16 research outputs found

    Understanding Instagram’s Deep Dive into Teen Mental Health

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    This paper considers the ‘Teen Mental Health Deep Dive’ slide set created by staff at Instagram in 2019 to present results from internal research and later released publicly along with annotations. The slide set was initially highlighted by the Wall Street Journal in an article focusing on claims within the slide set that use of Instagram was a having a negative impact on teen mental health, especially that social comparison, afforded by features central to the Instagram app, was negatively affecting the mental health of young people. Our goal within this paper was to summarise the content of the slide set from an academic perspective and consider whether the content of the slides provide any insights which are valuable to the HCI community. While the results and conclusions presented within the slides have clear limitations, they did help us identify a set of issues and areas for further investigation


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    Penggunaan media sosial telah membawa sejumlah masalah bagi remaja seperti perundungan siber maupun pengalaman tidak nyaman lainnya sehingga remaja membutuhkan sebuah kemampuan untuk menghadapinya, yaitu online resilience. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh karakteristik remaja, karakteristik keluarga, kelekatan remaja-orang tua, regulasi emosi, dan hubungan persahabatan terhadap online resilience pada remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan desain eksplanatori dengan melibatkan 224 remaja pengguna media sosial usia 15–18 tahun yang tinggal bersama orang tua lengkap dan tinggal di Kota Bogor. Teknik penarikan contoh yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Data diperoleh dengan pelaporan diri melalui kuesioner daring dan dianalisis dengan uji regresi linear berganda. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari separuh remaja memiliki kelekatan dengan ayah kategori rendah (53,1%) dan kelekatan dengan ibu kategori sedang (51,3%). Sementara itu, lebih dari separuh remaja (61,2%) memiliki regulasi emosi penilaian ulang kategori sedang dan lebih dari sepertiga remaja (38,8%) memiliki regulasi emosi penekanan emosi kategori rendah. Selanjutnya, lebih dari separuh remaja memiliki hubungan teman sebaya kategori tinggi (68,3%) dan online resilience kategori sedang (57,1%). Hasil uji regresi (R2=0,394) menunjukkan bahwa jenis kelamin remaja, pendapatan per kapita, regulasi emosi penilaian ulang, dan hubungan persahabatan berpengaruh terhadap online resilience remaja. Implikasi hasil penelitian terhadap cara peningkatan online resilience dibahas lebih lanjut dalam artikel ini

    Raising Flourishing Adults: How Positive Psychology Can Help Adolescents Rise Above Stressful Life Events to Lead Flourishing Adult Lives

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    Adolescence is a time of dramatic change and growth across multiple systems. Simultaneous development of neural, biological, and social domains of functioning renders adolescence a heightened period of sensitivity to early life experiences. Among these experiences, stressful life events are shown to disrupt the architecture of the developing brain, increasing the risk of future mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety. In this paper, I discuss the risk of adolescence, such as the vulnerabilities to stress, alongside the unique plasticity that creates an opportunity for positive external influences (e.g., family milieu). Finally, I propose a multidimensional construct, known as RISE, for adolescent flourishing borrowing from other validated positive psychology concepts. A workshop and specific interventions to improve each of the four elements of RISE are proposed that can be used by parents

    Adolescence et technologie : besoins de savoir, de supervision et de reconnaissance

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    Selon Wisniewski, Rossom, Jia, Xu et Carroll (2015), 95% des adolescents utilisent un ou plusieurs outils technologiques pour de multiples usages. Des données ont été obtenues auprès de 245 adolescents âgés de 14 à 18 ans sur leur utilisation des technologies, le contexte et les impacts. Ces jeunes passent en moyenne 25,4 heures par semaine à naviguer sur le Web et 13,1 heures à se divertir avec des jeux vidéo. Les principaux besoins des adolescents concernant l’utilisation des outils technologiques sont mis en lumière dans l’optique d’offrir des services pour la prévention et l’intervention

    Adolescence et technologie : besoins de savoir, de supervision et de reconnaissance | Adolescence and Technology: Need for Knowledge, Supervision and Acknowledgement

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    Selon Wisniewski, Rossom, Jia, Xu et Carroll (2015), 95% des adolescents utilisent un ou plusieurs outils technologiques pour de multiples usages. Des données ont été obtenues auprès de 245 adolescents âgés de 14 à 18 ans sur leur utilisation des technologies, le contexte et les impacts. Ces jeunes passent en moyenne 25,4 heures par semaine à naviguer sur le Web et 13,1 heures à se divertir avec des jeux vidéo. Les principaux besoins des adolescents concernant l’utilisation des outils technologiques sont mis en lumière dans l’optique d’offrir des services pour la prévention et l’intervention. According to Wisniewski, Rossom, Jia, Xu, and Carroll (2015), 95% of adolescents use one or more technological tools for multiple uses. Data was obtained from 245 teenagers aged 14 to 18 on their use of technology, its context and impact. These youths spend on average 25.4 hours per week browsing online and 13.1 hours playing video games. The key needs of adolescents regarding the use of technological tools are highlighted with the goal of offering prevention and intervention services

    Estudo transcultural Portugal-Brasil para a análise da relação entre a saúde mental, resiliência e dependência da Internet

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    Com o advento da Internet, efeitos negativos relacionados com o seu uso começaram a ser descritos, e a dependência da Internet despontou como um novo problema de saúde mental. As consequências do uso excessivo da Internet para a saúde física e mental dos indivíduos têm sido tema de diversos estudos. A resiliência, por sua vez, tem sido objeto de menor investigação, e a relação entre estas tês variáveis nunca foi testada. Em Portugal e no Brasil os dados empíricos e epistemológicos são escassos. Deste modo, o presente trabalho procurou desenvolver e aprofundar a informação científica acerca da dependência da Internet. Mais especificamente, pretendemos perceber a relação entre dependência da Internet, saúde mental e resiliência. O estudo baseou-se num design do tipo correlacional/descritivo. A amostra, por conveniência, foi constituída por um total de 1371 sujeitos, 602 de nacionalidade portuguesa e 730 de nacionalidade brasileira, dos quais 57.3% pertencem ao género feminino e 42.5% pertencem ao género masculino. As idades variaram entre os 14 e os 83 anos de idade (M = 39.7). A dependência da Internet foi medida utilizando o IAT. Para avaliação da saúde mental e da resiliência recorreu-se à utilização do SF-36 e da EBCR Os resultados demonstraram que 30.5% dos sujeitos são dependentes moderados e 2% dependentes severos. Sujeitos do género masculino, estudantes, com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e 38 anos e brasileiros foram os mais afetados. Tanto a resiliência como a saúde mental relacionaram-se negativamente com a dependência da Internet. Sujeitos com maior dependência da Internet apresentaram níveis inferiores de saúde mental. A resiliência apresentou um efeito preditivo da dependência da Internet e um efeito mediador da relação entre a dependência da Internet e a saúde mental, absorvendo parcialmente o impacto da dependência da Internet na saúde mental do sujeito. Os resultados obtidos trazem importantes implicações para o panorama da saúde mental em Portugal e no Brasil. A elevada prevalência da dependência da Internet alerta para o impacto que esta ferramenta tem nas nossas vidas. As novas tecnologias continuam a desenvolver-se num grande ritmo, pelo que podemos apenas estar no início do desenvolvimento de um grave problema de saúde pública. A promoção da resiliência pode ser um importante contributo não só para prevenir a dependência da Internet, mas também para minimizar o seu impacto na saúde mental do sujeito.With the advent of the Internet, negative effects related to its usage came to be described, just as Internet dependency came to be recognized as a new mental health problem. Several studies have pondered on which the consequences may be of excessive Internet usage for individuals’ physical and mental health. On the other hand, investigation on resilience has been scanter, and the relation connecting these three variables has not been tested previously. In Portugal and Brazil, empirical and epistemological data is scarce. Thus, the present study proposes to develop and deepen the scientific information concerning Internet dependency, focussing specifically in the relation between Internet dependency, mental health and resilience. This study had its basis on a correlational/descriptive design. For convenience, the sample included 1371 subjects, 602 of Portuguese nationality and 730 of Brazilian nationality, of which 57.3% are females and 42.5% are males. Ages vary between 14 and 83 years old (M = 39.7). Internet dependency was measured using IAT. Mental health and resilience were evaluated through SF-36 and the BRCS The results demonstrate that 30.5% of the subjects were moderate dependents and that 2% were severe dependents. Subjects who are male, students, in the range of 14 to 38 years old and Brazilian were indicated as the most affected. Both resilience and mental health established negative relations to Internet dependency. Subjects with a greater Internet dependency presented lower levels of mental health. Resilience presented a predictive quality concerning Internet dependency and appeared to be a mediator in the relation between Internet dependency and mental health, partially absorbing the impact of Internet dependency on the subject’s mental health. The obtained results bring to light important implications for the Portuguese and Brazilian mental health panoramas. The high prevalence of Internet dependency raises awareness concerning the impact this tool has over our lives. The new technologies keep developing at fast speed, for which we may only be at the very beginning of a critical public health problem. Promoting resilience may contribute not only to prevent Internet dependency, but also to minimize its impact on the subject’s mental health

    Resilience and the switch to distance learning:how the secondary school girls experienced the use of information technology during the COVID19 pandemic

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    Abstract. In recent years, upper secondary education in Finland has undergone a plethora of changes that have increased the use of ICT in upper secondary education. Despite the general assumption that young people are digitally skilled, there is also a known digital divide, which at worst, will create a digital inequality. The coronavirus pandemic required a rapid response by global governments. As such, secondary education was shifted from traditional classrooms to virtual settings, which increased the use of ICT even more. Moreover, resilience has a well-established positive association with academic performance, and especially when facing adversities and overcoming them. Therefore, exploring the students’ experiences during the coronavirus pandemic through the lens of resilience was chosen. The research questions were as follows: How is ICT used in upper secondary school during distance education? How did teenage girls studying in upper secondary school experience distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic? What kind of coping strategies did the teenage girls use to overcome the challenges faced when using ICT? What kind of factors of resilience are coming up when discussing the adversities related to the use of ICT in school? This thesis used qualitative research methods. Semi-structured theme interviews were conducted to determine answers to the research questions. Coping strategies related to ICT-related challenges were categorised using Brief COPE by Carver (1997), whereas factors of resilience were analysed using the READ Scale (von Soest, Mossige, Stefansen & Hjemdal, 2010). The findings were further analysed using nexus analysis by Scollon & Scollon (2004). Based on the qualitative analysis, the teenagers adapted well to distance learning. However, they were affected by their historical bodies. Reported challenges during distance education were related to teaching, communication, technology, environment, wellbeing, and examinations. In addition, all the students interviewed were analysed to possess many factors of resilience, although at different levels. For example, variation in personal competence, social resources, and family coherence came up. Regarding coping, the students were analysed to employ different coping strategies in similar situations. Moreover, distance education had an impact on which coping strategy to use. The most common coping strategy discussed were problem-focused coping. The use of coping was affected by, for example, access to social resources

    Σύγχρονο Μεντιακό Περιβάλλον και Έφηβοι: Διερεύνηση, Ανάλυση και Πρόσληψη των Vlogs

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    Η παρούσα έρευνα στοχεύει στη διερεύνηση του δίπολου “Έφηβοι - Vlogs”. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, μελετώνται τα οπτικοακουστικά κείμενα, με τα οποία έρχονται σε επαφή οι νέοι ηλικίας 14 -18 ετών, μέσα από τη νέα διαδικτυακή τάση των vlogs, το περιεχόμενό τους, καθώς και η πρόσληψή τους από τη συγκεκριμένη πληθυσμιακή ομάδα. Με βασικό στόχο την ολιστική προσέγγιση του αντικειμένου και την ορθότερη εξαγωγή συμπερασμάτων, εξετάστηκε τόσο η παραγωγή των οπτικοακουστικών κειμένων όσο και η πρόσληψή τους από τη μελετώμενη πληθυσμιακή ομάδα, μέσα από την εφαρμογή τριγωνοποιημένων ερευνητικών μεθόδων. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, πραγματοποιήθηκαν 2 ποσοτικές έρευνες κοινού, με χρήση ηλεκτρονικού ερωτηματολογίου και τη συμμετοχή νέων ηλικίας 14 - 18 ετών, και ποιοτική ανάλυση περιεχομένου επιλεγμένων οπτικοακουστικών κειμένων. Τα αποτελέσματα, που προέκυψαν και συζητούνται, αφορούν τη στάση, τις χρήσεις και τις προτιμήσεις των νέων σε σχέση με τη νέα διαδικτυακή τάση των vlogs καθώς και το περιεχόμενο των εν λόγω κειμένων. Η παρούσα έρευνα ευελπιστούμε να συμβάλλει στην παραγωγή νέας γνώσης σχετικά με το συνεχώς διαμορφούμενο σύγχρονο μεντιακό περιβάλλον και τους εφήβους.This study aims at investigating the dipole “teens - vlogs”. In particular, we attempt to analyze the audiovisual texts that teens, at the age of 14 - 18, prefer to watch through the new online trend of vlogging. Furthermore, we analyze vlogs’ content and their reception from the target population in Greece. In order to achieve a holistic approach and draw some accurate conclusions, we examine both production and reception of vlogs, using the research method of triangulation. Our study includes two quantitative surveys and a qualitative content analysis of selected audiovisual texts. The obtained survey data interpret how adolescents react to vlogs and, hopefully, this study makes a useful contribution to the growing field of “new media environment and teens”

    Exploring the potential of online self-reported and routinely collected electronic healthcare record data in self-harm research

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    Background:Self-harm is a major public health concern and is a leading cause of death from injury. Reaching participants for self-harm research raises a number of challenges, however an opportunity exists in the use of both the internet for data collection and in the use of routinely collected healthcare data.Aims and objectives:The aim of this project was to explore the potential of both online and routinely collected healthcare data for self-harm research and the way in which these data sources can be brought together.Methods:This thesis represents a series of projects exploring the use of various data sources for self-harm research. The first was the development and piloting of an online platform (SHARE UK) for self-harm research. This website incorporated multiple functions: hosting questionnaires; sign-up for a research register; sign-up for linkage with routinely collected data and uploads to a media databank. Next a national survey was conducted to explore young people’s perspectives on the use of both online and healthcare data for self-harm research. Lastly a population level electronic health record cohort study analysing trends over time and contacts across healthcare services was conducted.Results:Participants engaged well with research online: 498 participants signed up to the SHARE UK platform; of whom 85% signed up for the research register. Sixty-two participants uploaded 95 items to the media databank. Alternative formats are discussed. Only 15% of participants consented for linkage with healthcare data. A total of 2,733 young people aged 10-24 who self-harm completed the national survey. Results demonstrated that the necessity for participants to give their address for linkage poses a significant barrier. Opinions around the use of Big Data, encompassing social media, marketing and health data are explored.A total of 937,697 individuals aged 10-24 provided 5,269,794 person years of data from 01.01.2003 to 20.09.2015 to the electronic health record cohort study. Self-harm incidence was highest in primary care. Males preferentially present to emergency departments. Male are less likely than females to be admitted following attendance. This difference persists in the youngest age groups and for self-poisoning. Analysis supports the importance of non-specialist services.Conclusions:This thesis has explored both online and routinely collected healthcare data and their utility for self-harm research, exploring participant views and issues via a national survey. An online platform for self-harm research was successfully piloted and issues identified. This series of projects explores possibilities for future self-harm research. The use of multiple data sources allows research to represent both those in the community and those presenting to healthcare settings, lowering many of the barriers to participating in self-harm research. The future utility of the SHARE UK platform through its collaboration with the Adolescent Mental Health Data Platform (ADP) is discussed. Results of this series of projects will be used to inform the development of this platform with lessons learnt from the pilot addressed and findings from both the national survey and the electronic health record cohort study informing and shaping future research