108 research outputs found

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    Capturing Behavioral Requirements and Testing Against Them by Means of Live Sequence Charts

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    An integrated approach to testing complex systems

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    Die steigende Komplexität heutiger Testszenarien für komplexe Systeme erfordert einen ganzheitlichen und offenen Ansatz zur Verwaltung des gesamten Testprozesses. Eine Anwendung klassischer modellbasierter Testansätze, in denen eine präzise und vollständige formale Spezifikation des Systems als Referenz zur automatischen Testfallgenerierung dient, ist in der Praxis nicht möglich.Gründe dafür liegen zum einen im Fehlen einer adäquaten formalen Spezifikation. Komplexe Systeme sind aus verschiedenen Komponenten zusammengesetzt, teils Hardware teils Software und oft auch aus Fremdkomponenten. Dadurch ist es inhärent unrealistisch anzunehmen, dass eine solche formale Spezifikation a priori existiert. Andererseits muss eine ausgereifte Testumgebung die Ausführung von verteilten Testfällen unterstützen, denn die Test-Stimuli und -Beobachtungen können an verschiedenen Teilkomponenten des Systems stattfinden.Diese Arbeit präsentiert einen neuartigen Ansatz für das ganzheitliche Testen komplexer Systeme. Der Ansatz stellt eine 'grobgranulare' Testumgebung zur Verfügung, die mittels einer komponentenbasierten Testfallbeschreibung realisiert ist. Die Basis dafür bildet eine Bibliothek von elementaren, aber intuitiv verständlichen Testfallfragmenten. Die Beziehungen zwischen den Testfallfragmenten sind orthogonal. Dies ermöglicht eine Testbeschreibung und -ausführung, die durch formale Verifikationsmethoden ergänzt wird. Hierdurch können die Testfallbeschreibungsaspekte von Experten des Systems und der verwendeten Testwerkzeuge zu Experten der Systemlogik verschoben werden. Der Ansatz wird durch verschiedene, industrielle Fallstudien in zwei verschiedenen Bereichen illustriert: Computer Telephony Integrations Lösungen und Webbasierte Applikationen. Als Erweiterung des ganzheitlichen Testansatzes wird ein Algorithmus zur a posteriori Generierung approximativer Modelle für komplexe Systeme vorgestellt. Dafür wurde ein bekannter Algorithmus aus dem Maschinellen Lernen an applikationsbedingte Charakteristika angepasst, wie Präfix-Abgeschlossenheit,Input-Determinismus, sowie Unabhängigkeit und Symmetrien zwischen Aktionen. Die resultierenden Modelle können zwar nie exakt sein, in dem Sinne, dass sie das vollständige und korrekte Systemverhalten abbilden. Dennoch können sie von hohem praktischen Nutzen sein, da sie das gesammelte Wissen über das System in einer konsistenten Beschreibungsform repräsentieren.The increasing complexity of today's testing scenarios for complex systems demands an integrated, open, and flexible approach to support the managementof the overall test process. ``Classical'' model-based testing approaches, where a complete and precise formal specification serves as a reference for automatic test generation, are often impractical. Reasons are, on the one hand, the absence of a suitable formal specification. As complex systems are composed of several components, either hardware or software, often pre-built and third party, it is unrealistic to assume that a formal specification exists a priori. On the other hand, a sophisticated test execution environment is needed that can handle distributed test cases. This is because the test actions and observations can take place on different subsystems of the overall system. This thesis presents a novel approach to the integrated testing of complex systems. Our approach offers a coarse grained test environment, realized in terms of a component-based test design on top of a library of elementary but intuitively understandable test case fragments. The relations between the fragments are treated orthogonally, delivering a test design and execution environment enhanced by means of light-weight formal verification methods. In this way we are able to shift the test design issues from total experts of the system and the used test tools to experts of the system's logic only. We illustrate the practical usability of our approach by means of industrial case studies in two different application domains: Computer Telephony Integrated solutions and Web-based applications. As an enhancement of our integrated test approach we provide an algorithm for generating approximate models for complex systems a posteriori. This is done by optimizing a standard machine learning algorithm according to domain-specific structural properties, i.e. properties like prefix-closeness, input-determinism, as well as independency and symmetries of events. The resulting models can never be exact, i.e. reflect the complete and correct behaviour of the considered system. Nevertheless they can be useful in practice, to represent the cumulative knowledge of the system in a consistent description

    Terrier: an embedded operating system using advanced types for safety

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    Operating systems software is fundamental to modern computer systems: all other applications are dependent upon the correct and timely provision of basic system services. At the same time, advances in programming languages and type theory have lead to the creation of functional programming languages with type systems that are designed to combine theorem proving with practical systems programming. The Terrier operating system project focuses on low-level systems programming in the context of a multi-core, real-time, embedded system, while taking advantage of a dependently typed programming language named ATS to improve reliability. Terrier is a new point in the design space for an operating system, one that leans heavily on an associated programming language, ATS, to provide safety that has traditionally been in the scope of hardware protection and kernel privilege. Terrier tries to have far fewer abstractions between program and hardware. The purpose of Terrier is to put programs as much in contact with the real hardware, real memory, and real timing constraints as possible, while still retaining the ability to multiplex programs and provide for a reasonable level of safety through static analysis

    Techniques for the realization of ultra- reliable spaceborne computer Final report

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    Bibliography and new techniques for use of error correction and redundancy to improve reliability of spaceborne computer

    The 4th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    Personal genome editing algorithms to identify increased variant-induced off-target potential

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    Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) technologies allow for facile genomic modification in a site-specific manner. A key step in this process is the in-silico design of single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) to efficiently and specifically target a site of interest. To this end, it is necessary to enumerate all potential off-target sites within a given genome that could be inadvertently altered by nuclease-mediated cleavage. Off-target sites are quasi-complementary regions of the genome in which the specified sgRNA can bind, even without a perfect complementary nucleotides sequence. This problem is known as off-target sites enumeration and became common after discovery of CRISPR technology. To solve this problem, many in-silico solutions were proposed in the last years but, currently available software for this task are limited by computational efficiency, variant support, genetic annotation, assessment of the functional impact of potential off-target effects at population and individual level, and a user-friendly graphical interface designed to be usable by non-informatician without any programming knowledge. This thesis addresses all these topics by proposing two software to directly answer the off-target enumeration problem and perform all the related analysis. In details, the thesis proposes CRISPRitz, a tool designed and developed to compute fast and exhaustive searches on reference and alternative genome to enumerate all the possible off-target for a user-defined set of sgRNAs with specific thresholds of mismatches (non-complementary bps in RNA-DNA binding) and bulges (bubbles that alters the physical structure of RNA and DNA limiting the binding activity). The thesis also proposes CRISPRme, a tool developed starting from CRISPRitz, which answers the requests of professionals and technicians to implement a comprehensive and easy to use interface to perform off-target enumeration, analysis and assessment, with graphical reports, a graphical interface and the capability of performing real-time query on the resulting data to extract desired targets, with a focus on individual and personalized genome analysis

    36th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2019, March 13-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany

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