5,528 research outputs found

    Retinal Disease Screening through Local Binary Patterns

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.”This work investigates discrimination capabilities in the texture of fundus images to differentiate between pathological and healthy images. For this purpose, the performance of Local Binary Patterns (LBP) as a texture descriptor for retinal images has been explored and compared with other descriptors such as LBP filtering (LBPF) and local phase quantization (LPQ). The goal is to distinguish between diabetic retinopathy (DR), agerelated macular degeneration (AMD) and normal fundus images analysing the texture of the retina background and avoiding a previous lesion segmentation stage. Five experiments (separating DR from normal, AMD from normal, pathological from normal, DR from AMD and the three different classes) were designed and validated with the proposed procedure obtaining promising results. For each experiment, several classifiers were tested. An average sensitivity and specificity higher than 0.86 in all the cases and almost of 1 and 0.99, respectively, for AMD detection were achieved. These results suggest that the method presented in this paper is a robust algorithm for describing retina texture and can be useful in a diagnosis aid system for retinal disease screening.This work was supported by NILS Science and Sustainability Programme (010-ABEL-IM-2013) and by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain, Project ACRIMA (TIN2013-46751-R). The work of A. Colomer was supported by the Spanish Government under the FPI Grant BES-2014-067889.Morales, S.; Engan, K.; Naranjo Ornedo, V.; Colomer, A. (2015). Retinal Disease Screening through Local Binary Patterns. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. (99):1-8. https://doi.org/10.1109/JBHI.2015.2490798S189

    Automatic Classification of Bright Retinal Lesions via Deep Network Features

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    The diabetic retinopathy is timely diagonalized through color eye fundus images by experienced ophthalmologists, in order to recognize potential retinal features and identify early-blindness cases. In this paper, it is proposed to extract deep features from the last fully-connected layer of, four different, pre-trained convolutional neural networks. These features are then feeded into a non-linear classifier to discriminate three-class diabetic cases, i.e., normal, exudates, and drusen. Averaged across 1113 color retinal images collected from six publicly available annotated datasets, the deep features approach perform better than the classical bag-of-words approach. The proposed approaches have an average accuracy between 91.23% and 92.00% with more than 13% improvement over the traditional state of art methods.Comment: Preprint submitted to Journal of Medical Imaging | SPIE (Tue, Jul 28, 2017

    Automated Fovea Detection Based on Unsupervised Retinal Vessel Segmentation Method

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    The Computer Assisted Diagnosis systems could save workloads and give objective diagnostic to ophthalmologists. At first level of automated screening of systems feature extraction is the fundamental step. One of these retinal features is the fovea. The fovea is a small fossa on the fundus, which is represented by a deep-red or red-brown color in color retinal images. By observing retinal images, it appears that the main vessels diverge from the optic nerve head and follow a specific course that can be geometrically modeled as a parabola, with a common vertex inside the optic nerve head and the fovea located along the apex of this parabola curve. Therefore, based on this assumption, the main retinal blood vessels are segmented and fitted to a parabolic model. With respect to the core vascular structure, we can thus detect fovea in the fundus images. For the vessel segmentation, our algorithm addresses the image locally where homogeneity of features is more likely to occur. The algorithm is composed of 4 steps: multi-overlapping windows, local Radon transform, vessel validation, and parabolic fitting. In order to extract blood vessels, sub-vessels should be extracted in local windows. The high contrast between blood vessels and image background in the images cause the vessels to be associated with peaks in the Radon space. The largest vessels, using a high threshold of the Radon transform, determines the main course or overall configuration of the blood vessels which when fitted to a parabola, leads to the future localization of the fovea. In effect, with an accurate fit, the fovea normally lies along the slope joining the vertex and the focus. The darkest region along this line is the indicative of the fovea. To evaluate our method, we used 220 fundus images from a rural database (MUMS-DB) and one public one (DRIVE). The results show that, among 20 images of the first public database (DRIVE) we detected fovea in 85% of them. Also for the MUMS-DB database among 200 images we detect fovea correctly in 83% on them

    Automated Diagnostic System for Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy Stages from Fundus Images Using Texture Features

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    Computational methodologies and medical imaging are become an important part of real time applications. These techniques transform medicine by providing effective health care diagnosis in all major disease areas. This will allow the clinicians to understand life-saving information using less invasive techniques. Diabetes is a rapidly increasing worldwide disease that occurs when the body is unable to metabolize glucose. It increases the risk of a range of eye diseases, but the main cause of blindness associated with diabetes is Diabetic retinopathy (DR). A new feature based automated technique for diagnosis and grading of normal, Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) and Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) is proposed in this paper. This method involves preprocessing of retinal images, detection of lesions, extraction of blood vessels and extraction of texture features such as local binary pattern, Laws texture energy and Fractal Dimension. These features were used for classification of DR stages by means of supervised classifiers namely Support vector machine (SVM) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). In this work, in addition to morphological features, statistically significant texture features were also used for classification. It was found that the average classification accuracy of 98.88%, sensitivity and specificity of 100% respectively achieved using ELM classifier with texture features. The results were validated by comparing with expert ophthalmologists. This proposed automated diagnostic system reduces the work of professionals during mass screening of DR stages

    Weakly-supervised localization of diabetic retinopathy lesions in retinal fundus images

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) show impressive performance for image classification and detection, extending heavily to the medical image domain. Nevertheless, medical experts are sceptical in these predictions as the nonlinear multilayer structure resulting in a classification outcome is not directly graspable. Recently, approaches have been shown which help the user to understand the discriminative regions within an image which are decisive for the CNN to conclude to a certain class. Although these approaches could help to build trust in the CNNs predictions, they are only slightly shown to work with medical image data which often poses a challenge as the decision for a class relies on different lesion areas scattered around the entire image. Using the DiaretDB1 dataset, we show that on retina images different lesion areas fundamental for diabetic retinopathy are detected on an image level with high accuracy, comparable or exceeding supervised methods. On lesion level, we achieve few false positives with high sensitivity, though, the network is solely trained on image-level labels which do not include information about existing lesions. Classifying between diseased and healthy images, we achieve an AUC of 0.954 on the DiaretDB1.Comment: Accepted in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 201