43 research outputs found

    Understanding the Role and Importance of Design Problems in Creativity Research

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    The overall objective of this research is to address the need for using similar conceptual design problems in experiments in engineering design creativity. This is accomplished by addressing three sub-objectives i) to identify the pattern of design problem usage, ii) to enable comparison between two conceptual design problems based on their natural language representations and iii) to analyze the impact of design problems on effectiveness of example interventions used in user studies in engineering design creativity. Design problems are an essential component of experiments in creativity research.The requirements of experiment’s design sometimes limit problem sharing between researchers or studies conducted by them. For understanding and identifying the design problem usage pattern, two network representations of design problems, connected to each other by authors and papers using them has been used. Both networks indicate that several problems have been used for creativity experiments and suggest the need for using same or ‘similar’ design problems to reduce between-study differences in design problem usage.This addresses the first objective of identifying pattern of design problem usage in creativity research. Problem similarity is assessed using two methods. The first method is based on identification of five structural elements of a design problem namely goals of a problem, functional requirements, non – functional requirements, reference to an existing product and information about end user. The protocol for identifying these elements in problem statement and then comparing design problems is illustrated through two examples. The second method for similarity assessment is based on Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) of problem statements. LSA provides an objective method to compare semantic similarity of problem statements. Both methods help address the research objective of comparing problems based on their representation but fail to evaluate problem solvability. For understanding whether design problems influence the effectiveness of examples used as interventions, a meta-regression model between effect size and problem size has been used. Regression models suggest that problem size might have a linear relationship with effectiveness of examples for quantity of ideas produced by treatment group participants but enough evidence did not exist to suggest similar relationship for metrics quality and novelty. This addresses the sub-objective of design problems affecting the effectiveness of methods tested in experiments and overall objective of the need for using similar problems in creativity research

    Machine Learning Based Classification of Textual Stimuli to Promote Ideation in Bioinspired Design

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    Bioinspired design uses biological systems to inspire engineering designs. One of bioinspired design’s challenges is identifying relevant information sources in biology for an engineering design task. Currently information can be retrieved by searching biology texts or journals using biology-focused keywords that map to engineering functions. However, this search technique can overwhelm designers with unusable results. This work explores the use of text classification tools to identify relevant biology passages for design. Further, this research examines the effects of using biology passages as stimuli during idea generation. Four human-subjects studies are examined in this work. Two surveys are performed in which participants evaluate sentences from a biology corpus and indicate whether each sentence prompts an idea for solving a specific design problem. The surveys are used to develop and evaluate text classification tools. Two idea generation studies are performed in which participants generate and record solutions for designing a corn shucker using either different sets of biology passages as design stimuli, or no stimuli. Based 286 sentences from the surveys, a k Nearest Neighbor classifier is developed that is able to identify helpful sentences relating to the function “separate” with a precision of 0.62 and recall of 0.48. This classifier could potentially double the number of helpful results found using a keyword search. The developed classifier is specific to the function “separate” and performs poorly when used for another function. Classifiers developed using all sentences and participant responses from the surveys are not able to reliably identify helpful sentences. From the idea generation studies, we determine that using any biology passages as design stimuli increases the quantity and variety of participant solutions. Solution quantity and variety are also significantly increased when biology passages are presented one at a time instead of all at once. Quality and variety are not significantly affected by the presence of design stimuli. Biological stimuli are also found to lead designers to types of solution that are not typically produced otherwise. This work develops a means for designers to find more useful information when searching biology and demonstrates several ways that biology passages can improve ideation

    Machine Learning Based Classification of Textual Stimuli to Promote Ideation in Bioinspired Design

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    Bioinspired design uses biological systems to inspire engineering designs. One of bioinspired design’s challenges is identifying relevant information sources in biology for an engineering design task. Currently information can be retrieved by searching biology texts or journals using biology-focused keywords that map to engineering functions. However, this search technique can overwhelm designers with unusable results. This work explores the use of text classification tools to identify relevant biology passages for design. Further, this research examines the effects of using biology passages as stimuli during idea generation. Four human-subjects studies are examined in this work. Two surveys are performed in which participants evaluate sentences from a biology corpus and indicate whether each sentence prompts an idea for solving a specific design problem. The surveys are used to develop and evaluate text classification tools. Two idea generation studies are performed in which participants generate and record solutions for designing a corn shucker using either different sets of biology passages as design stimuli, or no stimuli. Based 286 sentences from the surveys, a k Nearest Neighbor classifier is developed that is able to identify helpful sentences relating to the function “separate” with a precision of 0.62 and recall of 0.48. This classifier could potentially double the number of helpful results found using a keyword search. The developed classifier is specific to the function “separate” and performs poorly when used for another function. Classifiers developed using all sentences and participant responses from the surveys are not able to reliably identify helpful sentences. From the idea generation studies, we determine that using any biology passages as design stimuli increases the quantity and variety of participant solutions. Solution quantity and variety are also significantly increased when biology passages are presented one at a time instead of all at once. Quality and variety are not significantly affected by the presence of design stimuli. Biological stimuli are also found to lead designers to types of solution that are not typically produced otherwise. This work develops a means for designers to find more useful information when searching biology and demonstrates several ways that biology passages can improve ideation

    Nutrient digestibility in South African abalone (Haliotis Midae L.)

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    The evaluation of potential alternative protein sources for the formulation of least-cost optimal diets to satisfy the nutrient requirements of South African abalone (Haliotis midae) has been hampered by the absence of a suitable, practical, replicable and reliable digestibility technique. A suitable lowcost faeces collection technique was developed in this study to obtain suitable quantities of excreta for analysis from this species. Acid-insoluble ash was identified as a reliable, replicable and safe internal marker in comparison to chromic oxide and crude fibre for use in nutrient digestibility studies with H. midae. This was validated by the consistency and repeatability of the results and by comparison to total collection of faeces. The traditional substitution method used in digestibility studies with fish to evaluate protein digestibility of feed ingredients was found to be unsuitable for H. midae. Apparent protein digestibility values exceeding 100 % derived through this method could be attributed to associative effects between feed ingredients, differential diet and faecal nutrient leaching, and mathematical artifacts in calculations when using substitution versus single protein diets. An ingredient particle size of less than 450 μm in comparison to particle size classes of above 450 μm was shown to enhance nutrient (dry matter, organic matter, protein, fat) digestibility and minimise dry matter leaching from diets. The dietary inclusion level of both pre-gelatinised maize starch and a-cellulose did not influence (P > 0.05) apparent nutrient (protein, fat, fiber, starch) digestibility. Using the above digestibility protocol amino acid availability of all plants ingredients currently used in the South African animal industry was evaluated for H. midae. Soybean meal (96.86 %) and lupins (96.51 %) presented the highest apparent mean amino acid availability of all plant protein ingredients evaluated with H. midae. Canola meal (94.21 %), faba beans (92.87 %) sunflower meal (92.77 %), peanut meal (87.39 %) and cottonseed meal (85.15 %) presented higher apparent mean amino acid availability values than fish meal (82.75 %). Apparent protein digestibility was highly correlated (r = 0.99) with mean apparent amino acid availability, while true amino acid availability was 1.88 % units higher than apparent amino acid availability for all ingredients tested. Predicted apparent protein digestibility in compound diets was within 1.1-6.5 % of determined values. Calcium phosphate mono dibasic presented the lowest (P < 0.05) dietary phosphorus leaching (51.51 % maximum) and highest apparent phosphorus digestibility (66.27 %) in comparison to other inorganic phosphorus sources. Based on the method of direct experimentation to determine the optimal dietary protein level using graded levels of dietary protein 28.1-35.9 % dietary protein from good quality sources is recommended for maximum growth of juvenile H. midae. This study provides a scientifically sound research tool including a faecal collection technique, suitable marker and assay technique that could be use in further studies to improve least-cost diet formulation for H. midae. Future nutritional studies in H. midae should primarily concentrate on reducing dietary nutrient leaching and improving the intake of nutrients in order to properly evaluate responses of this species to different dietary regimes

    Diseño de una máquina peladora de maní con capacidad de 500kg/h para la empresa RAFAIN S.A.C.

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    La presente investigación titulada “DISEÑO DE UNA MÁQUINA PELADORA DE MANÍ CON CAPACIDAD DE 500KG/H PARA LA EMPRESA RAFAIN S.A.C.” presenta el diseño y modelado mecánico de una maquina peladora de maní, buscando brindar solución a la problemática encontrada en la empresa RAFAIN S.A.C., para entrar al mercado de los frutos procesados, de implementarse el diseño planteado se contará con un equipo para mejorar la calidad del grano de maní, al poder venderlo por un mayor precio, generara ingresos a la empresa. Para el planteamiento y desarrollo de la investigación se empleó una metodología deductiva y analística combinada, teniendo en cuenta la totalidad del problema y buscar una solución económicamente viable, empleado las habilidades obtenidas en la carrera y la consulta bibliográfica, se establecieron los parámetros de diseño necesarios para satisfacer las necesidades en la empresa RAFAIN S.A.C. Logrando el diseño de una maquina con capacidad para pelar 500 kg/h de maní en capsula, se creó el presupuesto y una evaluación económica según proyecciones de la empresa, asimismo sea adjuntan los planos de fabricación como las fichas técnicas de piezas de fabricante. Se pudo concluir la factibilidad tanto técnico como económica, empleando para ello la validación mediante análisis computacional con el uso del software SolidWorks mediante la herramienta Simulation para los cálculos realizas y piezas diseñadas, adicionalmente se tomó en cuenta los indicadores económicos VAN y TIR, teniendo como resultado valores aceptables al momento de desarrollar una inversión

    Pacific Rim Magazine 2006

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    Includes the cover stories "Mixed Messages: Eurasians in World Advertising," "The Two Faces of Fugu," "Joe Wai's Chinatown," "Saving Our Seafaring History," "The Makings of a Modern Beauty Queen," "Sex Education in a Multicultural Landscape.

    Development and characterization of pastas containing underutilized crab mince

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    Almost three and a half million pounds of Atlantic Rock and Jonah crab, having a value of almost $1 million, are landed annually in Maine. These landings generate approximately 2.5 million pounds of post-processing waste each year. The by-product consists mainly of shell, viscera, and unpicked meat. Mechanical separation of crustacean by-product can result in an additional 15-20% food grade minced meat, which can be utilized to produce value-added products for human consumption. One such product that may be enhanced by crab mince is fiesh pasta. Americans are eating more pasta than ever before and eesh pasta consumption is very popular. The development of a crab mince- containing seafood-flavored pasta would not only provide a gourmet flair and a more nutritionally balanced meal, but also utilize high quality crab meat that is typically discarded. The objectives of this study were to: 1) determine the mechanical feasibility, yield, nutrient composition, and quality of crab mince; 2) evaluate the effects of sodium lactate, lactic acid, rosemary, and diacetyl on the chemical and microbial quality of refrigerated crab mince; 3) determine if fresh pastas containing different concentrations of crab mince could be successhlly extruded; and 4) evaluate the consumer acceptance of fresh pasta products containing crab mince. The first study evaluated the separation of minced meat from the carapace and legs of Jonah crabs. Due to the hardness of the shell, crab meat could not be mechanically separated from the legs, however crab meat fiom the carapace was successhlly separated, and resulted in an average 64% minced meat yield fiom the starting product. The crab mince consisted of 77.8% moisture, 5.8% ash, 1.3% fat, and 15.1% protein. The shelf-life of the crab mince, which was evaluated by pH, Total volatile base nitrogen (TVBN), Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and microbial analyses, was less than four days. TVBN concentrations were above 70 mg N/ lOOg and APC counts were between lo8 -lo9 CFU/g by day four. Since the crab mince contained only 1-2% fat, lipid oxidation was not a limiting factor for shelf-life. The addition of sodium lactate, lactic acid, rosemary, and diacetyl was effective in improving shelf life of the mechanically separated crab mince. Lactic acid had the most significant effect on maintaining crab mince quality. Combinations of additives might prove most effective in enhancing quality of refi-igerated crab mince during storage, since individual additives improved only some aspects of mince quality. Microbial counts of crab mince in the shelf-life study were between 105-107 CFU/ g throughout the study. Sanitizing all parts of the mechanical separation machine before processing the carapaces resulted in significantly lower microbial counts in the mince (1 O3 - 1 O5 CFU/g) even after three to five days of refrigerated storage

    The BG News October 25, 1985

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    The BGSU campus student newspaper October 25, 1985. Volume 68 - Issue 36https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5441/thumbnail.jp

    Characterization and Utilization of Flavors From Undersized Crawfish.

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    Undersized processed crawfish are proposed to be a resource for effective recovery of crawfish flavors. Tail puree from undersized crawfish was hydrolyzed using protease APL-440 through response surface methodology to enrich flavor production. Optimal hydrolytic conditions were determined to be pH 8{\sim}9,\ 65\sp\circC, 0.3% (V/W) enzyme/substrate ratio with the reaction maintained at 33.3% puree concentration over 60 min period. Effects of storage time and extraction method on the crawfish flavor profile were evaluated. Shorter storage time gave superior flavor stocks with less oxidized flavors. The shelf-life of frozen crawfish puree was at least six months. Atmospheric simultaneous distillation-solvent extraction (A-SDE) is a more suitable technique than vacuum SDE for flavor analysis. Volatile crawfish aromas were characterized and compared by instrumental, olfactometric and statistical techniques. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry allowed for identification of 120 aromas including 24 aldehydes, 25 ketones, 19 alcohols, 15 nitrogen-containing volatiles, 7 sulfur-containing volatiles, 24 aromatics, and 6 miscellaneous compounds. Among these, 38 major compounds were categorized into three flavor groups designated as metabolic, thermal, and oxidative flavor groups for comparison. Flavor profiles from four crawfish purees (i.e., crawfish tail puree (TP), crawfish whole-animal puree (WP), tail puree hydrolysate (TPH), and fructose-added tail puree (FTP)) were compared using TP as a control. WP showed a significant increase in oxidative volatile aromas and a significant decrease in metabolic flavor group, which was attributed to the inclusion of the crawfish head. TPH evidenced a significant increase of 46% in the total amount of flavors compared with that of TP. This was attributed to the increased water-soluble precursors released by enzymatic hydrolysis. Thus, TPH was considered to be the best potential material for crawfish flavor preparation. The significant increase of nutty flavors in FTP indicated the strengthened Maillard reaction with addition of fructose. Principal component analysis (PCA) confirmed flavor quantitative differences between WP, TP, TPH, and FTP. However, aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) indicated that the aforementioned four purees had similar flavor profiles for the majority of flavors, except for several aromas. Pyrazines, aldehydes, terpenic compounds and aromatic aromas were considered to be important in contributing to a typical crawfish flavor