8 research outputs found


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    The 21st century shifted the world communities to an “electronic” stage of evolution. Drastic changes can be visualized in literature, linguistics and other humanitarian sciences. The greatest attention is paid to the promotion of linguistic researches, which are oriented towards electronic documenting of the language as well as on the intensive usage of digital methodologies and modern technologies. The reliance on these “technics” enables contemporary Georgian scientists to achieve principally new results and verify different models or hypotheses. Despite these circumstances, a lot must be done in the sphere of Kartvelology. The paper presents the university projects, which are oriented towards: involvement of students in researching activities dealing with the corpus-building;promotion of the development of digital Kartvelology; facilitation of creation of Georgian and foreign  scholars’ digital library and  text-corpus;development of Georgian scientific meta-language, etc. Therefore, promotion of digitalization, development of scientific meta-language, facilitation of the preservation of well-known scholars’ works, creation of digital libraries and establishment of modern methods crucial for the promotion of up-to-date teaching processes  – these are the main issues of our paper and  integral problems of today’s educational world. The methodology of research includes observation, analysis and evaluation of ongoing projects and their already-achieved/future outcomes. Certain prospects are visualised.  

    Methods, data and tools for facilitating a 3D cultural heritage space

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    In recent years, the cultural heritage (CH) sector has experienced a rapid evolution due to the introduction of increasingly powerful digital technologies and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) solutions. As for many other domains, digital data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Extended Reality (XR) are opening up extraordinary opportunities for expanding heritage knowledge capabilities while boosting the research on innovative solutions for its valorisation and preservation. Being aware of the fundamental and strategic role of CH in the history and identity of the European countries, the European Commission has assumed a central role in fuelling the policy debate and putting together stakeholders to take a step forward in CH digitization and use, primarily through initiatives, programs, and recommendations. Within this framework, the ongoing European 5DCulture project (https://www.5dculture.eu/) has been funded to enrich the offer of 3D CH digital assets in the common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage by creating high-quality 3D contents and to foster their re-use in several sectors, from tourism to education. Through 8 re-use scenarios around historic buildings and cityscapes, archaeology, and fashion, the project aims to deliver a set of digital tools and increase the capacity of CH institutions to more effectively re-use their 3D digital assets

    Pemanfaatan Media Webgis untuk Pendidikan Warisan Budaya Masjid Agung Keraton Surakarta sebagai Model Pembelajaran Life Long Learning

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    WebGIS is an information system that uses computers to obtain, process, analyze and present data that refers to geographical locations to help decision making and is presented through digital media websites. The use of digital technology in learning cultural heritage is one of the learning solutions that can be developed as a learning model for Life Long Learning Education. The purpose of this research is to develop a learning media to provide solutions to the problems faced by students and the general public in studying the history of the cultural heritage of the Great Mosque of the Surakarta Palace, so as to increase interest in learning and add insight into the history of cultural heritage through WebGIS media. The method used for research is Research and Development and the development model uses Waterfall. The subject of the study was the Surakarta City Senior High School level. The results of the study obtained the value of media experts from the aspect of efficiency is 95%, the value of the display aspect is 96.66%, the value of the software aspect is 93.33%, the value of the technical quality aspect is 100%, then the material expert gets a value from the aspect learning is 96%, the value of the content aspect is 100%. For the questionnaire students obtain pre-test results with an average value of 35.29 and the results of the post-test with an average value of 69.61. So it can be concluded that the results of the Cultural Heritage Learning of the Great Mosque of Surakarta through WebGIS have increased in value and got a higher average value

    "A Town of Many": Drama and Urban Heritage Landscapes as Mediums for Second Language Acquisition and Social Inclusion

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    If the global and multicultural social environments in which we find ourselves nowadays define who we are, then “we,” as social beings, are embedded in various relevant social communities in which we are acting, interacting, affecting, and being affected through our communications. In our case, teachers and learners change and coproduce cultural assets through their daily practices, while they explore, interact, and embrace the already existing local Cultural Heritage of their new settings. This paper moves beyond text-oriented approaches and towards cutting-edge trends in education and second language learning. A new global application is presented which utilizes the recording of urban heritage landscapes as mediums for second language acquisition and social inclusion. The methodology is based on the case study of a coproduced (between teachers and learners) Historical Area Assessment in a diverse area of Cardiff city. It shows the benefits brought to the refugee and asylum seeker learners regarding their second language competence levels and the social inclusion they achieved in their local community. Through this innovative application, which combines heritage recording with drama in education, learners take the lead in the recording of the urban heritage landscapes, and the teachers focus on the creative and experiential aspect of the learning process through drama. The ultimate aims are to present a new heritage and drama-based way for second language acquisition and social inclusion in the multicultural classroom

    A Town of Many:Drama and Urban Heritage Landscapes as Mediums for Second Language Acquisition and Social Inclusion

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    If the global and multicultural social environments in which we find ourselves nowadays, define who we are, then ‘we’ as social beings, are embedded in various relevant social communities in which we act, interact, affect and being affected through our communications. In our case, teachers and learners change and co-produce cultural assets through their daily practices, while they explore, interact and embrace the already existing local Cultural Heritage of their new settings. This paper moves beyond text-oriented approaches and towards cutting-edge trends in education and second language learning. A new global application is presented which utilises the recording of urban heritage landscapes as mediums for second language acquisition and social inclusion. The methodology that is developed is based on the case study of a co-produced, between teachers and learners, Historical Area Assessment in a diverse area of Cardiff city. It shows the benefits brought to the refugee and asylum seeker learners, regarding their second language competence levels and the social inclusion they achieved in their local community. Through this innovative application, which combines heritage recording with drama in education, learners take the lead in the recording of the urban heritage landscapes and the teachers focus on the creative and experiential aspect of the learning process through drama. The ultimate aims are to present a new heritage and drama-based way for second language acquisition and social inclusion in the multicultural classroom

    Digital 3D Technologies for Humanities Research and Education: An Overview

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    Digital 3D modelling and visualization technologies have been widely applied to support research in the humanities since the 1980s. Since technological backgrounds, project opportunities, and methodological considerations for application are widely discussed in the literature, one of the next tasks is to validate these techniques within a wider scientific community and establish them in the culture of academic disciplines. This article resulted from a postdoctoral thesis and is intended to provide a comprehensive overview on the use of digital 3D technologies in the humanities with regards to (1) scenarios, user communities, and epistemic challenges; (2) technologies, UX design, and workflows; and (3) framework conditions as legislation, infrastructures, and teaching programs. Although the results are of relevance for 3D modelling in all humanities disciplines, the focus of our studies is on modelling of past architectural and cultural landscape objects via interpretative 3D reconstruction methods

    Heritage University. Comunicazione e memoria degli atenei

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    L’intensa storicizzazione che investe oggi la cultura delle organizzazioni pubbliche e private individua, nel ricorso al passato, un bacino di opportunitĂ  espressive e relazionali per le universitĂ , che spiccano fra le istituzioni piĂč longeve, custodi di una straordinaria ereditĂ  scientifica e culturale. È cosĂŹ che, in tempi di crisi e cambiamento, la memoria e la storia si affermano come rinnovata risorsa per la reputazione istituzionale degli atenei, la cui antica tradizione Ăš custodita in una pluralitĂ  di espressioni e istituzioni culturali. A partire da una preliminare analisi di scenario, volta a ripercorrere le tendenze in atto nella comunicazione universitaria, il lavoro offre una ricognizione delle esperienze di storicizzazione promosse da atenei sia italiani che esteri. Alla luce della funzione di simboli, cerimonie e altri contesti di trasmissione dell’heritage (archivi storici, collezioni e musei, identitĂ  visiva, web etc.), Ăš stato possibile scattare un’istantanea del fenomeno ascrivibile sotto l’etichetta di Heritage of Italian University, restituendo uno spaccato delle opportunitĂ  comunicative che un simile investimento puĂČ offrire a livello operativo, con particolare riferimento alla valorizzazione del patrimonio nella comunicazione on line. Ripensare le strategie di relazione con i pubblici, oggi quanto mai eterogenei, e stimolare la continua innovazione dei linguaggi e delle forme di comunicazione, divengono la posta in gioco per il successo e la sopravvivenza di qualsiasi istituzione e, soprattutto, la scommessa sul futuro che dall’UniversitĂ , in particolar modo, deriva

    Reusing cultural heritage digital resources in teaching

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    In recent years many projects have applied technology, as Linked Data, and new modality of digital museum resources access as a personalized way to meet the knowledge and interests needs of different users. Furthermore, current studies engage users in a new way of taking part in cultural heritage. This paper present a framework to search, downloaded and re-use digital resource of cultural heritage by teachers for developing their multimedia lessons. Open access data modality, tools for sharing a museum resource and to make multimedia lesson are developed. In this way the museum object becomes a tool for teaching and educational environments will be create to improve engagement and student learning. Designing a learning repository that manages and shares various information of different museum catalogues and an annotation tool to museum objects are ongoing to allow teachers and students to increase cultural heritage contents and to improve relationship between museum staff and education context