11,516 research outputs found

    Chinese dequity: transaction structure and two applications

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    In recent years, the financial market has been under the dual pressure of macro-economic downturn and deleveraging of industry entities. In this context, the regulating authorities have been encouraging enterprises to resort to debt replacement in order to lower financing cost. Therefore, the financing instrument characterized by "Chinese dequity" came into existence (Chen & Kensinger, 1991). As an innovative investment business, it has significantly contributed to China's economic development by making financing easier for enterprises and relieving the financial pressure on governments and banks. However, many problems have surfaced in its application in China, most notably the uneven distribution of each party’s control rights and interests, poor risk control and management, and a yet-to-be-perfected theoretical system. Further optimization is thus needed. In the above context, this thesis intends to ensure the consistency between the ultimate financing result and the expected goal by designing a transaction structure for "Chinese dequity" in construction projects. Such financing transaction structures of two projects are studied as cases, namely, the PPP Project of the Underground Utility Tunnel in HS City and XNY Private Chemical Construction Project. The author studies many theories, introduces the concept of "control rights preference", and constructs the optimal control rights allocation model by adopting stochastic cooperative games. On this basis, the designed transaction structure in infrastructure construction, allocation of control rights of participants, and existing problems are analyzed. In the end, a conclusion is made and suggestions for further research given.Nos Ășltimos anos, o mercado financeiro tem estado sob a dupla pressĂŁo da recessĂŁo macroeconĂłmica e da desalavancagem de entidades industriais. Neste contexto, as autoridades reguladoras vĂȘm incentivando as empresas a recorrer Ă  substituição de dĂ­vidas para reduzir o custo de financiamento. Portanto, surgiu o instrumento de financiamento caracterizado pela "deidade chinesa" (Chen & Kensinger, 1991). Como um negĂłcio de investimento inovador, tem contribuĂ­do significativamente para o desenvolvimento econĂłmico da China fazendo mais fĂĄcil o financiamento para empresas e aliviando a pressĂŁo financeira sobre governos e bancos. No entanto, muitos problemas tĂȘm surgido em sua aplicação na China, principalmente a distribuição desigual dos direitos de controle e interesses de cada parte, o insatisfatĂłrio controle e gerenciamento de risco e, um sistema teĂłrico ainda a ser aperfeiçoado. Otimização adicional Ă©, portanto, necessĂĄria. No contexto acima, esta tese pretende garantir a consistĂȘncia entre o resultado definitivo do financiamento e o objetivo esperado, projetando uma estrutura de transação para a "deidade chinesa" em projetos de construção. Tais estruturas de transação de financiamento de dois projetos sĂŁo estudadas como casos, para esclarecer, o Projeto PPP do TĂșnel UtilitĂĄrio SubterrĂąneo na cidade de HS e o Projeto Privado de Construção QuĂ­mica de XNY. O autor estuda muitas teorias, introduz o conceito de “preferĂȘncia de direitos de controle” e constrĂłi o modelo Ăłtimo de alocação de direitos de controle adotando jogos cooperativos estocĂĄsticos. Com base nisso, a estrutura de transação projetada na construção de infraestrutura, a alocação de direitos de controle dos participantes e os problemas existentes sĂŁo analisados. No final, uma conclusĂŁo Ă© feita e sugestĂ”es para mais pesquisas sĂŁo dadas

    Research on the relationship between China Maritime Safety Administration and RO for implementing IMO Member State Audit Scheme and relative path choice

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    Community-based micro grids: a common property resource problem

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    This paper introduces a new methodological and theoretical foundation for studying the reasons for successes and failures of community-based micro grids (CBMGs). While technical and financial factors involved are very critical they are comparatively well researched. This analysis argues that further research into, in particular, the institutional design of CBMGs is required in order to improve long-term sustainability. The paper suggests that the electricity in an isolated micro grid can be treated as a common property resource (CPR), which then opens up the established academic literature regarding collective action in the presence of CPRs. More specifically this paper analyses how the rich set of enabling conditions for collective action, which has been established in the context of traditional CPR situations such as water for irrigation or pasture for grazing, can be applied to the context of CBMGs. The goal is to arrive at workable recommendations for policy-makers and practitioners to inform the design and improve the long-term sustainability of CBMGs. Ultimately this has the potential to contribute towards efforts to bring modern energy services to significant parts of rural populations without electricity access

    Exploring energy neutral development:part 3, KenW2iBrabant, TU/e 2012/2013

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    Exploring energy neutral development:part 3, KenW2iBrabant, TU/e 2012/2013

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    A PPP model for China's public hospitals: an empirical study

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    Medical resources are closely related to people’s health and daily lives. At present, China’s medical resources are confronted with seriously unbalanced distribution, which results in differences in healthcare services among regions, and is prone to causing the common phenomenon of “overcrowding of patients in large hospitals and lack of patients in small hospitals”. Public hospitals are the main providers in China’s medical service system, and play the main role in embodying public welfare, providing basic medical care, and resolving people’s difficulty in seeking medical treatment. China’s public hospitals are faced with difficulties and challenges, including insufficient government financial investment, rising medical expenses, as well as the overcrowding of patients in large hospitals and the lack of patients in small hospitals. These difficulties and challenges also reflect the context of China’s medical reform. PPP refers to public-private partnerships in which the government and social capital (or social institutions) cooperate to build or operate public service facilities and provide public products or services. The practice of PPP has proved that this model is an effective way for China’s medical reform. Based on the difficulties and challenges faced by China’s public hospitals and the application of PPP in the healthcare sector, the research purpose of this study is to explore the PPP model applicable to China’s public hospitals. Literature suggests that strategic alliance theory, cooperative game theory, and stakeholder theory can affect the effectiveness of PPP projects. The present study adopts empirical research methods to answer the research questions raised herein through case study and analysis. The research results indicate that PPP is an effective way to help public hospitals resolve their development difficulties, but not all models of PPP are applicable to China’s public hospitals; the BOT (build-operate-transfer) model can help public hospitals raise the development funds, but it requires guarantee from institutions with certain strength; the “franchising” model is suitable for public hospitals in large cities; government cooperation willingness, coordination from public hospital management, hospital staff participation, investors’ experience and management capabilities, and the contractual capacity of each cooperation party are the key factors for the success of PPP cooperation; there are huge business opportunities for the supply of mid-to-high-end medical services in China; there is also large room for investment in specialized hospitals, health tourism services and integrated healthcare projects; social capital is more likely to identify investment and cooperation opportunities for public hospital projects in such administrative areas as districts (including counties), villages and townships, as well as streets and communities.Os recursos mĂ©dicos estĂŁo estreitamente relacionados com a saĂșde e a vida diĂĄria da população. Atualmente, os recursos mĂ©dicos da China confrontam-se com uma distribuição severamente desequilibrada, o que causa diferenças nos serviços de saĂșde entre diferentes regiĂ”es e potencia o fenĂŽmeno comum de "superlotação de pacientes em grandes hospitais e falta de pacientes nos pequenos". Os hospitais pĂșblicos sĂŁo os principais fornecedores do sistema de serviços mĂ©dicos da China e desempenham o papel principal na incorporação do bem-estar pĂșblico, na prestação de cuidados mĂ©dicos bĂĄsicos e na resolução das dificuldades das pessoas em procurar tratamento mĂ©dico. Os hospitais pĂșblicos da China enfrentam dificuldades e desafios, incluindo insuficiente investimento financeiro governamental, aumento das despesas mĂ©dicas, alĂ©m da superlotação de pacientes em grandes hospitais e a falta de pacientes em pequenos hospitais. Essas dificuldades e desafios tambĂ©m refletem o contexto da reforma mĂ©dica da China. PPP refere-se uma parcerias pĂșblico-privadas na qual o governo e o capital social (ou instituiçÔes sociais) cooperam para construir ou operar instalaçÔes de serviço pĂșblico e fornecer produtos ou serviços pĂșblicos. A prĂĄtica da PPP tem demonstrado que esse modelo Ă© uma maneira eficaz para a reforma mĂ©dica da China. Com base nas dificuldades e desafios enfrentados pelos hospitais pĂșblicos da China, assim como na aplicação de PPP no setor de saĂșde, o objetivo da pesquisa deste estudo Ă© explorar o modelo de PPP aplicĂĄvel aos hospitais pĂșblicos da China. A literatura sugere que a teoria da aliança estratĂ©gica, a teoria dos jogos cooperativos e a teoria das partes interessadas podem afetar a eficĂĄcia dos projetos de PPP. O presente estudo adota mĂ©todos de pesquisa empĂ­rica para responder as questĂ”es de pesquisa aqui levantadas por meio de estudo de casos. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que a PPP Ă© uma maneira eficaz de ajudar os hospitais pĂșblicos a resolver suas dificuldades de desenvolvimento, mas nem todos os modelos de PPP sĂŁo aplicĂĄveis aos hospitais pĂșblicos da China; o modelo BOT (por suas siglas em inglĂȘs: construir, operar e transferir) pode ajudar os hospitais pĂșblicos a levantar os fundos necessĂĄrios ao seu desenvolvimento, mas exige garantia das instituiçÔes; o modelo de "franquia" Ă© adequado para hospitais pĂșblicos nas grandes cidades; vontade de cooperação do governo, coordenação da gerĂȘncia do hospital pĂșblico, participação da equipe do hospital, experiĂȘncia e capacidade de gestĂŁo dos investidores e, a capacidade contratual de cada parte da cooperação sĂŁo os fatores-chave para o ĂȘxito da cooperação PPP; existem enormes oportunidades de negĂłcios para o fornecimento de serviços mĂ©dicos de mĂ©dio a alto nĂ­vel na China; hĂĄ tambĂ©m um amplo espaço para investimentos em hospitais especializados, serviços de turismo de saĂșde e projetos integrados de assistĂȘncia Ă  saĂșde; Ă© mais provĂĄvel que o capital social identifique oportunidades de investimento e cooperação para projetos de hospitais pĂșblicos nessas ĂĄreas administrativas, como distritos (incluindo municĂ­pios), aldeias e cidades pequenas, alĂ©m de ruas e comunidades

    Institutional Analysis of Financial Market Fragmentation in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Risk-Cost Configuration Approach

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    financial markets, institutions, risk-cost analysis, sub-Saharan Africa
