45 research outputs found

    Automated Test Input Generation for Android: Are We There Yet?

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    Mobile applications, often simply called "apps", are increasingly widespread, and we use them daily to perform a number of activities. Like all software, apps must be adequately tested to gain confidence that they behave correctly. Therefore, in recent years, researchers and practitioners alike have begun to investigate ways to automate apps testing. In particular, because of Android's open source nature and its large share of the market, a great deal of research has been performed on input generation techniques for apps that run on the Android operating systems. At this point in time, there are in fact a number of such techniques in the literature, which differ in the way they generate inputs, the strategy they use to explore the behavior of the app under test, and the specific heuristics they use. To better understand the strengths and weaknesses of these existing approaches, and get general insight on ways they could be made more effective, in this paper we perform a thorough comparison of the main existing test input generation tools for Android. In our comparison, we evaluate the effectiveness of these tools, and their corresponding techniques, according to four metrics: code coverage, ability to detect faults, ability to work on multiple platforms, and ease of use. Our results provide a clear picture of the state of the art in input generation for Android apps and identify future research directions that, if suitably investigated, could lead to more effective and efficient testing tools for Android

    Enter Sandbox: Android Sandbox Comparison

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    Expecting the shipment of 1 billion Android devices in 2017, cyber criminals have naturally extended their vicious activities towards Google's mobile operating system. With an estimated number of 700 new Android applications released every day, keeping control over malware is an increasingly challenging task. In recent years, a vast number of static and dynamic code analysis platforms for analyzing Android applications and making decision regarding their maliciousness have been introduced in academia and in the commercial world. These platforms differ heavily in terms of feature support and application properties being analyzed. In this paper, we give an overview of the state-of-the-art dynamic code analysis platforms for Android and evaluate their effectiveness with samples from known malware corpora as well as known Android bugs like Master Key. Our results indicate a low level of diversity in analysis platforms resulting from code reuse that leaves the evaluated systems vulnerable to evasion. Furthermore the Master Key bugs could be exploited by malware to hide malicious behavior from the sandboxes.Comment: In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Mobile Security Technologies (MoST) 2014 (http://arxiv.org/abs/1410.6674

    Towards model checking Android applications

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    As feature-rich Android applications (apps for short) are increasingly popularized in security-sensitive scenarios, methods to verify their security properties are highly desirable. Existing approaches on verifying Android apps often have limited effectiveness. For instance, static analysis often suffers from a high false-positive rate, whereas approaches based on dynamic testing are limited in coverage. In this work, we propose an alternative approach, which is to apply the software model checking technique to verify Android apps. We have built a general framework named DroidPF upon Java PathFinder (JPF), towards model checking Android apps. In the framework, we craft an executable mock-up Android OS which enables JPF to dynamically explore the concrete state spaces of the tested apps; we construct programs to generate user interaction and environmental input so as to drive the dynamic execution of the apps; and we introduce Android specific reduction techniques to help alleviate the state space explosion. DroidPF focuses on common security vulnerabilities in Android apps including sensitive data leakage involving a non-trivial flow- and context-sensitive taint-style analysis. DroidPF has been evaluated with 131 apps, which include real-world apps, third-party libraries, malware samples and benchmarks for evaluating app analysis techniques like ours. DroidPF precisely identifies nearly all of the previously known security issues and nine previously unreported vulnerabilities/bugs.NRF (Natl Research Foundation, S’pore

    Protection against Code Obfuscation Attacks based on control dependencies in Android Systems

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    International audienceIn Android systems, an attacker can obfuscate an application code to leak sensitive information. TaintDroid is an information flow tracking system that protects private data in smartphones. But, TainDroid cannot detect control flows. Thus, it can be circumvented by an obfuscated code attack based on control dependencies. In this paper, we present a collection of obfuscated code attacks on TaintDroid system. We propose a technical solution based on a hybrid approach that combines static and dynamic analysis. We formally specify our solution based on two propagation rules. Finally, we evaluate our approach and show that we can avoid the obfuscated code attacks based on control dependencies by using these propagation rules

    Real-time content-aware video retargeting on the Android platform for tunnel vision assistance

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    As mobile devices continue to rise in popularity, advances in overall mobile device processing power lead to further expansion of their capabilities. This, coupled with the fact that many people suffer from low vision, leaves substantial room for advancing mobile development for low vision assistance. Computer vision is capable of assisting and accommodating individuals with blind spots or tunnel vision by extracting the necessary information and presenting it to the user in a manner they are able to visualize. Such a system would enable individuals with low vision to function with greater ease. Additionally, offering assistance on a mobile platform allows greater access. The objective of this thesis is to develop a computer vision application for low vision assistance on the Android mobile device platform. Specifically, the goal of the application is to reduce the effects tunnel vision inflicts on individuals. This is accomplished by providing an in-depth real-time video retargeting model that builds upon previous works and applications. Seam carving is a content-aware retargeting operator which defines 8-connected paths, or seams, of pixels. The optimality of these seams is based on a specific energy function. Discrete removal of these seams permits changes in the aspect ratio while simultaneously preserving important regions. The video retargeting model incorporates spatial and temporal considerations to provide effective image and video retargeting. Data reduction techniques are utilized in order to generate an efficient model. Additionally, a minimalistic multi-operator approach is constructed to diminish the disadvantages experienced by individual operators. In the event automated techniques fail, interactive options are provided that allow for user intervention. Evaluation of the application and its video retargeting model is based on its comparison to existing standard algorithms and its ability to extend itself to real-time. Performance metrics are obtained for both PC environments and mobile device platforms for comparison

    DexPro:A Bytecode Level Code Protection System for Android Applications

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    Unauthorized code modification through reverse engineering is a major concern for Android application developers. Code reverse engineering is often used by adversaries to remove the copyright protection or advertisements from the app, or to inject malicious code into the program. By making the program difficult to analyze, code obfuscation is a potential solution to the problem. However, there is currently little work on applying code obfuscation to compiled Android bytecode. This paper presents DexPro, a novel bytecode level code obfuscation system for Android applications. Unlike prior approaches, our method performs on the Android Dex bytecode and does not require access to high-level program source or modification of the compiler or the VM. Our approach leverages the fact all except floating operands in Dex are stored in a 32-bit register to pack two 32-bit operands into a 64-bit operand. In this way, any attempt to decompile the bytecode will result in incorrect information. Meanwhile, our approach obfuscates the program control flow by inserting opaque predicates before the return instruction of a function call, which makes it harder for the attacker to trace calls to protected functions. Experimental results show that our approach can deter sophisticate reverse engineering and code analysis tools, and the overhead of runtime and memory footprint is comparable to existing code obfuscation methods

    R-Droid: Leveraging Android App Analysis with Static Slice Optimization

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    Today’s feature-rich smartphone apps intensively rely on access to highly sensitive (personal) data. This puts the user’s privacy at risk of being violated by overly curious apps or libraries (like advertisements). Central app markets conceptually represent a first line of defense against such invasions of the user’s privacy, but unfortunately we are still lacking full support for automatic analysis of apps’ internal data flows and supporting analysts in statically assessing apps’ behavior. In this paper we present a novel slice-optimization approach to leverage static analysis of Android applications. Building on top of precise application lifecycle models, we employ a slicing-based analysis to generate data-dependent statements for arbitrary points of interest in an application. As a result of our optimization, the produced slices are, on average, 49% smaller than standard slices, thus facilitating code understanding and result validation by security analysts. Moreover, by re-targeting strings, our approach enables automatic assessments for a larger number of use-cases than prior work. We consolidate our improvements on statically analyzing Android apps into a tool called R-Droid and conducted a large-scale data-leak analysis on a set of 22,700 Android apps from Google Play. R-Droid managed to identify a significantly larger set of potential privacy-violating information flows than previous work, including 2,157 sensitive flows of password-flagged UI widgets in 256 distinct apps