77 research outputs found

    Secure data sharing and processing in heterogeneous clouds

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    The extensive cloud adoption among the European Public Sector Players empowered them to own and operate a range of cloud infrastructures. These deployments vary both in the size and capabilities, as well as in the range of employed technologies and processes. The public sector, however, lacks the necessary technology to enable effective, interoperable and secure integration of a multitude of its computing clouds and services. In this work we focus on the federation of private clouds and the approaches that enable secure data sharing and processing among the collaborating infrastructures and services of public entities. We investigate the aspects of access control, data and security policy languages, as well as cryptographic approaches that enable fine-grained security and data processing in semi-trusted environments. We identify the main challenges and frame the future work that serve as an enabler of interoperability among heterogeneous infrastructures and services. Our goal is to enable both security and legal conformance as well as to facilitate transparency, privacy and effectivity of private cloud federations for the public sector needs. © 2015 The Authors

    Building a high-level architecture federated interoperable framework from legacy information systems

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    International audienceThis paper aims at improving the re-implementation of existing information systems when they are called to be involved in a system of systems, i.e. a federation of enterprise information systems that interoperate. The idea is reusing the local experiences coming from the previous development of the existing information system with the process of model discovery. To avoid redeveloping the entire system when the enterprise needs to cooperate with others, this approach proposes to create local interfaces to code and decode information. The interfaces are instantiated by using models discovered. The interfaces are developed in accordance with the high-level architecture (HLA) standard that proposes message interoperability and synchronisation mechanisms among distributed systems. First, this paper recalls the strong points of model-driven architecture (MDA)/architecture-driven modernisation methodologies for model transformation from conceptual level to implementation and the HLA standard. Then, a MDA and HLA framework is proposed to implement distributed enterprise components from the conceptual level through a federated enterprise interoperability approach. In addition, a model reversal methodology is developed under the framework to guide the re-implementation of legacy information systems to achieve desired interoperability with other systems. To extend the scope of the approach, implemented Web services are combined with HLA in order to facilitate the use of HLA in large distributed execution. This paper ends with an implementation example for validating the approach


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    This thesis proposes a new virtual simulation environment designed as element of an interoperable federation of simulator to support the investigation of complex scenarios over the Extended Maritime Framework (EMF). Extended Maritime Framework is six spaces environment (Underwater, Water surface, Ground, Air, Space, and Cyberspace) where parties involved in Joint Naval Operations act. The amount of unmanned vehicles involved in the simulation arise the importance of the Communication modelling, thus the relevance of Cyberspace. The research is applied to complex cases (one applied to deep waters and one to coast and littoral protection) as examples to validate this approach; these cases involve different kind of traditional assets (e.g. satellites, helicopters, ships, submarines, underwater sensor infrastructure, etc.) interact dynamically and collaborate with new autonomous systems (i.e. AUV, Gliders, USV and UAV). The use of virtual simulation is devoted to support validation of new concepts and investigation of collaborative engineering solutions by providing a virtual representation of the current situation; this approach support the creation of dynamic interoperable immersive framework that could support training for Man in the Loop, education and tactical decision introducing the Man on the Loop concepts. The research and development of the Autonomous Underwater Vehicles requires continuous testing so a time effective approach can result a very useful tool. In this context the simulation can be useful to better understand the behaviour of Unmanned Vehicles and to avoid useless experimentations and their costs finding problems before doing them. This research project proposes the creation of a virtual environment with the aim to see and understand a Joint Naval Scenario. The study will be focusing especially on the integration of Autonomous Systems with traditional assets; the proposed simulation deals especially with collaborative operation involving different types of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). The author develops an interoperable virtual simulation devoted to present the overall situation for supervision considering also the sensor capabilities, communications and mission effectiveness that results dependent of the different asset interaction over a complex heterogeneous network. The aim of this research is to develop a flexible virtual simulation solution as crucial element of an HLA federation able to address the complexity of Extended Maritime Framework (EMF). Indeed this new generation of marine interoperable simulation is a strategic advantage for investigating the problems related to the operational use of autonomous systems and to finding new ways to use them respect to different scenarios. The research deal with the creation of two scenarios, one related to military operations and another one on coastal and littoral protection where the virtual simulation propose the overall situation and allows to navigate into the virtual world considering the complex physics affecting movement, perception, interaction and communication. By this approach, it becomes evident the capability to identify, by experimental analysis within the virtual world, the new solutions in terms of engineering and technological configuration of the different systems and vehicles as well as new operational models and tactics to address the specific mission environment. The case of study is a maritime scenario with a representation of heterogeneous network frameworks that involves multiple vehicles both naval and aerial including AUVs, USVs, gliders, helicopter, ships, submarines, satellite, buoys and sensors. For the sake of clarity aerial communications will be represented divided from underwater ones. A connection point for the latter will be set on the keel line of surface vessels representing communication happening via acoustic modem. To represent limits in underwater communications, underwater signals have been considerably slowed down in order to have a more realistic comparison with aerial ones. A maximum communication distance is set, beyond which no communication can take place. To ensure interoperability the HLA Standard (IEEE 1516 evolved) is adopted to federate other simulators so to allow its extensibility for other case studies. Two different scenarios are modelled in 3D visualization: Open Water and Port Protection. The first one aims to simulate interactions between traditional assets in Extended Maritime Framework (EMF) such as satellite, navy ships, submarines, NATO Research Vessels (NRVs), helicopters, with new generation unmanned assets as AUV, Gliders, UAV, USV and the mutual advantage the subjects involved in the scenario can have; in other word, the increase in persistence, interoperability and efficacy. The second scenario models the behaviour of unmanned assets, an AUV and an USV, patrolling a harbour to find possible threats. This aims to develop an algorithm to lead patrolling path toward an optimum, guaranteeing a high probability of success in the safest way reducing human involvement in the scenario. End users of the simulation face a graphical 3D representation of the scenario where assets would be represented. He can moves in the scenario through a Free Camera in Graphic User Interface (GUI) configured to entitle users to move around the scene and observe the 3D sea scenario. In this way, players are able to move freely in the synthetic environment in order to choose the best perspective of the scene. The work is intended to provide a valid tool to evaluate the defencelessness of on-shore and offshore critical infrastructures that could includes the use of new technologies to take care of security best and preserve themselves against disasters both on economical and environmental ones

    Modeling, Design And Evaluation Of Networking Systems And Protocols Through Simulation

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    Computer modeling and simulation is a practical way to design and test a system without actually having to build it. Simulation has many benefits which apply to many different domains: it reduces costs creating different prototypes for mechanical engineers, increases the safety of chemical engineers exposed to dangerous chemicals, speeds up the time to model physical reactions, and trains soldiers to prepare for battle. The motivation behind this work is to build a common software framework that can be used to create new networking simulators on top of an HLA-based federation for distributed simulation. The goals are to model and simulate networking architectures and protocols by developing a common underlying simulation infrastructure and to reduce the time a developer has to learn the semantics of message passing and time management to free more time for experimentation and data collection and reporting. This is accomplished by evolving the simulation engine through three different applications that model three different types of network protocols. Computer networking is a good candidate for simulation because of the Internet\u27s rapid growth that has spawned off the need for new protocols and algorithms and the desire for a common infrastructure to model these protocols and algorithms. One simulation, the 3DInterconnect simulator, simulates data transmitting through a hardware k-array n-cube network interconnect. Performance results show that k-array n-cube topologies can sustain higher traffic load than the currently used interconnects. The second simulator, Cluster Leader Logic Algorithm Simulator, simulates an ad-hoc wireless routing protocol that uses a data distribution methodology based on the GPS-QHRA routing protocol. CLL algorithm can realize a maximum of 45% power savings and maximum 25% reduced queuing delay compared to GPS-QHRA. The third simulator simulates a grid resource discovery protocol for helping Virtual Organizations to find resource on a grid network to compute or store data on. Results show that worst-case 99.43% of the discovery messages are able to find a resource provider to use for computation. The simulation engine was then built to perform basic HLA operations. Results show successful HLA functions including creating, joining, and resigning from a federation, time management, and event publication and subscription

    An Agile Roadmap for Live, Virtual and Constructive-Integrating Training Architecture (LVC-ITA): A Case Study Using a Component based Integrated Simulation Engine

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    Conducting seamless Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) simulation remains the most challenging issue of Modeling and Simulation (M&S). There is a lack of interoperability, limited reuse and loose integration between the Live, Virtual and/or Constructive assets across multiple Standard Simulation Architectures (SSAs). There have been various theoretical research endeavors about solving these problems but their solutions resulted in complex and inflexible integration, long user-usage time and high cost for LVC simulation. The goal of this research is to provide an Agile Roadmap for the Live Virtual Constructive-Integrating Training Architecture (LVC-ITA) that will address the above problems and introduce interoperable LVC simulation. Therefore, this research describes how the newest M&S technologies can be utilized for LVC simulation interoperability and integration. Then, we will examine the optimal procedure to develop an agile roadmap for the LVC-ITA. In addition, this research illustrated a case study using an Adaptive distributed parallel Simulation environment for Interoperable and reusable Model (AddSIM) that is a component based integrated simulation engine. The agile roadmap of the LVC-ITA that reflects the lessons learned from the case study will contribute to guide M&S communities to an efficient path to increase interaction of M&S simulation across systems

    Federated approach for enterprise interoperability (a reversible model driven and HLA based methodology)

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    L'interopérabilité est une des caractéristiques requises pour les entreprises évoluant dans un marché globalisé à la concurrence croissante et complexe. Dans la dernière décennie, l'interopérabilité des entreprises a été développée et prescrite par différents types de cadres, de méthodes et de techniques. Cependant, le développement de l'interopérabilité n'est pas encore assez mature pour être considéré en tant que science à part entière. Par ailleurs, il ne cesse d'évoluer en fonction des besoins des entreprises,de leurs environnements et des différents secteurs d activité. Aujourd'hui, l'environnement s organise en réseaux multipleet provoque d imprévisibles situations liées à leurs dynamiques (création, modification, résilience). Ainsi l interopérabilité durable devient une dimension nouvelle de recherche pour l'interopérabilité des systèmes d'entreprise et de leurs domaines d'applications. Dans l'interopérabilité durable, l'interopérabilité d'entreprise dynamique est l'un des thèmes focaux. Cette approche dynamique, également appelée fédérée , est originaire du cadre d'interopérabilité de l'Entreprise proposée dans le Réseau d Excellence (NoE)INTEROP. Il vise à donner la capacité aux entreprises d établir une interopérabilité à la volée sans connaissance préalable des informations à échanger. Cette thèse présente l'état actuel des travaux qui se rapprochent du développement de l'interopérabilité des entreprises fédérés en dynamique. Ces travaux de thèse mettent tout d abord en évidence l intérêt de la redécouverte de modèles à partir d un système existant avant de concevoir un futur système. Une méthodologie de réverse engineering dirigée par les modèles et basée sur la norme de simulation distribuée HLA est proposée pour concevoir et développerpar l'approche fédérée d'interopérabilité le futur système d information de l entreprise. La phase de mise en œuvre réutilise les concepts d interopérabilité issusde la simulation distribuée pour faciliter et coordonner la communication entre les systèmes d'information distribués hétérogènes des entreprises en combinant avec les dernières orientation service actuelle du web. La plate-forme tend ainsi à satisfaire les attentes de la dernière version du standard de l'architecture de haut niveau HLA 1516 Evolved. Ce cadre propose donc un cycle complet de développement pour qui a l'intention de réutiliser un système d'information existant sans recoder ex-nilo, mais en l adaptant aux nouvelles exigences de la dynamique d'interopérabilité.Interoperability is one of the requisite features for existing enterprises in the increasing competitive and complex global market. In the last decade, enterprise interoperability has been developed and prescribed by various kinds of frameworks, methods, and techniques. However interoperability development is still not mature enough to become a science. Meanwhile, it keeps evolving according to different business requirement and market environment. Nowadays, networked environment causes unpredictable dynamical situations, thus sustainable interoperability becomes a new research dimension in the interoperability of enterprise systems and applications domain. In the sustainable interoperability, enterprise interoperability dynamics is one of the focal topics. This dynamic approach also called federated is originated from Enterprise Interoperability Framework of INTEROP NoE, which aims to establish interoperability on the fly. This thesis presents current state on federated approaches to develop enterprise interoperability dynamics. Based on this study, a reversible model driven and HLA based methodology is proposed for achieving federated approach for Enterprise Interoperability. It reuses distributed simulation interoperability concepts to facilitate and coordinate the communication between heterogeneous distributed information systems of the enterprises. The platform is complaint with the latest version of the High Level Architecture (HLA) that is a distributed communication standard. This framework is also proposing a development lifecycle that intends to reuse existing information systems without recoding them but by adapting them to the new requirements of interoperability dynamics.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    A Governance Reference Model For Service-oriented Architecture-based Common Data Initialization A Case Study Of Military Simulation Federation Systems

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    Military simulation and command and control federations have become large, complex distributed systems that integrate with a variety of legacy and current simulations, and real command and control systems locally as well as globally. As these systems continue to become increasingly more complex so does the data that initializes them. This increased complexity has introduced a major problem in data initialization coordination which has been handled by many organizations in various ways. Serviceoriented architecture (SOA) solutions have been introduced to promote easier data interoperability through the use of standards-based reusable services and common infrastructure. However, current SOA-based solutions do not incorporate formal governance techniques to drive the architecture in providing reliable, consistent, and timely information exchange. This dissertation identifies the need to establish governance for common data initialization service development oversight, presents current research and applicable solutions that address some aspects of SOA-based federation data service governance, and proposes a governance reference model for development of SOA-based common data initialization services in military simulation and command and control federations

    Creating a Worldwide Network For the Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) and Related Experimental Environments

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    Many important societal activities are global in scope, and as these activities continually expand world-wide, they are increasingly based on a foundation of advanced communication services and underlying innovative network architecture, technology, and core infrastructure. To continue progress in these areas, research activities cannot be limited to campus labs and small local testbeds or even to national testbeds. Researchers must be able to explore concepts at scale—to conduct experiments on world-wide testbeds that approximate the attributes of the real world. Today, it is possible to take advantage of several macro information technology trends, especially virtualization and capabilities for programming technology resources at a highly granulated level, to design, implement and operate network research environments at a global scale. GENI is developing such an environment, as are research communities in a number of other countries. Recently, these communities have not only been investigating techniques for federating these research environments across multiple domains, but they have also been demonstration prototypes of such federations. This chapter provides an overview of key topics and experimental activities related to GENI international networking and to related projects throughout the world
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