147 research outputs found

    Efficient Neural Methods for Coreference Resolution

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    Coreference resolution is a core task in natural language processing and in creating language technologies. Neural methods and models for automatically resolving references have emerged and developed over the last several years. This progress is largely marked by continuous improvements on a single dataset and metric. In this thesis, the assumptions that underlie these improvements are shown to be unrealistic for real-world use due to the computational and data tradeoffs made to achieve apparently high performance. The thesis outlines and proposes solutions to three issues. First, to address the growing memory requirements and restrictions on input document length, a novel, constant memory neural model for coreference resolution is proposed and shown to attain performance comparable to contemporary models. Second, to address the failure of these models to generalize across datasets, continued training is evaluated and shown to be successful for transferring coreference resolution models between domains and languages. Finally, to combat the gains obtained via the use of increasingly large pretrained language models, multitask model pruning can be applied to maintain a single (small) model for multiple datasets. These methods reduce the computational cost of running a model and the annotation cost of creating a model for any arbitrary dataset. As real-world applications continue to demand resolution of coreference, methods that reduce the technical cost of training new models and making predictions are greatly desired, which this thesis addresses

    Linear mappings: semantic transfer from transformer models for cognate detection and coreference resolution

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    Includes bibliographical references.2022 Fall.Embeddings or vector representations of language and their properties are useful for understanding how Natural Language Processing technology works. The usefulness of embeddings, however, depends on how contextualized or information-rich such embeddings are. In this work, I apply a novel affine (linear) mapping technique first established in the field of computer vision to embeddings generated from large Transformer-based language models. In particular, I study its use in two challenging linguistic tasks: cross-lingual cognate detection and cross-document coreference resolution. Cognate detection for two Low-Resource Languages (LRL), Assamese and Bengali, is framed as a binary classification problem using semantic (embedding-based), articulatory, and phonetic features. Linear maps for this task are extrinsically evaluated on the extent of transfer of semantic information between monolingual as well as multi-lingual models including those specialized for low-resourced Indian languages. For cross-document coreference resolution, whole-document contextual representations are generated for event and entity mentions from cross- document language models like CDLM and other BERT-variants and then linearly mapped to form coreferring clusters based on their cosine similarities. I evaluate my results on gold output based on established coreference metrics like BCUB and MUC. My findings reveal that linearly transforming vectors from one model's embedding space to another carries certain semantic information with high fidelity thereby revealing the existence of a canonical embedding space and its geometric properties for language models. Interestingly, even for a much more challenging task like coreference resolution, linear maps are able to transfer semantic information between "lighter" models or less contextual models and "larger" models with near-equivalent performance or even improved results in some cases

    Robustness in Coreference Resolution

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    Coreference resolution is the task of determining different expressions of a text that refer to the same entity. The resolution of coreferring expressions is an essential step for automatic interpretation of the text. While coreference information is beneficial for various NLP tasks like summarization, question answering, and information extraction, state-of-the-art coreference resolvers are barely used in any of these tasks. The problem is the lack of robustness in coreference resolution systems. A coreference resolver that gets higher scores on the standard evaluation set does not necessarily perform better than the others on a new test set. In this thesis, we introduce robustness in coreference resolution by (1) introducing a reliable evaluation framework for recognizing robust improvements, and (2) proposing a solution that results in robust coreference resolvers. As the first step of setting up the evaluation framework, we introduce a reliable evaluation metric, called LEA, that overcomes the drawbacks of the existing metrics. We analyze LEA based on various types of errors in coreference outputs and show that it results in reliable scores. In addition to an evaluation metric, we also introduce an evaluation setting in which we disentangle coreference evaluations from parsing complexities. Coreference resolution is affected by parsing complexities for detecting the boundaries of expressions that have complex syntactic structures. We reduce the effect of parsing errors in coreference evaluation by automatically extracting a minimum span for each expression. We then emphasize the importance of out-of-domain evaluations and generalization in coreference resolution and discuss the reasons behind the poor generalization of state-of-the-art coreference resolvers. Finally, we show that enhancing state-of-the-art coreference resolvers with linguistic features is a promising approach for making coreference resolvers robust across domains. The incorporation of linguistic features with all their values does not improve the performance. However, we introduce an efficient pattern mining approach, called EPM, that mines all feature-value combinations that are discriminative for coreference relations. We then only incorporate feature-values that are discriminative for coreference relations. By employing EPM feature-values, performance improves significantly across various domains

    Scalable syntactic inductive biases for neural language models

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    Natural language has a sequential surface form, although its underlying structure has been argued to be hierarchical and tree-structured in nature, whereby smaller linguistic units like words are recursively composed to form larger ones, such as phrases and sentences. This thesis aims to answer the following open research questions: To what extent---if at all---can more explicit notions of hierarchical syntactic structures further improve the performance of neural models within NLP, even within the context of successful models like BERT that learn from large amounts of data? And where exactly would stronger notions of syntactic structures be beneficial in different types of language understanding tasks? To answer these questions, we explore two approaches for augmenting neural sequence models with an inductive bias that encourages a more explicit modelling of hierarchical syntactic structures. In the first approach, we use existing techniques that design tree-structured neural networks, where the ordering of the computational operations is determined by hierarchical syntax trees. We discover that this approach is indeed effective for designing better and more robust models at various challenging benchmarks of syntactic competence, although these benefits nevertheless come at the expense of scalability: In practice, such tree-structured models are much more challenging to scale to large datasets. Hence, in the second approach, we devise a novel knowledge distillation strategy for combining the best of both syntactic inductive biases and data scale. Our proposed approach is effective across different neural sequence modelling architectures and objective functions: By applying our approach on top of a left-to-right LSTM, we design a distilled syntax-aware (DSA) LSTM that achieves a new state of the art (as of mid-2019) and human-level performance at targeted syntactic evaluations. By applying our approach on top of a Transformer-based BERT masked language model that works well at scale, we outperform a strong BERT baseline on six structured prediction tasks---including those that are not explicitly syntactic in nature---in addition to the corpus of linguistic acceptability. Notably, our approach yields a new state of the art (as of mid-2020)---among models pre-trained on the original BERT dataset---on four structured prediction tasks: In-domain and out-of-domain phrase-structure parsing, dependency parsing, and semantic role labelling. Altogether, our findings and methods in this work: (i) provide an example of how existing linguistic theories (particularly concerning the syntax of language), annotations, and resources can be used both as diagnostic evaluation tools, and also as a source of prior knowledge for crafting inductive biases that can improve the performance of computational models of language; (ii) showcase the continued relevance and benefits of more explicit syntactic inductive biases, even within the context of scalable neural models like BERT that can derive their knowledge from large amounts of data; (iii) contribute to a better understanding of where exactly syntactic biases are most helpful in different types of NLP tasks; and (iv) motivate the broader question of how we can design models that integrate stronger syntactic biases---and yet can be easily scalable at the same time---as a promising (if relatively underexplored) direction of NLP research

    Tipping the scales: exploring the added value of deep semantic processing on readability prediction and sentiment analysis

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    Applications which make use of natural language processing (NLP) are said to benefit more from incorporating a rich model of text meaning than from a basic representation in the form of bag-of-words. This thesis set out to explore the added value of incorporating deep semantic information in two end-user applications that normally rely mostly on superficial and lexical information, viz. readability prediction and aspect-based sentiment analysis. For both applications we apply supervised machine learning techniques and focus on the incorporation of coreference and semantic role information. To this purpose, we adapted a Dutch coreference resolution system and developed a semantic role labeler for Dutch. We tested the cross-genre robustness of both systems and in a next phase retrained them on a large corpus comprising a variety of text genres. For the readability prediction task, we first built a general-purpose corpus consisting of a large variety of text genres which was then assessed on readability. Moreover, we proposed an assessment technique which has not previously been used in readability assessment, namely crowdsourcing, and revealed that crowdsourcing is a viable alternative to the more traditional assessment technique of having experts assign labels. We built the first state-of-the-art classification-based readability prediction system relying on a rich feature space of traditional, lexical, syntactic and shallow semantic features. Furthermore, we enriched this tool by introducing new features based on coreference resolution and semantic role labeling. We then explored the added value of incorporating this deep semantic information by performing two different rounds of experiments. In the first round these features were manually in- or excluded and in the second round joint optimization experiments were performed using a wrapper-based feature selection system based on genetic algorithms. In both setups, we investigated whether there was a difference in performance when these features were derived from gold standard information compared to when they were automatically generated, which allowed us to assess the true upper bound of incorporating this type of information. Our results revealed that readability classification definitely benefits from the incorporation of semantic information in the form of coreference and semantic role features. More precisely, we found that the best results for both tasks were achieved after jointly optimizing the hyperparameters and semantic features using genetic algorithms. Contrary to our expectations, we observed that our system achieved its best performance when relying on the automatically predicted deep semantic features. This is an interesting result, as our ultimate goal is to predict readability based exclusively on automatically-derived information sources. For the aspect-based sentiment analysis task, we developed the first Dutch end-to-end system. We therefore collected a corpus of Dutch restaurant reviews and annotated each review with aspect term expressions and polarity. For the creation of our system, we distinguished three individual subtasks: aspect term extraction, aspect category classification and aspect polarity classification. We then investigated the added value of our two semantic information layers in the second subtask of aspect category classification. In a first setup, we focussed on investigating the added value of performing coreference resolution prior to classification in order to derive which implicit aspect terms (anaphors) could be linked to which explicit aspect terms (antecedents). In these experiments, we explored how the performance of a baseline classifier relying on lexical information alone would benefit from additional semantic information in the form of lexical-semantic and semantic role features. We hypothesized that if coreference resolution was performed prior to classification, more of this semantic information could be derived, i.e. for the implicit aspect terms, which would result in a better performance. In this respect, we optimized our classifier using a wrapper-based approach for feature selection and we compared a setting where we relied on gold-standard anaphor-antecedent pairs to a setting where these had been predicted. Our results revealed a very moderate performance gain and underlined that incorporating coreference information only proves useful when integrating gold-standard coreference annotations. When coreference relations were derived automatically, this led to an overall decrease in performance because of semantic mismatches. When comparing the semantic role to the lexical-semantic features, it seemed that especially the latter features allow for a better performance. In a second setup, we investigated how to resolve implicit aspect terms. We compared a setting where gold-standard coreference resolution was used for this purpose to a setting where the implicit aspects were derived from a simple subjectivity heuristic. Our results revealed that using this heuristic results in a better coverage and performance, which means that, overall, it was difficult to find an added value in resolving coreference first. Does deep semantic information help tip the scales on performance? For Dutch readability prediction, we found that it does, when integrated in a state-of-the-art classifier. By using such information for Dutch aspect-based sentiment analysis, we found that this approach adds weight to the scales, but cannot make them tip
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