23 research outputs found

    More on the 22-restricted optimal pebbling number

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    Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a simple graph. A function f:VN{0}f:V\rightarrow \mathbb{N}\cup \{0\} is called a configuration of pebbles on the vertices of GG and the weight of ff is w(f)=uVf(u)w(f)=\sum_{u\in V}f(u) which is just the total number of pebbles assigned to vertices. A pebbling step from a vertex uu to one of its neighbors vv reduces f(u)f(u) by two and increases f(v)f(v) by one. A pebbling configuration ff is said to be solvable if for every vertex v v , there exists a sequence (possibly empty) of pebbling moves that results in a pebble on vv. A pebbling configuration ff is a tt-restricted pebbling configuration (abbreviated ttRPC) if f(v)tf(v)\leq t for all vVv\in V. The tt-restricted optimal pebbling number πt(G)\pi_t^*(G) is the minimum weight of a solvable ttRPC on GG. Chellali et.al. [Discrete Appl. Math. 221 (2017) 46-53] characterized connected graphs GG having small 22-restricted optimal pebbling numbers and characterization of graphs GG with π2(G)=5\pi_2^*(G)=5 stated as an open problem. In this paper, we solve this problem. We improve the upper bound of the 22-restricted optimal pebbling number of trees of order nn. Also, we study 22-restricted optimal pebbling number of some grid graphs, corona and neighborhood corona of two specific graphs.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    On t-Restricted Optimal Rubbling of Graphs

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    For a graph G = (V;E), a pebble distribution is defined as a mapping of the vertex set in to the integers, where each vertex begins with f(v) pebbles. A pebbling move takes two pebbles from some vertex adjacent to v and places one pebble on v. A rubbling move takes one pebble from each of two vertices that are adjacent to v and places one pebble on v. A vertex x is reachable under a pebbling distribution f if there exists some sequence of rubbling and pebbling moves that places a pebble on x. A pebbling distribution where every vertex is reachable is called a rubbling configuration. The t-restricted optimal rubbling number of G is the minimum number of pebbles required for a rubbling configuration where no vertex is initially assigned more than t pebbles. Here we present results on the 1-restricted optimal rubbling number and the 2- restricted optimal rubbling number

    Extensions of Graph Pebbling

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    My thesis will consist of extensions to results that I proved at the 2004 East Tennessee State REU. Most of these results have to do with graph pebbling and various probabilistic extensions. Specifically, in Chapter 2 we compute the cover pebbling number for complete multipartite graphs and prove upper bounds for cover pebbling numbers for graphs of a specified diameter and order. We also prove that the cover pebbling decision problem is NP complete. In Chapters 3 and 4 we examine domination cover pebbling. In Chapter 5, we obtain structural and probabilistic results for deep graphs, and in Chapter 6 we compute cover pebbling probability thresholds for the complete graph

    Roman Domination Cover Rubbling

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    In this thesis, we introduce Roman domination cover rubbling as an extension of domination cover rubbling. We define a parameter on a graph GG called the \textit{Roman domination cover rubbling number}, denoted ρR(G)\rho_{R}(G), as the smallest number of pebbles, so that from any initial configuration of those pebbles on GG, it is possible to obtain a configuration which is Roman dominating after some sequence of pebbling and rubbling moves. We begin by characterizing graphs GG having small ρR(G)\rho_{R}(G) value. Among other things, we also obtain the Roman domination cover rubbling number for paths and give an upper bound for the Roman domination cover rubbling number of a tree

    Pebbling number of polymers

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    Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a simple graph. A function f:VN{0}f:V\rightarrow \mathbb{N}\cup \{0\} is called a configuration of pebbles on the vertices of GG and the quantity f=uVf(u)\vert f\vert=\sum_{u\in V}f(u) is called the weight of ff which is just the total number of pebbles assigned to vertices. A pebbling step from a vertex uu to one of its neighbors vv reduces f(u)f(u) by two and increases f(v)f(v) by one. A pebbling configuration ff is said to be solvable if for every vertex v v , there exists a sequence (possibly empty) of pebbling moves that results in a pebble on vv. The pebbling number π(G) \pi(G) equals the minimum number k k such that every pebbling configuration f f with f=k \vert f\vert = k is solvable. Let G G be a connected graph constructed from pairwise disjoint connected graphs G1,...,Gk G_1,...,G_k by selecting a vertex of G1 G_1 , a vertex of G2 G_2 , and identifying these two vertices. Then continue in this manner inductively. We say that G G is a polymer graph, obtained by point-attaching from monomer units G1,...,Gk G_1,...,G_k . In this paper, we study the pebbling number of some polymers.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Optimal pebbling number of graphs with given minimum degree

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    Consider a distribution of pebbles on a connected graph GG. A pebbling move removes two pebbles from a vertex and places one to an adjacent vertex. A vertex is reachable under a pebbling distribution if it has a pebble after the application of a sequence of pebbling moves. The optimal pebbling number π(G)\pi^*(G) is the smallest number of pebbles which we can distribute in such a way that each vertex is reachable. It was known that the optimal pebbling number of any connected graph is at most 4nδ+1\frac{4n}{\delta+1}, where δ\delta is the minimum degree of the graph. We strengthen this bound by showing that equality cannot be attained and that the bound is sharp. If diam(G)3\operatorname{diam}(G)\geq 3 then we further improve the bound to π(G)3.75nδ+1\pi^*(G)\leq\frac{3.75n}{\delta+1}. On the other hand, we show that for arbitrary large diameter and any ϵ>0\epsilon>0 there are infinitely many graphs whose optimal pebbling number is bigger than (83ϵ)n(δ+1)\left(\frac{8}{3}-\epsilon\right)\frac{n}{(\delta+1)}

    Master index to volumes 251-260

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    Proceedings of the 10th Japanese-Hungarian Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications

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