1,130 research outputs found

    A general conservative extension theorem in process algebras with inequalities

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    We prove a general conservative extension theorem for transition system based process theories with easy-to-check and reasonable conditions. The core of this result is another general theorem which gives sufficient conditions for a system of operational rules and an extension of it in order to ensure conservativity, that is, provable transitions from an original term in the extension are the same as in the original system. As a simple corollary of the conservative extension theorem we prove a completeness theorem. We also prove a general theorem giving sufficient conditions to reduce the question of ground confluence modulo some equations for a large term rewriting system associated with an equational process theory to a small term rewriting system under the condition that the large system is a conservative extension of the small one. We provide many applications to show that our results are useful. The applications include (but are not limited to) various real and discrete time settings in ACP, ATP, and CCS and the notions projection, renaming, stage operator, priority, recursion, the silent step, autonomous actions, the empty process, divergence, etc

    A convenient category of locally preordered spaces

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    As a practical foundation for a homotopy theory of abstract spacetime, we extend a category of certain compact partially ordered spaces to a convenient category of locally preordered spaces. In particular, we show that our new category is Cartesian closed and that the forgetful functor to the category of compactly generated spaces creates all limits and colimits.Comment: 26 pages, 0 figures, partially presented at GETCO 2005; changes: claim of Prop. 5.11 weakened to finite case and proof changed due to problems with proof of Lemma 3.26, now removed; Eg. 2.7, statement before Lem. 2.11, typos, and other minor problems corrected throughout; extensive rewording; proof of Lem. 3.31, now 3.30, adde

    AC-KBO Revisited

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    Equational theories that contain axioms expressing associativity and commutativity (AC) of certain operators are ubiquitous. Theorem proving methods in such theories rely on well-founded orders that are compatible with the AC axioms. In this paper we consider various definitions of AC-compatible Knuth-Bendix orders. The orders of Steinbach and of Korovin and Voronkov are revisited. The former is enhanced to a more powerful version, and we modify the latter to amend its lack of monotonicity on non-ground terms. We further present new complexity results. An extension reflecting the recent proposal of subterm coefficients in standard Knuth-Bendix orders is also given. The various orders are compared on problems in termination and completion.Comment: 31 pages, To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) special issue for the 12th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming (FLOPS 2014

    Labelings for Decreasing Diagrams

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    This article is concerned with automating the decreasing diagrams technique of van Oostrom for establishing confluence of term rewrite systems. We study abstract criteria that allow to lexicographically combine labelings to show local diagrams decreasing. This approach has two immediate benefits. First, it allows to use labelings for linear rewrite systems also for left-linear ones, provided some mild conditions are satisfied. Second, it admits an incremental method for proving confluence which subsumes recent developments in automating decreasing diagrams. The techniques proposed in the article have been implemented and experimental results demonstrate how, e.g., the rule labeling benefits from our contributions

    Equivalence-Checking on Infinite-State Systems: Techniques and Results

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    The paper presents a selection of recently developed and/or used techniques for equivalence-checking on infinite-state systems, and an up-to-date overview of existing results (as of September 2004)

    Compositional Reasoning for Explicit Resource Management in Channel-Based Concurrency

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    We define a pi-calculus variant with a costed semantics where channels are treated as resources that must explicitly be allocated before they are used and can be deallocated when no longer required. We use a substructural type system tracking permission transfer to construct coinductive proof techniques for comparing behaviour and resource usage efficiency of concurrent processes. We establish full abstraction results between our coinductive definitions and a contextual behavioural preorder describing a notion of process efficiency w.r.t. its management of resources. We also justify these definitions and respective proof techniques through numerous examples and a case study comparing two concurrent implementations of an extensible buffer.Comment: 51 pages, 7 figure

    The variable containment problem

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    The essentially free variables of a term tt in some λ\lambda-calculus, FV β(t)_{\beta}(t), form the set (xx ∣∣_{\mid}^{\mid} ∀u.t=βu⇒x\forall u.t=_{\beta}u\Rightarrow x ϵ\epsilon FV(u)(u)}. This set is significant once we consider equivalence classes of λ\lambda-terms rather than λ\lambda-terms themselves, as for instance in higher-order rewriting. An important problem for (generalised) higher-order rewrite systems is the variable containment problem: given two terms tt and uu, do we have for all substitutions θ\theta and contexts CC[] that FVβ(C[t]θ)⊇_{\beta}(C[t]^{\theta}) \supseteq FVβ(C[uθ])_{\beta}(C[u^{\theta}])? This property is important when we want to consider t→ut \to u as a rewrite rule and keep nn-step rewriting decidable. Variable containment is in general not implied by FV β(t)⊇_{\beta} (t)\supseteq FVβ(u)_{\beta}(u). We give a decision procedure for the variable containment problem of the second-order fragment of λ→\lambda^{\to}. For full λ→\lambda^{\to} we show the equivalence of variable containment to an open problem in the theory of PCF; this equivalence also shows that the problem is decidable in the third-order case
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