38 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Fog Servers for Internet of Things Information Piece Delivery (IoTIPD) in a Smart City Vehicular Environment

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    Smart cities are promising solution for providing efficient services to the citizens with the use of Information and Communication Technologies. City automation has become essential concept for improving the quality of the citizens' lives, which gives rise to smart cities. Fog computing for Internet of Things (IoT) is considered recently an essential paradigm in smart city scenarios. In this work, we propose energy efficient Fog Servers (FSs), which delivers the information data to the mobile users (in the vehicle). We introduced the concept of energy efficiency through the judicious distribution of non-renewable or/and renewable energy to the FS, which improves outage (and dropping probability. As a first step, we optimise the locations of the FSs for IoT Information Piece Delivery (IoTPD) in a smart city vehicular environment with dropping less than 5%. Then, we maximised the energy savings by pushing dropping to a certain level (5%). To improve the dropping, the available renewable (wind) grid energy is optimally allocated to each FS. This, in turn, also reduces carbon footprint

    Scheduling Algorithms for Cloud: A Survey and Analysis

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    Cloud Computing is a fast growing computing paradigm due to the vast benefits it provides to the users. Scheduling becomes one of the key aspects due to the pay-as-you-go nature of the Cloud. The factors affecting the technique of scheduling applied change with change in scenarios. For instance for scheduling in hybrid clouds the data transfer speed has to be taken into consideration whereas for mobile environments scheduling becomes dependent on context change. Moreover scheduling can be improvised on many fronts such as energy efficiency, cost minimization, Maximization of resource utilization, etc. This paper surveys scheduling techniques in various Cloud Computing scenarios and sites the most efficient scheduling technique available for a particular set of user needs by comparing various techniques and the problems they address

    Middleware to Integrate Mobile Devices, Sensors and Cloud Computing

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    International audienc

    Dynamic involvement of real world objects in the IoT: a consensus-based cooperation approach

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    A significant role in the Internet of Things (IoT) will be taken by mobile and low-cost unstable devices, which autonomously self-organize and introduce highly dynamic and heterogeneous scenarios for the deployment of distributed applications. This entails the devices to cooperate to dynamically find the suitable combination of their involvement so as to improve the system reliability while following the changes in their status. Focusing on the above scenario, we propose a distributed algorithm for resources allocation that is run by devices that can perform the same task required by the applications, allowing for a flexible and dynamic binding of the requested services with the physical IoT devices. It is based on a consensus approach, which maximizes the lifetime of groups of nodes involved and ensures the fulfillment of the requested Quality of Information (QoI) requirements. Experiments have been conducted with real devices, showing an improvement of device lifetime of more than 20%, with respect to a uniform distribution of tasks

    Enabling technologies and sustainable smart cities

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    The technological interventions in everyday processes has led to the rise of Smart ecosystems where all aspects of everyday life like governance, transportation, agriculture, logistics, maintenance, education and healthcare are automated in some way or the other and can be controlled, managed and accessed remotely with the help of smart devices. This has led to the concept of Smart cities where Information Communication and Technology (ICT) is merged with the existing traditional infrastructure of a city which is then coordinated and managed using digital technology. This idea of smart cities is slowly but surely coming into reality as many countries around the globe are adopting this idea and coming up with their own model of smart cities. At the core of smart city lies the sensors and actuators embedded in the smart devices that sense the environment for facilitating effective decision making. The microcontrollers available in these devices are programmed to take decisions automatically based on the information received from the sensors. This involves integration of several information and communication technologies like artificial intelligence, protocols, Internet of things (IoT), wireless sensor network (WSN) etc. This paper discusses and extensively reviews the role of enabling technologies in smart cities. The paper further highlights the challenges and limitations in the development of smart cities along with the mitigation strategies. Specifically, three categories of challenges are identified namely technical, socio-economic and environmental giving specifics of each category. Finally, some of the best practices for attaining sustainable smart cities are provided.5311-8814-F0ED | Sara Maria da Cruz Maia de Oliveira PaivaN/

    Fault Tolerant Approaches through Scheduling in Cloud Computing Environment - A State of Art

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    Based on pay-as-per-usage policy, there is a tremendous use of cloud computing in scientific society like bio-medical, healthcare and online financial applications. Fault tolerance is one of the biggest challenges to guarantee the reliability and availability of critical services. We must make the system to avail by minimizing the impact of failure. In this paper, we conducted a comparative analysis of various approaches for tolerating faults through scheduling in cloud computing environment based on their policies. The goal of this paper is not only used to analyze the existing methods, but also to identify the areas needed for future research

    Performance Evaluation of Scheduling Algorithms for Real Time Cloud Computing Systems

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    Cloud computing shares data and oers services transparently among its users. With the increase in number of users of cloud the tasks to be scheduled increases. The performance of cloud depends on the task scheduling algorithms used in the scheduling components or brokering components. Scheduling of tasks on cloud computing systems is one of the research problem, Where the matching of machines and completion time of the tasks are considered. Tasks matching of machines problem is that, assume number of active hosts are Y, number of VMs in each host are Z. Maximum number of possible Virtual Machines(VMs) to schedule a single task is (y*z). If we need to schedule X tasks, number of possibilities are (y *z)^x. So scheduling of tasks is NP Hard problem. NP Hard means this scheduling of tasks on VMs not having polynomial time complexity, but it may have algorithm for verifying solution. Fault-tolerance becomes an important key to establish dependability in cloud computing system. In task scheduling, if task not completed in it's deadline ,then it is one type of fault in scheduling of tasks. In this thesis this type of faults are taken and try to overcome it. In this thesis we present a non-preemptive scheduling algorithm, By inserting the ideal time for postponing the task by ensuring the other task will completes its execution with in the deadline. In simulation the proposed algorithm maximizes the prot of 25%, throughput of 25% and minimizes the penalty of 20% over EDF

    A Dolgok Internete és a karbantartás közti kapcsolat napjainkban = Interconnections between internet of thinks and maintenance in our days

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    Szakértők egybehangzó véleménye szerint napjaink és a közeljövő ipari innovációjának meghatározó trendje a negyedik ipari forradalom, vagyis az Ipar 4.0. Az Ipar 4.0 egyik legfontosabb szegmense az ipari dolgok internete, ami a termelő — berendezések és folyamatok felügyeletének, szabályozásának valamint menedzsmentjének új korszakát jelenti. A technológiától a szakértők a gyártási termelékenység és a működési hatékonyság jelentős emelkedését várják. Jelen tanulmányban bemutatjuk, hogy a szakirodalomban a dolgok internetének milyen ipari kapcsolódásai vannak, valamint kitérünk a manapság az iparban alkalmazott korszerű üzemeltetési módszerekre. Ezt követően arra keresünk választ, hogy az ipari dolgok internetének eszközeivel hogyan lehet a karbantartási folyamatokat támogatni. A tanulmány végén pedig meghatározzuk a témában a jövőbeli saját kutatási feladatainkhoz tartozó célokat és feladatokat

    Evolusi Ilmu Arsitektur

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    Bidang arsitektur terus berkembang untuk kesejahteraan semua mahluk hidup. Bersamaan dengan meningkatnya kompleksitas kebutuhan manusia akan situasi yang kondusif, aman dan nyaman, arsitektur menjadi lebih multi-disiplin daripada sebelumnya. Isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan teknologi, ekologi, energi, mitigasi, dan keterbatasan lahan berpeluang menjadi katalisator perkembangan arsitektur di masa mendatang. Studi ini membahas kemajuan di bidang arsitektur yang kelak berpeluang terus berkembang di masa depan