582,143 research outputs found

    Modelling a layer for real-time management of interactions in web based distance learning

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    In the last few years, the University of Aveiro, Portugal, has been offering several distance learning courses over the Web, using e-learning platforms. Experience showed that different editions of a same course, using the same contents and structure, and having similar target learners, had different success rates. What would be the reason for that? A hypothesis was considered: The level of success could be directly related with the remote follow-up of the learners’ participation in the courses; the best results usually occur when the follow-up is closer. The existing e-learning platforms offer and the standardization works being developed by organizations and consortiums like IMS (IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc), ADL SCORM (Advanced Distributed Learning Sherable Content Object Reference Model), IEEE LTSC LOM (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Learning Technologies Standard Committee Learning Object Metadata), ARIADNE (ARIADNE Foundation for the European Knowledge Pool), AICC CMI (Aviation Industry CBT Committee Computer Managed Instruction), etc, don’t cover the course monitorization concerns mentioned. Those projects were focused on aspects like contents and its delivery in the context of the execution of the courses’ activities. This is even true in the SCORM project that doesn’t include any reference to the management of the e-learning processes. Recently, in the context of the IMS Global Consortium, a new project designated IMS LD (Learning Design) is under development, providing a framework for the description of learning units under a three level model. In the most recently defined level, the C level, some functionalities related to notifications were proposed, expressing similar concerns to the ones that triggered our research. However, the extent at which IMS LD takes the functionalities is, from our point of view, not complete. This article describes a proposal of a reference model and functionalities towards a specification of a layer for real-time management of user interactions on LMSs, and its possible integration with the ADL SCORM standard proposal. The paper includes a discussion of the management metadata model for the LMS sub-system and how the integration of the management module under SCORM may be achieved

    A generic framework for the development of standardised learning objects within the discipline of construction management

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    E-learning has occurred in the academic world in different forms since the early 1990s. Its use varies from interactive multimedia tools and simulation environments to static resources within learning management systems. E-learning tools and environments are no longer criticised for their lack of use in higher education in general and within the construction domain in particular. The main criticism, however, is that of reinventing the wheel in order to create new learning environments that cater for different educational needs. Therefore, sharing educational content has become the focus of current research, taking e-learning into a whole new era of developments. This era is enabled by the emergence of new technologies (online and wireless) and the development of educational standards, such as SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) and LOM (Learning Object Metadata) for example. Accordingly, the broad definition of the construction domain and the interlocking nature of subjects taught within this domain, makes the concept of sharing content most appealing. This paper proposes a framework developed to describe the various steps required in order to enable the application of e-learning metadata standards and ontology for sharable learning objects to serve the construction discipline. The paper further describes the application of the proposed framework to a case study for developing an online environment for learning objects that are standardised, sharable, transparent and that cater for the needs of learners, educators and curricula developers in Construction Management. Based on the framework, a learning objects repository is developed incorporating educational and web standards. The repository manages objects as well as metadata using ontology and offers a set of services such as storing, retrieving and searching of learning objects using Semantic Web technologies. Thus, it increases the reusability, sharability and interoperability of learning objects

    Fireground location understanding by semantic linking of visual objects and building information models

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    This paper presents an outline for improved localization and situational awareness in fire emergency situations based on semantic technology and computer vision techniques. The novelty of our methodology lies in the semantic linking of video object recognition results from visual and thermal cameras with Building Information Models (BIM). The current limitations and possibilities of certain building information streams in the context of fire safety or fire incident management are addressed in this paper. Furthermore, our data management tools match higher-level semantic metadata descriptors of BIM and deep-learning based visual object recognition and classification networks. Based on these matches, estimations can be generated of camera, objects and event positions in the BIM model, transforming it from a static source of information into a rich, dynamic data provider. Previous work has already investigated the possibilities to link BIM and low-cost point sensors for fireground understanding, but these approaches did not take into account the benefits of video analysis and recent developments in semantics and feature learning research. Finally, the strengths of the proposed approach compared to the state-of-the-art is its (semi -)automatic workflow, generic and modular setup and multi-modal strategy, which allows to automatically create situational awareness, to improve localization and to facilitate the overall fire understanding

    Practice and Assessment of Reading Classes Using Moodle

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    This research paper details the extensive use of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) for a content-based reading syllabus at Gunma University, through the software program Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment ), a free and open-source software learning management system used at Gunma University.   The research basis of this paper is within the sphere of Action Research , as a valuable professional development tool (Nunan, 2001) based on this researcher’s perceived valuation of the system and how it could better aid students to perform better in and be more motivated towards their English language and reading studies, introduce new technological skills and abilities, and aid teachers in better preparation, teaching and assessment of reading classes. Moodle enthuses that the Lesson Module ‘enables a teacher to deliver content and/or practice activities in interesting and flexible ways...teachers can choose to increase engagement and ensure understanding by including a variety of questions, such as multiple choice, matching and short answer.’ (Moodle, 2016). Therefore, this paper will ascertain whether the syllabus achieved a greater engagement and enjoyment by the students, and ensured better comprehension and understanding of key tasks and instructions. In addition, it will detail how teachers can benefit course management by employing such technology within the classroom

    Pengaruh Pengelolaan Kelas terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi SMA Santun

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    : This study aims to determine the effect of classroom management on learning outcomes on economic subjects XI class SMA Santun Pontianak Tenggara. Clasroom management on learning outcomes including both categories is 62.72% and the learning outcomes increased by 36.31% with the equation Y=80.386 + 0.93X. The method used in this research is descriptive method with the form of research studies the relationship. The object of this study is all student of class XI or sampel populasi. Data collection techniques in this study using an indirect technique and technique of documentary studies. While the research to analyze the data using statistical program SPSS version 16.0 with the results of analysis of the data suggests that there is the influence of classroom management on learning outcomes by 7,4% coefficient of determination of 0,271 (R) with the adjusted R square 0,074 rest influenced by other influences beyond this study

    End-to-end optimization of goal-driven and visually grounded dialogue systems

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    End-to-end design of dialogue systems has recently become a popular research topic thanks to powerful tools such as encoder-decoder architectures for sequence-to-sequence learning. Yet, most current approaches cast human-machine dialogue management as a supervised learning problem, aiming at predicting the next utterance of a participant given the full history of the dialogue. This vision is too simplistic to render the intrinsic planning problem inherent to dialogue as well as its grounded nature, making the context of a dialogue larger than the sole history. This is why only chit-chat and question answering tasks have been addressed so far using end-to-end architectures. In this paper, we introduce a Deep Reinforcement Learning method to optimize visually grounded task-oriented dialogues, based on the policy gradient algorithm. This approach is tested on a dataset of 120k dialogues collected through Mechanical Turk and provides encouraging results at solving both the problem of generating natural dialogues and the task of discovering a specific object in a complex picture


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    This research aims to describe implementation the management of "Parenting Class" learning at SD Muhammadiyah Dhuri. The research method used is qualitative. Subject of research are parents of students. The object research using management parenting class model. Data analysis techniques used reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The result of this research is the pattern of learning management process "Parenting Class" at SD Muhammadiyah Dhuri which includes the planning, organizing, training and evaluation processes. Based on the results of the analysis, the parents and teachers were satisfied because they got new knowledge and there were changes in the parenting carried out by the parents and there were changes in the children's attitudes after the parents changed the old parenting styles

    New e-Learning system architecture based on knowledge engineering technology

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    The paper focuses on the field of research on next generational e-Learning facility, in which knowledge-enhanced systems are the most important candidates. In the paper, a reference architecture based on the technologies of knowledge engineering is proposed, which has following three intrinsic characteristics, first, education ontologies are used to facilitate the integration of static learning resource and dynamic learning resource, second, based on semantic-enriched relationships between Learning Objects (LOs), it provides more advanced features for sharing, reusing and repurposing of LOs, third, with the concept of knowledge object, which is extended from LO, an implementing mechanism for knowledge extraction and knowledge evolution in e-Learning facilities is provided. With this reference architecture, a prototype system called FekLoma (Flexible Extensive Knowledge Learning Object Management Architecture) has been realized, and testing on it is carrying out

    Pembelajaran Daring dan Manajemen Waktu Terhadap Prestasi Akademik Mahasiswa Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    This study has a purpose, namely to determine the effect of online learning on academic achievement, time management on academic achievement, and the effect of online learning and time management on academic achievement simultaneously. The object of this research is FKIP UNS 2018 students as many as 1906 students. Sampling using purposive random sampling, as many as 331 samples. Collecting data using a questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis was used for data analysis techniques. The results of this study include (1) there is a simultaneous positive and significant effect between online learning and time management on academic achievement during the Covid-19 pandemic. (2) There is a positive and significant partial effect between online learning on academic achievement during the Covid-19 pandemic. (3) There is a positive and significant partial effect between time management on academic achievement during the Covid-19 pandemic