7,152 research outputs found

    High functionality reversible arithmetic logic unit

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    Energy loss is a big challenge in digital logic design primarily due to impending end of Moore’s Law. Increase in power dissipation not only affects portability but also overall life span of a device. Many applications cannot afford this loss. Therefore, future computing will rely on reversible logic for implementation of power efficient and compact circuits. Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) is a fundamental component of all processors and designing it with reversible logic is tedious. The various ALU designs using reversible logic gates exist in literature but operations performed by them are limited. The main aim of this paper is to propose a new design of reversible ALU and enhance number of operations in it. This paper critically analyzes proposed ALU with existing designs and demonstrates increase in functionality with 56% reduction in gates, 17 % reduction in garbage lines, 92 % reduction in ancillary lines and 53 % reduction in quantum cost. The proposed ALU design is coded in Verilog HDL, synthesized and simulated using EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tool-Xilinx ISE design suit 14.2. RCViewer+ tool has been used to validate quantum cost of proposed design

    Implementation and Analysis of Reversible logic Based Arithmetic Logic Unit

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    There is a tremendous growth in fabrication from small scale integration (SSI) to giant scale integration (GSI). It however raises a question of sustainability of Moore's law due to almost intolerable levels of power consumption. Researchers have invented a lot of methods to reduce power consumption and recent technologies are switching to reversible logic. Reversible logic has various applications in fields of computer graphics, optical information processing, quantum computing, DNA computing, ultra low power CMOS design and communication. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is considered to be the basic building block of a CPU in the computing environment and portability in computing system highly demands reversible logic based ALU. Modern processors usually have a word length of 32 or 64 bits. Divide and conquer approach principle cascades n number of 1 bit ALU to implement n bit ALU. Several researchers have proposed 1-bit ALU design using various reversible logic gates. This paper aims at categorizing various ways of implementation in VHDL using Xilinx ISE design suit 14.2 tool and comparative analysis of existing 1 bit ALU designs in terms of optimization metrics like power consumption, number of gates, number of constant inputs, number of garbage outputs and quantum cost. ALU realized using carry save adder block is found to be most optimum design in terms of gate count and quantum cost

    Design of efficient reversible floating-point arithmetic unit on field programmable gate array platform and its performance analysis

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    The reversible logic gates are used to improve the power dissipation in modern computer applications. The floating-point numbers with reversible features are added advantage to performing complex algorithms with high-performance computations. This manuscript implements an efficient reversible floating-point arithmetic (RFPA) unit, and its performance metrics are realized in detail. The RFP adder/subtractor (A/S), RFP multiplier, and RFP divider units are designed as a part of the RFP arithmetic unit. The RFPA unit is designed by considering basic reversible gates. The mantissa part of the RFP multiplier is created using a 24x24 Wallace tree multiplier. In contrast, the reciprocal unit of the RFP divider is designed using Newton Raphson’s method. The RFPA unit and its submodules are executed in parallel by utilizing one clock cycle individually. The RFPA unit and its submodules are synthesized separately on the Vivado IDE environment and obtained the implementation results on Artix-7 field programmable gate array (FPGA). The RFPA unit utilizes only 18.44% slice look-up tables (LUTs) by consuming the 0.891 W total power on Artix-7 FPGA. The RFPA unit sub-models are compared with existing approaches with better performance metrics and chip resource utilization improvements

    Reversible Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata-Based Arithmetic Logic Unit

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    Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) are a promising nanoscale computing technology that exploits the quantum mechanical tunneling of electrons between quantum dots in a cell andelectrostatic interaction between dots in neighboring cells. QCA can achieve higher speed, lowerpower, and smaller areas than conventional, complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. Developing QCA circuits in a logically and physically reversible manner can provide exceptional reductions in energy dissipation. The main challenge is to maintain reversibility down to the physical level. A crucial component of a computer’s central processing unit (CPU) is the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which executes multiple logical and arithmetic functions on the data processed by the CPU. Current QCA ALU designs are either irreversible or logically reversible; however, they lack physical reversibility, a crucial requirement to increase energy efficiency. This paper shows a new multilayer design for a QCA ALU that can carry out 16 different operations and is both logically and physically reversible. The design is based on reversible majority gates, which are the key building blocks. We use QCA Designer-E software to simulate and evaluate energy dissipation. The proposed logically and physically reversible QCA ALU offers an improvement of 88.8% in energy efficiency. Compared to the next most efficient 16-operation QCA ALU, this ALU uses 51% fewer QCA cells and 47% less area

    Design and Implementation of Optimized 32-Bit Reversible Arithmetic Logic Unit

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    With the growing advent of VLSI technology, the device size is shrinking and the complexity of the circuit is increasing exponentially. Power dissipation is considered as one of the most important design parameter. Reversible logic is an emerging and promising technology that provides almost zero power dissipation. Power consumption is also considered as an important parameter in digital circuits. In this paper, an efficient fault tolerant 32-bit reversible arithmetic and logic unit is designed and implemented using some parity preserving gates. The proposed design is better in terms of quantum cost and power dissipation. The number of garbage outputs are reduced by using them as an arithmetic or logical operation. The design can perform three arithmetic operations: Adder, Subtractor, Multiplier and four logical operations: Transfer A, Transfer B, Bitwise AND, XOR operation. The results of the proposed design are then compared with the existing design

    MF-RALU: design of an efficient multi-functional reversible arithmetic and logic unit for processor design on field programmable gate array platform

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    Most modern computer applications use reversible logic gates to solve power dissipation issues. This manuscript uses an efficient multi-functional reversible arithmetic and logical unit (MF-RALU) to perform 30 operations. The 32-bit MF-RALU includes arithmetic, logical, complement, shifters, multiplexers, different adders, and multipliers. The multi-bit reversible multiplexers are used to construct the MF-RALU structure. The Reduced instruction set computer (RISC) processor is designed to realize the functionality of the MF-RALU. The MF-RALU can perform its operation in a single clock cycle. The 1-bit RALU is developed and compared with existing approaches with improvements in performance metrics. The 32-bit reversible arithmetic units (RAUs) and reversible logical units (RLUs) are constructed using 1-bit RALU. The MF-RALU and RISC processor are synthesized individually in the Vivado environment using Verilog-HDL and implemented on Artix-7 field programmable gate array (FPGA). The MF-RALU utilizes a <11% chip area and consumes 332 mW total power. The RISC processor utilizes a <3% chip area and works at 483 MHZ frequency by consuming 159 mW of total power on Artix-7 FPGA
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