11 research outputs found

    Grid load balancing using ant colony optimization

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    An enhanced ant colony optimization technique for jobs and resources scheduling in grid computing is proposed in this paper. The proposed technique combines the techniques from Ant Colony System and Max – Min Ant System and focused on local pheromone trail update and trail limit. The agent concept is also integrated in this proposed technique for the purpose of updating the grid resource table. This facilitates in scheduling jobs to available resources efficiently which will enable jobs to be processed in minimum time and also balance all the resource in grid system

    Analysis Of Aircraft Arrival Delay And Airport On-time Performance

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    While existing grid environments cater to specific needs of a particular user community, we need to go beyond them and consider general-purpose large-scale distributed systems consisting of large collections of heterogeneous computers and communication systems shared by a large user population with very diverse requirements. Coordination, matchmaking, and resource allocation are among the essential functions of large-scale distributed systems. Although deterministic approaches for coordination, matchmaking, and resource allocation have been well studied, they are not suitable for large-scale distributed systems due to the large-scale, the autonomy, and the dynamics of the systems. We have to seek for nondeterministic solutions for large-scale distributed systems. In this dissertation we describe our work on a coordination service, a matchmaking service, and a macro-economic resource allocation model for large-scale distributed systems. The coordination service coordinates the execution of complex tasks in a dynamic environment, the matchmaking service supports finding the appropriate resources for users, and the macro-economic resource allocation model allows a broker to mediate resource providers who want to maximize their revenues and resource consumers who want to get the best resources at the lowest possible price, with some global objectives, e.g., to maximize the resource utilization of the system

    Allocation optimale des ressources pour les applications et services de grille de calcul

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Ant colony optimization algorithm for load balancing in grid computing

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    Managing resources in grid computing system is complicated due to the distributed and heterogeneous nature of the resources. This research proposes an enhancement of the ant colony optimization algorithm that caters for dynamic scheduling and load balancing in the grid computing system. The proposed algorithm is known as the enhance ant colony optimization (EACO). The algorithm consists of three new mechanisms that organize the work of an ant colony i.e. initial pheromone value mechanism, resource selection mechanism and pheromone update mechanism. The resource allocation problem is modelled as a graph that can be used by the ant to deliver its pheromone.This graph consists of four types of vertices which are job, requirement, resource and capacity that are used in constructing the grid resource management element. The proposed EACO algorithm takes into consideration the capacity of resources and the characteristics of jobs in determining the best resource to process a job. EACO selects the resources based on the pheromone value on each resource which is recorded in a matrix form. The initial pheromone value of each resource for each job is calculated based on the estimated transmission time and execution time of a given job.Resources with high pheromone value are selected to process the submitted jobs. Global pheromone update is performed after the completion of processing the jobs in order to reduce the pheromone value of resources.A simulation environment was developed using Java programming to test the performance of the proposed EACO algorithm against other ant based algorithm, in terms of resource utilization. Experimental results show that EACO produced better grid resource management solution

    Investigation of service selection algorithms for grid services

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    Grid computing has emerged as a global platform to support organizations for coordinated sharing of distributed data, applications, and processes. Additionally, Grid computing has also leveraged web services to define standard interfaces for Grid services adopting the service-oriented view. Consequently, there have been significant efforts to enable applications capable of tackling computationally intensive problems as services on the Grid. In order to ensure that the available services are assigned to the high volume of incoming requests efficiently, it is important to have a robust service selection algorithm. The selection algorithm should not only increase access to the distributed services, promoting operational flexibility and collaboration, but should also allow service providers to scale efficiently to meet a variety of demands while adhering to certain current Quality of Service (QoS) standards. In this research, two service selection algorithms, namely the Particle Swarm Intelligence based Service Selection Algorithm (PSI Selection Algorithm) based on the Multiple Objective Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm using Crowding Distance technique, and the Constraint Satisfaction based Selection (CSS) algorithm, are proposed. The proposed selection algorithms are designed to achieve the following goals: handling large number of incoming requests simultaneously; achieving high match scores in the case of competitive matching of similar types of incoming requests; assigning each services efficiently to all the incoming requests; providing the service requesters the flexibility to provide multiple service selection criteria based on a QoS metric; selecting the appropriate services for the incoming requests within a reasonable time. Next, the two algorithms are verified by a standard assignment problem algorithm called the Munkres algorithm. The feasibility and the accuracy of the proposed algorithms are then tested using various evaluation methods. These evaluations are based on various real world scenarios to check the accuracy of the algorithm, which is primarily based on how closely the requests are being matched to the available services based on the QoS parameters provided by the requesters

    Investigation of service selection algorithms for grid services

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    Grid computing has emerged as a global platform to support organizations for coordinated sharing of distributed data, applications, and processes. Additionally, Grid computing has also leveraged web services to define standard interfaces for Grid services adopting the service-oriented view. Consequently, there have been significant efforts to enable applications capable of tackling computationally intensive problems as services on the Grid. In order to ensure that the available services are assigned to the high volume of incoming requests efficiently, it is important to have a robust service selection algorithm. The selection algorithm should not only increase access to the distributed services, promoting operational flexibility and collaboration, but should also allow service providers to scale efficiently to meet a variety of demands while adhering to certain current Quality of Service (QoS) standards. In this research, two service selection algorithms, namely the Particle Swarm Intelligence based Service Selection Algorithm (PSI Selection Algorithm) based on the Multiple Objective Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm using Crowding Distance technique, and the Constraint Satisfaction based Selection (CSS) algorithm, are proposed. The proposed selection algorithms are designed to achieve the following goals: handling large number of incoming requests simultaneously; achieving high match scores in the case of competitive matching of similar types of incoming requests; assigning each services efficiently to all the incoming requests; providing the service requesters the flexibility to provide multiple service selection criteria based on a QoS metric; selecting the appropriate services for the incoming requests within a reasonable time. Next, the two algorithms are verified by a standard assignment problem algorithm called the Munkres algorithm. The feasibility and the accuracy of the proposed algorithms are then tested using various evaluation methods. These evaluations are based on various real world scenarios to check the accuracy of the algorithm, which is primarily based on how closely the requests are being matched to the available services based on the QoS parameters provided by the requesters

    Resource Matching and a Matchmaking Service for an Intelligent Grid

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    Abstract—We discuss the application of matching in the area of resource discovery and resource allocation in grid computing. We present a formal definition of matchmaking, overview algorithms to evaluate different matchmaking expressions, and develop a matchmaking service for an intelligent grid environment

    Grid application meta-repository system

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    As one of the most popular forms of distributed computing technology, Grid brings together different scientific communities that are able to deploy, access, and run complex applications with the help of the enormous computational and storage power offered by the Grid infrastructure. However as the number of Grid applications has been growing steadily in recent years, they are now stored on a multitude of different repositories, which remain specific to each Grid. At the time this research was carried out there were no two well-known Grid application repositories sharing the same structure, same implementation, same access technology and methods, same communication protocols, same security system or same application description language used for application descriptions. This remained a great limitation for Grid users, who were bound to work on only one specific repository, and also presented a significant limitation in terms of interoperability and inter-repository access. The research presented in this thesis provides a solution to this problem, as well as to several other related issues that have been identified while investigating these areas of Grid. Following a comprehensive review of existing Grid repository capabilities, I defined the main challenges that need to be addressed in order to make Grid repositories more versatile and I proposed a solution that addresses these challenges. To this end, I designed a new Grid repository (GAMRS – Grid Application Meta-Repository System), which includes a novel model and architecture, an improved application description language and a matchmaking system. After implementing and testing this solution, I have proved that GAMRS marks an improvement in Grid repository systems. Its new features allow for the inter-connection of different Grid repositories; make applications stored on these repositories visible on the web; allow for the discovery of similar or identical applications stored in different Grid repositories; permit the exchange and re-usage of application and applicationrelated objects between different repositories; and extend the use of applications stored on Grid repositories to other distributed environments, such as virtualized cluster-on-demand and cloud computing