5 research outputs found

    Processo de Gestão de Demandas de Desenvolvimento Ágil de Software (GeDDAS) : relatório técnico

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    Pesquisa realizada com financiamento do Ministério das Comunicações, Projeto de Cooperação “Framework de Soluções de Tecnologia da Informação para o MC”.INTRODUÇÃO Uma das frentes de pesquisa e desenvolvimento do Projeto P&D-MC/UnB (Projeto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento entre a Universidade de Brasília – UnB, Faculdade FGA e o Ministério das Comunicações - MC), oriundo de termo de cooperação entre a UnB e o Ministério, teve como uma das metas, atender a demanda do Ministério quanto à definição de um processo de que possibilitasse gerir as demandas de desenvolvimento de software para empresas terceirizadas, no caso, fábricas de software e consultorias em gestão da qualidade, empregando valores e princípios das metodologias ágeis. Com isso, foi definido o Processo Gestão de Demandas de Desenvolvimento Ágil de Software (GeDDAS). Um dos resultados desse projeto compreendeu a definição, avaliação e implantação desse processo no MC. Como produção técnica, o processo foi definido, implantado, e validado no MC. Como produção acadêmica, até o momento, foram geradas algumas publicações em conferências nacionais e internacionais, tais como: • Sousa, T. L. de; Venson, E.; Figueiredo, R. M. C.; Kosloski, R. A.;Ribeiro Júnior, L. C. M. “Using Scrum in Outsourced Government Projects: An Action Research,” in 2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2016, pp. 5447–5456. Link: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7427860/ • Sousa Sobrinho, L. P. de; Figueiredo, R. M. da C.; Venson, E.; Ribeiro Jr, L. C. M.; Souza,T. L. de; Kosloski,R. A. D. “Application of the scrum agile framework to the management process of software development outsourcing in a Brazilian Government Agency,” in 12o CONTECSI - International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management, 2015. Link: http://www.contecsi.fea.usp.br/envio/index.php/contecsi/12CONTECSI/paper/view/3140 • Souza, Thatiany; Figueiredo, R. M. C.; Venson, E. ; Kosloski, R. A. D.. Experiência No Projeto Framework de Soluções de TI. In: VII Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software (FEES 2014), evento integrante do XXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES 2014), Maceió. AL, 2014. Link: http://www.ic.ufal.br/evento/cbsoft2014/anais/fees_v1_p.pdf A definição desse processo é oriunda do Projeto iniciado em 2012. Em 2015, em um segundo projeto, uma das metas foi a implantação e validação do Processo GeDDAS. Em 2016, houve a fusão do Ministério das Comunicações com o Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação, surgindo o Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e Comunicações – MCTIC. Esse Projeto P&D-MC/UnB foi vinculado a esse novo Ministério. Neste relatório, apresenta-se o Processo GeDDAS

    Framework of Six Sigma implementation analysis on SMEs in Malaysia for information technology services, products and processes

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    For the past two decades, the majority of Malaysia’s IT companies have been widely adopting a Quality Assurance (QA) approach as a basis for self-improvement and internal-assessment in IT project management. Quality Control (QC) is a comprehensive top-down observation approach used to fulfill requirements for quality outputs which focuses on the aspect of process outputs evaluation. However in the Malaysian context, QC and combination of QA and QC as a means of quality improvement approaches have not received significant attention. This research study aims to explore the possibility of integrating QC and QA+QC approaches through Six Sigma quality management standard to provide tangible and measureable business results by continuous process improvement to boost customer satisfactions. The research project adopted an exploratory case study approach on three Malaysian IT companies in the business area of IT Process, IT Service and IT Product. Semi-structured interviews, online surveys, self-administered questionnaires, job observations, document analysis and on-the-job-training are amongst the methodologies employed in these case studies. These collected data and viewpoints along with findings from an extensive literature review were used to benchmark quality improvement initiatives, best practices and to develop a Six Sigma framework for the context of the SMEs in the Malaysian IT industry. This research project contributed to both the theory and practice of implementing and integrating Six Sigma in IT products, services and processes. The newly developed framework has been proven capable of providing a general and fundamental start-up decision by demonstrating how a company with and without formal QIM can be integrated and implemented with Six Sigma practices to close the variation gap between QA and QC. This framework also takes into consideration those companies with an existing QIM for a new face-lift migration without having to drop their existing QIM. This can be achieved by integrating a new QIM which addresses most weaknesses of the current QIM while retaining most of the current business routine strengths. This framework explored how Six Sigma can be expanded and extended to include secondary external factors that are critical to successful QIM implementation. A vital segment emphasizes Six Sigma as a QA+QC approach in IT processes; and the ability to properly manage IT processes will result in overall performance improvement to IT Products and IT Services. The developed Six Sigma implementation framework can serve as a baseline for SMEs to better manage, control and track business performance and product quality; and at the same time creates clearer insights and un-biased views of Six Sigma implementation onto the IT industries to drive towards operational excellence

    Framework of Six Sigma implementation analysis on SMEs in Malaysia for information technology services, products and processes

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    For the past two decades, the majority of Malaysia’s IT companies have been widely adopting a Quality Assurance (QA) approach as a basis for self-improvement and internal-assessment in IT project management. Quality Control (QC) is a comprehensive top-down observation approach used to fulfill requirements for quality outputs which focuses on the aspect of process outputs evaluation. However in the Malaysian context, QC and combination of QA and QC as a means of quality improvement approaches have not received significant attention. This research study aims to explore the possibility of integrating QC and QA+QC approaches through Six Sigma quality management standard to provide tangible and measureable business results by continuous process improvement to boost customer satisfactions. The research project adopted an exploratory case study approach on three Malaysian IT companies in the business area of IT Process, IT Service and IT Product. Semi-structured interviews, online surveys, self-administered questionnaires, job observations, document analysis and on-the-job-training are amongst the methodologies employed in these case studies. These collected data and viewpoints along with findings from an extensive literature review were used to benchmark quality improvement initiatives, best practices and to develop a Six Sigma framework for the context of the SMEs in the Malaysian IT industry. This research project contributed to both the theory and practice of implementing and integrating Six Sigma in IT products, services and processes. The newly developed framework has been proven capable of providing a general and fundamental start-up decision by demonstrating how a company with and without formal QIM can be integrated and implemented with Six Sigma practices to close the variation gap between QA and QC. This framework also takes into consideration those companies with an existing QIM for a new face-lift migration without having to drop their existing QIM. This can be achieved by integrating a new QIM which addresses most weaknesses of the current QIM while retaining most of the current business routine strengths. This framework explored how Six Sigma can be expanded and extended to include secondary external factors that are critical to successful QIM implementation. A vital segment emphasizes Six Sigma as a QA+QC approach in IT processes; and the ability to properly manage IT processes will result in overall performance improvement to IT Products and IT Services. The developed Six Sigma implementation framework can serve as a baseline for SMEs to better manage, control and track business performance and product quality; and at the same time creates clearer insights and un-biased views of Six Sigma implementation onto the IT industries to drive towards operational excellence

    Uso do Scrum na contratação de fábrica de software : uma pesquisa-ação em um órgão público federal brasileiro

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, Curso de Engenharia de Software, 2014.A contratação de serviços de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) tem se tornado uma prática comum nas empresas, trazendo algumas vantagens e desvantagens. O aumento da popularidade dos métodos ágeis somado à insatisfação dos órgãos públicos com as metodologias tradicionais de desenvolvimento de software têm acarretado a adoção de metodologias ágeis, inclusive no contexto de contratação. Alguns autores recomendam que as práticas ágeis, antes de serem institucionalizadas, sejam avaliadas por meio de projetos piloto e que o progresso da adoção seja acompanhado por métricas e ferramentas. Como resultado de um Termo de Cooperação entre a Universidade de Brasília e um Ministério do Governo Federal Brasileiro que objetiva adotar ágeis, baseado em princípios ágeis, foi definido um processo de Gestão de Demandas de Desenvolvimento Ágil de Software (GeDDAS). Dando continuidade aos trabalhos oriundos desse projeto, o passo seguinte foi aplicar uma pesquisa explicativa do processo GeDDAS, buscando validá-lo num contexto real. O objetivo deste trabalho foi apoiar a definição de como avaliar o GeDDAS de forma a permitir a identificação de necessidades de adaptação e melhorias. Para isso, realizou-se uma pesquisa classificada como aplicada, explicativa e qualitativa, com apoio do procedimento pesquisa-ação. Ao final, foi apresentado um plano de ação para avaliação do GeDDAS, composto de seleção de métricas para acompanhamento e execução de projetos piloto, a execução da ação e relato das percepções obtidas, métricas obtidas e possíveis melhorias a serem incorporadas ao GeDDAS. ___________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe Information Technology (IT) services outsourcing has become a common practice in companies, bringing some advantages and disadvantages. The increasing popularity of agile methods combined with the dissatisfaction of the public organizations with traditional software development methodologies have increased the adoption of agile methodologies by public organizations, including in the outsourcing context. Some authors recommend that agile practices before being institutionalized, ought to be evaluated through pilot projects and the progress of adoption is monitored by metrics and tools. As a result of a Cooperation Agreement between the Universidade de Brasília and the Brazilian Ministry of Federal Government which aims to adopt agile, based on agile principles, a process Management Demands of Agile Software Development (GeDDAS) was defined. Continuing the studies from this project, the next step was to apply an explanatory research process GeDDAS seeking validate it in a real context. The objective of this work was to support the definition of how to evaluate GeDDAS to allow the identification of adaptation needs and improvements. For this, the research was classified as applied, explanatory and qualitative, with the support of action research procedure. Finally, an action plan to assess the GeDDAS composed selection of metrics for monitoring and implementation of pilot projects, action execution, and reporting of insights gained, metrics obtained and possible improvements to be incorporated into GeDDAS was presented


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    Abstract: Several companies have been carrying out software processes improvement projects. However, some of them give up before the project ends and others take much longer than expected to get it accomplished. This way, identifying the resistance factors that influence the implementation of such projects might serve as a reference to professionals in this area on the one hand, and help to manage future projects on the other, through the use of preventive actions that either lessen or eliminate the resistance factors ’ consequences. For this matter, this article presents a survey with 36 professionals involved in initiatives of software processes improvement in 18 companies in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. 1