110 research outputs found

    Exploring the Relationship between Forest Canopy Height and Canopy Density from Spaceborne LiDAR Observations

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    Forest structure is a useful proxy for carbon stocks, ecosystem function and species diversity, but it is not well characterised globally. However, Earth observing sensors, operating in various modes, can provide information on different components of forests enabling improved understanding of their structure and variations thereof. The Ice, Cloud and Elevation Satellite (ICESat) Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS), providing LiDAR footprints from 2003 to 2009 with close to global coverage, can be used to capture elements of forest structure. Here, we evaluate a simple allometric model that relates global forest canopy height (RH100) and canopy density measurements to explain spatial patterns of forest structural properties. The GLA14 data product (version 34) was applied across subdivisions of the World Wildlife Federation ecoregions and their statistical properties were investigated. The allometric model was found to correspond to the ICESat GLAS metrics (median mean squared error, MSE: 0.028; inter-quartile range of MSE: 0.022–0.035). The relationship between canopy height and density was found to vary across biomes, realms and ecoregions, with denser forest regions displaying a greater increase in canopy density values with canopy height, compared to sparser or temperate forests. Furthermore, the single parameter of the allometric model corresponded with the maximum canopy density and maximum height values across the globe. The combination of the single parameter of the allometric model, maximum canopy density and maximum canopy height values have potential application in frameworks that target the retrieval of above-ground biomass and can inform on both species and niche diversity, highlighting areas for conservation, and potentially enabling the characterisation of biophysical drivers of forest structure

    A Structural Classification of Australian Vegetation Using ICESat/GLAS, ALOS PALSAR and Landsat Sensor Data

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    Australia has historically used structural descriptors of height and cover to characterize, differentiate, and map the distribution of woody vegetation across the continent but no national satellite-based structural classification has been available. In this study, we present a new 30-m spatial resolution reference map of Australian forest and woodland structure (height and cover), with this generated by integrating Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced TM, Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Phased Arrayed L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) and Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation (ICESat),and Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) data. ALOS PALSAR and Landsat-derived Foliage Projective Cover (FPC) were used to segment and classify the Australian landscape. Then, from intersecting ICESat waveform data, vertical foliage profiles and height metrics (e.g., 95% percentile height, mean height and the height to maximum vegetation density) were extracted for each of the classes generated. Within each class, and for selected areas, the variability in ICESat profiles was found to be similar with differences between segments of the same class attributed largely to clearance or disturbance events. ICESat metrics and profiles were then assigned to all remaining segments across Australia with the same class allocation. Validation against airborne LiDAR for a range of forest structural types indicated a high degree of correspondence in estimated height measures. On this basis, a map of vegetation height was generated at a national level and was combined with estimates of cover to produce a revised structural classification based on the scheme of the Australian National Vegetation Information System (NVIS). The benefits of integrating the three datasets for segmenting and classifying the landscape and retrieving biophysical attributes was highlighted with this leading the way for future mapping using ALOS-2 PALSAR-2, Landsat/Sentinel-2, Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI), and ICESat-2 LiDAR data. The ability to map across large areas provides considerable benefits for quantifying carbon dynamics and informing on biodiversity metrics

    Lidar Remote Sensing of Vertical Foliage Profile and Leaf Area Index

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    Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Vertical Foliage Profile (VFP) are among the most important forest structural parameters, and characterization of those parameters in high biomass forests remains a major challenge in passive remote sensing due to signal saturation problem. Recently an active remote sensing technology, light detection and ranging (lidar), has shown a great promise in this task recognizing its accuracy in measuring aboveground biomass and canopy height. This dissertation further expands current application of lidar on ecosystem monitoring, and explores the capacity of deriving LAI and VFP from lidar data in particular. The overall goal of this study is to derive large scale forest LAI and VFP using data from the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) on board of ICESat, and provide a framework of validating such LAI products from plot level to global scale. To achieve this goal, a physically based Geometry Optical and Radiative Transfer (GORT) model was first developed using high quality airborne waveform lidar data over a tropical rainforest in La Selva, Costa Rica. The excellent agreement between lidar data and field destructively sampled data demonstrated the effectiveness of the Lidar-LAI model and suggested large footprint waveform lidar can provide accurate vertical LAI profile estimates that do not saturate even at the highest possible LAI levels. Next, an intercomparative study of ground-based, airborne and spaceborne retrievals of total LAI was conducted over the conifer-dominated forests of Sierra Nevada in California. Good relationships were discovered in their comparisons, following a scaling-up validation strategy where ground-based LAI observations were related to aircraft observations of LAI, which in turn were used to validate GLAS LAI derived from coincident data. Successful implementation of this strategy can pave the way for the future recovery of vertical LAI profiles globally. LAI and VFP products were then derived over both the entire state of California and Contiguous United States as an efficacy demonstration of the method. These products were the first ever attempts to obtain large scale estimates of LAI and VFP from lidar observations. Such forest structural measurement can be used not only to quantify carbon stock and flux of terrestrial ecosystem, but also to provide spatial information of specie abundance in biodiversity. Results from this study can also greatly help broaden scientific applications of future spaceborne lidar missions (e.g. ICESat-2 and GEDI)

    Regional scale rain-forest height mapping using regression-kriging of spaceborne and airborne lidar data : application on French Guiana

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    LiDAR data has been successfully used to estimate forest parameters such as canopy heights and biomass. Major limitation of LiDAR systems (airborne and spaceborne) arises from their limited spatial coverage. In this study, we present a technique for canopy height mapping using airborne and spaceborne LiDAR data (from the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS)). First, canopy heights extracted from both airborne and spaceborne LiDAR were extrapolated from available environmental data. The estimated canopy height maps using Random Forest (RF) regression from airborne or GLAS calibration datasets showed similar precisions (~6 m). To improve the precision of canopy height estimates, regression-kriging was used. Results indicated an improvement in terms of root mean square error (RMSE, from 6.5 to 4.2 m) using the GLAS dataset, and from 5.8 to 1.8 m using the airborne LiDAR dataset. Finally, in order to investigate the impact of the spatial sampling of future LiDAR missions on canopy height estimates precision, six subsets were derived from the initial airborne LiDAR dataset. Results indicated that using the regression-kriging approach a precision of 1.8 m on the canopy height map was achievable with a flight line spacing of 5 km. This precision decreased to 4.8 m for flight line spacing of 50 km

    Radiometric Assessment of ICESat-2 over Vegetated Surfaces

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    The ice, cloud, and land elevation satellite-2 (ICESat-2) is providing global elevation measurements to the science community. ICESat-2 measures the height of the Earth’s surface using a photon counting laser altimeter, ATLAS (advanced topographic laser altimetry system). As a photon counting system, the number of reflected photons per shot, or radiometry, is a function primarily of the transmitted laser energy, solar elevation, surface reflectance, and atmospheric scattering and attenuation. In this paper, we explore the relationship between detected scattering and attenuation in the atmosphere against the observed radiometry for three general forest types, as well as the radiometry as a function of day versus night. Through this analysis, we found that ATLAS strong beam radiometry exceeds the pre-launch design cases for boreal and tropical forests but underestimates the predicted radiometry over temperate forests by approximately half a photon. The weak beams, in contrast, exceed all pre-launch conditions by a factor of two to six over all forest types. We also observe that the signal radiometry from day acquisitions is lower than night acquisitions by 10% and 40% for the strong and weak beams, respectively. This research also found that the detection ratio between each beam-pair was lower than the predicted 4:1 values. This research also presents the concept of ICESat-2 radiometric profiles; these profiles provide a path for calculating vegetation structure. The results from this study are intended to be informative and perhaps serve as a benchmark for filtering or analysis of the ATL08 data products over vegetated surfaces

    Využití senzoru GEDI pro monitorování lesních porostů

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    The overall objective of this thesis was to explore the use of GEDI and its integration with Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) for large scale forest monitoring. The study was carried out using a sample of GEDI footprints that fell into the timeline of three available ALS datasets that were acquired during the same year. The study area, located in Southeast of Czechia, is covered with mature 121-year-old forest monoculture of Norway spruce (Picea abies), and due to frequent disturbances caused by infestation is closely monitored as a part of research on forest dynamic. As a result, the forest is highly fragmented, and due to its dynamic character, close dates of acquisitions were preferred to a larger dataset. Canopy gaps and low tree densities are known to pose a challenge for large-footprint full-waveform LiDARs. The specific of GEDI sensor, such as its footprint size, were specially designed to overcome these challenges. The options of optimising GEDI's geolocation accuracy were explored. A tool for integrating GEDI and ALS data, the GEDI Simulator, was used to standardise both data sources and derive elevation height, Relative Height (RH) and Canopy Cover Fraction (CCF). The metrics were derived from real GEDI waveforms, simulated GEDI-like waveforms, and calculated from the ALS point cloud, and...Hlavním zaměřením této práce je využití GEDI a jeho integrace s daty leteckého laserového skenování (Airborne Laser Scanning - ALS) pro monitorování lesa ve velkém měřítku. Studie byla provedena na vzorku GEDI dat, které spadaly do časové osy tří dostupných souborů dat ALS nasnímaných během téhož roku. Oblast zájmu, ležící na jihovýchodě Česka, je charakteristická 121 let starou smrkovou monokulturou (Picea abies) a vzhledem k častým narušením lesní dynamiky (napadení stromů) je oblast bedlivě sledována. V důsledku častých změn je les vysoce fragmentovaný, a zejména proto bylo s ohledem na jeho dynamiku upřednostněno užší časové rozmezí nasnímaných dat před jejich kvantitou a plošným rozsahem. Je známo, že nízká hustota stromů a velké mezery mezi nimy představují výzvu pro velkostopé full-waveform LiDAR senzory. Specifika GEDI senzoru, jako napříkad velikost stopy snímání, byla speciálně navržena pro překonání těchto problémů. V této práci byly nejprve zkoumány možnosti optimalizace geolokační přesnosti GEDI. Následně byl pro integraci dat GEDI a ALS využit dedikovaný nástroj GEDI Simulator, který byl použit ke standardizaci obou zdrojů a odvození metrik nadmořské výšky, relativní výšky (RH) a vegetačního pokryvu (CCF). Metriky byly odvozeny z dat GEDI, simulovaných GEDI signálů a manuálně...Department of Applied Geoinformatics and CartographyKatedra aplikované geoinformatiky a kartografiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Improved estimates of vegetation and terrain parameters from waveform LiDAR.

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    Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) technologies have evolved rapidly over the last decade, contributing to our knowledge of the Earth's surface evolution from local to global scales. A relatively young form of LiDAR is continuous waveform, which has not yet been fully exploited. The current research investigates and develops new methods, highlighting the potential and possible pitfalls of working with continuous waveform LiDAR. The first piece of research investigates the effects of shadowing in LiDAR waveforms in physically observed, large footprint LiDAR waveforms, based on previous works noting shadowing effects in radiative transfer models, and in a controlled environment experiment. For this investigation airborne LiDAR derived digital elevation models were employed in conjunction with spatially corresponding waveform returns to identify possible shadowing effects. It was found that shadows occur more frequently over more severely sloped terrain, affecting the accuracy of waveform derived vegetation parameters. The implications of shadows in waveform data are also discussed. The second piece of research develops and tests two methods, the Slope Screening Model and Independent Slope Model, such to determine ground slope information from LiDAR waveforms. Both methods were validated against discrete return airborne LiDAR data, and British Ordnance Survey data, such to identify winch method is most suited to retrieving slope. The third piece of research utilises the favoured method for slope prediction from the second r(\searc4i topic to correct vegetation height estimates for slope. Two methods (Lox' and modified) are investigated and tested, and validated against airborne LiDAR equivalent results at the regional scale, and against normalised difference vegetation index at the near global scale. Both correction methods produced statistically significant differences in mean global vegetation heights with regards to a control dataset

    Potential of Forest Parameter Estimation Using Metrics from Photon Counting LiDAR Data in Howland Research Forest

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    ICESat-2 is the new generation of NASA’s ICESat (Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite) mission launched in September 2018. We investigate the potential of forest parameter estimation using metrics from photon counting LiDAR data, using an integrated dataset including photon counting LiDAR data from SIMPL (the Slope Imaging Multi-polarization Photon-counting LiDAR), airborne small footprint LiDAR data from G-LiHT and a stem map in Howland Research Forest, USA. First, we propose a noise filtering method based on a local outlier factor (LOF) with elliptical search area to separate the ground and canopy surfaces from noise photons. Next, a co-registration technique based on moving profiling is applied between SIMPL and G-LiHT data to correct geolocation error. Then, we calculate height metrics from both SIMPL and G-LiHT. Finally, we investigate the relationship between the two sets of metrics, using a stem map from field measurement to validate the results. Results of the ground and canopy surface extraction show that our methods can detect the potential signal photons effectively from a quite high noise rate environment in relatively rough terrain. In addition, results from co-registration between SIMPL and G-LiHT data indicate that the moving profiling technique to correct the geolocation error between these two datasets achieves favorable results from both visual and statistical indicators validated by the stem map. Tree height retrieval using SIMPL showed error of less than 3 m. We find good consistency between the metrics derived from the photon counting LiDAR from SIMPL and airborne small footprint LiDAR from G-LiHT, especially for those metrics related to the mean tree height and forest fraction cover, with mean R 2 value of 0.54 and 0.6 respectively. The quantitative analyses and validation with field measurements prove that these metrics can describe the relevant forest parameters and contribute to possible operational products from ICESat-2

    Metabolic scaling theory and remote sensing to model large-scale patterns of forest biophysical properties

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    Advanced understanding of the global carbon budget requires large-scale and long-term information on forest carbon pools and fluxes. In situ and remote sensing measurements have greatly enhanced monitoring of forest carbon dynamics, but incomplete data coverage in space and time results in significant uncertainties in carbon accounting. Although theoretical and mechanistic models have enabled continental-scale and global mapping, robust predictions of forest carbon dynamics are difficult without initialization, adjustment, and parameterization using observations. Therefore, this dissertation is focused on a synergistic combination of lidar measurements and modeling that incorporates biophysical principles underlying forest growth. First, spaceborne lidar data from the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) were analyzed for monitoring and modeling of forest heights over the U.S. Mainland. Results showed the best GLAS metric representing the within-footprint heights to be dependent on topography. Insufficient data sampling by the GLAS sensor was problematic for spatially-complete carbon quantification. A modeling approach, called Allometric Scaling and Resource Limitations (ASRL), successfully alleviated this problem. The metabolic scaling theory and water-energy balance equations embedded within the model also provided a generalized mechanistic understanding of valid relationships between forest structure and geo-predictors including topographic and climatic variables. Second, the ASRL model was refined and applied to predict large-scale patterns of forest structure. This research successfully expanded model applicability by including eco-regional and forest-type variations, and disturbance history. Baseline maps (circa 2005; 1-km2 grids) of forest heights and aboveground biomass were generated over the U.S. Mainland. The Pacific Northwest/California forests were simulated as the most favorable region for hosting large trees, consistent with observations. Through sensitivity and uncertainty analyses, this research found that the refined ASRL model showed promise for prognostic applications, in contrast to conventional black-box approaches. The model predicted temporal evolution of forest carbon stocks during the 21st century. The results demonstrate the effects of CO2 fertilization and climate feedbacks across water- and energy-limited environments. This dissertation documents the complex mechanisms determining forest structure, given availability of local resources. These mechanisms can be used to monitor and forecast forest carbon pools in combination with satellite observations to advance our understanding of the global carbon cycle

    Vegetation height products between 60° S and 60° N from ICESat GLAS data.

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    We present new coarse resolution (0.5� ×0.5�)vegetation height and vegetation-cover fraction data sets between 60� S and 60� N for use in climate models and ecological models. The data sets are derived from 2003–2009 measurements collected by the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) on the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat), the only LiDAR instrument that provides close to global coverage. Initial vegetation height is calculated from GLAS data using a development of the model of Rosette et al. (2008) with further calibration on desert sites. Filters are developed to identify and eliminate spurious observations in the GLAS data, e.g. data that are affected by clouds, atmosphere and terrain and as such result in erroneous estimates of vegetation height or vegetation cover. Filtered GLAS vegetation height estimates are aggregated in histograms from 0 to 70m in 0.5m intervals for each 0.5�×0.5�. The GLAS vegetation height product is evaluated in four ways. Firstly, the Vegetation height data and data filters are evaluated using aircraft LiDAR measurements of the same for ten sites in the Americas, Europe, and Australia. Application of filters to the GLAS vegetation height estimates increases the correlation with aircraft data from r =0.33 to r =0.78, decreases the root-mean-square error by a factor 3 to about 6m (RMSE) or 4.5m (68% error distribution) and decreases the bias from 5.7m to −1.3 m. Secondly, the global aggregated GLAS vegetation height product is tested for sensitivity towards the choice of data quality filters; areas with frequent cloud cover and areas with steep terrain are the most sensitive to the choice of thresholds for the filters. The changes in height estimates by applying different filters are, for the main part, smaller than the overall uncertainty of 4.5–6m established from the site measurements. Thirdly, the GLAS global vegetation height product is compared with a global vegetation height product typically used in a climate model, a recent global tree height product, and a vegetation greenness product and is shown to produce realistic estimates of vegetation height. Finally, the GLAS bare soil cover fraction is compared globally with the MODIS bare soil fraction (r = 0.65) and with bare soil cover fraction estimates derived from AVHRR NDVI data (r =0.67); the GLAS treecover fraction is compared with the MODIS tree-cover fraction (r =0.79). The evaluation indicates that filters applied to the GLAS data are conservative and eliminate a large proportion of spurious data, while only in a minority of cases at the cost of removing reliable data as well. The new GLAS vegetation height product appears more realistic than previous data sets used in climate models and ecological models and hence should significantly improve simulations that involve the land surface