15 research outputs found

    Extending and inferring functional dependencies in schema transformation

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    Moroccan Arabic Segmental Variation

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    Previous generative work on phonological variation has been couched in discussion of “Optional” or “Variable” rules. More recently, a Partial Ranking (PR) theory of variation (Anttila/ Cho 1998) has been applied to explain inter-speaker variation. The present paper develops the PR theory of variation and applies it systematically to the analysis of some segmental phenomena in Moroccan Arabic (MA). It is argued that dialectal variation in MA is the result of variable dominance relations among ranked universal constraints. The primary advantage of the PR model is its ability to account for all speech processes, categorical as well as variable, within a single framework. Building on Optimality Theory as proposed in Prince and Smolensky (1993), McCarthy and Prince (1993), I construct a grammar which predicts in which circumstances segmental variation may or may not occur.

    Конфликтующие подсистемы информационного пространства: исследование на программном и аппаратном уровнях

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    he study of complex systems lead to the development of the theory of conflicts, which allows modeling and solving information conflicts between elements of information and cybernetic systems. This article is the next step of research in the field of information confrontation and describes the information conflict in the context of "object - object". Based on the analysis of scientific sources, the classification of conflicts at the "object - object" level is presented. It is determined that for information and cybernetic systems, the discussed developments in the theory of conflicts have specific features for different levels. The definition of information conflict is proposed as a process of interference in the information space and/or information system of the opposite party with the aim of violating the confidentiality, reliability and integrity of the opponent's information. The classification of information conflict is carried out according to the following levels: between the means of information collection and information transmission; as means of radio-electronic warfare between means of information influence for the purpose of counteraction, protection or intelligence; between general purpose software applications and information protection programs; between software and technical means of information protection; between communication channels of information networks and protocols of their functioning. For each of them, the types of conflict situations are presented and solutions are recommended through the analysis of scientific developments on this problem. It is proved that the theory of information conflicts in information and cyber security systems has an innovative character, strengthening the creation and development of new technologies for ensuring the integrity, availability and confidentiality of information. The approaches considered in this study can be used in the training of specialists in the field of information and cyber security.Дослідження складних систем спонукали до розвитку теорії конфліктів, застосування якої дозволило моделювати та вирішувати інформаційні конфлікти між елементами інформаційної та кібернетичної систем. Дана стаття є продовженням досліджень у даній сфері (інформаційний конфлікт у ракурсі «суб’єкт-суб’єкт») і описує інформаційний конфлікт у ракурсі «об’єкт – об’єкт». Здійснено огляд наукових джерел з метою визначення класифікації у даному напрямі. Визначено, що для інформаційних та кібернетичних систем розглянуті розробки з теорії конфліктів мають свій специфічний відтінок. Запропоновано визначення інформаційного конфлікту як процесу втручання в інформаційний простір та/або інформаційну систему протилежної сторони з метою порушення конфіденційності, достовірності та цілісності інформації супротивника. Здійснено класифікацію інформаційного конфлікту на рівнях: між засобами збору інформації та процесами передачі інформації; як радіоелектронна боротьба (РЕБ) між засобами інформаційного впливу з метою протидії, захисту чи розвідки; між технологіями програмного забезпечення та програмами, що забезпечують захист інформації; між програмним та апаратним захистом інформації; між каналами зв’язку інформаційних мереж та протоколами їх функціонування. Для кожного з них рекомендовано види конфліктних ситуацій та представлені шляхи розв’язання через аналіз наукових розробок з даної проблеми. Доведено, що теорія інформаційних конфліктів у системах інформаційної та кібербезпеки носить інноваційний характер, підсилюючи створення та розвиток нових технологій забезпечення цілісності, доступності та конфіденційності інформації. Розглянуті підходи у даному дослідженні можуть бути використані при підготовці фахівців галузі інформаційної та кібернетичної безпеки.Исследования сложных систем побудили к развитию теории конфликтов, применение которой позволило моделировать и разрешать информационные конфликты между элементами информационной и кибернетической систем. Данная статья является продолжением исследований в данной сфере (информационный конфликт в ракурсе "субъект-субъект") и описывает информационный конфликт в ракурсе "объект - объект". Проведён обзор научных источников с целью определения классификации в данном направлении. Определено, что для информационных и кибернетических систем рассмотренные разработки теории конфликтов имеют свой специфический оттенок. Предложено определение информационного конфликта как процесса вмешательства в информационное пространство и/или информационную систему противоположной стороны с целью нарушения конфиденциальности, достоверности и целостности информации противника. Осуществлена классификация информационного конфликта на уровнях: между средствами сбора информации и процессами передачи информации; как радиоэлектронная борьба (РЭБ) между средствами информационного воздействия в целях противодействия, защиты или разведки; между технологиями программного обеспечения и программами, обеспечивающими защиту информации; между программной и аппаратной защитой информации; между каналами связи информационных сетей и протоколами их функционирования Для каждого из них рекомендованы виды конфликтных ситуаций и представлены пути разрешения с помощью анализа научных разработок по данной проблеме. Доказано, что теория информационных конфликтов в системах информационной и кибербезопасности носит инновационный характер, усиливая создание и развитие новых технологий обеспечения целостности, доступности и конфиденциальности информации. Рассмотренные подходы в данном исследовании могут быть использованы при подготовке специалистов в области информационной и кибернетической безопасности

    Improving the Policy Specification for Practical Access Control Systems

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    Access control systems play a crucial role in protecting the security of information systems by ensuring that only authorized users are granted access to sensitive resources, and the protection is only as good as the access control policies. For enabling a security administrator to express her desired policy conveniently, it is paramount that a policy specification is expressive, comprehensible, and free of inconsistencies. In this dissertation, we study the policy specifications for three practical access control systems (i.e., obligation systems, firewalls, and Security-Enhanced Linux in Android) and improve their expressiveness, comprehensibility, and consistency. First, we improve the expressiveness of obligation policies for handling different types of obligations. We propose a language for specifying obligations as well as an architecture for handling access control policies with these obligations, by extending XACML (i.e., the de facto standard for specifying access control policies). We also implement our design into a prototype system named ExtXACML to handle various obligations. Second, we improve the comprehensibility of firewall policies enabling administrators to better understand and manage the policies. We introduce the tri-modularized design of firewall policies for elevating them from monolithic to modular. To support legacy firewall policies, we also define a five-step process and present algorithms for converting them into their modularized form. Finally, we improve the consistency of Security-Enhanced Linux in Android (SEAndroid) policies for reducing the attack surface in Android systems. We propose a systematic approach as well as a semiautomatic tool for uncovering three classes of policy misconfigurations. We also analyze SEAndroid policies from four Android versions and seven Android phone vendors, and in all of them we observe examples of potential policy misconfigurations

    Improving the Policy Specification for Practical Access Control Systems

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    Access control systems play a crucial role in protecting the security of information systems by ensuring that only authorized users are granted access to sensitive resources, and the protection is only as good as the access control policies. For enabling a security administrator to express her desired policy conveniently, it is paramount that a policy specification is expressive, comprehensible, and free of inconsistencies. In this dissertation, we study the policy specifications for three practical access control systems (i.e., obligation systems, firewalls, and Security-Enhanced Linux in Android) and improve their expressiveness, comprehensibility, and consistency. First, we improve the expressiveness of obligation policies for handling different types of obligations. We propose a language for specifying obligations as well as an architecture for handling access control policies with these obligations, by extending XACML (i.e., the de facto standard for specifying access control policies). We also implement our design into a prototype system named ExtXACML to handle various obligations. Second, we improve the comprehensibility of firewall policies enabling administrators to better understand and manage the policies. We introduce the tri-modularized design of firewall policies for elevating them from monolithic to modular. To support legacy firewall policies, we also define a five-step process and present algorithms for converting them into their modularized form. Finally, we improve the consistency of Security-Enhanced Linux in Android (SEAndroid) policies for reducing the attack surface in Android systems. We propose a systematic approach as well as a semiautomatic tool for uncovering three classes of policy misconfigurations. We also analyze SEAndroid policies from four Android versions and seven Android phone vendors, and in all of them we observe examples of potential policy misconfigurations

    Global schema generation and query rewriting XML integration

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    Discover semantics from XML

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    Intelligent layout for information display : an approach using constraints and case-based reasoning

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1992.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 75-78).by Grace Elizabeth Colby.M.S

    Role-Based Access Control Administration of Security Policies and Policy Conflict Resolution in Distributed Systems

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    Security models using access control policies have over the years improved from Role-based access control (RBAC) to newer models which have added some features like support for distributed systems and solving problems in older security policy models such as identifying policy conflicts. Access control policies based on hierarchical roles provide more flexibility in controlling system resources for users. The policies allow for granularity when extended to have both allow and deny permissions as well as weighted priority attribute for the rules in the policies. Such flexibility allows administrators to succinctly specify access for their system resources but also prone to conflict. This study found that conflicts in access control policies were still a problem even in recent literature. There have been successful attempts at using algorithms to identify the conflicts. However, the conflicts were only identified but not resolved or averted and system administrators still had to resolve the policy conflicts manually. This study proposed a weighted attribute administration model (WAAM) containing values that feed the calculation of a weighted priority attribute. The values are tied to the user, hierarchical role, and secured objects in a security model to ease their administration and are included in the expression of the access control policy. This study also suggested a weighted attribute algorithm (WAA) using these values to resolve any conflicts in the access control policies. The proposed solution was demonstrated in a simulation that combined the WAAM and WAA. The simulation\u27s database used WAAM and had data records for access control policies, some of which had conflicts. The simulation then showed that WAA could both identify and resolve access control policy (ACP) conflicts while providing results in sub-second time. The WAA is extensible so implementing systems can extend WAA to meet specialized needs. This study shows that ACP conflicts can be identified and resolved during authorization of a user into a system

    Rollenontwerp bij RBAC: Onderzoek naar factoren, die de complexiteit bepalen bij procesmatig rollenontwerp in Role Based Access Control

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    in deze scriptie wordt verslag gedaan van een onderzoek naar het aspect vertrouwelijkheid in het kader van informatiebeveiliging. Daarbij wordt mn gekeken naar de rollen die bepaalde personen spelen in het totale proces