962 research outputs found

    Research on Cognitive Pattern of the Concept of Smart City with Crawler Technology

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    Smart city is a new form of information city and digital city and a new type of innovative means of planning and management of city, its theoretical research and construction practice have entered a period of rapid development. In-depth understanding of concept related to smart city will contribute to avoid the one-sidedness and blindness of smart city construction. This paper collects and analyzes social media data by means of network crawler technology. Then, we build the cognitive model of the concept of smart city by using e-commerce portrait technology, and discusses definition and information label of smart city. Finally, the technology-based smart city and the sustainable smart city are compared and analyzed by using the cognitive model of the concept of smart city. The purpose is to provide revelation for the future development of smart city

    Destination image online analyzed through user generated content: a systematic literature review

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    Destination Image is a concept that has been studied for a long time in tourism research. The question of how a destination is perceived by tourists and potential new guests is an important insight, especially for local tourism managers, in order to evaluate the implemented strategies and to plan further tactics. Since the last two decades, due to a drastic digitalization, tourism research is now increasingly examining the Destination Image online. This creates new challenges in the selection of sources, methods, and in data collection. The aim of the present study was to systematically capture the approach to analyze the online Destination Image through User Generated Content using studies from the last ten years. Therefore, a Systematic Literature Review on primary research from academic databases was conducted. As a summary of the findings, a conceptual model was developed, based on the insights of the studies in the dataset, to contribute a guidance for the preparation phase of future online Destination Image research. In short, the main findings are: TripAdvisor.com is the main source for online Destination Image analysis. Researchers recommend using the help of software and programming languages to collect and analyzed the data. Equally to earlier Destination Image studies, the main methods applied in online Destination Image analysis are quantitative content analysis, qualitative content analysis and sentiment analysis. In combination with the examination of cognitive and affective factors, co-occurrence analysis, and correlation analysis. The present study has several limitations, which are: the loss of detail information due to reducing the studies to comparable key parameters, the absence of Anglo-American studies, due to the database selection as well as the lack of quality testing of the studies included.A Destination Image é um conceito que tem sido estudado há muito tempo na investigação turística. A questão de como o destino é visto pelos turistas e pelos potenciais novos hóspedes é uma perspectiva importante, especialmente para os gestores de turismo da região, a fim de avaliar as estratégias implementadas e de planear novas tácticas. Desde as últimas duas décadas, ocorreu uma digitalização drástica, a investigação turística adaptou-se a este fenómeno e está agora a estudar cada vez mais a imagem do destino online. Esta alteração criou novos desafios na selecção de fontes, métodos, e na recolha de dados. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de captar, de forma sistemática, as abordagens consideradas para analisar a imagem do destino online utilizando estudos dos últimos dez anos. Para este efeito, os estudos primários dos anos 2010-2020 das bases de dados académicos Web of Science, ProQuest e b-on, foram recolhidos utilizando palavras-chave de pesquisa pré-definidas. O grupo de artigos obtidos como resultado foram subsequentemente sujeitos a avaliação de eligibilidade, como recomendado por Moher et al. (2009). Isto significa que os estudos que não cumpriam os critérios pré-definidos foram excluídos. Os critérios de inclusão foram: O trabalho académico tinha de ser uma referência primária de uma revista científica, escrita em inglês e a amostra analisada tinha de ter uma origem associada à comunicação nas social media online. Posteriormente, os restantes 35 artigos foram transferidos para uma base de dados utilizando uma matriz de codificação. A matriz de codificação foi concebida para capturar os parâmetros-chave de cada estudo primário de uma forma padronizada e, portanto, comparável. Foi considerada informação geral, como o ano, localização e revista publicada, bem como informação temática específica, como o campo do turismo pesquisado e os meios analisados, juntamente com as categorias referentes à metodologia considerada, as ferramentas utilizadas e os resultados obtidos. A base de dados resultante foi então utilizada para obter declarações sobre a abordagem metodológica utilizada na análise da imagem de destinos online. Como resumo dos resultados, foi desenvolvido um modelo conceptual, baseado nos conhecimentos obtidos a partir do grupo de artigos, que constituiu o conjunto de dados para análise, para contribuir com um guião para a fase de preparação de uma futura investigação sobre imagem dos destinos online. Em resumo, as principais conclusões são: TripAdvisor.com é a principal fonte para a análise da imagem de destinos online. Os investigadores recomendam a utilização da ajuda de software e linguagens de programação para a recolha e análise dos dados. À semelhança de estudos anteriores de Destination Image, os principais métodos aplicados na análise imagem dos destinos online são a análise quantitativa do conteúdo, a análise qualitativa do conteúdo e a análise dos sentimentos. Em combinação com a análise dos fatores cognitivos e afectivos, análise de co-ocorrência, e análise de correlação. O presente estudo tem várias limitações. Que são: a perda de informação detalhada devido à redução dos estudos a parâmetros-chave comparáveis, a ausência de estudos anglo-americanos, devido à selecção do banco de dados, bem como a falta de testes de qualidade dos estudos incluídos.(TurExperience - Tourist experiences' impacts on the destination image: searching for new opportunities to the Algarve”)

    Urban design guidelines for places with restorative values

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    Bakgrund: Den tredje januari 2018 trädde EU-direktivet Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) i kraft. Direktivet ämnar öka investerarskyddet genom att eliminera informationsasymmetri och intressekonflikter på finansmarknaden, och samtidigt harmonisera reglerna mellan EU-länder. Inom investeringsrådgivning innebär det nya regelverket ökad dokumentation, ett större fokus på att försäkra sig om att investerarna förstår risker, hårdare krav på hur avgifter kommuniceras och striktare regler kring incitament. Allt detta för att skydda investerarna, som ofta visat sig ha en bristfällig finansiell kunskap och ett lågt intresse för privatekonomi. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att utifrån värdepappersföretagens perspektiv skapa förståelse för vilken påverkan EU-direktivet MiFID II har haft på principal-agent problem som uppstår vid investeringsrådgivning. Genomförande: Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ fallstudie. Vidare har ett fenomenologiskt forskningsperspektiv använts, med en abduktiv ansats. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sammanlagt sju respondenter som alla jobbar på värdepappersföretag, vilka valdes ut med ett målstyrt bekvämlighetsurval. Resultat: Uppsatsen kommer fram till att principal-agent problemen inom investeringsrådgivning inte har eliminerats. Informations- asymmetrin är enligt vår tolkning av de traditionella teorierna närmast obefintlig, men utgör fortfarande ett stort problem på grund av investerarnas ointresse och relativt låga förmåga att ta till sig informationen. Vi argumenterar därav att dessa dimensioner bör inkluderas i teorin för vilka trösklar som kan orsaka informationsasymmetrin. Intressekonflikterna har reducerats, men finns till viss mån fortfarande kvar. Motivationen att agera i ett egenintresse har dock inte påverkats. Uppsatsen visar således på att MiFID II inte har förflyttat principal-agent relationen till en stewardship relation. Kunskapsbidrag: Det teoretiska bidraget gällande informationsasymmetri utmanar antagandet om att principalen vill ha information som är relevant för denne. Uppsatsen visar att så inte alltid är fallet. Förutom att det uppstår informationsasymmetri om det är kostsamt eller svårt att ta reda på agentens handlingar, kan det även uppstå i situationer där principalen är ointresserad av, eller oförmögen att ta till sig av informationen enligt vår mening. Vidare har MiFID II inneburit att det är svårare för agenten att tillgodose sitt egenintresse om detta strider mot principalens. Däremot har direktivet inte inneburit att den interna motivationen ändrats och det går därför inte att förutsätta att ett kontraktsförhållande som haft en principal-agent relation övergår till en stewardship relation när dessa problem elimineras. Genom en ökad förståelse för hur tvingande lagstiftningar påverkar principal-agent problem kan det empiriska bidraget hjälpa tillsynsmyndigheter i sitt arbete att hantera principal-agent problem. Uppsatsen skulle således kunna underlätta vidareutveckling av regleringen som finns idag, likväl som utformningen av framtida direktiv och lagar. Med ett utomstående perspektiv på vilka intressekonflikter som kan uppstå vid investeringsrådgivning skulle det empiriska bidraget också kunna vara gynnsamt för värdepappersföretag och deras arbete för att hantera intressekonflikter.Background: On January 3, 2018, the EU directive Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) came into effect. The directive is intended to expand investor protection through eliminating information asymmetry and conflicts of interest in the financial market, while also harmonizing the regulations between nations within the EU. For investment advising, the directive results in more extensive documentation and stricter regulation of how fees and risks are communicated, as well as how incentives are handled; all with the aim of protecting investors. At the same time, the general public shows low interest in personal finance, as well as inadequate financial knowledge. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to further the understanding of how the introduction of the EU directive MiFID II has affected the principal-agent problem that arises during investment advising, from an investment firm perspective. Completion: This is a qualitative case-study which utilizes a phenomenological research perspective and an abductive approach. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured interviews at investment firms with a total of seven respondents, whom were selected through goal-oriented convenience sampling.  Conclusion: The study concludes that the principal-agent problems in investment advising have not been eliminated. According to our interpretation of the traditional theories, information asymmetry is nearly non-existent. Yet it remains a significant problem due to lack of interest and an inability to assimilate the information. Thus, we argue that the theoretical framework should be revised to include these barriers, as they may lead to information asymmetry. Conflicts of interest have been reduced, but still remain to some extent. Furthermore, the motivation to act based on self-interest still remain. Hence, the study shows that MiFID II has not turned the principal-agent relationship into a stewardship relationship. Contribution: The theoretical contribution to information asymmetry challenges the assumption that the principal is interested in all the information that is of relevance for them. The study show that this is not always the case. Apart from information asymmetry arising when ascertaining the actions of the agent is expensive or difficult, it can also arise due to the principal’s lack of interest or inability to assimilate the information. Moreover, MiFID II has made it more difficult for the agent to act in their own self-interest, should it deviate from the interest of the principal. The directive has not, however, affected the intrinsic motivation of the agent. Thus, we cannot assume that the elimination of these problems causes a principal-agent relationship to transform into a stewardship relationship. Through an increased understanding of how binding legislation affects principal-agent problems, the empirical contribution can help regulatory bodies in their work to mitigate the aforementioned problems. Hence, the study may help to not only expand existing legislation, but also in the development of future legislation and directives. By providing an outside perspective of what conflicts of interests could arise in investment advising, the empirical contribution could also be of use for investment firms in their work to identify and manage conflicts of interes


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    The importance of big data implementations is increased due to large amount of gathered data via the online gates. The businesses and organizations would benefit from the big data analysis i.e. analyze the political, market, and social interests of the people. The Internet of Things (IoT) presents many facilities that support the big data transfer between various Internet objects. The integration between the big data and IoT offer a lot of implementations in the daily life like GPS, Satellites, and airplanes tracking. There are many challenges face the integration between big data transfer and IoT technology. The main challenges are the transfer architecture, transfer protocols, and the transfer security. The main aim of this paper is to review the useful architecture of IoT for the purpose of big data processing with the consideration of the various requirements such as the transfer protocol. This paper also reviews other important issues such as the security requirements and the multiple IoT applications. In addition, the future directions of the IoT-Big data are explained in this paper

    Aspect Level Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning Approach: A Comprehensive Review

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    Sentimental analysis is now used from product marketing specific to the detection of social behavior. Progress on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and other microblogging and social networking sites has not only contributed to a change in social sites, but also to the way we use these sites and the way we do it. People are fundamentally changing their feelings and their points of view with the general public. In this paper a detailed study of different approaches for lexicon-based sentiment analysis are discussed. This paper also shows that efficiency of machine learning over traditional lexicon based sentiment analysis

    Ethics of Robotic Aesthetics

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    This article explores the relationship between expressivity morphology and acceptance, defining the conditions that make service robots desirable by man. In the attempt to define “an ethic for robotic aesthetics”, it is discussed the evolution happened in robot design and how they where perceived by people, both in scientific community and in pop culture. The conception of robots begin with an approach strongly oriented to a biological imitation, especially anthropomorphic, conversely, nowadays, the scenario is various and robots assume a multitude of synthetic aesthetic languages and, moreover, are characterized on the base of the context. In the final part of this article, it is described, through a series of examples, the contemporary scenario in which to the multitude of languages is added also the contamination of the digital world, outlining new morphological types. One of the examples is Virgil, a service robot for Cultutal Heritage enhancement, designed by the research team JOLCRAB Telecom Italia/Politecnico di Torino