1,671 research outputs found

    Research on The Optimization Strategy of Cross-border B2B Supply Chain with Service Cost Information Sharing

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    The development of cross-border e-commerce highlights the importance of service integration and information sharing. This paper considers a cross-border B2B supply chain which consists of a local manufacturer and a foreign trade service integrator. The service integrator holds the service cost structure as private information. The optimal decisions and maximum expected profits of the manufacturer and service integrator are analyzed under two scenarios:no information sharing versus information sharing. The paper finds that information sharing always benefit the manufacturer but not for the service integrator. In the meanwhile, the value of information is increased with the manufacturer’s forecast uncertainty about the service integrator’s service cost. The whole supply chain can get pareto improvement through the Nash bargaining mechanism

    Independent station: A New Model of Cross-border E-commerce

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    Currently most cross-border e-commerce sellers are engaged in cross-border e-commerce through mainstream third-party platforms. But increasingly fierce homogenization competition on third-party platforms, sharp decline of traffic dividends, constantly iterative rules and changing policies, compressed profit margins all make it more and more difficult for the sellers to secure a place in marketplace. As a result, many sellers have begun to look for new growth models and independent station is one of them. This paper introduces the overall development of China’s cross-border e-commerce and background of the rise of independent station and its overall development over the last a few years. The paper explains how independent station works by making a contrast with third-party platforms, and exemplifies causes of the rise of independent station from several aspects through elaborating its benefits over that of third-party platforms and reasons why cross-border e-commerce sellers are turning to independent station. Based on the general introduction of the fundamental basics of independent station, the papers mainly elaborate the currently popular independent station operation models by explaining their characteristics, comparing their advantages and disadvantages of each of the models as well as giving examples of representative independent station companies. Since independent station is relatively a new mode of cross-border e-commerce and its development is immature thus the paper discusses some problems of independent station for the purpose of offering inspiration and enlightenment for cross-border e-commerce independent station sellers


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    Based on a review of scientific literature, as well as a detailed analysis of business processes, it should be stated that the increase in the volume of sales on a global scale generates not only the need to analyse the development of business, but above all the need to conduct scientific research in the field of improving logistics processes and information flow in the supply chain. The relatively long time of delivery of ordered goods, the complexity of customs processes and logistic service make it necessary to apply innovative digitalization solutions in order to be able to monitor and react quickly to disruptions. These analyses are most noticeable in global supply chains, which is why the New Silk Road became the research area. In this paper, the authors focused on conducting a review of digitalisation solutions that improve the efficiency in supply chains. The review was conducted both in the research aspect, by verifying knowledge on the subject in the scientific literature available on the Web of Science and Scopus databases, but also in the practical aspect, by analysing needs and trends in the use of supply chain digitalisation in business practice. The research aspect was based on the application of the CANVAS model for the identification of business needs in the supply chain digitalisation aspect and on surveys for importance degree analysis for the identified needs in business practice. The research carried out in this area is the result of cooperation between Lukasiewicz Research Network – Poznan Institute of Technology and Poznan School of Logistics. The research was conducted in 2021 and the first half of 2022 among Polish logistic companies.Proučavanjem znanstvene literature, uz detaljnu analizu poslovnih procesa, utvrđeno je da povećanje ukupne prodaje na globalnoj razini stvara ne samo potrebu za analizom razvoja poslovanja, nego iznad svega potrebu za provođenjem znanstvenog istraživanja u području poboljšanja logističkih procesa i protoka informacija u opskrbnom lancu. Relativno dugo vrijeme potrebno za isporuku naručene robe, složenost carinskih procesa i logističkog servisa stvaraju potrebu za primjenom inovativnih digitaliziranih rješenja da bi se moglo pratiti i brzo reagirati na zastoje. Ove analize najuočljivije su u globalnim opskrbnim lancima, zbog čega je Novi put svile postao područje istraživanja. U ovome radu autori su se usredotočili na pregled digitalizacijskih rješenja kojima se poboljšava učinkovitost opskrbnih lanaca. Pregled je proveden u istraživačkom aspektu verificiranjem znanja o predmetu istraživanja u znanstvenoj literaturi dostupnoj na Web of Science i Scopus bazama podataka, ali također i praktičnom aspektu, analizom potreba i trendova u uporabi digitalizacije opskrbnih lanaca u poslovnoj praksi. Istraživački aspekt temeljio se na primjeni CANVAS modela za identifikaciju poslovnih potreba u polju digitalizacije opskrbnog lanca na istraživanjima analize stupnja značajnosti identificiranih potreba u poslovnoj praksi. Istraživanje koje je provedeno u ovome području rezultat je suradnje između Lukasiewicz Research Network – Poznan Institute of Technology i Poznan School of Logistics. Istraživanje je provedeno 2021. u prvoj polovini 2022. među poljskim logističkim tvrtkama

    A customer focused change management journey via customer segmentation

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    This thesis covers, with a sample business case, the changes of an established organisation towards a more customer focused management. The change process will use the customer segmentation methodology as a reference point on each of the steps covered, and develop them from there. It covers the business changes for the areas of: market analysis, product development, sales structure, operational structure, and change management culture. The thesis is for the Business Management and Entrepreneurship master degree at Häme University of Applied Sciences. The purpose of the thesis is to provide a reference on how any organization, independently of its size or sector, can change to a more customer focused culture. To provide a business case as complete as possible, the sample company will be an engineering multinational with a wide variety of segments, and with different customer profiles working in parallel for each of the segments. The company operates in two separated B2B business lines: one technological utility product type (with several models) and its maintenance as a service. The thesis provides a theoretical framework for each of the business areas, and then it develops that part of the business case. This business case tries to provide enough context, references and tools for each of the covered topics, in a way that any section could be applied independently on smaller companies or regions for their specific need. The core area of the thesis and the business case is customer focused change management, as a way to support the companies to become more efficient and resilient on the dynamic and volatile markets that most sectors live in. However, the digitalisation trend is a very strong force of change that is rapidly disrupting all the traditional offline sectors. In order to support with guidance on that second important force of business change, the thesis includes a brief epilogue on online marketing

    Research on the Realization Path of Intelligent Logistics in the “New Retail” Era

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    New retail is the product of innovation and transformation of e-commerce, physical retail and modern logistics. New retail relies on omni-channel logistics based on supply chain integration, order-driven precise logistics service and high intensity urban distribution carrying capacity, which has brought huge impacts and development opportunities to the logistics industry. At present, there are limitations in China\u27s intelligent logistics, both in terms of logistics infrastructure construction, logistics information services, and regulatory guarantee systems, which restrict the development of new retail . In order to realize the high-quality support of new retail by intelligent logistics, a trinity of intelligent logistics construction path of government guidance, market leadership, and social co-governance is proposed. We should accelerate the construction of intelligent logistics infrastructure under the guidance of the government, give full play to the leading role of the market to build an intelligent logistics information platform, and build a multi-security logistics security system through joint governance of all sectors of society to meet the overall objective of the high-quality support of logistics for new retail

    Electronic business and electronic commerce (supporting lecture notes for students of dirеction "Management" of all forms of education)

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    E-Business systems naturally have greater security risks than traditional business systems, therefore it is important for e-business systems to be fully protected against these risks. Customers, suppliers, employees, and numerous other people use any particular e-business system daily and expect their confidential information to stay secure. Hackers are one of the great threats to the security of e-businesses. Some common security concerns for e-Businesses include keeping business and customer information private and confidential, authenticity of data, and data integrity. Some of the methods of protecting e-business security and keeping information secure include physical security measures as well as data storage, data transmission, anti-virus software, firewalls, and encryption to list a few.Розглянуто та рекомендовано до друку на засіданні кафедри інноваційного менеджменту та підприємництва, протокол No1 від 27 серпня 2015 року. Схвалено та рекомендовано до друку на засіданні методичної комісії факультету управління та бізнесу у виробництві Тернопільського національного технічного університету імені Івана Пулюя, протокол No6 від 26 лютого 2016 року.The purpose of thе document is to present the different underlying "technologies" (in reality, organizational modes based on information and communication technologies) and their associated acronyms. The term "e-Business" therefore refers to the integration, within the company, of tools based on information and communication technologies (generally referred to as business software) to improve their functioning in order to create value for the enterprise, its clients, and its partners.Topic 1. Basic concepts of electronic business and electronic commerce 1.1. Basic concepts and principles of e-business. 1.2. Origins and growth of e-commerce. Topic 2. Ecommerce as a part of electronic business 2.1. E-business infrastructure, e-environment and e-business strategy 2.2. Ways of e-business conducting. Online trading. Topic 3. Basis of global computer network internet functioning. 3.1. Basic principles of internet. 3.2. The most common services of Іnternet. 3.3. The concept and structure of Internet marketing. Topic 4. E-commerce systems in corporate sector 4.1. The basic processes of implementation of electronic commerce in the B2B sector. Virtual enterprise, internet incubator, mobile commerce. 4.2. The role of supply-chain management (SCM) and customer relationship management (CRM) in e-commerce. Topic 5. Information management for effective e-commerce building through intranet and extranet 5.1. Basic principles of Intranet functioning. 5.2. Extranet and its security issues. Topic 6. Electronic payment systems 6.1. Electronic payment systems. 6.2. Primary classification of payment systems

    Characterisation framework of key policy, regulatory and governance dynamics and impacts upon European food value chains: Fairer trading practices, food integrity, and sustainability collaborations. : VALUMICS project “Understanding Food Value Chains and Network Dynamics” funded by EU Horizon 2020 G.A. No 727243. Deliverable D3.3

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    The report provides a framework that categorises the different European Union (EU) policies, laws and governance actions identified as impacting upon food value chains in the defined areas of: fairer trading practices, food integrity (food safety and authenticity), and sustainability collaborations along food value chains. A four-stage framework is presented and illustrated with examples. The evidence shows that European Union policy activity impacting upon food value chain dynamics is increasing, both in terms of the impacts of policies upon the chains, and, in terms of addressing some of the more contentious outcomes of these dynamics. A number of policy priorities are at play in addressing the outcomes of food value chain dynamics. unevenness of the distribution of profit within food value chains, notably to farmers. Regulation of food safety and aspects of authenticity has been a key focus for two decades to ensure a functioning single market while ensuring consumer health and wellbeing. A food chain length perspective has been attempted, notably through regulations such as the General Food Law, and the rationalisation of the Official Controls on food and feed safety. However, there are still gaps in the effective monitoring and transparency of food safety and of food integrity along value chains, as exemplified by misleading claims and criminal fraud. This has led to renewed policy actions over food fraud, in particular. EU regulations, policies and related governance initiatives provide an important framework for national-level actions for EU member states and for EEA members. The more tightly EU-regulated areas, such as food safety, see fewer extra initiatives, but where there is a more general strategic policy and governance push, such as food waste reduction or food fraud, there is greater independent state-level activity. Likewise, there is much more variation in the application of both national and European (Competition) law to govern unfair trading practices impacting upon food value chains. This report presents the findings of a survey of members from the VALUMICS stakeholder platform, that were policy facing food value chain stakeholders across selected European countries, including both EU and EEA Member States. The survey was conducted to check the significance of the main policies identified in the mapping exercise at EU and national levels and so to incorporate the views of stakeholders in the research. The responses suggest the policy concerns identified in EU and national-level research resonate with food value chain stakeholders in participating nations. The report concludes by exploring in more detail how the themes of fairness and of transparency are being handled in the policy activities presented. Highlighted are the ways that both fairness and transparency can be extended within the existing frameworks of EU policy activity. The findings in this report provide an important context for further and detailed research analysis of the workings and dynamics of European food value chains under the VALUMICS project

    Development of a Cross-border Business-to-Business-to-Consumer (B2B2C) System to Enhance Enterprise Performance: A Case Study of Legend Harvest Group

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    This research focused on the efforts of Legend Harvest Group (LHG), a California startup, to realise its cross-border business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) e-commerce business opportunities. The issues identified during the research demonstrated that an operational B2B2C system is more complicated than a manually operated business-to-business (B2B) trade. The complexities of cross-border e-commerce platforms include insufficient data transparency, logistical obstacles, and Customs hurdles. LHG encountered difficulties in understanding and dealing with these obstacles. My research focused on analysing the technological, operational and organisational requirements and finding the critical elements and leverage points of adopting a new B2B2C system. I developed a platform–system–technology–human (PSTH) conceptual framework based on my literature review that served as the theoretical blueprint of this action research. I adopted a participatory action research (PAR) method and a purposeful sampling strategy to conduct an action research study. The sampling population comprised LHG’s executives, as well as board members, officers, employees, and consultants associated with the company. I applied a qualitative approach as the most suitable choice in action research study, using interviews, semi-structured discussions, and observations to collect data. This research was based on three action cycles. Each action cycle consisted of four phases: reflect, plan, act and observe. The first action cycle (AC1) focused on scanning the environment to identify the barriers preventing LHG from adopting a B2B2C system. The second action cycle (AC2) addressed the technological, operational and organisational requirements, and collaborated with a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider to implement a trial run and collect actual data. The third action cycle (AC3) involved an in-depth thematic analysis to evaluate the trial-run results and proposed an integrators network for LHG’s future B2B2C system development. Research accomplishments include initial identification of sixty-one emergent codes as barriers to LHG’s supply chain automation quest, categorisation of these codes into fifteen actionable themes, and, finally, selection of five actionable themes as critical elements to follow in adopting a B2B2C system, namely, process automation (A), SaaS adoption (S), supply chain integration (I), collaboration (C) and trust (T). From post-trial-run analysis, I recognised these five themes as the key integrators and proposed a B2B2C supply chain model to cope with the cross-border e-commerce platforms. The interdependent nature of these five integrators led to the conceptualisation of an “ASICT” network that can be used to tackle the platforms’ demands. Based on the research findings, I learned that a sustainable B2B2C system will depend not only on technology implementation such as SaaS adoption, supply chain integration and process automation, but also on human interaction such as collaboration and trust. This research concluded that these five “ASICT” integrators are critical elements, and that trust and collaboration are the key leverage points in the company’s efforts to develop a cross-border B2B2C system. The benefits projected by adopting the B2B2C system included not only reducing LHG’s transactional costs but also enhancing its enterprise performance by automating and integrating the supply chain, allowing the management to map operational efficiency with financial outcome and to transform the e-commerce supply chain into a value chain

    Exploring The Antecedents Of Successful E-business Implementations Through ERP : A Longitudinal Study of SAP-based Organisations 1999-2003

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    This research was carried out between 1999 and 2003 on the use of e-business applications in ERP-based organisations. A composite research method based on structured case studies was developed for this study. It combined the application of case methods by Carroll et al. (1998], Klein and Myer (1998), and Eisenhardt (1989). This was used to provide a focused, yet flexible structure, as a dynamic approach to case study interpretive research. The research method used three distinct models at three progressive stages of the study, to provide a multi-faceted view of each case. This composite case-based method was developed to maintain the balance between research rigour and relevance. A pilot case study of nine Australian SAP sites helped ground the theory of the study. This was followed by three stages of study of eleven international cases within a diverse industry context. The method revealed the antecedents of e-business success using the findings from case analyses against three separate research models B2B interaction, e-business change, and virtual organising. A final conceptual framework was developed as new theory of e-business transformation. The theory views e-business transformation as realising the benefits from virtual organising within complex B2B interactions by utilising the facilitators of successful e-business change. The research demonstrates that successful e-business transformation with ERP occurs when value propositions are realised through integration and differentiation of technologies used to support new business models to deliver products and services online. The associated management practice evolves through efficiency from self-service, effectiveness through empowerment towards customer care, and value enhancement from extensive relationship building with multiple alliances. The new theory of e-business transformation identifies the stages of e-business growth and development as a comprehensive plan that should assist managers of ERP-based organisations in migrating their company towards a successful e-business organisation. The detailed analysis of the findings offers a foundational per11pectlve of strategies, tactics and performance objectives for e-ERP implementations. The strength of the theory lies in the synthesis of multiple case analyses using three different lenses over three separate time periods. The triangulation of the three research frameworks provides a method for study at appropriate levels of complexity. It is evolutionary in nature and is content driven. Other researchers are urged to apply similar multi-viewed analysis