11 research outputs found

    Automated Test Input Generation for Android: Are We There Yet?

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    Mobile applications, often simply called "apps", are increasingly widespread, and we use them daily to perform a number of activities. Like all software, apps must be adequately tested to gain confidence that they behave correctly. Therefore, in recent years, researchers and practitioners alike have begun to investigate ways to automate apps testing. In particular, because of Android's open source nature and its large share of the market, a great deal of research has been performed on input generation techniques for apps that run on the Android operating systems. At this point in time, there are in fact a number of such techniques in the literature, which differ in the way they generate inputs, the strategy they use to explore the behavior of the app under test, and the specific heuristics they use. To better understand the strengths and weaknesses of these existing approaches, and get general insight on ways they could be made more effective, in this paper we perform a thorough comparison of the main existing test input generation tools for Android. In our comparison, we evaluate the effectiveness of these tools, and their corresponding techniques, according to four metrics: code coverage, ability to detect faults, ability to work on multiple platforms, and ease of use. Our results provide a clear picture of the state of the art in input generation for Android apps and identify future research directions that, if suitably investigated, could lead to more effective and efficient testing tools for Android

    SymDroid: Symbolic Execution for Dalvik Bytecode

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    Apps on Google's Android mobile device platform are written in Java, but are compiled to a special bytecode language called Dalvik. In this paper, we introduce SymDroid, a symbolic executor that operates directly on Dalvik bytecode. SymDroid begins by first translating Dalvik into mu-Dalvik, a simpler language that has only 16 instructions, in contrast to Dalvik's more than 200 instructions. We present a formalism for SymDroid's symbolic executor, which can be described with a small number of operational semantics rules; this semantics may be of independent interest. In addition to modeling bytecode instructions, SymDroid also contains models of some key portions of the Android platform, including libraries and the platform's lifecycle control code. We evaluated SymDroid in two ways. First, we ran it on the Android Compatibility Test Suite, and found it passed all tests except ones that used library or system routines we have not yet implemented. On this test suite, SymDroid runs about twice as slow as the Dalvik VM, and about twice as fast as the Java VM. Second, we used SymDroid to discover the (path) conditions under which contacts may be accessed on an Android app, and found it was able to do so successfully. These results suggest that SymDroid, while still a prototype, is a promising first step in enabling direct, precise analysis of Android apps

    MaMaDroid: Detecting Android malware by building markov chains of behavioral models (extended version)

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    As Android has become increasingly popular, so has malware targeting it, thus motivating the research community to propose different detection techniques. However, the constant evolution of the Android ecosystem, and of malware itself, makes it hard to design robust tools that can operate for long periods of time without the need for modifications or costly re-training. Aiming to address this issue, we set to detect malware from a behavioral point of view, modeled as the sequence of abstracted API calls. We introduce MaMaDroid, a static-analysis based system that abstracts app’s API calls to their class, package, or family, and builds a model from their sequences obtained from the call graph of an app as Markov chains. This ensures that the model is more resilient to API changes and the features set is of manageable size. We evaluate MaMaDroid using a dataset of 8.5K benign and 35.5K malicious apps collected over a period of six years, showing that it effectively detects malware (with up to 0.99 F-measure) and keeps its detection capabilities for long periods of time (up to 0.87 F-measure two years after training). We also show that MaMaDroid remarkably overperforms DroidAPIMiner, a state-of-the-art detection system that relies on the frequency of (raw) API calls. Aiming to assess whether MaMaDroid’s effectiveness mainly stems from the API abstraction or from the sequencing modeling, we also evaluate a variant of it that uses frequency (instead of sequences), of abstracted API calls. We find that it is not as accurate, failing to capture maliciousness when trained on malware samples that include API calls that are equally or more frequently used by benign apps

    MaMaDroid: Detecting Android malware by building Markov chains of behavioral models (extended version)

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    As Android has become increasingly popular, so has malware targeting it, thus motivating the research community to propose different detection techniques. However, the constant evolution of the Android ecosystem, and of malware itself, makes it hard to design robust tools that can operate for long periods of time without the need for modifications or costly re-training. Aiming to address this issue, we set to detect malware from a behavioral point of view, modeled as the sequence of abstracted API calls. We introduce MaMaDroid, a static-analysis-based system that abstracts app's API calls to their class, package, or family, and builds a model from their sequences obtained from the call graph of an app as Markov chains. This ensures that the model is more resilient to API changes and the features set is of manageable size. We evaluate MaMaDroid using a dataset of 8.5K benign and 35.5K malicious apps collected over a period of 6 years, showing that it effectively detects malware (with up to 0.99 F-measure) and keeps its detection capabilities for long periods of time (up to 0.87 F-measure 2 years after training). We also show that MaMaDroid remarkably overperforms DroidAPIMiner, a state-of-the-art detection system that relies on the frequency of (raw) API calls. Aiming to assess whether MaMaDroid's effectiveness mainly stems from the API abstraction or from the sequencing modeling, we also evaluate a variant of it that uses frequency (instead of sequences), of abstracted API calls. We find that it is not as accurate, failing to capture maliciousness when trained on malware samples that include API calls that are equally or more frequently used by benign apps

    You Shall Not Pass! Measuring, Predicting, and Detecting Malware Behavior

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    Researchers have been fighting malicious behavior on the Internet for several decades. The arms race is far from being close to an end, but this PhD work is intended to be another step towards the goal of making the Internet a safer place. My PhD has focused on measuring, predicting, and detecting malicious behavior on the Internet; we focused our efforts towards three different paths: establishing causality relations into malicious actions, predicting the actions taken by an attacker, and detecting malicious software. This work tried to understand the causes of malicious behavior in different scenarios (sandboxing, web browsing), by applying a novel statistical framework and statistical tests to determine what triggers malware. We also used deep learning algorithms to predict what actions an attacker would perform, with the goal of anticipating and countering the attacker’s moves. Moreover, we worked on malware detection for Android, by modeling sequences of API with Markov Chains and applying machine learning algorithms to classify benign and malicious apps. The methodology, design, and results of our research are relevant state of the art in the field; we will go through the different contributions that we worked on during my PhD to explain the design choices, the statistical methods and the takeaways characterizing them. We will show how these systems have an impact on current tools development and future research trends

    Security Issues of Mobile and Smart Wearable Devices

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    Mobile and smart devices (ranging from popular smartphones and tablets to wearable fitness trackers equipped with sensing, computing and networking capabilities) have proliferated lately and redefined the way users carry out their day-to-day activities. These devices bring immense benefits to society and boast improved quality of life for users. As mobile and smart technologies become increasingly ubiquitous, the security of these devices becomes more urgent, and users should take precautions to keep their personal information secure. Privacy has also been called into question as so many of mobile and smart devices collect, process huge quantities of data, and store them on the cloud as a matter of fact. Ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of the information is a cybersecurity challenge with no easy solution. Unfortunately, current security controls have not kept pace with the risks posed by mobile and smart devices, and have proven patently insufficient so far. Thwarting attacks is also a thriving research area with a substantial amount of still unsolved problems. The pervasiveness of smart devices, the growing attack vectors, and the current lack of security call for an effective and efficient way of protecting mobile and smart devices. This thesis deals with the security problems of mobile and smart devices, providing specific methods for improving current security solutions. Our contributions are grouped into two related areas which present natural intersections and corresponds to the two central parts of this document: (1) Tackling Mobile Malware, and (2) Security Analysis on Wearable and Smart Devices. In the first part of this thesis, we study methods and techniques to assist security analysts to tackle mobile malware and automate the identification of malicious applications. We provide threefold contributions in tackling mobile malware: First, we introduce a Secure Message Delivery (SMD) protocol for Device-to-Device (D2D) networks, with primary objective of choosing the most secure path to deliver a message from a sender to a destination in a multi-hop D2D network. Second, we illustrate a survey to investigate concrete and relevant questions concerning Android code obfuscation and protection techniques, where the purpose is to review code obfuscation and code protection practices. We evaluate efficacy of existing code de-obfuscation tools to tackle obfuscated Android malware (which provide attackers with the ability to evade detection mechanisms). Finally, we propose a Machine Learning-based detection framework to hunt malicious Android apps by introducing a system to detect and classify newly-discovered malware through analyzing applications. The proposed system classifies different types of malware from each other and helps to better understanding how malware can infect devices, the threat level they pose and how to protect against them. Our designed system leverages more complete coverage of apps’ behavioral characteristics than the state-of-the-art, integrates the most performant classifier, and utilizes the robustness of extracted features. The second part of this dissertation conducts an in-depth security analysis of the most popular wearable fitness trackers on the market. Our contributions are grouped into four central parts in this domain: First, we analyze the primitives governing the communication between fitness tracker and cloud-based services. In addition, we investigate communication requirements in this setting such as: (i) Data Confidentiality, (ii) Data Integrity, and (iii) Data Authenticity. Second, we show real-world demos on how modern wearable devices are vulnerable to false data injection attacks. Also, we document successful injection of falsified data to cloud-based services that appears legitimate to the cloud to obtain personal benefits. Third, we circumvent End-to-End protocol encryption implemented in the most advanced and secure fitness trackers (e.g., Fitbit, as the market leader) through Hardware-based reverse engineering. Last but not least, we provide guidelines for avoiding similar vulnerabilities in future system designs