaneously verifying that content analysis is an imperative tool to identify whether the literature review conducted so far is progressing in the appropriate direction. Research Limitations: The major limitation is the limited number of documents retrieved and considered for the content analysis thereby customizing them for empirical analysis and assessing the significance of the literature reviews in order to identify the variations in the various research studies. Conclusion: The analysis, software used and findings derived is aimed at facilitating the Information Retrieval researchers with the idea of conducting literature reviews through content analysis approach

    Common Law, and Privacy in Computer-Mediated Environments

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    Computer-mediated environments pose a special challenge to our legal and cultural protections of privacy. These environments are unprecedented in the way commercially valuable information can be generated in their very use. The ease and low cost with which electronic information can be gathered and disseminated in these environments have led many to advocate regulation protecting privacy interests from commercial encroachment. At the same time, the use of digital communications to support criminal or terrorist activities have led others to advocate regulation allowing law enforcement agencies to eavesdrop or intercept. The cultural history of the Internet as a self-regulating, almost anarchical, environment provides an interesting background to this issue. Many writers have looked to statutory law for a solution to the issues of control over, and commercial or governmental use of information about individuals. This article contends that the current discussions have overlooked the potential of common law and market forces to satisfactorily balance the conflicting interests

    Overview of Digital Library Components and Developments

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    Digital libraries are being built upon a firm foundation of prior work as the high-end information systems of the future. A component architecture approach is becoming popular, with well established support for key components like the repository, especially through the Open Archives Initiative. We consider digital objects, metadata, harvesting, indexing, searching, browsing, rights management, linking, and powerful interfaces. Flexible interaction will be possible through a variety of architectures, using buses, agents, and other technologies. The field as a whole is undergoing rapid growth, supported by advances in storage, processing, networking, algorithms, and interaction. There are many initiatives and developments, including those supporting education, and these will certainly be of benefit in Latin America


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    lstilah metadata mulai sering muncul dalam literature tentang database management systems (DBMS) pada tahun 1980 an. lstilah tersebut digunakan untuk menggambarkan informasi yang diperlukan untuk mencatat karakteristik informasi yang terdapat pada pangkalan data. Banyak sumber yang mengartikan istilah metadata. Metadata dapat diartikan sumber, menunjukan lokasi dokumen, serta memberikan ringkasan yang diperlukan untuk memanfaat-kannya. Secara umum ada 3 bagian yang digunakan untuk membuat metadata sebagai sebuah paket informasi, dan penyandian (encoding) pembuatan deskripsi paket informasi, dan penyediaan akses terhadap deskripsi tersebut. Dalam makalah ini diuraikan mengenai konsep data dalam kaitannya dengan perpustakaan. Uraian meliputi definisi metadata; fungsi metadata; standar penyandian (encoding), cantuman bibliografis. surogat, metadata; penciptaan isi cantuman surogat; ancangan terhadap format metadata; serta metadata dan standar metadata

    The Present and Future of Internet Search

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    Search engines were crucial in the development of the World Wide Web. Web-based information retrieval progressed from simple word matching to sophisticated algorithms for maximizing the relevance of search results. Statistical and graph-based approaches for indexing and ranking pages, natural language processing techniques for improving query results, and intelligent agents for personalizing the search process all show great promise for enhanced performance. The evolution in search technology was accompanied by growing economic pressures on search engine companies. Unable to sustain long-term viability from advertising revenues, many of the original search engines diversified into portals that farm out their search and directory operations. Vertical portals that serve focused user communities also outsource their search services, and even directory providers began to integrate search engine technologies from outside vendors. This article brings order to the chaos resulting from the variety of search tools being offered under various marketing guises. While growing reliance on a small set of search providers is leading to less diversity among search services, users can expect individualized searching experiences that factor in personal information. The convergence of technology and business models also results in more narrowly defined search spaces, which will lessen the quantity of search results while improving their quality