401 research outputs found

    Virtual Reality Rhythm Game

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    Virtual reality headsets such as the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift bring robust virtual reality technology in the hands of consumers. However, virtual reality technology is still a very new and unexplored domain with a dearth of compelling software that takes advantage of what virtual reality has to offer. Current rhythm games on the virtual reality platform lack a sense of immersion for the player. These games also require players to remain stationary during gameplay. Our solution is a game where players have to hit musical notes that appear in a trail around them. The trail will move in different directions and players have to move and turn around accordingly in order to hit every note and pass a song

    Use of Rhythm Video Games as a Tool for Rhythmic Listening in Elementary School Music Students

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    This posttest-only control group study sought to examine how rhythm video games, through the use of the rhythm game Rhythm Heaven, affect the rhythmic skills of elementary music students, in order to determine if rhythm video games are acceptable supplementary materials for aiding beginning music students in learning rhythm. Research questions were 1) Are participants who receive the rhythm game treatment able to reproduce rhythms more accurately than participants who do not do not receive the treatment? 2) Can participants who play a rhythm game more accurately imitate longer rhythms than those who do not play a rhythm game? 3) What is the relationship between rhythm game scores and rhythm test scores? And 4) Do differences in score exist based on grade level? Children in grades Kindergarten through Fourth grade were randomly assigned to either the control group or the treatment group. Participants in the control group took a rhythm test which included imitating heard rhythms to the best of their ability. Participants in the treatment group first played a selection of three games from he rhythm game Rhythm Heaven before taking the rhythm test. The accuracy of the two groups’ abilities to imitate the rhythms was compared. Results indicate that playing a rhythm game is beneficial to the development of rhythmic playing skills, as well as the development of rhythmic memory


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    Rhythm Game adalah genre game berbasis musik di mana pemain melakukan tindakan spesifik sebagai respons terhadap isyarat audio dan visual. Rhythm Game sering memfokuskan kemampuan pengenalan ketukan pemain, dibantu melalui pola visual yang cocok dengan ritme lagu. Pola-pola visual ini terdiri dari serangkaian objek note yang muncul atau bergerak melintasi layar. Mbira adalah salah satu jenis lamellophone tradisional afrika, masing-masing dengan penyetelan, tata letak nada, dan namanya sendiri. Instrumen ini disebut sebagai thumb pianos atau kalimba - mereka biasanya disetel ke skala barat "Do-Re-Mi", tetapi akarnya adalah Afrika yang unik. Kalimba diyakini telah ditemukan secara independen di dua tempat dan waktu yang berbeda di Afrika. Karena tidak ada rhythm game yang menggunakan kalimba sebagai alat musik, oleh karena itu dibangun lah sebuah rhythm game yang bertemakan kalimba dengan menggunakan Construct 2. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembangunan game yaitu Game development life cycle, merupakan sebuah metode yang digunakan dalam pembangunan sebuah game. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah rhythm game yang bertema kalimba yang berjudul my kalimba sound, yang akan dibangun untuk perangkat komputer. Kata kunci: Rhythm game, Kalimba, Game development life cycle, Construct

    Analysis and evaluation of mobile rhythm games : Game structure and playability

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    The rhythm game is an action simulation game adapted to the presented music. While it is expected to have an educational effect as a functional game, the relationship between the operability and rhythm education under the mobile platform is still questionable. In Korea, it seems that mobile rhythm game is a minority maniac genre that are played mostly among teenagers and early twenties. In this paper, we select three mobile rhythm games that are most played by Korean gamers in analysis. First, we analyze the user interface layout, note control, evaluation style and level of difficulty for three games – Deeno, Cytus, and Lanota. Then, we take a user survey in order to evaluate the playability of those games. All three games obtain high scores but there exust several statistically significant differences among games in analysis

    A study on psychological training of eSports using digital games: Focusing on rhythm game

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    Incidentally, several studies have mentioned that digital games or video games have a positive impact on psychological skills (Green, et al., 2003; Pessoa, 2009; Anguera, et al., 2013). Thus, this study aimed to examine the psychological skills focusing on selective attention by comparing the power change in the beta wave band of the EEG during game play and the results of the trail making test (TMT) conducted before and after. Participants were ten male college students who usually play game for at least one hour per day, five days per week (age: M = 21.90 ± 1.96). This study adopted “Osu!” that is a free online rhythm game as an experimental task, because several articles mentioned that professional gamers usually use "Osu!" as a warming up or practice before gaming (Webb, 2019; Carpenter, 2019). Thus, “Osu!” is assumed to have the effect of enhancing the players’ psychological skills. In addition, the TMT part B is adopted to measure attention to speed, motor speed, visual screening, mental flexibility, perseverance, interference affinity and reaction inhibition. As a result of comparing change in biological attention extracted from the EEG during game play or baseline measurement, there is a significant difference in selective attentional state between baseline and while game play. In comparison of TMT indicated that processing speed in after rhythm game was tended to be faster than before play. Thus, this study might be indicated that rhythm game would be the one of the psychological or cognitive training tool for eSports

    Dancer vs Non Dancer: Korelasi Kontroler Terhadap Game Experience Pada Rhythm Game

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    Dalam penelitian ini, penulis akan meneliti tentang korelasi kontroler terhadap game experience pada rhythm game dimana untuk mengetahui lebih efektif penggunaan kontroler kamera ipad atau nintendo switch. Dengan menggunakan metode CEGE atau kuisioner yang terbagi atas beberapa bagian yaitu enjoyment, frustration, Puppetry, dan bagian Video-Game yang diberikan terhadap 22 responden dengan 38 pertanyaan. Hasil dari penelitian didapat bahwa untuk pemain pemula atau non-dancer akan lebih nyaman menggunakan kamera ipad, sedangkan pemain dancer atau yang ahli lebih nyaman menggunakan joycon. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan bagi penelitian yang serupa

    Volume 52, Number 09 (September 1934)

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    Music Study for Adults (interview with Frederick B. Robinson) What Geography Has to Do with Rhythm Game of Musicians Making a Fist Teaching Accents Maurice Ravel: The Man, The Musician, The Critic (interview with Maurice Ravel) Beethoven, the Humorist Kreisler and the Prodigy Music Recreation and the Radio What Makes a Good Touch New Music for Ancient Plays Practicing Difficult Passages Story of Dixie and its Picturesque Composer Parent Help in Music Study Make Your Practice Period Worth While! Bridge Strength for Pianists Alabama\u27s Share in Dixie Cumulative Rewards Technic Fun Value of Simileshttps://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/1825/thumbnail.jp
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