5,220 research outputs found

    Resolution-based decision procedures for subclasses of first-order logic

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    This thesis studies decidable fragments of first-order logic which are relevant to the field of nonclassical logic and knowledge representation. We show that refinements of resolution based on suitable liftable orderings provide decision procedures for the subclasses E+, K, and DK of first-order logic. By the use of semantics-based translation methods we can embed the description logic ALB and extensions of the basic modal logic K into fragments of first-order logic. We describe various decision procedures based on ordering refinements and selection functions for these fragments and show that a polynomial simulation of tableaux-based decision procedures for these logics is possible. In the final part of the thesis we develop a benchmark suite and perform an empirical analysis of various modal theorem provers.Diese Arbeit untersucht entscheidbare Fragmente der Logik erster Stufe, die mit nicht-klassischen Logiken und Wissensrepräsentationsformalismen im Zusammenhang stehen. Wir zeigen, daß Entscheidungsverfahren für die Teilklassen E+, K, und DK der Logik erster Stufe unter Verwendung von Resolution eingeschränkt durch geeignete liftbare Ordnungen realisiert werden können. Durch Anwendung von semantikbasierten Übersetzungsverfahren lassen sich die Beschreibungslogik ALB und Erweiterungen der Basismodallogik K in Teilklassen der Logik erster Stufe einbetten. Wir stellen eine Reihe von Entscheidungsverfahren auf der Basis von Resolution eingeschränkt durch liftbare Ordnungen und Selektionsfunktionen für diese Logiken vor und zeigen, daß eine polynomielle Simulation von tableaux-basierten Entscheidungsverfahren für diese Logiken möglich ist. Im abschließenden Teil der Arbeit führen wir eine empirische Untersuchung der Performanz verschiedener modallogischer Theorembeweiser durch

    Finite Model Finding for Parameterized Verification

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    In this paper we investigate to which extent a very simple and natural "reachability as deducibility" approach, originated in the research in formal methods in security, is applicable to the automated verification of large classes of infinite state and parameterized systems. The approach is based on modeling the reachability between (parameterized) states as deducibility between suitable encodings of states by formulas of first-order predicate logic. The verification of a safety property is reduced to a pure logical problem of finding a countermodel for a first-order formula. The later task is delegated then to the generic automated finite model building procedures. In this paper we first establish the relative completeness of the finite countermodel finding method (FCM) for a class of parameterized linear arrays of finite automata. The method is shown to be at least as powerful as known methods based on monotonic abstraction and symbolic backward reachability. Further, we extend the relative completeness of the approach and show that it can solve all safety verification problems which can be solved by the traditional regular model checking.Comment: 17 pages, slightly different version of the paper is submitted to TACAS 201

    Use of proof planning in normalisation

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    Processing techniques development, volume 2. Part 1: Crop inventory techniques

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    Unit Resolution for a Subclass of the Ackermann Class

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    The Ackermann class and the Gödel class are typical subclasses of pure first-order logic. The unsatisfiability problems for the Ackermann class and the Gödel class of formulas are decidable and resolution strategies to the unsatisfiability problems for the Ackermann class and the Gödel class were constructed by W. H. Joyner. Applying unit resolution of C. L. Chang, we construct a preprocessor to Joyner's resolution strategy for a subclass of the Ackermann class, since his strategy may necessitate too much time and space from the practical point of view. In this paper, we describe an algorithm to decide whether there is a unit resolution refutation from a set of clauses in a subclass ACK₂ of the Ackermann class, in which at most two literals with variables appear in each clause. In this algorithm, we represent the unit clause resolvents generated by unit resolution by means of finite automata. Also, we transform the decision problem of a unit resolution refutability for ACK₂ to the emptiness problem of intersections of two regular languages. We give the time complexity and the space complexity of the constructed algorithm. This result is an extension of the result by N. D. Jones namely that it can be decided in deterministic polynomial time whether or not ther is a unit resolution refutation for the propositional logic

    A CDCL-style calculus for solving non-linear constraints

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    In this paper we propose a novel approach for checking satisfiability of non-linear constraints over the reals, called ksmt. The procedure is based on conflict resolution in CDCL style calculus, using a composition of symbolical and numerical methods. To deal with the non-linear components in case of conflicts we use numerically constructed restricted linearisations. This approach covers a large number of computable non-linear real functions such as polynomials, rational or trigonometrical functions and beyond. A prototypical implementation has been evaluated on several non-linear SMT-LIB examples and the results have been compared with state-of-the-art SMT solvers.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures; accepted at FroCoS 2019; software available at <http://informatik.uni-trier.de/~brausse/ksmt/

    Instantiation of SMT problems modulo Integers

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    Many decision procedures for SMT problems rely more or less implicitly on an instantiation of the axioms of the theories under consideration, and differ by making use of the additional properties of each theory, in order to increase efficiency. We present a new technique for devising complete instantiation schemes on SMT problems over a combination of linear arithmetic with another theory T. The method consists in first instantiating the arithmetic part of the formula, and then getting rid of the remaining variables in the problem by using an instantiation strategy which is complete for T. We provide examples evidencing that not only is this technique generic (in the sense that it applies to a wide range of theories) but it is also efficient, even compared to state-of-the-art instantiation schemes for specific theories.Comment: Research report, long version of our AISC 2010 pape