268 research outputs found

    Regional Forest Volume Estimation by Expanding LiDAR Samples Using Multi-Sensor Satellite Data

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    Accurate information regarding forest volume plays an important role in estimating afforestation, timber harvesting, and forest ecological services. Traditionally, operations on forest growing stock volume using field measurements are labor-intensive and time-consuming. Recently, remote sensing technology has emerged as a time-cost efficient method for forest inventory. In the present study, we have adopted three procedures, including samples expanding, feature selection, and results generation and evaluation. Extrapolating the samples from Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) scanning is the most important step in satisfying the requirement of sample size for nonparametric methods operation and result in accuracy improvement. Besides, mean decrease Gini (MDG) methodology embedded into Random Forest (RF) algorithm served as a selector for feature measure; afterwards, RF and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) were adopted in subsequent forest volume prediction. The results show that the retrieval of Forest volume in the entire area was in the range of 50–360 m3/ha, and the results from the two models show a better consistency while using the sample combination extrapolated by the optimal threshold value (2 × 10−4), leading to the best performances of RF (R2 = 0.618, root mean square error, RMSE = 43.641 m3/ha, mean absolute error, MAE = 33.016 m3/ha), followed by KNN (R2 = 0.617, RMSE = 43.693 m3/ha, MAE = 32.534 m3/ha). The detailed analysis that is discussed in the present paper clearly shows that expanding image-derived LiDAR samples helps in refining the prediction of regional forest volume while using satellite data and nonparametric models

    Remote sensing technology applications in forestry and REDD+

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    Advances in close-range and remote sensing technologies are driving innovations in forest resource assessments and monitoring on varying scales. Data acquired with airborne and spaceborne platforms provide high(er) spatial resolution, more frequent coverage, and more spectral information. Recent developments in ground-based sensors have advanced 3D measurements, low-cost permanent systems, and community-based monitoring of forests. The UNFCCC REDD+ mechanism has advanced the remote sensing community and the development of forest geospatial products that can be used by countries for the international reporting and national forest monitoring. However, an urgent need remains to better understand the options and limitations of remote and close-range sensing techniques in the field of forest degradation and forest change. Therefore, we invite scientists working on remote sensing technologies, close-range sensing, and field data to contribute to this Special Issue. Topics of interest include: (1) novel remote sensing applications that can meet the needs of forest resource information and REDD+ MRV, (2) case studies of applying remote sensing data for REDD+ MRV, (3) timeseries algorithms and methodologies for forest resource assessment on different spatial scales varying from the tree to the national level, and (4) novel close-range sensing applications that can support sustainable forestry and REDD+ MRV. We particularly welcome submissions on data fusion

    Exploring the variability of tropical savanna tree structural allometry with terrestrial laser scanning

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    Individual tree carbon stock estimates typically rely on allometric scaling relationships established between field-measured stem diameter (DBH) and destructively harvested biomass. The use of DBH-based allometric equations to estimate the carbon stored over larger areas therefore, assumes that tree architecture, including branching and crown structures, are consistent for a given DBH, and that minor variations cancel out at the plot scale. We aimed to explore the degree of structural variation present at the individual tree level across a range of size-classes. We used terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) to measure the 3D structure of each tree in a 1 ha savanna plot, with coincident field-inventory. We found that stem reconstructions from TLS captured both the spatial distribution pattern and the DBH of individual trees with high confidence when compared with manual measurements (R2 = 0.98, RMSE = 0.0102 m). Our exploration of the relationship between DBH, crown size and tree height revealed significant variability in savanna tree crown structure (measured as crown area). These findings question the reliability of DBH-based allometric equations for adequately representing diversity in tree architecture, and therefore carbon storage, in tropical savannas. However, adoption of TLS outside environmental research has been slow due to considerable capital cost and monitoring programs often continue to rely on sub-plot monitoring and traditional allometric equations. A central aspect of our study explores the utility of a lower-cost TLS system not generally used for vegetation surveys. We discuss the potential benefits of alternative TLS-based approaches, such as explicit modelling of tree structure or voxel-based analyses, to capture the diverse 3D structures of savanna trees. Our research highlights structural heterogeneity as a source of uncertainty in savanna tree carbon estimates and demonstrates the potential for greater inclusion of cost-effective TLS technology in national monitoring programs

    Estimating Tropical Forest Structure Using a Terrestrial Lidar

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    Forest structure comprises numerous quantifiable biometric components and characteristics, which include tree geometry and stand architecture. These structural components are important in the understanding of the past and future trajectories of these biomes. Tropical forests are often considered the most structurally complex and yet least understood of forested ecosystems. New technologies have provided novel avenues for quantifying biometric properties of forested ecosystems, one of which is LIght Detection And Ranging (lidar). This sensor can be deployed on satellite, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, and terrestrial platforms. In this study we examined the efficacy of a terrestrial lidar scanner (TLS) system in a tropical forest to estimate forest structure. Our study was conducted in January 2012 at La Selva, Costa Rica at twenty locations in a predominantly undisturbed forest. At these locations we collected field measured biometric attributes using a variable plot design. We also collected TLS data from the center of each plot. Using this data we developed relative vegetation profiles (RVPs) and calculated a series of parameters including entropy, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), number of layers and plant area index to develop statistical relationships with field data.We developed statistical models using a series of multiple linear regressions, all of which converged on significant relationships with the strongest relationship being for mean crown depth (r2 = 0.88, p \u3c 0.001, RMSE = 1.04 m). Tree density was found to have the poorest significant relationship (r2 = 0.50, p \u3c 0.01, RMSE = 153.28 n ha-1). We found a significant relationship between basal area and lidar metrics (r2 = 0.75, p \u3c 0.001, RMSE = 3.76 number ha-1). Parameters selected in our models varied, thus indicating the potential relevance of multiple features in canopy profiles and geometry that are related to field-measured structure. Models for biomass estimation included structural canopy variables in addition to height metrics. Our work indicates that vegetation profiles from TLS data can provide useful information on forest structure

    3D Remote Sensing Applications in Forest Ecology: Composition, Structure and Function

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    Dear Colleagues, The composition, structure and function of forest ecosystems are the key features characterizing their ecological properties, and can thus be crucially shaped and changed by various biotic and abiotic factors on multiple spatial scales. The magnitude and extent of these changes in recent decades calls for enhanced mitigation and adaption measures. Remote sensing data and methods are the main complementary sources of up-to-date synoptic and objective information of forest ecology. Due to the inherent 3D nature of forest ecosystems, the analysis of 3D sources of remote sensing data is considered to be most appropriate for recreating the forest’s compositional, structural and functional dynamics. In this Special Issue of Forests, we published a set of state-of-the-art scientific works including experimental studies, methodological developments and model validations, all dealing with the general topic of 3D remote sensing-assisted applications in forest ecology. We showed applications in forest ecology from a broad collection of method and sensor combinations, including fusion schemes. All in all, the studies and their focuses are as broad as a forest’s ecology or the field of remote sensing and, thus, reflect the very diverse usages and directions toward which future research and practice will be directed

    Carbon Sequestration in Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) Plantations under the EU Afforestation Program in Southern Spain Using Low-Density Aerial Laser Scanning (ALS) Data

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    Climate change is one of the environmental issues of global dominance and public opinion, becoming the greatest environmental challenge and of interest to researchers. In this context, planting trees on marginal agricultural land is considered a favourable measure to alleviate climate change, as they act as carbon sinks. Aerial laser scanning (ALS) data is an emerging technology for quantitative measures of C stocks. In this study, an estimation was made of the gains of C in biomass and soil in carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) plantations established on agricultural land in southern Spain. The average above-ground biomass (AGB) corresponded to 85.5% of the total biomass (average 34.01 kg tree−1), and the root biomass (BGB) was 14.5% (6.96 kg tree−1), with a BGB/AGB ratio of 0.20. The total SOC stock in the top 20 cm of the soil (SOC-S20) was 60.70 Mg C ha−1 underneath the tree crown and 43.63 Mg C ha−1 on the non-cover (implantation) area for the C. siliqua plantations. The allometric equations correlating the biomass fractions with the dbh and Ht as independent variables showed an adequate fit for the foliage (Wf, R2adj = 0.70), whereas the fits were weaker for the rest of the fractions (R2adj < 0.60). The individual trees were detected using colour orthophotography and the tree height was estimated from 140 crowns previously delineated using the 95th percentile ALS-metric. The precision of the adjusted models was verified by plotting the correlation between the LiDAR-predicted height (HL) and the field data (R2adj = 0.80; RMSE = 0.53 m). Following the selection of the independent variable data, a linear regression model was selected for dbh estimation (R2adj = 0.64), and a potential regression model was selected for the SOC (R2adj = 0.81). Using the segmentation process, a total of 8324 trees were outlined in the study area, with an average height of 3.81 m. The biomass C stock, comprising both above- and below-ground biomass, was 4.30 Mg C ha−1 (50.67 kg tree−1), and the SOC20-S was 37.45 Mg C ha−1. The carbon accumulation rate in the biomass was 1.94 kg C tree−1 yr−1 for the plantation period. The total C stock (W-S and SOC20-S) reached 41.75 Mg ha−1 and a total of 4,091.5 Mg C for the whole plantation. Gleaned from the synergy of tree cartography and these models, the distribution maps with foreseen values of average C stocks in the planted area illustrate a mosaic of C stock patterns in the carob tree plantation

    Mapping Forest Health Using Spectral And Textural Information Extracted From Spot-5 Satellite Images

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    Forest health is an important variable that we need to monitor for forest management decision making. However, forest health is difficult to assess and monitor based merely on forest field surveys. In the present study, we first derived a comprehensive forest health indicator using 15 forest stand attributes extracted from forest inventory plots. Second, Pearson’s correlation analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between the forest health indicator and the spectral and textural measures extracted from SPOT-5 images. Third, all-subsets regression was performed to build the predictive model by including the statistically significant image-derived measures as independent variables. Finally, the developed model was evaluated using the coefficient of determination (R2) and the root mean square error (RMSE). Additionally, the produced model was further validated for its performance using the leave-one-out cross-validation approach. The results indicated that our produced model could provide reliable, fast and economic means to assess and monitor forest health. A thematic map of forest health was finally produced to support forest health management

    Comparing synthetic aperture radar and LiDAR for above-ground biomass estimation in Glen Affric, Scotland

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    Quantifying above-ground biomass (AGB) and carbon sequestration has been a significant focus of attention within the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol for improvement of national carbon accounting systems (IPCC, 2007; UNFCCC, 2011). A multitude of research has been carried out in relatively flat and homogeneous forests (Ranson & Sun, 1994; Beaudoin et al.,1994; Kurvonen et al., 1999; Austin et al., 2003; Dimitris et al., 2005), yet forests in the highlands, which generally form heterogeneous forest cover and sparse woodlands with mountainous terrain have been largely neglected in AGB studies (Cloude et al., 2001; 2008; Lumsdon et al., 2005; 2008; Erxue et al., 2009, Tan et al., 2010; 2011a; 2011b; 2011c; 2011d). Since mountain forests constitute approximately 28% of the total global forest area (Price and Butt, 2000), a better understanding of the slope effects is of primary importance in AGB estimation. The main objective of this research is to estimate AGB in the aforementioned forest in Glen Affric, Scotland using both SAR and LiDAR data. Two types of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data were used in this research: TerraSAR-X, operating at X-band and ALOS PALSAR, operating at L-band, both are fully polarimetric. The former data was acquired on 13 April 2010 and of the latter, two scenes were acquired on 17 April 2007 and 08 June 2009. Airborne LiDAR data were acquired on 09 June 2007. Two field measurement campaigns were carried out, one of which was done from winter 2006 to spring 2007 where physical parameters of trees in 170 circular plots were measured by the Forestry Commission team. Another intensive fieldwork was organised by myself with the help of my fellow colleagues and it comprised of tree measurement in two transects of 200m x 50m at a relatively flat and dense plantation forest and 400m x 50m at hilly and sparse semi-natural forest. AGB is estimated for both the transects to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed method at plot-level. This thesis evaluates the capability of polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar data for AGB estimation by investigating the relationship between the SAR backscattering coefficient and AGB and also the relationship between the decomposed scattering mechanisms and AGB. Due to the terrain and heterogeneous nature of the forests, the result from the backscatter-AGB analysis show that these forests present a challenge for simple AGB estimation. As an alternative, polarimetric techniques were applied to the problem by decomposing the backscattering information into scattering mechanisms based on the approach by Yamaguchi (2005; 2006), which are then regressed to the field measured AGB. Of the two data sets, ALOS PALSAR demonstrates a better estimation capacity for AGB estimation than TerraSAR-X. The AGB estimated results from SAR data are compared with AGB derived from LiDAR data. Since tree height is often correlated with AGB (Onge et al., 2008; Gang et al., 2010), the effectiveness of the tree height retrieval from LiDAR is evaluated as an indicator of AGB. Tree delineation was performed before AGB of individual trees were calculated allometrically. Results were validated by comparison to the fieldwork data. The amount of overestimation varies across the different canopy conditions. These results give some indication of when to use LiDAR or SAR to retrieve forest AGB. LiDAR is able to estimate AGB with good accuracy and the R2 value obtained is 0.97 with RMSE of 14.81 ton/ha. The R2 and RMSE obtained for TerraSAR-X are 0.41 and 28.5 ton/ha, respectively while for ALOS PALSAR data are 0.70 and 23.6 ton/ha, respectively. While airborne LiDAR data with very accurate height measurement and consequent three-dimensional (3D) stand profiles which allows investigation into the relationship between height, number density and AGB, it's limited to small coverage area, or large areas but at large cost. ALOS PALSAR, on the other hand, can cover big coverage area but it provide a lower resolution, hence, lower estimation accuracy

    Mapping Spatial Variations of Structure and Function Parameters for Forest Condition Assessment of the Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve

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    Forest condition is the baseline information for ecological evaluation and management. The National Forest Inventory of China contains structural parameters, such as canopy closure, stand density and forest age, and functional parameters, such as stand volume and soil fertility. Conventionally forest conditions are assessed through parameters collected from field observations, which could be costly and spatially limited. It is crucial to develop modeling approaches in mapping forest assessment parameters from satellite remote sensing. This study mapped structure and function parameters for forest condition assessment in the Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve (CMNNR). The mapping algorithms, including statistical regression, random forests, and random forest kriging, were employed with predictors from Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS)-2, Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 satellite sensors, digital surface model of ALOS, and 1803 field sampled forest plots. Combined predicted parameters and weights from principal component analysis, forest conditions were assessed. The models explained spatial dynamics and characteristics of forest parameters based on an independent validation with all r values above 0.75. The root mean square error (RMSE) values of canopy closure, stand density, stand volume, forest age and soil fertility were 4.6%, 33.8%, 29.4%, 20.5%, and 14.3%, respectively. The mean assessment score suggested that forest conditions in the CMNNR are mainly resulted from spatial variations of function parameters such as stand volume and soil fertility. This study provides a methodology on forest condition assessment at regional scales, as well as the up-to-date information for the forest ecosystem in the CMNNR