24 research outputs found

    Logical Reduction of Metarules

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    International audienceMany forms of inductive logic programming (ILP) use metarules, second-order Horn clauses, to define the structure of learnable programs and thus the hypothesis space. Deciding which metarules to use for a given learning task is a major open problem and is a trade-off between efficiency and expressivity: the hypothesis space grows given more metarules, so we wish to use fewer metarules, but if we use too few metarules then we lose expressivity. In this paper, we study whether fragments of metarules can be logically reduced to minimal finite subsets. We consider two traditional forms of logical reduction: subsumption and entailment. We also consider a new reduction technique called derivation reduction, which is based on SLD-resolution. We compute reduced sets of metarules for fragments relevant to ILP and theoretically show whether these reduced sets are reductions for more general infinite fragments. We experimentally compare learning with reduced sets of metarules on three domains: Michalski trains, string transformations, and game rules. In general, derivation reduced sets of metarules outperform subsumption and entailment reduced sets, both in terms of predictive accuracies and learning times

    On Redundancy Elimination Tolerant Scheduling Rules

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    In (Ferrucci, Pacini and Sessa, 1995) an extended form of resolution, called Reduced SLD resolution (RSLD), is introduced. In essence, an RSLD derivation is an SLD derivation such that redundancy elimination from resolvents is performed after each rewriting step. It is intuitive that redundancy elimination may have positive effects on derivation process. However, undesiderable effects are also possible. In particular, as shown in this paper, program termination as well as completeness of loop checking mechanisms via a given selection rule may be lost. The study of such effects has led us to an analysis of selection rule basic concepts, so that we have found convenient to move the attention from rules of atom selection to rules of atom scheduling. A priority mechanism for atom scheduling is built, where a priority is assigned to each atom in a resolvent, and primary importance is given to the event of arrival of new atoms from the body of the applied clause at rewriting time. This new computational model proves able to address the study of redundancy elimination effects, giving at the same time interesting insights into general properties of selection rules. As a matter of fact, a class of scheduling rules, namely the specialisation independent ones, is defined in the paper by using not trivial semantic arguments. As a quite surprising result, specialisation independent scheduling rules turn out to coincide with a class of rules which have an immediate structural characterisation (named stack-queue rules). Then we prove that such scheduling rules are tolerant to redundancy elimination, in the sense that neither program termination nor completeness of equality loop check is lost passing from SLD to RSLD.Comment: 53 pages, to appear on TPL

    Unit Resolution for a Subclass of the Ackermann Class

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    The Ackermann class and the Gödel class are typical subclasses of pure first-order logic. The unsatisfiability problems for the Ackermann class and the Gödel class of formulas are decidable and resolution strategies to the unsatisfiability problems for the Ackermann class and the Gödel class were constructed by W. H. Joyner. Applying unit resolution of C. L. Chang, we construct a preprocessor to Joyner's resolution strategy for a subclass of the Ackermann class, since his strategy may necessitate too much time and space from the practical point of view. In this paper, we describe an algorithm to decide whether there is a unit resolution refutation from a set of clauses in a subclass ACK₂ of the Ackermann class, in which at most two literals with variables appear in each clause. In this algorithm, we represent the unit clause resolvents generated by unit resolution by means of finite automata. Also, we transform the decision problem of a unit resolution refutability for ACK₂ to the emptiness problem of intersections of two regular languages. We give the time complexity and the space complexity of the constructed algorithm. This result is an extension of the result by N. D. Jones namely that it can be decided in deterministic polynomial time whether or not ther is a unit resolution refutation for the propositional logic

    Unsorted Functional Translations

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    AbstractIn this article we first show how the functional and the optimized functional translation from modal logic to many-sorted first-order logic can be naturally extended to the hybrid language H(@,↓). The translation is correct not only when reasoning over the class of all models, but for any first-order definable class. We then show that sorts can be safely removed (i.e., without affecting the satisfiability status of the formula) for frame classes that can be defined in the basic modal language, and show a counterexample for a frame class defined using nominals

    Superposition with simplification as a decision procedure for the monadic class with equality

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    We show that strict superposition, a restricted form of paramodulation, can be combined with specifically designed simplification rules such that it becomes a decision procedure for the monadic class with equality. The completeness of the method follows from a general notion of redundancy for clauses and superposition inferences

    E-unification for subsystems of S4

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    This paper is concerned with the unification problem in the path logics associated by the optimised functional translation method with the propositional modal logics \textit{K}, \textit{KD}, \textit{KT}, \textit{KD4}, \textit{S4} and \textit{S5}. It presents improved unification algorithms for certain forms of the right identity and associativity laws. The algorithms employ mutation rules, which have the advantage that terms are worked off from the outside inward, making paramodulating into terms superfluous

    Depth-bounded bottom-up evaluation of logic programs

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    AbstractWe present here a depth-bounded bottom-up evaluation algorithm for logic programs. We show that it is sound, complete, and terminating for finite-answer queries if the programs are syntactically restricted to DatalognS, a class of logic programs with limited function symbols. DatalognS is an extension of Datalog capable of representing infinite phenomena. Predicates in DatalognS can have arbitrary unary and limited n-ary function symbols in one distinguished argument. We precisely characterize the computational complexity of depth-bounded evaluation for DatalognS and compare depth-bounded evaluation with other evaluation methods, top-down and Magic Sets among others. We also show that universal safety (finiteness of query answers for any database) is decidable for DatalognS

    Finding Finite Herbrand Models

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    We show that finding finite Herbrand models for a restricted class of first-order clauses is ExpTime-complete. A Herbrand model is called finite if it interprets all predicates by finite subsets of the Herbrand universe. The restricted class of clauses consists of anti-Horn clauses with monadic predicates and terms constructed over unary function symbols and constants. The decision procedure can be used as a new goal-oriented algorithm to solve linear language equations and unification problems in the description logic FL₀. The new algorithm has only worst-case exponential runtime, in contrast to the previous one which was even best-case exponential