15 research outputs found

    Steganography-based secret and reliable communications : improving steganographic capacity and imperceptibility

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    Unlike encryption, steganography hides the very existence of secret information rather than hiding its meaning only. Image based steganography is the most common system used since digital images are widely used over the Internet and Web. However, the capacity is mostly limited and restricted by the size of cover images. In addition, there is a tradeoff between both steganographic capacity and stego image quality. Therefore, increasing steganographic capacity and enhancing stego image quality are still challenges, and this is exactly our research main aim. Related to this, we also investigate hiding secret information in communication protocols, namely Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) message, rather than in conventional digital files. To get a high steganographic capacity, two novel steganography methods were proposed. The first method was based on using 16x16 non-overlapping blocks and quantisation table for Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) compression instead of 8x8. Then, the quality of JPEG stego images was enhanced by using optimised quantisation tables instead of the default tables. The second method, the hybrid method, was based on using optimised quantisation tables and two hiding techniques: JSteg along with our first proposed method. To increase the steganographic capacity, the impact of hiding data within image chrominance was investigated and explained. Since peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) is extensively used as a quality measure of stego images, the reliability of PSNR for stego images was also evaluated in the work described in this thesis. Finally, to eliminate any detectable traces that traditional steganography may leave in stego files, a novel and undetectable steganography method based on SOAP messages was proposed. All methods proposed have been empirically validated as to indicate their utility and value. The results revealed that our methods and suggestions improved the main aspects of image steganography. Nevertheless, PSNR was found not to be a reliable quality evaluation measure to be used with stego image. On the other hand, information hiding in SOAP messages represented a distinctive way for undetectable and secret communication.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceMinistry of Higher Education in SyriaUniversity of AleppoGBUnited Kingdo

    Steganography-based secret and reliable communications : improving steganographic capacity and imperceptibility

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    Unlike encryption, steganography hides the very existence of secret information rather than hiding its meaning only. Image based steganography is the most common system used since digital images are widely used over the Internet and Web. However, the capacity is mostly limited and restricted by the size of cover images. In addition, there is a tradeoff between both steganographic capacity and stego image quality. Therefore, increasing steganographic capacity and enhancing stego image quality are still challenges, and this is exactly our research main aim. Related to this, we also investigate hiding secret information in communication protocols, namely Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) message, rather than in conventional digital files. To get a high steganographic capacity, two novel steganography methods were proposed. The first method was based on using 16x16 non-overlapping blocks and quantisation table for Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) compression instead of 8x8. Then, the quality of JPEG stego images was enhanced by using optimised quantisation tables instead of the default tables. The second method, the hybrid method, was based on using optimised quantisation tables and two hiding techniques: JSteg along with our first proposed method. To increase the steganographic capacity, the impact of hiding data within image chrominance was investigated and explained. Since peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) is extensively used as a quality measure of stego images, the reliability of PSNR for stego images was also evaluated in the work described in this thesis. Finally, to eliminate any detectable traces that traditional steganography may leave in stego files, a novel and undetectable steganography method based on SOAP messages was proposed. All methods proposed have been empirically validated as to indicate their utility and value. The results revealed that our methods and suggestions improved the main aspects of image steganography. Nevertheless, PSNR was found not to be a reliable quality evaluation measure to be used with stego image. On the other hand, information hiding in SOAP messages represented a distinctive way for undetectable and secret communication.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceMinistry of Higher Education in SyriaUniversity of AleppoGBUnited Kingdo

    Fourier transform bounded Kolmogorov complexity

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    The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) has been extended to lossless compression for binary images. Binarisation is key for DFT to compress losslessly because there exist lossy reconstructions (within a specific range of loss values) which are error-corrected during the binarisation step, effectively making the image lossless. In an ironic twist, the quantisation effect which usually introduces errors, has been utilised to remove noise from lossy reconstructions

    Reversible and imperceptible watermarking approach for ensuring the integrity and authenticity of brain MR images

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    The digital medical workflow has many circumstances in which the image data can be manipulated both within the secured Hospital Information Systems (HIS) and outside, as images are viewed, extracted and exchanged. This potentially grows ethical and legal concerns regarding modifying images details that are crucial in medical examinations. Digital watermarking is recognised as a robust technique for enhancing trust within medical imaging by detecting alterations applied to medical images. Despite its efficiency, digital watermarking has not been widely used in medical imaging. Existing watermarking approaches often suffer from validation of their appropriateness to medical domains. Particularly, several research gaps have been identified: (i) essential requirements for the watermarking of medical images are not well defined; (ii) no standard approach can be found in the literature to evaluate the imperceptibility of watermarked images; and (iii) no study has been conducted before to test digital watermarking in a medical imaging workflow. This research aims to investigate digital watermarking to designing, analysing and applying it to medical images to confirm manipulations can be detected and tracked. In addressing these gaps, a number of original contributions have been presented. A new reversible and imperceptible watermarking approach is presented to detect manipulations of brain Magnetic Resonance (MR) images based on Difference Expansion (DE) technique. Experimental results show that the proposed method, whilst fully reversible, can also realise a watermarked image with low degradation for reasonable and controllable embedding capacity. This is fulfilled by encoding the data into smooth regions (blocks that have least differences between their pixels values) inside the Region of Interest (ROI) part of medical images and also through the elimination of the large location map (location of pixels used for encoding the data) required at extraction to retrieve the encoded data. This compares favourably to outcomes reported under current state-of-art techniques in terms of visual image quality of watermarked images. This was also evaluated through conducting a novel visual assessment based on relative Visual Grading Analysis (relative VGA) to define a perceptual threshold in which modifications become noticeable to radiographers. The proposed approach is then integrated into medical systems to verify its validity and applicability in a real application scenario of medical imaging where medical images are generated, exchanged and archived. This enhanced security measure, therefore, enables the detection of image manipulations, by an imperceptible and reversible watermarking approach, that may establish increased trust in the digital medical imaging workflow

    Beyond the pixels: learning and utilising video compression features for localisation of digital tampering.

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    Video compression is pervasive in digital society. With rising usage of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in the fields of computer vision, video analysis and video tampering detection, it is important to investigate how patterns invisible to human eyes may be influencing modern computer vision techniques and how they can be used advantageously. This work thoroughly explores how video compression influences accuracy of CNNs and shows how optimal performance is achieved when compression levels in the training set closely match those of the test set. A novel method is then developed, using CNNs, to derive compression features directly from the pixels of video frames. It is then shown that these features can be readily used to detect inauthentic video content with good accuracy across multiple different video tampering techniques. Moreover, the ability to explain these features allows predictions to be made about their effectiveness against future tampering methods. The problem is motivated with a novel investigation into recent video manipulation methods, which shows that there is a consistent drive to produce convincing, photorealistic, manipulated or synthetic video. Humans, blind to the presence of video tampering, are also blind to the type of tampering. New detection techniques are required and, in order to compensate for human limitations, they should be broadly applicable to multiple tampering types. This thesis details the steps necessary to develop and evaluate such techniques

    Aradeğerleme hatalarına dayalı bölgesel tabanlı uyarlanabilir tersinir görüntü damgalama

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu tezde aradeğerleme hatalarının bölgesel tabanlı damgalandığı yeni bir tersinir görüntü damgalama yöntemi önerilmiştir. Piksellere ait tahmin değerlerinin elde edilmesinde, pikseller arasındaki uzamsal ilintinin etkin bir şekilde kullanıldığı aradağerleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Aradeğerleme işlemi ile elde edilen tahmin değerleri orijinal piksel değerlerinden çıkarılarak piksellere ait hata değerleri elde edilmiş, bu hata değerleri yeni bir yaklaşım ile damga eklemek için kullanılmıştır. Önerilen yöntem; aradağerleme hatalarının histogramında birden fazla hata değerinin damgalandığı bölgesel tabanlı yeni bir tersinir görüntü damgalama yöntemidir. Aradeğerleme hatası histogramı iki bölgeye ayrılarak her bölgeye ait parametrelerin iteratif olarak belirlenmesi ile hedefelenen kapasite değerine daha hassas bir şekilde ulaşılması sağlanmış, böylece damgalanmış görüntü üzerindeki bozunum azaltılmıştır. Bu yeni yöntemde, aradeğerleme hatalarının damgalanmasında daha verimli sonuçların elde edilebilmesi için, uyarlanabilir bir yaklaşım ile hangi piksellerin bir bit hangilerinin birden fazla bit ile damgalanacağına karar verilmektedir. Bu yaklaşım damgalanacak piksellere yer açmak amacıyla ötelenen piksellerin azaltılmasını sağlayan piksel seçme işlemi ile daha da verimli hale getirilmiştir. Önerilen yöntemin, literatürde sıklıkla kullanılan damgalama yöntemlerinden kapasite ve bozunum performansı açısından daha iyi sonuçlar verdiği bilgisayar benzetimleri ile gösterilmiştir.In this thesis, a new reversible image watermarking method is proposed, in which interpolation errors are watermarked in a region based manner. In order to obtain prediction values of the pixels, interpolation method which exploit the spatial correlation of image pixels effectively is used. Prediction error value of a pixel is obtained by calculating differences between the original pixels and the prediction values obtained by the interpolation process. These error values is used to add watermark with a new approach. Proposed method; is a new region-based reversible image watermarking method where more than one error value is watermarked in the histogram of the interpolation errors. The interpolation error histogram is divided into two regions and the parameters related to each region are iteratively determined so that the target capacity value can be reached more precisely. Thereby, distortion on watermarked image is reduced. In this new method, for the sake of efficiency, while interpolation errors are watermarked, it is decided with an adaptive approach which pixels are to be watermarked with one bit, and which pixels are watermarked with more than one bit. This approach has been made even more efficient by pixel selection, which reduces the pixels that are shifted to make room for the watermarked pixels. The superiority of the proposed method in terms of capacity and distortion performance over other methods commonly used in the literature is showed by computer simulations