188 research outputs found

    Highly Resolved Synthetic Aperture Radar with Beam Steering

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    The present work deals with a highly resolved radar with a synthetic aperture (synthetic aperture radar - SAR), which uses a beam steering to improve performance. The first part of this work deals with the influence of various effects occurring in the hardware of the High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR (HRWS SAR) system. A special focus was set to single bit quantization in multi-channel receiver. The second part of this work describes SAR processors for Sliding Spotlight mode

    Highly Resolved Synthetic Aperture Radar with Beam Steering

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    Diese Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit einem hochauflösenden Radar mit synthetischer Apertur. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit beschreibt mögliche Auswirkungen verschiedener Effekte in dem EmpfĂ€nger des High-Resolution Wide-Swath SAR (HRWS SAR) Systems. DarĂŒber hinaus wird ein Konzept zu Reduktion von Quantisierungsbits in Systemen mit mehreren EmpfangskanĂ€len untersucht. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit betrifft die Datenverarbeitung eines hochauflösenden SAR-Systems in Sliding Spotlight Mode

    Processing of Sliding Spotlight and TOPS SAR Data Using Baseband Azimuth Scaling

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    This paper presents an efficient phase preserving processor for the focusing of data acquired in sliding spotlight and TOPS (Terrain Observation by Progressive Scans) imaging modes. They share in common a linear variation of the Doppler centroid along the azimuth dimension, which is due to a steering of the antenna (either mechanically or electronically) throughout the data take. Existing approaches for the azimuth processing can become inefficient due to the additional processing to overcome the folding in the focused domain. In this paper a new azimuth scaling approach is presented to perform the azimuth processing, whose kernel is exactly the same for sliding spotlight and TOPS modes. The possibility to use the proposed approach to process ScanSAR data, as well as a discussion concerning staring spotlight, are also included. Simulations with point-targets and real data acquired by TerraSAR-X in sliding spotlight and TOPS modes are used to validate the developed algorithm

    A High-Order Imaging Algorithm for High-Resolution Space-Borne SAR Based on a Modified Equivalent Squint Range Model

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    Two challenges have been faced in signal processing of ultrahigh-resolution spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR). The first challenge is constructing a precise range model, and the second one is to develop an efficient imaging algorithm since traditional algorithms fail to process ultrahigh-resolution spaceborne SAR data effectively. In this paper, a novel high-order imaging algorithm for high-resolution spaceborne SAR is presented. First, a modified equivalent squint range model (MESRM) is developed by introducing equivalent radar acceleration into the equivalent squint range model, and it is more suitable for high-resolution spaceborne SAR. The signal model based on the MESRM is also presented. Second, a novel high-order imaging algorithm is derived. The insufficient pulse-repetition frequency problem is solved by an improved subaperture method, and accurate focusing is achieved through an extended hybrid correlation algorithm. Simulations are performed to validate the presented algorithm

    High-Temporal-Resolution High-Spatial-Resolution Spaceborne SAR Based on Continuously Varying PRF

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a well-established and powerful imaging technique for acquiring high-spatial-resolution images of the Earth's surface. With the development of beam steering techniques, sliding spotlight and staring spotlight modes have been employed to support high-spatial-resolution applications. In addition to this strengthened high-spatial-resolution and wide-swath capability, high-temporal-resolution (short repeat-observation interval) represents a key capability for numerous applications. However, conventional SAR systems are limited in that the same patch can only be illuminated for several seconds within a single pass. This paper considers a novel high-squint-angle system intended to acquire high-spatial-resolution spaceborne SAR images with repeat-observation intervals varying from tens of seconds to several minutes within a single pass. However, an exponentially increased range cell migration would arise and lead to a conflict between the receive window and 'blind ranges'. An efficient data acquisition technique for high-temporal-resolution, high-spatial-resolution and high-squint-angle spaceborne SAR, in which the pulse repetition frequency (PRF) is continuously varied according to the changing slant range, is presented in this paper. This technique allows echo data to remain in the receive window instead of conflicting with the transmitted pulse or nadir echo. Considering the precision of hardware, a compromise and practical strategy is also proposed. Furthermore, a detailed performance analysis of range ambiguities is provided with respect to parameters of TerraSAR-X. For strong point-like targets, the range ambiguity of this technique would be better than that of uniform PRF technique. For this innovative technique, a resampling strategy and modified imaging algorithm have been developed to handle the non-uniformly sampled echo data. Simulations are performed to validate the efficiency of the proposed technique and the associated imaging algorithm

    Spaceborne Video Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR): A New Microwave Remote Sensing Mode

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    The transient information like a ‘picture’ can be obtained by the traditional microwave remote sensing system. It will bring some shortcomings for detection of the moving targets and long-time monitoring of the variational scene over the region of interest. As a new imaging mode, more and more scholars and agencies have focused on the video Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) due to it can provide continuous surveillance over the region of interest. The spaceborne video SAR has the corresponding advantages over the spaceborne SAR image system and the optical video system. The working principles, imaging algorithm, and application method of spaceborne video SAR have been proposed in this chapter. First of all, a theoretical System of spaceborne video SAR has been constructed. The operation and application mode have also been defined. Some key performances have been discussed. To meet the demand for video SAR applications, one imaging algorithm has been proposed for dealing with the spaceborne video SAR data. Experiments on simulated data show that the algorithm was effective

    Estimation of the Degree of Polarization for Hybrid/Compact and Linear Dual-Pol SAR Intensity Images: Principles and Applications

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    Analysis and comparison of linear and hybrid/compact dual-polarization (dual-pol) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery have gained a wholly new importance in the last few years, in particular, with the advent of new spaceborne SARs such as the Japanese ALOS PALSAR, the Canadian RADARSAT-2, and the German TerraSAR-X. Compact polarimetry, hybrid dual-pol, and quad-pol modes are newly promoted in the literature for future SAR missions. In this paper, we investigate and compare different hybrid/compact and linear dual-pol modes in terms of the estimation of the degree of polarization (DoP). The DoP has long been recognized as one of the most important parameters characterizing a partially polarized electromagnetic wave. It can be effectively used to characterize the information content of SAR data. We study and compare the information content of the intensity data provided by different hybrid/compact and linear dual-pol SAR modes. For this purpose, we derive the joint distribution of multilook SAR intensity images. We use this distribution to derive the maximum likelihood and moment-based estimators of the DoP in hybrid/compact and linear dual-pol modes.We evaluate and compare the performance of these estimators for different modes on both synthetic and real data, which are acquired by RADARSAT-2 spaceborne and NASA/JPL airborne SAR systems, over various terrain types such as urban, vegetation, and ocean

    Moving Target Azimuth Velocity Estimation for the MASA Mode Based on Sequential SAR Images

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    A novel azimuth velocity estimation method is proposed based on the multiple azimuth squint angles (MASA) imaging mode, acquiring sequential synthetic aperture radar images with different squint angles and time lags. The MASA mode acquisition geometry is given first, and the effect of target motion on azimuth offset and slant range offset is discussed in detail. Then, the azimuth velocity estimation accuracy is analyzed, considering the errors caused by registration, defocusing, and range velocity. Moreover, the interaction between target azimuth velocity and range velocity is studied for a better understanding of the azimuth velocity estimation error caused by the range velocity. With the proposed error compensation step, the new method can achieve a very high accuracy in azimuth velocity estimation, as verified by experimental results based on both simulated data and the TerraSAR-X data

    An improved imaging algorithm for spaceborne MAPs sliding spotlight SAR with high-resolution wide-swath capability

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    Conventional synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems cannot achieve both high-resolution and wide-swath imaging simultaneously. This problem can be mitigated by employing multiple-azimuth-phases (MAPs) technology for spaceborne sliding spotlight SAR systems. However, traditional imaging algorithms have met challenges to process the data accurately, due to range model error, MAPs data reconstruction problem, high-order cross-coupling phase error and variation of Doppler parameters along the azimuth direction. Therefore, an improved imaging algorithm is proposed for solving the above problems. Firstly, a modified hyperbolic range equation (MHRE) is proposed by introducing a cubic term into the traditional hyperbolic range equation (THRE). And two curved orbit correction methods are derived based on the proposed range model. Then, a MAPs sliding spotlight data reconstruction method is introduced, which solves the spectral aliasing problem by a de-rotation operation. Finally, high-order cross-coupling phases and variation of Doppler parameters are analyzed and the corresponding compensation methods are proposed. Simulation results for point-target scene are provided to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm

    Advanced high-order nonlinear chirp scaling algorithm for high-resolution wide-swath spaceborne SAR

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    Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a well-established and powerful imaging technology that can provide high-resolution images of the Earth’s surface on a global scale. For future SAR systems, one of the key capabilities is to acquire images with both high-resolution and wide-swath. In parallel to the evolution of SAR sensors, more precise range models, and effective imaging algorithms are required. Due to the significant azimuth-variance of the echo signal in High-Resolution Wide-Swath (HRWS) SAR, two challenges have been faced in conventional imaging algorithms. The first challenge is constructing a precise range model of the whole scene and the second one is to develop an effective imaging algorithm since existing ones fail to process high-resolution and wide azimuth swath SAR data effectively. In this paper, an advanced high-order nonlinear chirp scaling (A-HNLCS) algorithm for HRWS SAR is proposed. First, a novel second-order equivalent squint range model (SOESRM) is developed to describe the range history of the whole scene, by introducing a quadratic curve to fit the deviation of the azimuth FM rate. Second, a corresponding algorithm is derived, where the azimuth-variance of the echo signal is solved by azimuth equalizing processing and accurate focusing is achieved through a high-order nonlinear chirp scaling algorithm. As a result, the whole scene can be accurately focused through one single imaging processing. Simulations are provided to validate the proposed range model and imaging algorithm
