173 research outputs found

    Interferometric orbit determination system for geosynchronous SAR missions: experimental proof of concept

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    Future Geosynchronous Synthetic Aperture Radar (GEOSAR) missions will provide permanent monitoring of continental areas of the planet with revisit times of less than 24 h. Several GEOSAR missions have been studied in the USA, Europe, and China with different applications, including water cycle monitoring and early warning of disasters. GEOSAR missions require unprecedented orbit determination precision in order to form focused Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images from Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO). A precise orbit determination technique based on interferometry is proposed, including a proof of concept based on an experimental interferometer using three antennas separated 10–15 m. They provide continuous orbit observations of present communication satellites operating at GEO as illuminators of opportunity. The relative phases measured between the receivers are used to estimate the satellite position. The experimental results prove the interferometer is able to track GEOSAR satellites based on the transmitted signals. This communication demonstrates the consistency and feasibility of the technique in order to foster further research with longer interferometric baselines that provide observables delivering higher orbital precision.This work has been supported by the Spanish Science, Research and Innovation Plan (MICINN) with Project Codes TEC2017-85244-C2-2-P and PID2020-117303GB-C21 and by Unidad de Excelencia Maria de Maeztu MDM-2016-0600 financed by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Excess path delays from sentinel interferometry to improve weather forecasts

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    A synthetic aperture radar can offer not only an accurate monitoring of the earth surface deformation, but also information on the troposphere, such as the total path delay or the columnar water vapor at high horizontal resolution. This can be achieved by proper interferometric processing and postprocessing of the radar interferograms. The fine and unprecedented horizontal resolution of the tropospheric products can offer otherwise unattainable information to be assimilated into numerical weather prediction models, which are progressively increasing their resolving capabilities. A number of tricks on the most effective processing approaches, as well as a novel method to pass from multipass differential interferometry products to absolute tropospheric columnar quantities are discussed. The proposed products and methods are assessed using real Sentinel-1 data. The experiment aims at evaluating the accuracy of the derived information and its impact on the weather prediction skill for two meteorological events in Italy. The main perspective of the study is linked to the possibility of exploiting interferometric products from a geosynchronous platform, thus complementing the inherent high resolution of SAR sensors with the required frequent revisit needed for meteorological applications

    Research progress on geosynchronous synthetic aperture radar

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    Based on its ability to obtain two-dimensional (2D) high-resolution images in all-time and all-weather conditions, spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has become an important remote sensing technique and the study of such systems has entered a period of vigorous development. Advanced imaging modes such as radar interferometry, tomography, and multi-static imaging, have been demonstrated. However, current in-orbit spaceborne SARs, which all operate in low Earth orbits, have relatively long revisit times ranging from several days to dozens of days, restricting their temporal sampling rate. Geosynchronous SAR (GEO SAR) is an active research area because it provides significant new capability, especially its much-improved temporal sampling. This paper reviews the research progress of GEO SAR technologies in detail. Two typical orbit schemes are presented, followed by the corresponding key issues, including system design, echo focusing, main disturbance factors, repeat-track interferometry, etc, inherent to these schemes. Both analysis and solution research of the above key issues are described. GEO SAR concepts involving multiple platforms are described, including the GEO SAR constellation, GEO-LEO/airborne/unmanned aerial vehicle bistatic SAR, and formation flying GEO SAR (FF-GEO SAR). Due to the high potential of FF-GEO SAR for three-dimensional (3D) deformation retrieval and coherence-based SAR tomography (TomoSAR), we have recently carried out some research related to FF-GEO SAR. This research, which is also discussed in this paper, includes developing a formation design method and an improved TomoSAR processing algorithm. It is found that GEO SAR will continue to be an active topic in the aspect of data processing and multi-platform concept in the near future

    Impact of scene decorrelation on geosynchronous SAR data focusing

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    We discuss the effects of the clutter on geosynchronous SAR systems exploiting long integration times (from minutes to hours) to counteract for two-way propagation losses and increase azimuth resolution. Only stable targets will be correctly focused whereas unstable targets will spread their energy along azimuth direction. We derive here a generic model for the spreading of the clutter energy based on the power spectral density of the clutter itself. We then assume the Billingsley Intrinsic Clutter Motion model, representing the clutter power spectrum as an exponential decay, and derive the expected GEOSAR signal-to-clutter ratio. We also provide some results from a Ground Based RADAR experiment aimed at assessing the long-term clutter statistics for different scenarios to complement the Internal Clutter Motion model, mainly derived for windblown trees. Finally, we discuss the expected performances of two GEOSAR systems with different acquisition geometries.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Performance and requirements of GEO SAR systems in the presence of Radio Frequency Interferences

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    Geosynchronous Synthetic Aperture Radar (GEO SAR) is a possible next generation SAR system, which has the excellent performance of less than one-day revisit and hundreds of kilometres coverage. However, Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) is a serious problem, because the specified primary allocation frequencies are shared by the increasing number of microwave devices. More seriously, as the high orbit of GEO SAR makes the system have a very large imaging swath, the RFI signals all over the illuminated continent will interfere and deteriorate the GEO SAR signal. Aimed at the RFI impact in GEO SAR case, this paper focuses on the performance evaluation and the system design requirement of GEO SAR in the presence of RFI impact. Under the RFI impact, Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) and the required power are theoretically deduced both for the ground RFI and the bistatic scattering RFI cases. Based on the theoretical analysis, performance evaluations of the GEO SAR design examples in the presence of RFI are conducted. The results show that higher RFI intensity and lower working frequency will make the GEO SAR have a higher power requirement for compensating the RFI impact. Moreover, specular RFI bistatic scattering will give rise to the extremely serious impact on GEO SAR, which needs incredible power requirements for compensations. At last, real RFI signal behaviours and statistical analyses based on the SMOS satellite, Beidou-2 navigation satellite and Sentinel-1 A data have been given in the appendix

    Assessment of the Impact of Long Integration Time in Geosynchronous SAR Imagery of Agricultural Fields by Means of GB-SAR Data

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    Geosynchronous Synthetic Aperture Radar (GeoSAR) missions offer the advantage of near-continuous monitoring of specific regions on Earth, making them essential for applications that require continuous information. However, wind induced motion along the inherent long integration time can result in image defocusing, with potential degradation of retrieved information. This paper aims to investigate the impact of GEOSAR long integration time in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging and derived products (time series of backscatter and coherence) required to extract agriculture relevant soil or crop parameters of interest. The study is based on the extensive HydroSoil data acquisition campaign carried out over barley and corn crops, funded by the European Space Agency (ESA). The collected raw data are used to synthesize equivalent apertures with integration times of up to 4 hours, similar to those acquired with a GeoSAR. These Ultra Slow apertures facilitate the assessment of the impact of agricultural scene decorrelation on the generation of images with extended integration times.This work was funded by the European Space Agency (ESA Contract No. 4000132509/20/NL/FF/ab with UPC), supported by the Spanish MCINN funds Unidad de Excelencia Maria de Maeztu MDM-2016-0600 and under projects PID2020-117303GB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and PID2020-117303GB-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    A Study of Types of Sensors used in Remote Sensing

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    Of late, the science of Remote Sensing has been gaining a lot of interest and attention due to its wide variety of applications. Remotely sensed data can be used in various fields such as medicine, agriculture, engineering, weather forecasting, military tactics, disaster management etc. only to name a few. This article presents a study of the two categories of sensors namely optical and microwave which are used for remotely sensing the occurrence of disasters such as earthquakes, floods, landslides, avalanches, tropical cyclones and suspicious movements. The remotely sensed data acquired either through satellites or through ground based- synthetic aperture radar systems could be used to avert or mitigate a disaster or to perform a post-disaster analysis

    A Study of Types of Sensors used in Remote Sensing

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    Of late, the science of Remote Sensing has been gaining a lot of interest and attention due to its wide variety of applications. Remotely sensed data can be used in various fields such as medicine, agriculture, engineering, weather forecasting, military tactics, disaster management etc. only to name a few. This article presents a study of the two categories of sensors namely optical and microwave which are used for remotely sensing the occurrence of disasters such as earthquakes, floods, landslides, avalanches, tropical cyclones and suspicious movements. The remotely sensed data acquired either through satellites or through ground based- synthetic aperture radar systems could be used to avert or mitigate a disaster or to perform a post-disaster analysis

    Earthquake Monitoring and Response from Space: The TREMOR Concept

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    Earthquakes and their after-effects claim thousands of lives and cause enormous property damage each year. Early warning of impending seismological events has the potential to reduce human suffering and physical damage resulting from these natural disasters. Reliable earthquake precursors have yet to be identified, but some research is currently being performed into phenomena that could be observable from space. Satellites have been unquestionably beneficial in the response to earthquakes, providing essential communication and remote sensing support. The Technological Resources for Earthquake MOnitoring and Response (TREMOR) concept was initially developed as a team project at the 2007 International Space University Summer Session Program. It recommends the establishment of an international non-governmental organization that can more efficiently co-ordinate space-based and ground-based resources for the protection of human lives and property. The TREMOR concept is explored further here, concentrating on its use of space technology to minimize the economic and human impact of earthquakes. Updated cost estimates for TREMOR satellite mission concepts are also presented