1,064 research outputs found

    Dynamic Resource Scheduling in Cloud Data Center

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    Cloud infrastructure provides a wide range of resources and services to companies and organizations, such as computation, storage, database, platforms, etc. These resources and services are used to power up and scale out tenants' workloads and meet their specified service level agreements (SLA). With the various kinds and characteristics of its workloads, an important problem for cloud provider is how to allocate it resource among the requests. An efficient resource scheduling scheme should be able to benefit both the cloud provider and also the cloud users. For the cloud provider, the goal of the scheduling algorithm is to improve the throughput and the job completion rate of the cloud data center under the stress condition or to use less physical machines to support all incoming jobs under the overprovisioning condition. For the cloud users, the goal of scheduling algorithm is to guarantee the SLAs and satisfy other job specified requirements. Furthermore, since in a cloud data center, jobs would arrive and leave very frequently, hence, it is critical to make the scheduling decision within a reasonable time. To improve the efficiency of the cloud provider, the scheduling algorithm needs to jointly reduce the inter-VM and intra-VM fragments, which means to consider the scheduling problem with regard to both the cloud provider and the users. This thesis address the cloud scheduling problem from both the cloud provider and the user side. Cloud data centers typically require tenants to specify the resource demands for the virtual machines (VMs) they create using a set of pre-defined, fixed configurations, to ease the resource allocation problem. However, this approach could lead to low resource utilization of cloud data centers as tenants are obligated to conservatively predict the maximum resource demand of their applications. In addition to that, users are at an inferior position of estimating the VM demands without knowing the multiplexing techniques of the cloud provider. Cloud provider, on the other hand, has a better knowledge at selecting the VM sets for the submitted applications. The scheduling problem is even severe for the mobile user who wants to use the cloud infrastructure to extend his/her computation and battery capacity, where the response and scheduling time is tight and the transmission channel between mobile users and cloudlet is highly variable. This thesis investigates into the resource scheduling problem for both wired and mobile users in the cloud environment. The proposed resource allocation problem is studied in the methodology of problem modeling, trace analysis, algorithm design and simulation approach. The first aspect this thesis addresses is the VM scheduling problem. Instead of the static VM scheduling, this thesis proposes a finer-grained dynamic resource allocation and scheduling algorithm that can substantially improve the utilization of the data center resources by increasing the number of jobs accommodated and correspondingly, the cloud data center provider's revenue. The second problem this thesis addresses is joint VM set selection and scheduling problem. The basic idea is that there may exist multiple VM sets that can support an application's resource demand, and by elaborately select an appropriate VM set, the utilization of the data center can be improved without violating the application's SLA. The third problem addressed by the thesis is the mobile cloud resource scheduling problem, where the key issue is to find the most energy and time efficient way of allocating components of the target application given the current network condition and cloud resource usage status. The main contribution of this thesis are the followings. For the dynamic real-time scheduling problem, a constraint programming solution is proposed to schedule the long jobs, and simple heuristics are used to quickly, yet quite accurately schedule the short jobs. Trace-driven simulations shows that the overall revenue for the cloud provider can be improved by 30\% over the traditional static VM resource allocation based on the coarse granularity specifications. For the joint VM selection and scheduling problem, this thesis proposes an optimal online VM set selection scheme that satisfies the user resource demand and minimizes the number of activated physical machines. Trace driven simulation shows around 18\% improvement of the overall utility of the provider compared to Bazaar-I approach and more than 25\% compared to best-fit and first-fit. For the mobile cloud scheduling problem, a reservation-based joint code partition and resource scheduling algorithm is proposed by conservatively estimating the minimal resource demand and a polynomial time code partition algorithm is proposed to obtain the corresponding partition

    An SOA-Based Framework of Computational Offloading for Mobile Cloud Computing

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    Mobile Computing is a technology that allows transmission of audio, video, and other types of data via a computer or any other wireless-enabled device without having to be connected to a fixed physical link. Despite increasing usage of mobile computing, exploiting its full potential is difficult due to its inherent problems such as resource scarcity, connection instability, and limited computational power. In particular, the advent of connecting mobile devices to the internet offers the possibility of offloading computation and data intensive tasks from mobile devices to remote cloud servers for efficient execution. This proposed thesis develops an algorithm that uses an objective function to adaptively decide strategies for computational offloading according to changing context information. By following the style of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), the proposed framework brings cloud computing to mobile devices for mobile applications to benefit from remote execution of tasks in the cloud. This research discusses the algorithm and framework, along with the results of the experiments with a newly developed system for self-driving vehicles and points out the anticipated advantages of Adaptive Computational Offloading

    A Game-Theoretic Based QoS-Aware Capacity Management for Real-Time EdgeIoT Applications

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    More and more real-time IoT applications such as smart cities or autonomous vehicles require big data analytics with reduced latencies. However, data streams produced from distributed sensing devices may not suffice to be processed traditionally in the remote cloud due to: (i) longer Wide Area Network (WAN) latencies and (ii) limited resources held by a single Cloud. To solve this problem, a novel Software-Defined Network (SDN) based InterCloud architecture is presented for mobile edge computing environments, known as EdgeIoT. An adaptive resource capacity management approach is proposed to employ a policy-based QoS control framework using principles in coalition games with externalities. To optimise resource capacity policy, the proposed QoS management technique solves, adaptively, a lexicographic ordering bi-criteria Coalition Structure Generation (CSG) problem. It is an onerous task to guarantee in a deterministic way that a real-time EdgeIoT application satisfies low latency requirement specified in Service Level Agreements (SLA). CloudSim 4.0 toolkit is used to simulate an SDN-based InterCloud scenario, and the empirical results suggest that the proposed approach can adapt, from an operational perspective, to ensure low latency QoS for real-time EdgeIoT application instances

    Towards Scalable Design of Future Wireless Networks

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    Wireless operators face an ever-growing challenge to meet the throughput and processing requirements of billions of devices that are getting connected. In current wireless networks, such as LTE and WiFi, these requirements are addressed by provisioning more resources: spectrum, transmitters, and baseband processors. However, this simple add-on approach to scale system performance is expensive and often results in resource underutilization. What are, then, the ways to efficiently scale the throughput and operational efficiency of these wireless networks? To answer this question, this thesis explores several potential designs: utilizing unlicensed spectrum to augment the bandwidth of a licensed network; coordinating transmitters to increase system throughput; and finally, centralizing wireless processing to reduce computing costs. First, we propose a solution that allows LTE, a licensed wireless standard, to co-exist with WiFi in the unlicensed spectrum. The proposed solution bridges the incompatibility between the fixed access of LTE, and the random access of WiFi, through channel reservation. It achieves a fair LTE-WiFi co-existence despite the transmission gaps and unequal frame durations. Second, we consider a system where different MIMO transmitters coordinate to transmit data of multiple users. We present an adaptive design of the channel feedback protocol that mitigates interference resulting from the imperfect channel information. Finally, we consider a Cloud-RAN architecture where a datacenter or a cloud resource processes wireless frames. We introduce a tree-based design for real-time transport of baseband samples and provide its end-to-end schedulability and capacity analysis. We also present a processing framework that combines real-time scheduling with fine-grained parallelism. The framework reduces processing times by migrating parallelizable tasks to idle compute resources, and thus, decreases the processing deadline-misses at no additional cost. We implement and evaluate the above solutions using software-radio platforms and off-the-shelf radios, and confirm their applicability in real-world settings.PhDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133358/1/gkchai_1.pd

    Building Computing-As-A-Service Mobile Cloud System

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    The last five years have witnessed the proliferation of smart mobile devices, the explosion of various mobile applications and the rapid adoption of cloud computing in business, governmental and educational IT deployment. There is also a growing trends of combining mobile computing and cloud computing as a new popular computing paradigm nowadays. This thesis envisions the future of mobile computing which is primarily affected by following three trends: First, servers in cloud equipped with high speed multi-core technology have been the main stream today. Meanwhile, ARM processor powered servers is growingly became popular recently and the virtualization on ARM systems is also gaining wide ranges of attentions recently. Second, high-speed internet has been pervasive and highly available. Mobile devices are able to connect to cloud anytime and anywhere. Third, cloud computing is reshaping the way of using computing resources. The classic pay/scale-as-you-go model allows hardware resources to be optimally allocated and well-managed. These three trends lend credence to a new mobile computing model with the combination of resource-rich cloud and less powerful mobile devices. In this model, mobile devices run the core virtualization hypervisor with virtualized phone instances, allowing for pervasive access to more powerful, highly-available virtual phone clones in the cloud. The centralized cloud, powered by rich computing and memory recourses, hosts virtual phone clones and repeatedly synchronize the data changes with virtual phone instances running on mobile devices. Users can flexibly isolate different computing environments. In this dissertation, we explored the opportunity of leveraging cloud resources for mobile computing for the purpose of energy saving, performance augmentation as well as secure computing enviroment isolation. We proposed a framework that allows mo- bile users to seamlessly leverage cloud to augment the computing capability of mobile devices and also makes it simpler for application developers to run their smartphone applications in the cloud without tedious application partitioning. This framework was built with virtualization on both server side and mobile devices. It has three building blocks including agile virtual machine deployment, efficient virtual resource management, and seamless mobile augmentation. We presented the design, imple- mentation and evaluation of these three components and demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed mobile cloud model
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