15 research outputs found

    Automatic Generation of Thematically Focused Information Portals from Web Data

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    Finding the desired information on the Web is often a hard and time-consuming task. This thesis presents the methodology of automatic generation of thematically focused portals from Web data. The key component of the proposed Web retrieval framework is the thematically focused Web crawler that is interested only in a specific, typically small, set of topics. The focused crawler uses classification methods for filtering of fetched documents and identifying most likely relevant Web sources for further downloads. We show that the human efforts for preparation of the focused crawl can be minimized by automatic extending of the training dataset using additional training samples coined archetypes. This thesis introduces the combining of classification results and link-based authority ranking methods for selecting archetypes, combined with periodical re-training of the classifier. We also explain the architecture of the focused Web retrieval framework and discuss results of comprehensive use-case studies and evaluations with a prototype system BINGO!. Furthermore, the thesis addresses aspects of crawl postprocessing, such as refinements of the topic structure and restrictive document filtering. We introduce postprocessing methods and meta methods that are applied in an restrictive manner, i.e. by leaving out some uncertain documents rather than assigning them to inappropriate topics or clusters with low confidence. We also introduce the methodology of collaborative crawl postprocessing for multiple cooperating users in a distributed environment, such as a peer-to-peer overlay network. An important aspect of the thematically focused Web portal is the ranking of search results. This thesis addresses the aspect of search personalization by aggregating explicit or implicit feedback from multiple users and capturing topic-specific search patterns by profiles. Furthermore, we consider advanced link-based authority ranking algorithms that exploit the crawl-specific information, such as classification confidence grades for particular documents. This goal is achieved by weighting of edges in the link graph of the crawl and by adding virtual links between highly relevant documents of the topic. The results of our systematic evaluation on multiple reference collections and real Web data show the viability of the proposed methodology

    D4.1. Technologies and tools for corpus creation, normalization and annotation

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    The objectives of the Corpus Acquisition and Annotation (CAA) subsystem are the acquisition and processing of monolingual and bilingual language resources (LRs) required in the PANACEA context. Therefore, the CAA subsystem includes: i) a Corpus Acquisition Component (CAC) for extracting monolingual and bilingual data from the web, ii) a component for cleanup and normalization (CNC) of these data and iii) a text processing component (TPC) which consists of NLP tools including modules for sentence splitting, POS tagging, lemmatization, parsing and named entity recognition

    Prometheus: a generic e-commerce crawler for the study of business markets and other e-commerce problems

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Computer ScienceThe continuous social and economic development has led over time to an increase in consumption, as well as greater demand from the consumer for better and cheaper products. Hence, the selling price of a product assumes a fundamental role in the purchase decision by the consumer. In this context, online stores must carefully analyse and define the best price for each product, based on several factors such as production/acquisition cost, positioning of the product (e.g. anchor product) and the competition companies strategy. The work done by market analysts changed drastically over the last years. As the number of Web sites increases exponentially, the number of E-commerce web sites also prosperous. Web page classification becomes more important in fields like Web mining and information retrieval. The traditional classifiers are usually hand-crafted and non-adaptive, that makes them inappropriate to use in a broader context. We introduce an ensemble of methods and the posterior study of its results to create a more generic and modular crawler and scraper for detection and information extraction on E-commerce web pages. The collected information may then be processed and used in the pricing decision. This framework goes by the name Prometheus and has the goal of extracting knowledge from E-commerce Web sites. The process requires crawling an online store and gathering product pages. This implies that given a web page the framework must be able to determine if it is a product page. In order to achieve this we classify the pages in three categories: catalogue, product and ”spam”. The page classification stage was addressed based on the html text as well as on the visual layout, featuring both traditional methods and Deep Learning approaches. Once a set of product pages has been identified we proceed to the extraction of the pricing information. This is not a trivial task due to the disparity of approaches to create a web page. Furthermore, most product pages are dynamic in the sense that they are truly a page for a family of related products. For instance, when visiting a shoe store, for a particular model there are probably a number of sizes and colours available. Such a model may be displayed in a single dynamic web page making it necessary for our framework to explore all the relevant combinations. This process is called scraping and is the last stage of the Prometheus framework.O contínuo desenvolvimento social e económico tem conduzido ao longo do tempo a um aumento do consumo, assim como a uma maior exigência do consumidor por produtos melhores e mais baratos. Naturalmente, o preço de venda de um produto assume um papel fundamental na decisão de compra por parte de um consumidor. Nesse sentido, as lojas online precisam de analisar e definir qual o melhor preço para cada produto, tendo como base diversos fatores, tais como o custo de produção/venda, posicionamento do produto (e.g. produto âncora) e as próprias estratégias das empresas concorrentes. O trabalho dos analistas de mercado mudou drasticamente nos últimos anos. O crescimento de sites na Web tem sido exponencial, o número de sites E-commerce também tem prosperado. A classificação de páginas da Web torna-se cada vez mais importante, especialmente em campos como mineração de dados na Web e coleta/extração de informações. Os classificadores tradicionais são geralmente feitos manualmente e não adaptativos, o que os torna inadequados num contexto mais amplo. Nós introduzimos um conjunto de métodos e o estudo posterior dos seus resultados para criar um crawler e scraper mais genéricos e modulares para extração de conhecimento em páginas de Ecommerce. A informação recolhida pode então ser processada e utilizada na tomada de decisão sobre o preço de venda. Esta Framework chama-se Prometheus e tem como intuito extrair conhecimento de Web sites de E-commerce. Este processo necessita realizar a navegação sobre lojas online e armazenar páginas de produto. Isto implica que dado uma página web a framework seja capaz de determinar se é uma página de produto. Para atingir este objetivo nós classificamos as páginas em três categorias: catálogo, produto e spam. A classificação das páginas foi realizada tendo em conta o html e o aspeto visual das páginas, utilizando tanto métodos tradicionais como Deep Learning. Depois de identificar um conjunto de páginas de produto procedemos à extração de informação sobre o preço. Este processo não é trivial devido à quantidade de abordagens possíveis para criar uma página web. A maioria dos produtos são dinâmicos no sentido em que um produto é na realidade uma família de produtos relacionados. Por exemplo, quando visitamos uma loja online de sapatos, para um modelo em especifico existe a provavelmente um conjunto de tamanhos e cores disponíveis. Esse modelo pode ser apresentado numa única página dinâmica fazendo com que seja necessário para a nossa Framework explorar estas combinações relevantes. Este processo é chamado de scraping e é o último passo da Framework Prometheus

    Collaboration between UK Universities: A machine-learning based webometric analysis

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    A thesis submittedCollaboration is essential for some types of research, which is why some agencies include collaboration among the requirements for funding research projects. Studying collaborative relationships is important because analyses of collaboration networks can give insights into knowledge based innovation systems, the roles that different organisations play in a research field and the relationships between scientific disciplines. Co-authored publication data is widely used to investigate collaboration between organisations, but this data is not free and thus may not be accessible for some researchers. Hyperlinks have some similarities with citations, so hyperlink data may be used as an indicator to estimate the extent of collaboration between academic institutions and may be able to show types of relationships that are not present in co-authorship data. However, it has been shown that using raw hyperlink counts for webometric research can sometimes produce unreliable results, so researchers have attempted to find alternate counting methods and have tried to identify the reasons why hyperlinks may have been created in academic websites. This thesis uses machine learning techniques, an approach that has not previously been widely used in webometric research, to automatically classify hyperlinks and text in university websites in an attempt to filter out irrelevant hyperlinks when investigating collaboration between academic institutions. Supervised machine learning methods were used to automatically classify the web page types that can be found in Higher Education Institutions’ websites. The results were assessed to see whether ii automatically filtered hyperlink data gave better results than raw hyperlink data in terms of identifying patterns of collaboration between UK universities. Unsupervised learning methods were used to automatically identify groups of university departments that are collaborating or that may benefit from collaborating together, based on their co-appearance in research clusters. Results show that the machine learning methods used in this thesis can automatically identify both the source and target web page categories of hyperlinks in university websites with up to 78% accuracy; which means that it can increase the possibility for more effective hyperlink classification or for identifying the reasons why hyperlinks may have been created in university websites, if those reasons can be inferred from the relationship between the source and target page types. When machine learning techniques were used to filter hyperlinks that may not have been created because of collaboration from the hyperlink data, there was an increased correlation between hyperlink data and other collaboration indicators. This emphasises the possibility for using machine learning methods to make hyperlink data a more reliable data source for webometric research. The reasons for university name mentions in the different web page types found in an academic institution’s website are broadly the same as the reasons for link creation, this means that classification based on inter-page relationships may also be used to improve name mentions data for webometrics research. iii Clustering research groups based on the text in their homepages may be useful for identifying those research groups or departments with similar research interests which may be valuable for policy makers in monitoring research fields; based on the sizes of identified clusters and for identifying future collaborators; based on co-appearances in clusters, if identical research interests is a factor that can influence the choice of a future collaborator. In conclusion, this thesis shows that machine learning techniques can be used to significantly improve the quality of hyperlink data for webometrics research, and can also be used to analyse other web based data to give additional insights that may be beneficial for webometrics studies

    D7.1. Criteria for evaluation of resources, technology and integration.

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    This deliverable defines how evaluation is carried out at each integration cycle in the PANACEA project. As PANACEA aims at producing large scale resources, evaluation becomes a critical and challenging issue. Critical because it is important to assess the quality of the results that should be delivered to users. Challenging because we prospect rather new areas, and through a technical platform: some new methodologies will have to be explored or old ones to be adapted

    Transformation theory and e-commerce adoption

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    This thesis investigates business transformation on the Internet; particularly the nature and significance of Cyber transformation theory and the Marketspace Model as a framework for E-commerce adoption. E-commerce can raise a firm\u27s productivity, transform customer relationships and open up new markets. The extent to which nations become adopters of E-commerce is set to become a source of comparative national competitive advantage (or disadvantage) in the twenty first century


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    Question Answering using Syntactic Patterns in a Contextual Search Engine

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    Question Answering (QA) systems promise to enhance both usability and accuracy when searching for knowledge. This thesis presents a prototype QA system built to leverage the extraction capabilities of a modern, context-aware search platform; Fast ESP. Questions in plain English are transformed to queries which target specific entities in the text that correspond with the identified answer types. A small set of unified patterns is demonstrated as adequate to classify a wide variety of syntactic constructs. For the purpose of verifying the answers, a semantic lexicon is compiled using an automated procedure. The whole solution is based on pattern matching and presents this as a viable alternative to deeper linguistic methods

    Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion

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    382 p.Libro ElectrónicoEach of us has been in the computing field for more than 40 years. The book is the product of a lifetime of observing and participating in the changes it has brought. Each of us has been both a teacher and a learner in the field. This book emerged from a general education course we have taught at Harvard, but it is not a textbook. We wrote this book to share what wisdom we have with as many people as we can reach. We try to paint a big picture, with dozens of illuminating anecdotes as the brushstrokes. We aim to entertain you at the same time as we provoke your thinking.Preface Chapter 1 Digital Explosion Why Is It Happening, and What Is at Stake? The Explosion of Bits, and Everything Else The Koans of Bits Good and Ill, Promise and Peril Chapter 2 Naked in the Sunlight Privacy Lost, Privacy Abandoned 1984 Is Here, and We Like It Footprints and Fingerprints Why We Lost Our Privacy, or Gave It Away Little Brother Is Watching Big Brother, Abroad and in the U.S. Technology Change and Lifestyle Change Beyond Privacy Chapter 3 Ghosts in the Machine Secrets and Surprises of Electronic Documents What You See Is Not What the Computer Knows Representation, Reality, and Illusion Hiding Information in Images The Scary Secrets of Old Disks Chapter 4 Needles in the Haystack Google and Other Brokers in the Bits Bazaar Found After Seventy Years The Library and the Bazaar The Fall of Hierarchy It Matters How It Works Who Pays, and for What? Search Is Power You Searched for WHAT? Tracking Searches Regulating or Replacing the Brokers Chapter 5 Secret Bits How Codes Became Unbreakable Encryption in the Hands of Terrorists, and Everyone Else Historical Cryptography Lessons for the Internet Age Secrecy Changes Forever Cryptography for Everyone Cryptography Unsettled Chapter 6 Balance Toppled Who Owns the Bits? Automated Crimes—Automated Justice NET Act Makes Sharing a Crime The Peer-to-Peer Upheaval Sharing Goes Decentralized Authorized Use Only Forbidden Technology Copyright Koyaanisqatsi: Life Out of Balance The Limits of Property Chapter 7 You Can’t Say That on the Internet Guarding the Frontiers of Digital Expression Do You Know Where Your Child Is on the Web Tonight? Metaphors for Something Unlike Anything Else Publisher or Distributor? Neither Liberty nor Security The Nastiest Place on Earth The Most Participatory Form of Mass Speech Protecting Good Samaritans—and a Few Bad Ones Laws of Unintended Consequences Can the Internet Be Like a Magazine Store? Let Your Fingers Do the Stalking Like an Annoying Telephone Call? Digital Protection, Digital Censorship—and Self-Censorship Chapter 8 Bits in the Air Old Metaphors, New Technologies, and Free Speech Censoring the President How Broadcasting Became Regulated The Path to Spectrum Deregulation What Does the Future Hold for Radio? Conclusion After the Explosion Bits Lighting Up the World A Few Bits in Conclusion Appendix The Internet as System and Spirit The Internet as a Communication System The Internet Spirit Endnotes Inde