283 research outputs found

    System design of the MeerKAT L - band 3D radar for monitoring near earth objects

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    This thesis investigates the current knowledge of small space debris (diameter less than 10 cm) and potentially hazardous asteroids (PHA) by the use of radar systems. It clearly identifies the challenges involved in detecting and tracking of small space debris and PHAs. The most significant challenges include: difficulty in tracking small space debris due to orbital instability and reduced radar cross-section (RCS), errors in some existing data sets, the lack of dedicated or contributing instruments in the Southern Hemisphere, and the large cost involved in building a high-performance radar for this purpose. This thesis investigates the cooperative use of the KAT-7 (7 antennas) and MeerKAT (64 antennas) radio telescope receivers in a radar system to improve monitoring of small debris and PHAs was investigated using theory and simulations, as a cost-effective solution. Parameters for a low cost and high-performance radar were chosen, based on the receiver digital back-end. Data from such radars will be used to add to existing catalogues thereby creating a constantly updated database of near Earth objects and bridging the data gap that is currently being filled by mathematical models. Based on literature and system requirements, quasi-monostatic, bistatic, multistatic, single input multiple output (SIMO) radar configurations were proposed for radio telescope arrays in detecting, tracking and imaging small space debris in the low Earth orbit (LEO) and PHAs. The maximum dwell time possible for the radar geometry was found to be 30 seconds, with coherent integration limitations of 2 ms and 121 ms for accelerating and non-accelerating targets, respectively. The multistatic and SIMO radar configurations showed sufficient detection (SNR 13 dB) for small debris and quasi-monostatic configuration for PHAs. Radar detection, tracking and imaging (ISAR) simulations were compared to theory and ambiguities in range and Doppler were compensated for. The main contribution made by this work is a system design for a high performance, cost effective 3D radar that uses the KAT-7 and MeerKAT radio telescope receivers in a commensal manner. Comparing theory and simulations, the SNR improvement, dwell time increase, tracking and imaging capabilities, for small debris and PHAs compared to existing assets, was illustrated. Since the MeerKAT radio telescope is a precursor for the SKA Africa, extrapolating the capabilities of the MeerKAT radar to the SKA radar implies that it would be the most sensitive and high performing contributor to space situational awareness, upon its completion. From this feasibility study, the MeerKAT 3D distributed radar will be able to detect debris of diameter less than 10 cm at altitudes between 700 km to 900 km, and PHAs, with a range resolution of 15 m, a minimum SNR of 14 dB for 152 pulses for a coherent integration time of 2.02 ms. The target range (derived from the two way delay), velocity (from Doppler frequency) and direction will be measured within an accuracy of: 2.116 m, 15.519 m/s, 0.083° (single antenna), respectively. The range, velocity accuracies and SNR affect orbit prediction accuracy by 0.021 minutes for orbit period and 0.0057° for orbit inclination. The multistatic radar was found to be the most suitable and computationally efficient configuration compared to the bistatic and SIMO configurations, and beamforming should be implemented as required by specific target geometry

    Active microwave sensing of the atmosphere, chapter 4

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    The use of active microwave systems to study atmospheric phenomena is studied. Atmospheric pollution, weather prediction, climate and weather modification, weather danger and disaster warning, and atmospheric processes and interactions are covered

    Frequency diversity wideband digital receiver and signal processor for solid-state dual-polarimetric weather radars

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    2012 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.The recent spate in the use of solid-state transmitters for weather radar systems has unexceptionably revolutionized the research in meteorology. The solid-state transmitters allow transmission of low peak powers without losing the radar range resolution by allowing the use of pulse compression waveforms. In this research, a novel frequency-diversity wideband waveform is proposed and realized to extenuate the low sensitivity of solid-state radars and mitigate the blind range problem tied with the longer pulse compression waveforms. The latest developments in the computing landscape have permitted the design of wideband digital receivers which can process this novel waveform on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chips. In terms of signal processing, wideband systems are generally characterized by the fact that the bandwidth of the signal of interest is comparable to the sampled bandwidth; that is, a band of frequencies must be selected and filtered out from a comparable spectral window in which the signal might occur. The development of such a wideband digital receiver opens a window for exciting research opportunities for improved estimation of precipitation measurements for higher frequency systems such as X, Ku and Ka bands, satellite-borne radars and other solid-state ground-based radars. This research describes various unique challenges associated with the design of a multi-channel wideband receiver. The receiver consists of twelve channels which simultaneously downconvert and filter the digitized intermediate-frequency (IF) signal for radar data processing. The product processing for the multi-channel digital receiver mandates a software and network architecture which provides for generating and archiving a single meteorological product profile culled from multi-pulse profiles at an increased data date. The multi-channel digital receiver also continuously samples the transmit pulse for calibration of radar receiver gain and transmit power. The multi-channel digital receiver has been successfully deployed as a key component in the recently developed National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Dual-Frequency Dual-Polarization Doppler Radar (D3R). The D3R is the principal ground validation instrument for the precipitation measurements of the Dual Precipitation Radar (DPR) onboard the GPM Core Observatory satellite scheduled for launch in 2014. The D3R system employs two broadly separated frequencies at Ku- and Ka-bands that together make measurements for precipitation types which need higher sensitivity such as light rain, drizzle and snow. This research describes unique design space to configure the digital receiver for D3R at several processing levels. At length, this research presents analysis and results obtained by employing the multi-carrier waveforms for D3R during the 2012 GPM Cold-Season Precipitation Experiment (GCPEx) campaign in Canada

    Investigation of Non-coherent Discrete Target Range Estimation Techniques for High-precision Location

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    Ranging is an essential and crucial task for radar systems. How to solve the range-detection problem effectively and precisely is massively important. Meanwhile, unambiguity and high resolution are the points of interest as well. Coherent and non-coherent techniques can be applied to achieve range estimation, and both of them have advantages and disadvantages. Coherent estimates offer higher precision but are more vulnerable to noise and clutter and phase wrap errors, particularly in a complex or harsh environment, while the non-coherent approaches are simpler but provide lower precision. With the purpose of mitigating inaccuracy and perturbation in range estimation, miscellaneous techniques are employed to achieve optimally precise detection. Numerous elegant processing solutions stemming from non-coherent estimate are now introduced into the coherent realm, and vice versa. This thesis describes two non-coherent ranging estimate techniques with novel algorithms to mitigate the instinct deficit of non-coherent ranging approaches. One technique is based on peak detection and realised by Kth-order Polynomial Interpolation, while another is based on Z-transform and realised by Most-likelihood Chirp Z-transform. A two-stage approach for the fine ranging estimate is applied to the Discrete Fourier transform domain of both algorithms. An N-point Discrete Fourier transform is implemented to attain a coarse estimation; an accurate process around the point of interest determined in the first stage is conducted. For KPI technique, it interpolates around the peak of Discrete Fourier transform profiles of the chirp signal to achieve accurate interpolation and optimum precision. For Most-likelihood Chirp Z-transform technique, the Chirp Z-transform accurately implements the periodogram where only a narrow band spectrum is processed. Furthermore, the concept of most-likelihood estimator is introduced to combine with Chirp Z-transform to acquire better ranging performance. Cramer-Rao lower bound is presented to evaluate the performance of these two techniques from the perspective of statistical signal processing. Mathematical derivation, simulation modelling, theoretical analysis and experimental validation are conducted to assess technique performance. Further research will be pushed forward to algorithm optimisation and system development of a location system using non-coherent techniques and make a comparison to a coherent approach

    C-Band Dual-Doppler Retrievals in Complex Terrain: Improving the Knowledge of Severe Storm Dynamics in Catalonia

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    Convective activity in Catalonia (northeastern Spain) mainly occurs during summer and autumn, with severe weather occurring 33 days per year on average. In some cases, the storms have unexpected propagation characteristics, likely due to a combination of the complex topography and the thunderstorms' propagation mechanisms. Partly due to the local nature of the events, numerical weather prediction models are not able to accurately nowcast the complex mesoscale mechanisms (i.e., local influence of topography). This directly impacts the retrieved position and motion of the storms, and consequently, the likely associated storm severity. Although a successful warning system based on lightning and radar observations has been developed, there remains a lack of knowledge of storm dynamics that could lead to forecast improvements. The present study explores the capabilities of the radar network at the Meteorological Service of Catalonia to retrieve dual-Doppler wind fields to study the dynamics of Catalan thunderstorms. A severe thunderstorm that splits and a tornado-producing supercell that is channeled through a valley are used to demonstrate the capabilities of an advanced open source technique that retrieves dynamical variables from C-band operational radars in complex terrain. For the first time in the Iberian Peninsula, complete 3D storm-relative winds are obtained, providing information about the internal dynamics of the storms. This aids in the analyses of the interaction between different storm cells within a system and/or the interaction of the cells with the local topography

    Applied Radar Meteorology

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    This is a textbook focused on operational and other aspects of applied radar meteorology. Its primary purpose is to serve as a text for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students studying meteorology, who wish to work as professional operational meteorologists in the U.S. National Weather Service or the Air Force Weather Agency. In addition to a detailed description of operational weather radar systems operating in the United States, this text also provides a brief historical overview of the subject as well as a basic review of the physics of electromagnetic radiation and other theoretical aspects of weather radar. The last two chapters discuss a sample of other radar systems (such as the Doppler on Wheels and the Canadian and European operational networks), and future directions of weather radar, including its use as an input for high-resolution, rapid refresh computer models

    Advanced Signal Processing For Multi-Mission Airborne Radar

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    With the technological advancement of the 21st century, functions of different radars are being merged. A multi-functional system brings the technology of remote sensing to a wide array of applications while at the same time reduces costs of implementation and operation. Ground-based multi-mission radars have been studied in the past. The airborne counterpart deserves a through study with additional and stringent requirements of cost, size, weight, and power.In this dissertation, multi-mission functions in an airborne radar is performed using modular, software-based architecture. The software-based solution is chosen instead of proposing new hardware, primarily because evaluation, validation, and certification of new hardware is onerous and time consuming. The system implementations are validated using simulations as well as field measurements. The simulations are carried out using Mathworks® Phased Array System Toolbox. The field measurements are performed using an enhanced commercial airborne radar system called Polarimetric Airborne Radar Operating at X-band Version 1 (PARADOX1), which is an X-band, vertically polarized, solid state, pulsed radar.The shortcomings of PARADOX1 originate from small aperture size and low power. Various signal processing algorithms are developed and applied to PARADOX1 data to enhance the data quality. Super-resolution algorithms in range, angle, and Doppler domains, for example, have proven to effectively enhance the spatial resolution. An end-to-end study of single-polarized weather measurements is performed using PARADOX1 measurements. The results are compared with well established ground-based radars. The similarities, differences as well as limitations (of such comparisons) are discussed. Sense and Avoid (SAA) tracking is considered as a core functionality and presented in the context of safe integration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in national airspace. A "nearly" constant acceleration motion model is used in conjunction with Kalman Filter and Joint Probabilistic Data Association (JPDA) to perform tracking operations. The basic SAA tracking function is validated through simulations as well as field measurements.The field-validations show that a modular, software-based enhancement to an existing radar system is a viable solution in realizing multi-mission functionalities in an airborne radar. The SAA tracking is validated in ground-based tests using an x86 based PC with a generic Linux operating system. The weather measurements from PARADOX1 and the subsequent data quality enhancements show that PARADOX1 data products are comparable to those of existing ground based radars

    Complementarity of wind measurements from co-located X-band weather radar and Doppler lidar

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    Accurate wind profile measurements are important for applications ranging from aviation to numerical weather prediction. The spatial pattern of winds can be obtained with ground-based remote sensing instruments, such as weather radars and Doppler lidars. As the return signal in weather radars is mostly due to hydrometeors or insects, and in Doppler lidars due to aerosols, the instruments provide wind measurements in different weather conditions. However, the effect of various weather conditions on the measurement capabilities of these instruments has not been previously extensively quantified. Here we present results from a 7-month measurement campaign that took place in Vantaa, Finland, where a co-located Vaisala WRS400 X-band weather radar and WindCube 400S Doppler lidar were employed continuously to perform wind measurements. Both instruments measured plan position indicator (PPI) scans at 2.0 degrees elevation from the horizontal. Direct comparison of radial Doppler velocities from both instruments showed good agreement with R-2 = 0.96. We then examined the effect of horizontal visibility, cloud base height, and precipitation intensity on the measurement availability of each instrument. The Doppler lidar displayed good availability in clear air situations and the X-band radar in precipitation. Both instruments exhibited high availability in clear air conditions in summer when insects were present. The complementary performance in the measurement availability of the two instruments means that their combination substantially increases the spatial coverage of wind observations across a wide range of weather conditions.Peer reviewe
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